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Blb-Micro CH 12 Lecture Presentation

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Chapter 12

The Eukaryotes: Fungi, Algae, Protozoa, and Helminths

2013 Pearson Education, Inc.

Lectures prepared by Christine L. Case Lectures prepared by Christine L. Case

Copyright 2013 Pearson Education, Inc.

Kingdom Nutritional Type Multicellularity Cellular Arrangement Food Acquisition Method Fungi Chemoheterotroph All, except yeasts Unicellular, filamentous, fleshy Absorptive

Characteristic Features

Sexual and asexual spores

Mycology: the study of fungi

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Table 12.1 Selected Features of Fungi and Bacteria Compared.

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Vegetative Growth
The fungal thallus consists of hyphae; a mass of hyphae is a mycelium

Unicellular fungi
Fission yeasts divide symmetrically Budding yeasts divide asymmetrically

Pathogenic dimorphic fungi are yeastlike at 37C and moldlike at 25C

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Figure 12.2 Characteristics of fungal hyphae.

Cell wall

Pore Nuclei Spore Septum

Septate hypha

Coenocytic hypha

Growth of a hypha from a spore

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Figure 12.4 A budding yeast.

Bud Parent cell

Bud scar

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Figure 12.6a Representative asexual spores.



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Figure 12.6b Representative asexual spores.


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Figure 12.6c Representative asexual spores.



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Figure 12.6d Representative asexual spores.


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Figure 12.6e Representative asexual spores.



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Sexual Reproduction
Three phases:
Plasmogamy: haploid donor cell nucleus (+) penetrates cytoplasm of recipient cell () Karyogamy: + and nuclei fuse Meiosis: diploid nucleus produces haploid nuclei (sexual spores)

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Sexual Spores
Zygospore: fusion of haploid cells produces one zygospore Ascospore: formed in a sac (ascus) Basidiospore: formed externally on a pedestal (basidium)

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Medically Important Phyla of Fungi

Zygomycota Microsporidia Ascomycota


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Economic Effects of Fungi

Saccharomyces cerevisiae: bread, wine, HBV vaccine Trichoderma: cellulase Taxomyces: taxol Entomophaga: biocontrol Coniothyrium minitans: kills fungi Paecilomyces: kills termites

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Fungal Diseases (Mycoses)

Systemic mycoses: deep within body Subcutaneous mycoses: beneath the skin Cutaneous mycoses: affect hair, skin, and nails Superficial mycoses: localized, e.g., hair shafts Opportunistic mycoses: caused by normal microbiota or environmental fungi

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Mutualistic combination of an alga (or cyanobacterium) and fungus Alga produces and secretes carbohydrates; fungus provides holdfast

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Figure 12.11a Lichens.




Three types of lichens

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Figure 12.11b Lichens.

Fungus Alga


Algal layer Medulla Fungal hyphae


Lichen thallus
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Economic Effects of Lichens

Dyes Antimicrobial (Usnea) Litmus

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Kingdom Nutritional Type Multicellularity Cellular Arrangement Food Acquisition Method Protista Photoautotroph Some Unicellular, colonial, filamentous, tissues Diffusion

Characteristic Features


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Figure 12.12a Algae and their habitats.

Sublittoral zone Unicellular green algae, diatoms, dinoflagellates Green algae, Littoral cyanobacteria, zone euglenoids



Multicellular green algae


Brown algae




Red algae

Algal habitats
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Figure 12.12 Algae and their habitats.

Pneumatocyst Blade


Brown alga (Macrocystis)

Red alga (Microcladia)

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Figure 12.13a Green algae.

Multicellular green alga (Ulva)

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Figure 12.14a Diatoms.

Eunotia, a freshwater diatom that grows in acidic water

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Figure 12.15 Peridinium, a dinoflagellate.



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Brown algae (kelp) Cellulose and alginic acid cell walls Multicellular Chlorophyll a and c, xanthophylls Store carbohydrates Harvested for algin

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Red algae Cellulose cell walls Most are multicellular Chlorophyll a and d, phycobiliproteins Store glucose polymer Harvested for agar and carrageenan

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Green algae Cellulose cell walls Unicellular or multicellular Chlorophyll a and b Store glucose polymer Gave rise to plants

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Pectin and silica cell walls Unicellular Chlorophyll a and c, carotene, xanthophylls Store oil Fossilized diatoms formed oil Produce domoic acid

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Figure 12.14 Diatoms.

Eunotia, a freshwater diatom that grows in acidic water

Asexual reproduction of a diatom

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Cellulose in plasma membrane Unicellular Chlorophyll a and c, carotene, xanthins Store starch Some are symbionts in marine animals Neurotoxins cause paralytic shellfish poisoning

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Figure 12.15 Peridinium, a dinoflagellate.



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Cellulose cell walls Multicellular Chemoheterotrophic Produce zoospores Decomposers and plant parasites
Phytophthora infestans responsible for Irish potato blight P. cinnamoni infects Eucalyptus P. ramorum causes sudden oak death

Water molds

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Kingdom Nutritional Type Multicellularity Cellular Arrangement Food Acquisition Method Characteristic Features Various Chemoheterotroph None Unicellular Absorptive; ingestive Motility; some form cysts

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Characteristics of Protozoa
Vegetative form is a trophozoite Asexual reproduction is by fission, budding, or schizogony Sexual reproduction by conjugation Some produce cysts

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Medically Important Phyla of Protozoa

Diplomonads Parabasalids Euglenozoa Amebae Apicomplexa Dinoflagellates Ciliates

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Move by pseudopods Entamoeba Acanthamoeba

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Figure 12.19 Amebae.

Food vacuole Pseudopods


Amoeba proteus Red blood cells


Entamoeba histolytica
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Nonmotile Intracellular parasites Complex life cycles Plasmodium Babesia Cryptosporidium Cyclospora

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Move by cilia Complex cells Balantidium coli is the only human parasite

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Figure 12.21 Ciliates. Pellicle Cytostome Food vacuoles Cilia

Contractile vacuole


Anal pore Micronucleus


Stalk Cytostome Cilia Vorticella

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Figure 12.17 Conjugation in the ciliate protozoan Paramecium.



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Figure 12.23 The life cycle of a plasmodial slime mold.


Zygote develops by nuclear division and cell growth.

Multinucleate plasmodium forms.

Haploid gametes fuse, producing zygote.

Sexual reproduction

Plasmodium grows, distributing nutrients by cytoplasmic streaming.

Gamete germinates from spore.

Channel of cytoplasmic streaming

Spores are released.


Asexual reproduction

Plasmodium separates into groups of protoplasm.

Stalk 4 6

Each group forms sporangia on stalks.

Nuclei in spores go through meiosis, forming gametes.

Spores develop in sporangia.

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Kingdom Nutritional Type Multicellularity Cellular Arrangement Food Acquisition Method Characteristic Features Animalia Chemoheterotroph All Tissues and organs Ingestive; absorptive Elaborate life cycles

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Helminths (Parasitic Worms)

Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Platyhelminthes (flatworms) Class: trematodes (flukes) Class: cestodes (tapeworms) Phylum: Nematoda (roundworms)

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Characteristics of Helminths
Reduced digestive system Reduced nervous system Reduced locomotion Complex reproduction

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Life Cycle of Helminths

Monoecious (hermaphroditic)
Male and female reproductive systems in one animal

Separate male and female

Egg larva(e) adult

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Figure 12.25 Flukes.

Oral sucker Intestine Ventral sucker Testis Ovary

Oral sucker

Ovary Intestine


Fluke anatomy

Clonorchis sinensis

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Figure 12.26 The life cycle of the lung fluke, Paragonimus, spp.
Hermaphroditic adult fluke releases eggs into human lung.
Adult fluke (7.512 mm long)

Infected crayfish is eaten by human, and metacercaria develops into adult fluke.

7 In crayfish, cercaria

encysts to produce metacercaria. Metacercaria (0.250.5 mm)

Definitive host Eggs

Asexual reproduction

Sexual reproduction
Eggs reach water 2 after being excreted in feces.

Intermediate host

Cercaria leaves snail and enters crayfish.

4 Free-swimming

miracidium enters snail.


Cercaria Intermediate host Redia Cercaria (0.5 mm long) Inside snail, miracidium
5 develops into redia, which

Miracidium develops in egg and hatches from egg.

Miracidium reproduces asexually (0.8 mm long) to produce rediae; several cercariae develop within redia.

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Humans as Definitive Hosts

Definitive Host Taenia saginata Cysticerci in beef muscle

Intermediate Host

Echinococcus granulosus

Adult in dog

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Figure 12.29a The pinworm Enterobius vermicularis.

Adult pinworm
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Figure 12.30 The heartworm Dirofilaria immitis.


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Figure 12.29 The pinworm Enterobius vermicularis.


Intestine Mouth Ovary Genital pore Anus Intestine Testis

Genital pore Anus


Egg (55 m long)

Adult pinworm

Female (813 mm long)

Male (25 mm long)

Larva Pinworm egg

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Figure 25.23 An Ancylostoma hookworm attached to intestinal mucosa.


Intestinal mucosa

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Arthropods as Vectors
May transmit diseases (vectors) Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Arthropoda (exoskeleton, jointed legs) Class: Insecta (6 legs) Lice, fleas, mosquitoes Class: Arachnida (8 legs) Mites and ticks

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Arthropods as Vectors
Mechanical transmission Biological transmission
Microbe multiplies in vector

Definitive host
Microbes sexual reproduction takes place in vector

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Figure 12.31 Mosquito.

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Figure 12.32 Tick.

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Figure 12.33 Arthropod vectors.

2.5 mm 2.5 mm

Insert Fig 12.33

1 cm

2 cm

Human louse

Rat flea

Deer fly

Kissing bug

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