Labuan Pyq
Labuan Pyq
Labuan Pyq
iii) State with reason, how Alpha Holdings (L) Ltd would be taxed under
the Labuan Business Activity Tax Act 1990
Alpha Holdings (L) Ltd would be taxed at a preferential rate of 3% of its
chargeable profits as declared by the entity or at a fixed rate of RM20,000
upon election by entity. This is because Alpha Holdings (L) is carrying on
trading business (management service activity) and the non trading
business(investment holding activities) will be taxed at 0%
iv) State the tax treatment of dividends received by Alpha (M) Sdn Bhd
Tax treatment of dividends received by Alpha (M) Sdn Bhd will be exempted
from tax
v) Assume Alpha Holdings (L) Ltd has obtained an offshore loan from
Tris Trust Bank (L) Ltd which is lisenced to carry out banking business
in Labuan. Alpha Holdings (L) Ltd has obtained approval from the
Minister of Finance to lend out the funds to Alpha (M) Sdn Bhd.
State whether Alpha (M) Sdn Bhd is required to withhold tax from
interest payments made to Alpha Holdings (L) Ltd.
Alpha (M) Sdn Bhd is not required to withhold tax from interest payments
made to Alpha Holdings (L) Ltd because interest paid by Labuan entity to
another Labuan entity will be exempted
vi) State the tax treatment of the zakat payment made by company in
Labuan as well as the company in Semenanjung Malaysia.
Zakat paid by company in Labuan will be given tax rebate against the tax
charged ( whether at 3% of chargeable profit or upon election RM20,000) for
a year of assessment whereas for company in Semenanjung Malaysia will
be charged 2.5% of the Agregate Income