Novartis - Otrivin Case Study
Novartis - Otrivin Case Study
Novartis - Otrivin Case Study
. Created in 1996 Employs 1,15,000 people in over 140 countries Subsidiaries :Novartis Healthcare Private Limited, Sandoz Private Limited and Chiron Behring Vaccines Private Limited.
Otrivin Nasal Spray, priced at Rs 44 for a 10 ml spray bottle. Can be bought without prescription. Used for relief of nasal congestion in cases of common cold, sinusitis and rhinitis. Otrivin acts locally inside the nose resulting in relief from blocked nose within 2 minutes and works for as long as 10 hours.
The product is positioned to be a part of the cough/cold and allergies segment, estimated Rs 1,550 crore market in India. Of this, the nasal decongestion segment is about Rs 110 crore
OTC, world leader in R&D and marketing of self-medication products. The main OTC product categories are analgesics, cough, cold, allergy, gastrointestinal, skin care and smokingcessation treatments, as well as mineral supplements.
Pro- active efforts to establish Otrivins relationship with key pharma business media influencers. Sought opportunities to pitch Otrivin strengths and perspective on industry trends Leveraged strength in reference able customers across industry verticals Leveraged thought leadership to drive discussions/coverage on the pharmaceutical industry
Studies indicate Word of Mouth has 10 times the persuasive power. 15% of mums cited Otrivin as the preferred brand prior to program vs 87% post program.
Enhance corporate image of NOVARTIS INDIA Create awareness about OTRIVIN SPRAY Business segments Competitive strengths Benefit to clients Create a recall/preference for Otrivin Spray among customers
The pharmaceutical industry is extremely technical in nature Few journalists with right knowledge levels Already an established brand, challenge was to re launch in different format.
Raised the desired awareness about Otrivin Spray Achieved quality and quantity proactive media placements Communicated key messages to stakeholders Created a Otrivin favorable core media group