A - Final Pre-Training Comm
A - Final Pre-Training Comm
A - Final Pre-Training Comm
Facilitation of training with focus on Trainee (Motivation, Reinforcement & Goal Setting)
Presented By: Richa Chopra Priya Mathur Parinita Popli Deepshikha Renu
Date, time, venue, duration Training curriculum Training instructions A good trainer spends time introducing himself and asking the trainees to introduce themselves before beginning with the training to facilitate easy communication.
Better trainee motivation Lesser absenteeism Helps avoid confusion Gives clarity about purpose of training Trainees confidence in training program Better understanding of needs of trainees Helps sync trainee and organizational needs
Step 2: Identify and list your different audiences. Think of "audiences" as groups that you need to communicate with. Any one person may be a member of several audiences. As an example, consider a project communications plan that has four audiences: All people working in New Jersey Office. All people working in Sydney Office. Customer Services Teams. HR Managers.
Step 3: Now drill down into your communication objectives and clarify specific objectives for each audience. A good way to do this is to think about the audience's needs what do they need and want to know from you? List all the objectives (there may be several) for each audience in your plan.
Step 4: Deciding the communication Channel. Take not of all the possible communications channels you could use. Some of them may be:
Lunchtime meeting Intranet article Launch event Team meeting Podcast on intranet
Step 5: To plan out the message for each audience, start by thinking about the broadest audience groups first. In our example, the broadest audience might be "All people working in New Jersey Office" and "All people working in Sydney Office". What does the audience need and want to know? When do we need to communicate? What is the regular or preferred channel for reaching this audience? For this specific audience and message, what is the most effective way to get your message across?
Step 6: It's good to get feedback on the communications you have planned and implemented. Ask people from different audiences how you are doing. Check they understand the messages you need them to hear. By getting timely feedback, you can tune any future communications that you have planned to better meet people's needs or fill any gaps so far.
Motivation is the word derived from the word motive which means needs, desires, wants within the individuals. In the work place context the psychological factors stimulating the peoples behavior can be desire for money success recognition job-satisfaction team work
Motivation should be started during the introduction of the lesson to ensure the trainees interest and to direct attention to what is to be learnt. It should not stop at the introduction stage, but be continued throughout the entire lesson presentation.
Techniques of motivation
1. Show the need for the lesson Do not assume that trainees recognise the lessons importance. No, show the benefit of the lesson to the trainees needs. 2. Arouse and maintain interest Be interesting in your lesson presentation. Be enthusiastic and illustrative, exemplary. Use effective teaching aids. Be humorous and reasonably entertaining. 3. Increase chances of early success Encourage trainees at early stages of training to work on projects that they can complete successfully. Success motivates trainees, it encourages extra effort. Success is achievement. 4. Give recognition and credit where due. Appreciate heartily where a trainee does a good job, individuals crave for social approval give credit where it is due. Praise generously trainees with correct and good responses.
5. Praise, avoid blame Praise is a powerful reward and incentive for work well done. Blame is destructive. Offer constructive criticism in a positive diplomatic manner. 6. Avoid emotional responses Emotional reactions to trainees anger and frighten them. This distracts them from the subject being taught. 7. Be professional Set an exemplary example. Trainees emulate instructors. He is the model. Be motivated to teach and the trainees will be motivated to learn. 8. Set clear goals Ensure that trainees understand what you are teaching them, and what they have to know and do, as a result.
9. Give responsibilities Give trainees the opportunity to do what is expected of them on their own. This instills confidence and increases motivation. 10. Treat trainees as special individuals Give each trainee his/her due respect as befits him/her. Recognize individual skills and promote them. Attend to individual needs. 11. Give correct guidance Provide correct and good support when needed, especially at the time of difficulties, i.e. sickness, lack of fees, hunger, slow learning etc.