CH 06 I C
CH 06 I C
CH 06 I C
Explain the purpose and structure of file systems Describe Microsoft file structures Explain the structure of New Technology File System (NTFS) disks List some options for decrypting drives encrypted with whole disk encryption
Objectives (continued)
Explain how the Windows Registry works Describe Microsoft startup tasks Describe MS-DOS startup tasks Explain the purpose of a virtual machine
Type of file system an OS uses determines how data is stored on the disk A file system is usually directly related to an OS When you need to access a suspects computer to acquire or inspect data
You should be familiar with the computers platform
On any IDE or SATA or later hard drive, this is impossible A single pass of zeroes erases all data on a disk so it cannot be recovered by any currently known technique
Clusters are typically 512, 1024, 2048, 4096, or more bytes each Combining sectors minimizes the overhead of writing or reading files to a disk
OS assigns these cluster numbers, called logical addresses Sector numbers are called physical addresses Clusters and their addresses are specific to a logical disk drive, which is a disk partition
Disk Partitions
A partition is a logical drive FAT16 does not recognize disks larger than 2 GB
Note error on page 202 of textbook
It's 2 GB, not 2 MB
Partition gap
Unused space between partitions
Analyze the key hexadecimal codes the OS uses to identify and maintain the file system
MBR stores information about partitions on a disk and their locations, size, and other important items Several software products can modify the MBR, such as PartitionMagics Boot Magic
FAT versions
FAT12, FAT16, FAT32, FATX (for Xbox), and VFAT
FAT Versions
FAT12for floppy disks, max size 16 MB FAT16allows hard disk sizes up to 2 GB FAT32 allows hard disk sizes up to 2 TB FATXFor Xbox media
The date stamps start at the year 2000, unlike the other FAT formats that start at 1980
An unintentional side effect of FAT16 having large clusters was that it reduced fragmentation
As cluster size increased
As files grow and require more disk space, assigned clusters are chained together
The chain can be broken or fragmented
When this first assigned cluster is filled and runs out of room
FAT assigns the next available cluster to the file
Data in the file remains on the disk drive Area of the disk where the deleted file resides becomes unallocated disk space
Available to receive new data from newly created files or other files needing more space
iClicker Questions
C.Cylinder D.Sector E.Cluster
C.Cylinder D.Sector E.Cluster
Which term describes padding added to data to make an integral multiple of 512 bytes?
A.Drive slack
B.RAM slack
C.File slack D.Fragmented E.Unallocated space
NTFS results in much less file slack space Clusters are smaller for smaller disk drives NTFS also uses Unicode
An international data format
In the MFT, the first 15 records are reserved for system files Records in the MFT are called metadata
A record field is referred to as an attribute ID File or folder information is typically stored in one of two ways in an MFT record:
Resident and nonresident
Each MFT record starts with a header identifying it as a resident or nonresident attribute
You can only tell whether a file has a data stream attached by examining that files MFT entry
Users can apply EFS to files stored on their local workstations or a remote server
Error in Textbook
Page 225 Only Windows 2000 used the Administrator account as the default EFS Recovery Agent Windows XP and later versions have no EFS recovery agent by default
Links Ch 6e, 6f
Of particular concern is the theft of laptop computers and other handheld devices To help prevent loss of information, software vendors now provide whole disk encryption
iClicker Questions
A small file contains only ten bytes of text on an NTFS volume. Where are those ten bytes stored?
B.Data run
C.Data stream D.FAT E.Drive slack
For investigative purposes, the Registry can contain valuable evidence To view the Registry, you can use:
Regedit (Registry Editor) program for Windows 9x systems Regedt32 for Windows 2000 and XP
See link Ch 6g
Msdos.sys is a hidden text file containing startup options for Windows 9x provides a command prompt when booting to MS-DOS mode (DPMI)
A batch file containing customized settings for MSDOS that runs automatically
Io.sys is the first file loaded after the ROM bootstrap loader finds the disk drive
Msdos.sys then loads As the loading of nears completion, Msdos.sys looks for and loads Autoexec.bat
From a network forensics standpoint, you need to be aware of some potential issues, such as:
A virtual machine used to attack another system or network
Using Virtual PC
You must download and install Virtual PC first
See what type of physical machine your virtual machine thinks its running
Open the Virtual PC Console, and click Settings
iClicker Questions
C.Winload D.Boot.ini E.Io.sys
C.Ntldr D.HAL E.Winload
Which module shows the user a list of available operating systems on a Windows XP machine?
C.Hal D.Config.sys E.Ntldr