SRD Tollgate BasedProjectManagement
SRD Tollgate BasedProjectManagement
SRD Tollgate BasedProjectManagement
Define tollgates and checklist items to be completed for each tollgate Project reviews are based on checklist items at each tollgate
Example Discussion:
The example on the next page shows a 10-tollgate template.
The number of tollgates used can be changed. For this example items 1-6 correspond to Defining the problem and Formulating solutions, plus numerous project management tasks. Tollgates 7, 8 and 9 correspond to detailed design and development Tollgate 10 covers field support, a very important component of a realworld product development project
GE GP7000
(10/18/96) (11/30/96) (1/10/97) (3/31/97) (9/97)
Get Consensus Feedback
Propose -
Prepare detailed plan
Prepare Launch
Produce & Support
+ Need identified for NPI Process. + Establish Senior Leadership Team. + Identify Leadership Team. + Establish NPI Team. + Evaluate business impact. + Define initial program requirements. + Conceptual designs evaluated. + Tollgate 1 checklist review completed.
+ Define key technical requirements. + Brainstorm issues. + Develop risk assessment criteria. + Hold conceptual design & program cross functional reviews. + Finalize alternative approaches (strategy). + Identify manufacturing approaches. + Perform risk assessment. + Selling price established, target cost reviewed, current capability cost defined. + Prepare prelim. program plan. + Tollgate 2 checklist review completed.
+ Expand team membership. + Begin risk abatement plans. + Generate preliminary approach. + Obtain stakeholder feedback and revise approach as required. + Vendor partners identified. + Identify installation impacts. + Customer study deck complete. + Engine operability & deterioration requirements defined. + Detailed maintenance cost rolled up. + Airframer acceptance of design. + Confirm all technologies on hand. + Review Tollgate 3 checklist. + Conduct Tollgate 3 review.
+ Establish program launch scenario. + Communicate status of program direction. + Define detailed customer requirements. + Initiate QFD to identify top-level CTQs. + Prepare detailed program plans. + Baseline configuration frozen. + Commercial engine aircraft system specs completed and signed. + Approve plan to close target cost/current cost gap. + Tollgate 4 checklist review completed.
+ Finalize technical requirements. + Update business and technical plans. Business plan approved by business council. + Identify NPI Scorecard metrics. + Establish launch requirements. + Confirm funding, participants, and facilities available. + Sources selected & approved by source board. + Cycle, flowpath & configuration frozen, cycle audited. + Nacelle & fan reverser supplier specs issued. + Revenue sharing participant agreements finalized and plans completed. + Process capability (Cp/Cpk) known for all CTQs. + Configuration Mgt system defined. + UG Master Model components selected. + Tollgate 5 checklist review completed.
+ Tech Reqmnts issued. + Performance stack up complete. + ICD approved. + Quote deck delivered. + Preliminary Type Board held. + CERT/QUAL plan reviewed. + Block test configuration defined. + Program funding finalized. + Update integrated program master plans/Identify critical path elements. + Configuration Mgt. plan frozen. + Finalize make/buy decisions. + Finalize manufacturing processes. + Identify design review & program scorecards review schedules. + Identify Review Tollgate 6 checklist. + Conduct Tollgate 6 review.
+ Launch program. + Refine critical path elements/schedule. + Identify CTQs. + Initiate concurrent detail design & manufacturing process planning. + Hold detailed design reviews. + Finalize detail design/test definition. + Review Tollgate 7 checklist. + Conduct Tollgate 7 review.
+ Procure/manufacture hardware. + Validate process capability. + Finalize detailed cert/qual test plans. + Prepare test hardware. + Review Tollgate 8 checklist. + Conduct Tollgate 8 review.
+ Complete component tests, engine, and flight testing as required. + Confirm all program requirements are met, and complete documentation. + Obtain customer/agency approval. + Review Tollgate 9 checklist. + Conduct Tollgate 9 review.
+ Review producibility data. + Review field data. + Identify ongoing improvements. + Hold periodic Tollgate 10 reviews. 80% 90%
Mission: Develop and certify by December 1999 the GE-P&W Engine Alliance GP7000 engine for the 747-600 airplane with airplane certification by December 2000 to satisfy our customers and shareholders with world class products and services . GE Proprietary Information Unauthorized Reproduction Prohibited
Produce & Support
+ Launch program. + Refine critical path elements/schedule. + Identify CTQs. + Initiate concurrent detail design & manufacturing process planning. + Hold detailed design reviews. + Finalize detail design/test definition. + Review Tollgate 7 checklist. + Conduct Tollgate 7 review.
+ Procure/manufacture hardware. + Validate process capability. + Finalize detailed cert/qual test plans. + Prepare test hardware. + Review Tollgate 8 checklist. + Conduct Tollgate 8 review.
+ Complete component tests, engine, and flight testing as required. + Confirm all program requirements are met, and complete documentation. + Obtain customer/agency approval. + Review Tollgate 9 checklist. + Conduct Tollgate 9 review.
+ Review producibility data. + Review field data. + Identify ongoing improvements. + Hold periodic Tollgate 10 reviews.
Sr. Design Tollgates 1. Tollgate 1 Conceptual and Preliminary Design a. Sufficient problem definition, development of design specifications, and investigation of alternatives b. Sufficient/correct analysis of alternatives c. Sufficient justification provided for selection of best design concept d. Sufficient/correct development of preliminary design to show feasibility with respect to ability to meet design specifications e. Sufficient project management planning and scheduling has been completed
Sr. Design Tollgates Tollgate 3 Design refinement and performance validation via prototype testing a. Prototype performance shows that final design can adequately meet all critical design specifications b. Performance predictions from dynamic simulations correlated/compared to actual performance results and all significant discrepancies corrected c. Adequate cost/manufacturability analysis has been completed
Sr. Design Tollgates Tollgate 4: Pre-Production Review a. Final design includes refinements based on prototype testing and simulations b. Final design characteristics (dimensions, materials, etc.) have been developed based on failure analysis with respect to all potential failure modes, and proper design factors of safety were achieved c. Project documentation package is completed, including a complete and correct set of properly dimensioned and toleranced engineering drawings d. Final design has been evaluated for form/fit/function, manufacturability, assembly, safety, reliability, cost, patent infringement, and environmental impact, and results of these evaluations are clearly documented
ME471, Dr. Kremer
Sr. Design Tollgates For all tollgates: a. The design report and formal presentation associated with each design review must be acceptable b. All group members must exhibit sufficient mastery of the Professional Skills and Tools associated with the current phase of the design process