Ocean Mining Techniques
Ocean Mining Techniques
Ocean Mining Techniques
K. Sandeep vamsi
M.Sc, M.Phil.
Minerals have become very useful in our daily
More consumption of these minerals is leading
to high demand.
In majority of the countries, lack of minerals or
depletion of minerals from the resources is
leading to high demand for particular minerals
during peace and also during the war time.
Lets take an example of India having high
demand for minerals, the last two wars
have caused depletion in resources in
petroleum, tin, lead and zinc.
Lead, zinc and tin supply is put at only
about 17-20 years from the known
Some of the critical minerals are
petroleum, petroleum products, S, Pb, Zn,
Cu, Ni, Hg, pt and minerals like industrial
diamond, graphite, cryolite, selenium.
Due to depletion of mineral resources,
researchers and scientists have found an
alternative, they have prospected minerals
resources in oceans. Many countries are
exploring and exploiting minerals from the
we are going discuss what are the
minerals found in oceans and what are the
techniques used to mine minerals.
VMS volcanogenic massive sulfide ore deposits (metal
sulfide deposits)
Copper, zinc, lead, gold, silver
By-products include cobalt, sulfur, manganese,
barium, tin, cadmium, indium, tellurium
Formed by volcanic openings in ocean floor
Superheated water + sulfur borne metals wells out
forming a cone (black smokers / fumeroles)
Deposits the above metals
Very hot highly acidic local conditions while active
Petroleum deposits.
Acoustical devices
Optical systems
Navigation systems