c655eGPRS 1
c655eGPRS 1
c655eGPRS 1
EDGE Deployment Reference
Security in GPRS
GSM was the most important Cellular mobile technology of the 2nd generation. But the need was felt to transmit / receive the high rate Data also on the GSM / Mobile networks. The first system to make impact was GPRS ( General Packet Radio Service) GPRS enables the achievement of higher Data rates. GPRS is the middle step between the 2nd generation GSM & third generation W-CDMA/UMTS. The system is also called 2.5 G system.
It offers the services up to 115 Kbps GPRS is used for WEB Browsing & other services which involve the transaction of higher data rates. The Key element of GPRS is that it is used for transmitting the packet switched Data
The different data rates are transmitted on GPRS networks as different multi- level coding schemes are involved.
The same arrangement is used for circuit switched Data because four coding schemes are involved This technique makes the efficient use of the available capacity
Most of the Data transfer occurs in the bursty fashion.The Data transfer occurs in short packets followed by breaks& sometimes ,there can be little or no activity.
GPRS has the backward compatibility, we are in a position to have the voice conversations by using the GPRS handset on the GSM networks
When the data is of bursty nature & the transfer occurs in short packets followed by breaks, the overall capacity can be shared by many users. To achieve this the data is split in the packets & tags are inserted in the packets to provide the destination address. The data reaches the destination & since there is address available with every packet we are in a position to make the data reach the proper place for which the data is required to go as per the address available
Packets of several sources can be transmitted over the link as it is not likely that the data burst of all the users will occur at the same time By sharing the overall resources in this fashion, the channel or the number of channels can be used more efficiently This technique is known as packet switching. Packet switching enables us to transmit the very high rate data on the same networks
For using the GSM architecture for GPRS the requirement on the other side will be the GPRS enabled mobile , as it is not possible to upgrade a GSM mobile for enabling it to work for GPRS. GSM mobiles can be used for receiving/transmitting the GPRS speech, but cannot transmit the GPRS data in the required format Since GPRS is able to have the transaction of the high rate data it is called a 2.5 G technology
100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 9.6kbps (Today) CS-1 14.4kbps CS-2 HSCSD 38.4-64kbps GPRS 115kbps Technology EDGE 384kbps
Higher Bandwidth!
GPRS Network
Gr (MAP) Gb Gs Gc
HLR IP Network
Gi (IP)
Packet data for the radio interface CS and PS data discrimination Slot and channel allocation Existing A interface is reused
Gd (MAP)
Backbone Network IP
GPRS subscription and routing information Maps subscriber to one or more GGSNs
Gr (MAP) Gb Gs Gc
IP Network
Gi (IP)
Gd (MAP) Gn
Gi (X.25) Gn
Location info from SGSN CS paging request to SGSN Signalling coordination for class A/B mobile
Backbone Network IP
X.25 Network
SMS-SC SS7/MAP based SMS is delivered over GPRS for GPRS attached terminals
Gd (MAP)
Gr (MAP) Gs (BSSAP+)
Charging can be done at SGSN or GGSN or both SGSN for data volume and / or MS for PDP context duration Gn
Gi (IP)
ISP Network
Gn Gi (IP)
Types of CDR;s in GPRS S-CDR : radio n/w related (fm SGSN) G-CDR : for External n/w usage (fm GGSN) M-CDR : related to MM activities (fm SGSN) 2 CDR,s related to usage of SMS with GPRS (fm SGSN)
Backbone Network
Corporate Network
Gd (MAP)
Gr (MAP) Gs (BSSAP+)
Gi (IP)
ISP Network
Gn Gi (IP)
Backbone Network
Corporate Network
Functions of SGSN SGSN takes care of some important functions including routing
Functions of SGSN It works with BSC to route the connection through. If USER moves to the segment which is under different SGSN , it will perform a quick hand-off to that SGSN & the user will not notice as to what is happening.
Functions of GGSN GGSN is the last port of call in the GPRS network before a connection between an ISP network:s Router occurs. GGSN is basically a gateway , a router & a firewall rolled into one It also confirms user details with radius servers for security, which are usually situated in the IP network& outside GPRS network.
GPRS is billed on Megabyte basis In practice the two GSM devices maybe a single unit.
Mobile classification:-
Class A:- This set can be connected to GSM & GPRS services at the same time.
Class B :- These mobiles are attached to both GSM & GPRS services .
But they can be used for only one service at a time.
The mobile can make or receive a call or send or receive an SMS during GPRS connection During the voice calls GPRS services are suspended , but are resumed when the voice call is completed. Class C type of mobile :-
These classification covers phones that can be attached to either GSM or GPRS
Services but the user are categorized by the data rates that can support within GSM
Services but the user requires to switch manually between the two different types.GSM mobiles are categorized by the data rates that can support within GSM
Classes within these two limits are able to send & RECEIVE THE DATA IN DIFFERENT COMBINATIONS FOR UPLINK & DOWNLINK SLOTS
These includes elements such as error correction, interleaving & correct assembly of Data, Power control & the like.
Above this are RLC & MAC layers. These organize the logical link between mobile & the base station.
They control the Radio link access & organize the logical channels that route the Data to & from the mobile
There is also the logical link layer that formats the Data frames & is used to link the elements of core network to mobiles.
For the GPRS call the slots are assigned dynamically., depending upon the demand , the remaining ones are used for GSM. There is a new Data channel used for GPRS , It is called PDCH ( Packet data channel)
Overall slot structure for this channel is the same as that of GSM having the same power profile & timing advance Attributes to overcome the different signal travel time to the Base Station, depending upon the the distance the mobile is from the base station.
This enables the burst to fit in seamlessly within the GSM Structure.
Each burst information is 0.577ms in length & is the same as that used in GSM .
It therefore requires 4 bursts to carry 20ms blocks of data i.e 456 bits of encoded Data. PDCH are assigned by BSC to particular timeslot. When PDCH is in-active it allows the mobiles to check for other Base Stations & monitor their final strength
GSM time slot may be used by the base station using a logical channel The Channel is Known PACKET TIMING ADVANCE CONTROL CHANNEL
Although GPRS uses only one physical (PDCH) for sending the data, it employs several logical channels that are mapped together to enable the GPRS data & facilitates to be managed.
The packets in GPRS are assigned a space within the system according to the current needs& routed accordingly.
ii) When the mobile is turned on it must register with the network& update the location register This location is very similar to GSM iii) It first locates a suitable cell & transmits a Radio burst on a RACH using a shortened burst because it does not know what timing advance is required iv) The data contained within this burst temporarily identifies the mobile& indicates that the reason for the update is to temporarily perform the location update
At the time of location update the network also performs an authentication to ensure that it is allowed to access the network
At the time of registration the network detects whether the mobile phone has the GPRS capability
SGSN maintains the record of the mobile so that the Data can be sent there when required.
STANDBY MODE:- Mobile then enters the standby mode. It periodically updates its position as required. It monitors the MNC of the base station to ensure that it has not changed the base station & also looks for stronger Base Station control channel
Mobile will monitor PPCH in case of an incoming alert indicating that Data is ready to be Sent.
READY. Mobile is attached to the SYSTEM & a virtual connection is made with SGSN & GGSN. BY making this connection the network knows where to route the packets When the packets are sent & received. The Mobile is likely to use PTCCH to ensure that its timing is correctly set so that it is ready for Data transfer should one be needed.When the mobile is attached to the network , it is ready for a call or Data transfer..
.For transmitting Data mobile sends the request on PRACH. If this channel is busy Mobile monitors the PCCCH which contains a status bit indicating the status of the base station receiver. When the status bit indicates that the receiver is idle the mobile sends its packet channel request message. If accepted, the base station will respond by sending an assignment message on PAGCH indicating as to which channel the mobile is to use for its packet Data transfer .
If the Data needs to be transmitted in the D/L direction a separate assignment is performed.
On disconnecting the mobile sends a temporary block flow message & this is acknowledged.
Once this has taken place the USF assigned to the mobile becomes Mobile effectively becomes disconnected although still attached to the network No more Data transfer takes place unless it is reindicated.Separate messages are required to detach the mobile from the network.
Network operation mode II: CS paging message for a GPRS-attached MS on the CCCH paging channel, and this channel is also used for GPRS paging. Network operation mode III: CS paging for a GPRS-attached MS on the CCCH paging channel GPRS paging on either the packet paging channel (if allocated in the cell) or on the CCCH paging channel. MS shall monitor both paging channels if the packet paging channel is allocated in the cell.
Channel Allocation
Fixed and/or dynamic channels 0-8 fixed GPRS channels / cell unlimited number of on-demand (dynamic) GPRS channels /cell CS can pre-empt dynamic GPRS channels First fixed GPRS channel carries PCCCH TS7 TS0 TS1 ...
f1 f2 fn
TS 1 TS 2 Circuit Switched
TS 3
TS 4 TS 5 TS 3 TS 2 TS 1 Time Packet Switched
GPRS Roaming
Roaming Billing TAP - Records (Transferred Account Procedure) Existing methods of TAP exchanges shall be used TAP File Spec 3 required - GPRS enhancements like: data volume, IP address, APN, etc. Different concepts to existing TAP Record Procedures Partial Records Generated + Data volume counts CDRs from HGGSN and VSGSN - different records from different networks for the same connection
Corporate Network #2
Security Threats on the Gn / Gp Interface Threat: Denial of Service from invalid or flood of GTP traffic Undesirable GTP messages Solution: GTP traffic management prevents the GSNs from being overwhelmed GTP packet sanity check in firewall prevents GSNs from having to try to process malformed GTP packets GTP stateful inspection prevents GSNs from having to process GTP packets which dont make sense because of no PDP context or wrong PDP context state GTP policies which determine which GTP messages
should be allowed
Threat: GTP traffic from a non-roaming partner can kill a MS session or hijack a session GTP traffic spoofed to appear from a valid roaming partner Solution: GTP security policies block traffic from nonroaming partners High performance IP Sec tunnels across GRX can be used to maintain confidentiality and integrity of GTP and prevent GTP from being spoofed
Threat: Mobile Subscribers attack each other Corporate customers attack each other Solution: Firewall Gi tunnel hub sends all Internet traffic to the firewall before its sent back to the GGSN; security policies prevent subscribers from attacking each other Firewall Gi tunnel hub uses virtual routers to logically separate traffic corporate intranet traffic all the way from the GGSN to the corporate network
(Enhanced Data rates for GSM Evolution)
General EDGE
EDGE Network
Security in GPRS
GPRS Evolution
ISP Network
Backbone Network
Corporate Network
384 kbps
57,6 kbps
Data rates
The Abbreviation
GPRS = General Packet Radio System
kbps 60 50 40 30 20
10 0
GMSK modulation
8PSK modulation
CS-1 being slow is highly redundant. But because of this scheme being Slow , coding schemes number 2 & 3 are also being used ( These Coding Schemes have less redundancy) . CS-4 has the least & has no forward error correction control, but gives maximum throughput. If radio quality is bad the CS 1 is used otherwise the higher coding schemes are used. For EDGE we are mostly using multilevel coding schemes.
Network modification !
Internet GPRS
GPRS Protocol
EDGE Protocol
No changes