Bogor Workshop Drying Problems
Bogor Workshop Drying Problems
Bogor Workshop Drying Problems
Problem-1 (Drying)
Drying air
0.457 m
Granular material
25.4 mm
Velocity of drying air, Vair = 6.1 m/s
Temperature of drying air, Tair = 65.6 oC
Absolute humidity of drying air, = 0.01 kg water/kg dry air
Drying rate for the constant-rate period, Rc = ?
If air were to flow normal to drying surface, Rc = ?
If Vair = 0.5 x 6.1 m/s, Tair = (65.6+10) oC, Rc = ?
Problem-1 (Drying)
At constant drying-rate period, moisture will evaporate from the product at wet bulb
temperature, Twb.
From humidity chart, following adiabatic saturation line from Tair = 65.6 oC and =
0.01 kg water/kg dry air, wet bulb temperature, Twb can be determined as:
Twb = 29 oC and corresponding absolute humidity wb = 0.026 kg water/kg dry air
Humid volume, VH = (22.41/273) Tair (1/28.97 + /18.02)
= Tair (2.83 x 10-3 + 4.56 x 10-3 )
= (65.6+273)(2.83 x 10-3 + 4.56 x 10-3 x 0.01)
= 0.974 m3/kg dry air
Density of moist air, moist air:
1 kg dry air (1+0.01) kg moist air
1.01 kg moist air
moist air = 1.01 / 0.974 = 1.037 kg/m3
Mass velocity, G = moist air x Vair = 1.037 x 6.1 x 3600 = 22772.5 kg/m2 hr
Problem-1 (Drying)
For parallel flow,
convective heat transfer coefficient, h = 0.0204 G0.8
= 0.0204 x (22772.5)0.8
= 62.45 W/m2 K
= 62.45 J/s m2 K
From steam table, latent heat of vaporization at Twb = 29 oC is
hfg = 2433 kJ/kg
= 2433000 J/kg
For constant rate period:
Rc hfg = h(Tair Twb)
Rc x 2433000 = 62.45 (65.6 29)
Rc = 9.394 x10-4 kg/m2 s
= 3.38 kg/m2 hr
For surface area A = 0.457 x 0.457 = 0.208849 m2
Drying rate = RcA = 3.38 x 0.208849 = 0.706 kg of water/hour
Note: If thickness of layer is increased, no change of Rc in the constant rate period
Problem-1 (Drying)
As G = 22772.5 kg/m2 hr > 19,500, a higher degree of uncertainty exist in
estimation of Rc
For flow normal to the drying surface:
convective heat transfer coefficient, h = 1.17 G0.37
= 1.17 x (22772.5)0.37
= 47.91 W/m2 K
= 47.91 J/s m2 K
For constant rate period:
Rc hfg = h(Tair Twb)
Rc x 2433000 = 47.91 (65.6 29)
Rc = 7.207x10-4 kg/m2 s
= 2.594 kg/m2 hr
For surface area A = 0.457 x 0.457 = 0.208849 m2
Drying rate = RcA = 2.594 x 0.208849 = 0.54 kg of water/hour
Problem-1 (Drying)
Velocity of drying air, Vair = 0.5 x 6.1 m/s
Temperature of drying air, Tair = (65.6+10) oC = 75.6 oC
Absolute humidity of drying air, = 0.01 kg water/kg dry air
Again from humidity chart, following adiabatic saturation line from Tair = 75.6 oC and
= 0.01 kg water/kg dry air, wet bulb temperature Twb can be determined as:
Twb = 30.5 oC
Humid volume, VH = (22.41/273) Tair (1/28.97 + /18.02)
= Tair (2.83 x 10-3 + 4.56 x 10-3 )
= (75.6+273)(2.83 x 10-3 + 4.56 x 10-3 x 0.01)
= 1.0024 m3/kg dry air
Density of moist air, moist air:
1 kg dry air (1+0.01) kg moist air
1.01 kg moist air
moist air = 1.01 / 1.0024 = 1.0076 kg/m3
Problem-1 (Drying)
For parallel flow,
convective heat transfer coefficient, h = 0.0204 G0.8
= 0.0204 x (11063.45)0.8
= 35.05 W/m2 K
= 35.05 J/s m2 K
From steam table, latent heat of vaporization at Twb = 30.5 oC is
hfg = 2429 kJ/kg
= 2429000 J/kg
For constant rate period:
Rc hfg = h(Tair Twb)
Rc x 2429000 = 35.05 (75.6 30.5)
Rc = 6.5 x10-4 kg/m2 s
= 2.34 kg/m2 hr
For surface area A = 0.457 x 0.457 = 0.208849 m2
Drying rate = RcA = 2.34 x 0.208849 = 0.489 kg of water/hour
Problem-2 (Drying)
The experimental average diffusion coefficient of moisture in a
given wood is 2.97 x 10-6 m2/hr. Large planks of this wood 25.4
mm thick are dried from both sides by air having a humidity
such that the equilibrium moisture content in the wood is 0.04 kg
water/kg dry wood. The wood is to be dried from a total moisture
content of 0.29 to 0.09 kg water/kg dry wood. Calculate
a) Drying time.
b) If the drying takes place at a higher temperature when the effective
diffusivity of water is increased tenfold, what would be the final moisture
content of the plank if the drying time is still kept the same? (Note that
the simple diffusion model assumes drying to occur very slowly under
isothermal conditions)
c) How long will it take to dry a ball made of the same wood, 2.54 cm in
diameter? All other conditions are the same as in (a)
Problem-2 (Drying)
Drying air
Drying air
x = H/2
Drying air
Drying air
Diffusivity of water in wood DL = 2.97 x 10-6 m2/hr
Air relative humidity is such that the equilibrium moisture content
X*m = 0.04 kg water/kg dry wood
Initial moisture content Xm,initial = 0.29 kg water/kg dry wood
Final moisture content Xm,final = 0.09 kg water/kg dry wood
Drying time, t = ?
Problem-2 (Drying)
Drying air
Evaporated moisture
Drying air
x = H/2
Drying air
Evaporated moisture
X m,total
X m
Drying air
X m
2 X m
x 2
Where Xm = free moisture content
= Xm,total X*m
If Xm,total = X*m; free moisture Xm = 0 and no more drying for this drying condition
Problem-2 (Drying)
Keeping only the first term of the infinite series (see any book on conduction)
and integrating across thickness to obtain average moisture content, X m :
X m,initial
Dl t
2( H / 2)
4( H / 2) 2
8 X m,initial
8 X m,initial
Problem-2 (Drying)
DL = 2.97 x 10-6 m2/hr
H/2 = 25.4/2 = 12.7 mm = 0.0127 m
2.97 x10
8 x0.25
30.8 hours
DL = 2.97 x 10-6 x 10 = 2.97 x 10-5 m2/hr
t = 30.8 hours
Insert in equation (1) above to find X m
(Other parameters held constant)
Solution (approximate) to the one-dimensional diffusion equation in spherical
X m,initial
R = Radius of sphere
Problem-2 (Drying)
We can use equation (1) to determine DL for a given solid by properly designing
a drying experiment to ensure one dimensional diffusion. Once DL is determined,
it can be used to estimate the falling rate period for any other geometry of the
same solid over the same moisture content range and at the same temperature.
DL can vary by two to three orders-of-magnitude for a given solid during a single
drying run. It is a sensitive function of both moisture content and temperature.