This document summarizes local and systemic complications that can occur from local anesthetic (LA) administration. Local complications include needle breakage, paresthesia, facial nerve paralysis, trismus, soft tissue injury, hematoma, pain on injection, burning on injection, and infection. Systemic complications are not discussed. Causes, problems, prevention strategies, and management approaches are provided for each local complication.
This document summarizes local and systemic complications that can occur from local anesthetic (LA) administration. Local complications include needle breakage, paresthesia, facial nerve paralysis, trismus, soft tissue injury, hematoma, pain on injection, burning on injection, and infection. Systemic complications are not discussed. Causes, problems, prevention strategies, and management approaches are provided for each local complication.
This document summarizes local and systemic complications that can occur from local anesthetic (LA) administration. Local complications include needle breakage, paresthesia, facial nerve paralysis, trismus, soft tissue injury, hematoma, pain on injection, burning on injection, and infection. Systemic complications are not discussed. Causes, problems, prevention strategies, and management approaches are provided for each local complication.
This document summarizes local and systemic complications that can occur from local anesthetic (LA) administration. Local complications include needle breakage, paresthesia, facial nerve paralysis, trismus, soft tissue injury, hematoma, pain on injection, burning on injection, and infection. Systemic complications are not discussed. Causes, problems, prevention strategies, and management approaches are provided for each local complication.
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Broadly classified into two sections Local complications Systemic complications
Local complications Needle breakage Paresthesia Facial nerve paralysis Trismus Soft tissue injury Hematoma Pain on injection Burning on injection Infection Edema Sloughing of tissues Post anesthetic intra oral lesions Needle breakage
Rare occurrence now due to the introduction of disposable needles Causes: Weakening of the dental needle by bending Sudden unexpected movement by the patient, more likely in pediatric patients Finer needles are more likely to break Needles that have been previously bent Defective manufacturing Problem: Can be left of the in the tissue if its removal will cause more extensive damage Infections arising from these needles are very much rare They usually gets embedded in the scar tissue Prevention Dont bend the needle Use thicker needles Use long needles rather than short ones Do not insert needles upto its hub Do not redirect the needle once it is more than halfway through
Management 1. When a needle breaks a) Do not panic b) Instruct the patient not to move, keep the hand inside and mouth open c) If the fragment is visible, remove it 2. If the needle is not visible and not retrievable 1. Do not probe or incise 2. Calmly inform the patient 3. Note the incident on the patients chart 4. Refer the patient to an oral surgeon
Immediate removal of broken needle only if Needle is superficial and easily located through the radiological and clinical examination If the attempt proves t be futile for a considerable amount of time, then the needle should be left as it is The needle is located in deeper tissues, then it should be allowed to remain there without an attempt
Paresthesia Defn: persistent anesthesia or altered sensation well beyond the expected duration of anesthesia Causes: Trauma to the nerve Injection of the LA solution contaminated with alcohol( they are also neurolytic and may cause long term damage to the nerve Trauma to the nerve sheath during the insertion of the needle Insertion of a needle in to the foramen Hemorrhage around the nerve sheath LA solution itself(haas and lennon-1993) Problems: Can lead to self inflicted injury Sense of taste impaired, LN involvement Prevention: Strict adherence to the injection protocol
Management: Be reassuring Speak to the patient personally Explain Appointment to examine the patient Record the incident in the dental chart Examine the patient Determine the extent and the degree Explain to the patient that it may persist for upto 1 year Tincture of time- reccommended medicine Record all the findings
Reschedule the patient for examination every two months If sensory deficit present more than one year, consultation with a neurologist is recommended Dental treatment may be continued, but avoid injecting the LA solution into the same region again
Facial nerve paralysis Cause: Introduction of the LA solution into the parotid capsule Directing the needle inadvertently posteriorly during IANB Over insertion during vazirani akinosi Problem: Loss of motor function of the muscles of facial expression Usually transitory Minimal sensory loss Unilateral facial paralysis- face appears lopsided Unable to close the eye o the affected side Prevention: Adhere to the protocol Over insertion during vazirani akinosi should be avoided when possible Management Reassure the patient Contact lenses should be removed until muscular movements return An eye patch should be given for the eye on the affected side Record in chart Although there is no contraindication for reanesthesia, it will be prudent at this point Trismus Prolonged tetanic spasm of the jaws by which normal opening of the mouth is restricted Causes: Trauma to the muscles or blood vessels in the infratemporal fossa Contaminated LA solution being injected into the site Injection of LA IM or supramuscularly Hemorrhage Low grade infection after injection Multiple needle penetration
Problem The average interincisal opening is 13.7mm(range5-23mm) Acute phase- leads to muscle spasm and limitation of movement Chronic hypomobility associated with organization of the hematoma, with subsequent fibrosis and scar contracture
Prevention Use a sharp, sterile, disposable needle Properly care for and handle dental LA catridges Use aseptic technique Practice atraumatic insertion and injection technique Avoid repeat injections Use minimum effective volumes of LA Management With mild pain and dysfunction the patient reports minimum difficulty opening the mouth The patient should be prescribed with heat therapy, warm saline rinses, analgesics and if necessary muscle relaxants The patient should be advised to initiate physiotherapy consisting of opening and closing of the mouth Sugarless chewing gums can also be prescribed If the needed dental treatment in the affected area is urgent, then alternate techniques like vazirani akinosi technique can be used Usually there I will be an improvement after after24-48hrs Therapy should be continued until the patient is free of symptoms If the pain and dysfunction continues abate 48hrs, then infection should be suspected and antibiotics should be added into the regimen Other therapies which include ultrasound or appliances also can be used in these situations Surgical interventions may be necessary to correct the chronic dysfunction Soft-tissue injury Self inflicted trauma to the lips and tongue is frequently caused by the patient inadvertently biting o chewing these tissues while still anesthetized Cause: Common in children, physically and mentally disabled It occurs due to the prolonged anesthesia of the soft tissues than that of the pulp
Problem: Trauma to anesthetized tissues can lead to swelling and significant pain when the anesthetic effect resolves Remote instances of development of infection Prevention: A cotton roll can be placed between the lips and the teeth secured with floss wrapped around the teeth Warn the patients guardian about this A self adherent warning sticker can be used on children on their forehead
Management Analgesics for pain as necessary Antibiotics as necessary Lukewarm saline rinses to reduce the swelling and pain Petroleum jelly to cover up the lip lesion
Hematoma The effusion of blood into extravascular space is called as hematoma Cause A large hematoma may develop from either arterial or venous puncture following a PSA or IA nerve block The tissues surrounding this vessels more readily accommodate significant volumes of blood and continues to do so until clot forms IANB hematomas are visible only intraorally while PSA hematomas are visible extraorally Problems: Includes pain and trismus Swelling and discoloration usually subsides within 7-14 days Prevention: Knowledge of normal anatomy Modify the injection technique based upon the patients anatomy Use a short needle for PSA to reduce the risk of hematoma Minimize the number of needle penetrations into tissue Never use a needle as a probe in tissues Management: Immediate: When swelling becomes evident during the injection, pressure should be applied over the area, for not less than 2 mins For IANB, pressure applied onto the medial aspect of the ramus For ASA, pressure is applied on the skin directly over the infraorbital foramen For mental nerve block, placed directly over the mental foramen Buccal nerve block or palatal injection, at the site of bleeding For PSA, digital pressure applied in the mucobuccal fold as far distally as possible. Icepack extraorally Subsequent: Advise the patient about the possible soreness and limitation of the movement If soreness develops, advise analgesics Heat may be applied to the area from the next day onwards to increase the rate of resorption of the clot Tincture of time is the most important factor in the management of trauma
Pain on injection Causes: Careless injection technique A needle can become dull from multiple injections Rapid deposition of the anesthetic solution may cause tissue damage Needles with barbs also cause pain Problem: Can lead to increase in patient anxiety and may lead sudden and unexpected movement increasing the risk of needle breakage Prevention: Proper technique of injection Use sharp needles Use topical anesthetic before injection Use sterile local anesthetic solution Inject slowly Be certain that the temperature of the solution is correct Management: No management necessary Burning on injection Causes: Primary cause is the pH of the solution Rapid injection of the local anesthetic solution Contaminated local anesthetic solution Solution warmed to body temperature are considered too hot by the patient Problems: Although transient, may lead to postanesthetic trismus, edema, or possible paresthesia
Prevention: Slow injection,1ml/min. recommended rate of 1.8ml/min should not be exceeded Cartridge should be stored at room temperature Management: No immideate management necessary Infection Cause: Contamination of the needle before administration Improper technique in handling the LA equipment Injecting the LA solution into an area of infection Problem: Can cause infection and lead to trismus Prevention: Use sterile disposable needles Proper care for handling of the needles and catridges Properly prepare the tissues before injection Management: Immediate treatment consists of antibiotics and analgesics, muscle relaxant if needed and physiotherapy Antibiotics should be started for a 7-10 day course Penicillin is the drug of choice and erythromycin, if allergic to penicillin
Edema Causes: Trauma during injection Infection Allergy Hemorrhage Injection of irritating solution Hereditary angioedema Problem: Angioneurotic edema produced can cause airway obstruction Edema of the tongue, larynx or pharynx may develop and represent a potentially life threatening situation. Prevention: Proper handling of the LA armamentarium Atraumatic injection technique Complete medical evaluation Management When produced by traumatic injection or introduction of irritating solutions, edema is of low degree and resolves without any formal therapy Analgesics for pain can described after hemorrhage edema resolves more slowly Edema due to infection doesnt subside spontaneously but may in fact become more progressively more intense if untreated Allergy induced edema is potentially life threatening
If edema causes airway obstruction, then P- if unconscious, the patient placed supine A-B-C- BLS administered as required D- definitive treatment: EMS summoned Epinephrine is administered: 0.3mg(adult), 0.15mg(child)IM or IV every 10-15 mins until respiratory distress resolves Histamine blocker is administered Corticosteroid IM/IV Preparation for cricothyrotomy should be done if total airway obstruction seems to be developing Patients should be evaluated thoroughly before the next appointment
Sloughing of tissues Causes Epithelial desquamation: Application of the topical anesthetic to the gingival tissues for prolonged period Heightened sensitivity of tissues to a LA agent Reaction in an area where a topical has been applied Sterile abscess- Secondary to prolonged ischemia resulting from the use of LA with vasoconstrictor Usually develops on hard palate
Problems: Pain Infection in these areas Prevention Use topical anesthetics as recommended Do not use overly concentrated solutions containing vasoconstrictor Management: No formal management necessary Symptomatic management
Post anesthetic intraoral lesions Cause: Recurrent apthous stomatitis or herpes simplex can occur after the injection of the local anesthetic solution Trauma to tissues by a needle or cotton swabs or any other instrument may activate the latent form of the disease process that was present in tissues before injection Problem: c/o acute sensitivity in the ulcerated area
Management: Primary management- symptomatic Pain develops after 2 days No management is necessary if the pain is not severe Preparations can be used to reduce the pain and irritations caused by these lesions Ocular problems signs and symptoms including tissue blanching, hematoma formation, facial paralysis, diplopia, amaurosis, ptosis, mydriasis, miosis, enophthalmos, and even permanent blindness have been reported The mechanism of action is not fully understood Aspiration at the time of administration of local anesthesia is very important and minimizes the risk of ocular complications. When ocular complications persist, an ophthalmology consultation is prudent Systemic complications Caused by adverse drug reaction. There are mainly three types of complications Allergic reactions Toxicity Methemoglobinemia
Allergic reactions Allergic reactions due to the administration of local anesthesia are uncommon but can occur There are a few different tests that can be used by the allergist to document an allergy to local anesthesia, such as the skin prick test, the interdermal or subcutaneous placements test, and/or the drug provocative challenge test(gold standard) Allergies to local anesthetic may be type I or type IV hypersensitivity reactions, with the type I response more commonly reported type I symptoms include skin manifestations (erythema, pruritus, urticaria), gastrointestinal manifestations (muscle cramping, nausea and vomiting, incon- tinence), respiratory manifestations (coughing, wheezing, dyspnea, laryngeal edema), and cardio- vascular manifestations (palpitations, tachycardia, hypotension, unconsciousness, cardiac arrest) Treatment depends on the severity of the reaction. Mild- managed by oral or intramuscular antihistamines, such as diphenhydramine, 25 to 50 mg. If serious signs or symptoms develop, immediate treatment becomes necessary, and this includes basic life support, intramuscular or subcutaneous epineph- rine 0.3 to 0.5 mg, and activating the emergency response system for transportation to the local hospital for acute therapy.51 Toxicity Toxicity can be caused by excessive dosing of either the local anesthetic or the vasoconstrictor Cause: inadvertent intravascular injection repeated injections of the local anesthetic excessive volumes are used in pediatric dentistry Prevention Adhering to local anesthetic dosing guidelines simple way to calculate maximum safe dosages for all anesthetic formulations used in dentistry is called the rule of 25, which states that a dentist may safely use 1 cartridge(1.8ml) of any local anesthetic for every 11.4 kg (25 lbs) of patient weight Phases of toxicity excitatory phase-manifest as tremors, muscle twitching, shivering, and clonic tonic convulsions generalized central nervous system depression and possible life-threatening respiratory depression With extremely high doses, cardiac excitability and cardiac conduction decrease and leads to ectopic rhythms, bradycardia and ensuing peripheral vasodilation, and significant hypotension. Treatment should address respiratory depression and convulsions. Vital signs should be monitored, the airway maintained, basic life support administered, and the emergency medical support services should be called. Intravenous diazepam or midazolam may be administered for a seizure that does not stop Methemoglobinemia Methemoglobinemia is a reaction that can occur after administration of amide local anesthetics, nitrates Prilocaine and benzocaine are used in dentistry and may induce methemoglobinemia Signs and symptoms usually do not appear for 3 to 4 hours after the administration of large doses of local anesthesia Clinical signs of cyanosis are observed when blood levels of methemoglobin reach 10% to 20%, and dyspnea and tachycardia are observed when methemoglobin levels reach 35% to 40% 55 Co-oximetry is a conventional pulse oximetry that measures the methemoglobin and carboxyhemoglobin levels Treatment Methylene blue 1 to 2 mg/kg intravenously is used for the treatment of methemoglobinemia. summary Local anesthetics are a routine part in all oral and maxillofacial practices. Minimizing adverse outcomes is the goal of all practitioners. This goal can be accom-plished by using the appropriate local anes-thetics in certain situations Malamed SF. Handbook of local anesthesia. 5th edition. Philadelphia: Elsevier Mosby; 2004. R david, Complications of Local Anesthesia Used in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery: Oral Maxillofacial Surg Clin N Am 23 (2011) 369377 Pogrel MA, Thamby S. Permanent nerve involve- ment resulting from inferior alveolar nerve blocks. J Am Dent Assoc 2004;131:9017. Local anesthesia, monheims