Employee Relation
Employee Relation
Employee Relation
this image
Acting ethically : The business objective of being recognised as
an ethical organisation can assist in the negotiation of difficult
employee relations issues.
Social responsibility : Recognition of the family responsibilities of
its employees is an important indicator of a strong culture of
social responsibility within any organisation.
Stakeholders in the
operating env.
Trade unions.
Employer associations.
A collective/enterprise agreement is a negotiated
agreement between an employer and a union or a group
of employees. The agreement deals with the pay and
conditions of people employed in that workplace or
A common law individual (employment) contract
covers employees who are not under any award or
collective/enterprise agreements. They are most common
among professional and managerial employees. Such
contracts are signed individually and are secret; that is,
not open to public scrutiny.
Causes of conflict
1. Disputes relating to negotiation of awards and collective/enterprise
These issues include disputes about:
remuneration, which includes matters such as wages, allowances,
entitlements and superannuation.
employment conditions, such as working hours, leave, benefits, and
general employment conditions.
other agreement related matters, such as job security and other
relating to the process of enterprise bargaining negotiation.
2. Disputes relating to outside awards and collective/enterprise
agreements. These issues include disputes about:
health and safety that relate to physical working conditions,
including safety matters, and workers compensation provisions,
protective clothing and equipment, and employee amenities
job security issues, such as retrenchment of employees,
downsizing, restructuring, use of contractors, and outsourcing
managerial policy issues, such as discrimination, Award
restructuring, terms and conditions of employment, promotion,
discipline, personal disagreements and changing work practices.
union issues dealing with matters that relate to employer
approaches to the union, inter-union and intra-union disputes
(demarcation disputes), sympathy stoppages in support of
employees in another industry, and recognition of union activities
other non agreement related matters, including political or social
protests, such as the Green Bans: bans imposed by trade unions
on any development that is considered harmful to the
environment or an area of historical significance.
Pressure tactics in
> Strikes
> Corporate campaign
> Boycott
> Picketing
> Lockout
> Injection
Resolution of conflict
Negotiation is the least formal method of dispute resolution, in
that it involves direct discussions between the parties, without
the involvement of external third parties.
Mediation is a more formal method of dispute resolution, in that
it involves the assistance of a third party. The third party assists
the parties in dispute to work towards their own agreement, but
will usually not offer suggestions or solutions, preferring to allow
the parties to develop the agreement in their own terms.
Factfinder is a neutral party studies the issues in a disputes and
makes public recommendation for a reasonable settlement.
Arbitration the definitive type of third party intervention in
which the arbitrator usually has the power to determine and
dictate the settlement terms.
Grievance procedure provides an orderly system whereby the
employee and employer can resolve matters relating to
complaints about wages, hours, working conditions or disciplinary
Grievance procedures
Case studies
1. Maruti
Thank You
Topic suggested by
Rahul Laxman
Team Members.
Vishnu Soman
Denny Manoj
Karan Baiju
Thivish Rooban
Vishnu Prasad
Jithn P M
Sarun P V