Jute Presentation (2003 Format)
Jute Presentation (2003 Format)
Jute Presentation (2003 Format)
Assessment of change of jute fibre length after processing
Supervising Teacher Mrs. Hosne Ara Begum
Head of Department Yarn Manufacturing Technlogy Bangladesh University of Textiles
Submitted by
Sanjida Nowreen (ID No : 20061079) Md. Tariqul Islam (ID No : 20061130) Md. Sazzad Hossain (ID No : 20061136) Shuvashish Chakma (ID No : 20051007) Md. Ahmad Reza Ansari (ID No : 20041003) Selina Akhter (ID No : 20041005)
Jute is a long, soft, shiny vegetable fibre. Jute is second only to cotton in amount produced and variety of uses. Jute fibre are composed primarily of the plant materials and cellulose. The jute fibres are off-white to brown and 3-12 feet long. Jute fibres are finer, stronger and better in quality than another vegetables
fibres named by MESTA. Depending on demand, price and climate the annual production of jute and its allied fibres in the world remains 3 million tones . The jute fibre finds its use in the producing as well as in consuming countries in the agricultural, industrial, commercial & domestic fields In the various jute spinning processes, the length of jute fibre is gradually changing due to characteristics properties of lignin & cellulose molecules. On the other hand the total strength of processed jute fibre is degraded from original jute fibre strength due to drafting, doubling & beating processes.
Collection of jute fibre from softener machine, breaker card
finisher card, 1st drawframe, 2nd drawframe and 3rd drawframe. Selection of fibres and grouping are done into approximately 20 groups and length is measured seperately. Construction of fibre length placing fibre length in X-axis and no. of fibres(%) in Y-axis. Calculation of CV% of fibre length. Microsopic view of jute fibre of every machine is taken. Comparison of average fibre length of the mentioned machines. Preparation of Literature review taking help from different books and internet.
Table of change for fibre length & CV% of fibre length of jute at different stages
01 02 03 04 05 06
Change of jute fibre length & CV% of jute fibre length at different processing stages
From our experimental work we see the average length of raw jute is 36.733 inch. After processing at Breaker card the average length of the fibre of breaker
card sliver is reduced upto 26.358 inch. Because like the spreader, the breaker card is a constant delivery speed machine and when the draft is changed it is the feed speed that is altered, thus changes in the length of Breaker Card sliver occurred.
The average length of jute fibre is reduced in finisher card sliver upto 13.099 inch from the previous observation that we had in the fibre of breaker card sliver 26.358 inch. Because the jute is in a more open state by the time it reaches the finisher the pins are somewhat finer and set closer together. Two other types of feed are met with, the Shell feed and the Double-pinned feed. The action of the Workers and Strippers in the finisher is the same as in the Breaker, and the Finisher, therefore, continues the work of weight reduction by drafting, reducing weight irregularities by doubling, splitting the fibre networks, and cleaning.
The average length of jute fibre is reduced in 1st drawn sliver upto 9.84 inch from the previous observation that we had in the fibre of finisher card sliver
13.099 inch. The fibre length distribution of a jute finisher card sliver placed alongside the drafting zone of a first drawing frame and the high proportion of fibres which are shorter than the front reach will be seen. Naturally, the more short fibrepresent in a sliver the more fibre movement will occur in the front reach and the more pronounced the faller-bar slubs will be.
Due to processing stage we have seen the average length of fibre of 2nd & 3rd drawn sliver is respectively reduced in 8.434 inch & 7.94 inch from the average length of 1st drawn sliver 9.84 inch. Three draw frames are used in jute manufacturing process. During the drawing stages jute fibre have to undergo
considerable amount of drafting and weight is also reduced during doubling process and in these case jute fibre also become more straight and parallel. Due to considerable amount of drafting and doubling length of jute fibre is also decreased to a considerable extent.
In every processing stage we found that CV% of fibre length is very high which indicates a lot of variation in fibre length. From the above discussion we have seen that the average length of the jute fibre in every stages is reduced consistently.
As jute fiber is going to get back its golden goodwill we are also interested to work with this project. As we know jute is a long staple fibre which has a great prospect in wide range of use especially in technical purpose. But it is a matter of great that fibre length of jute decreases gradually after processing. We have tried hard to assess the change of jute fibre length and analyze the reason behind the change. Research is going on all over the world to get the best and vast use of jute fibre. We are feeling proud to be a small part of this research.