Chapter 1 Sets
Chapter 1 Sets
Chapter 1 Sets
1.1 SETS
A set is a well-defined collection of distinct
a) The set of real numbers.
b) The set of counting numbers less than 10.
c) The set of months of the year that has 31
d) The set of even numbers between 3 and
1.1 SETS
Each object of a set is called a member or
an element of the set. The symbol is
used to indicate that an element belongs to
a given set and the symbol to denote that
an element does not belong to the set.
Capital letters are often used to represent
or stand for a set. If a is an element of set
S, then a belongs to S and is written as a
S. The notation a S means that a does
not belong to S.
1.1 SETS
Methods of Describing a Set
1. Roster or Listing Method it
describes the set by listing all
elements of the set separated by
commas and enclosed in braces { }.
2. Rule Method or Set-Builder
Notation it describes the set by
enclosing a descriptive phrase of the
elements in braces.
1.1 SETS
Examples: Write each of the following sets
using roster method and rule method.
1. The vowels in the alphabet.
2. The counting numbers between 2 and 7.
3. The single digits used in our decimal system.
4. The set of all odd numbers between 2 and 7.
5. The fraction whose numerator is 1 and
whose denominator is a counting number
less than 5.
6. The letters in the word ELEMENT.
1.1 SETS
Note: The elements of a set may
appear in any order and are never
Cardinality of Set
The cardinality of a set S, denoted by
n(S) or |S|, is the number of distinct
elements in the set.
Examples: Find the cardinality of the
above sets.
Finite Set and Infinite Set
A finite set is a set whose elements can be
counted; otherwise, the set is an infinite set.
Null or Empty Set
A null or empty set, denoted by or { }, is a
set that has no element.
Universal Set
The universal set, denoted by U, is a set that
contains all the elements in consideration.
Examples: Determine if the following sets is
a finite set, infinite set, or a null/empty set.
a) A = {2, 4, 6, 8}
b) B = {1, 3, 5,}
c) C = {1, 2, 3, ,20}
d) D = {x|x is an integer}
e) E = {x|x is an odd number less than 10}
f) F = {x|x is a prime number between 19
and 23}
Note: The cardinality of a null or
empty set is zero.
A one-to-one correspondence exists
between two sets A and B if it is
possible to associate the elements of
A with the elements of B in such a
way that each element of each set is
associated with exactly one element
of the other.
A = {a, b, c} and B = {1, 2, 3}
Equivalent and Equal Sets
1.Let U={x|x is a counting number less than 10}
A={x|x is a positive odd integer less than 10}
Find: a) AUB b) AUC c) BUC d) A B e) A C
f) B
C g) A h) B i) C
2. A survey of 100 students revealed the following
information as to the number of students enrolled
in Mathematics (M), Physics (P) and Chemistry (C) :
Subject No. of students enrolled
M 26
C 65
P 65
M and C 14
M and P 13
C and P 40
M, C and P 8
a) How many students are taking any
one of the three subjects?
b) How many students did not take any
of the three subjects?
c) How many students are enrolled
only in M?
d) How many students are enrolled
only in C?
e) How many students are enrolled
only in P?
3. In a survey concerning the number
of students enrolled in Mathematics,
it was found out that 30 are enrolled
in Algebra, Calculus and
Trigonometry; 40 in Algebra and
Trigonometry; 45 in Trigonometry and
Calculus; 50 in Algebra and calculus;
80 in Algebra; and 70 in Calculus. If
there are 130 students in all, how
many students are enrolled in
4. In a survey among moviegoers preferences, 60% like
fiction, 55% like drama, 56% like comedy, 25% like
fiction and drama, 30% like fiction and comedy, 26% like
comedy and drama, and 5% like fiction, drama and
comedy. Only 5% of the respondents do not prefer any
types of movies mentioned.
1. Draw a Venn Diagram corresponding to the given data.
2. What are the percentages of moviegoers who prefer
a. comedy but not fiction?
b. drama only?
c. fiction or comedy but not drama?
d. comedy and drama but not fiction?