Mpro Installation Miktex Windows Machine PDF
Mpro Installation Miktex Windows Machine PDF
Mpro Installation Miktex Windows Machine PDF
1 Short guide 2 Requirements for software 2.1 Warning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.2 Steps/Downloads . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Download the LaTeX-files for Minion Pro 4 Download the LaTeX-files for Myriad Pro 5 Install LCDF typetools 6 Conversion of .otf files 7 The Right Place 7.1 LaTeX-files (metrics) 7.1.1 Minion Pro . 7.1.2 Myriad Pro . 7.2 Converted font-files . 8 The Final Steps 9 Usage and ligatures 10 Miscellaneous notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 2 2 2 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 6 7
1 Short guide
This section contains a short overview, just to give you an idea of the whole operation. You do not need to understand and know about each phrase I mention. :-) 1) Download all the software you most likely do not have on your PC. A 2) Download all the LTEX-font-files (called metrics) for Minion Pro and Myriad Pro you most likely do not have on your PC. 3) Install LCDF typetools for MikTeX. 4) Convert the .otf-files. 5) Put the files into the right place. 6) Get ready.
Adobes policy on its Reader and other products that are relevant Adobes License Agreement on Adobe fonts Adobes legal statement concerning piracy and fonts Adobes Western Fonts End User License Agreement
2.2 Steps/Downloads
Here are some steps you might need to take in advance: 1) Create a folder somewhere on your PC, preferrably your desktop, and name it mpro-workingfolder. 2) In the folder mpro-workingfolder, create two folders named minionpro-stuff and myriadpro-stuff. 3) Check if you have the Adobe Reader installed. If not, download the version you want (but please mind that it has to be version 7 or higher) and install it. Also, for the next step, please remember where you installed it. 4) Go to the Adobe Readers program folder and follow the path \Resource\Font. You find the .otf-files of the Minion Pro and Myriad Pro font there. Copy these files into the folder mpro-workingfolder.
4 Download the LaTeX-files for Myriad Pro 5) You will need a program that can extract (also called unpack) archived files, especially of the type .zip and .gz. You could download WinRaR or 7-zip. You need to know how to use the program you downloaded. 6) You will need a program that can convert .otf-files into Type 1 format. For your convenience, download the file lcdf-typetools-w32.tar.gz on the homepage of the LCDF-project. If you printed this document, please google/bing this term. Also: You do not need to understand right away what it does and what the font-formats mean. To explain it really short and simple: A LTEX cannot directly use the usual font formats that work for software like or MS Office (e.g. .ttf, which is the most common file type for a font).
Extract is meant to be used via WinRaR or 7-zip. This applies to all Extracts in this document.
8 The Final Steps 4) Insert it into your local TEXMF-folder. If you dont know where that is, heres a description: Lets say you installed your Windows OS on drive C: and your username on your Windows OS is Phil. Then choose one of the following locations: a) For Windows XP: Insert the copied files into the folder
C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\Phil\Lokale. . . . . . Einstellungen\Anwendungsdaten\MikTeX\2.x\.
I know that this is the path in German, so I can only guess that in English it would be C:\Documents and Settings\Phil\Local. . . . . . Properties\Application Data\MikTeX\2.x\. b) For Windows Vista the folder would be:
5) 6) 7) 8)
Go into the folder myriadpro-stuff. Mark the folders dvips and tex. Copy them (ctrl+c). Insert them into the folder F:\Program Files\MikTeX 2.x\.
If prompted, click on Yes . 4) Do the preceeding 3 steps similarly for the Myriad Pro font files, meaning MinionPro is MyriadPro.
9 Usage and ligatures 3) At the very end of the file, add Map and Map Close the file, click on Yes (so that you save the changes) when the dialogue pops up. Please mind: Do not change the filename. The filename has to stay updmap.cfg. 4) In Windows, click on Start (left bottom). 5) Click on Run2 . 6) Enter cmd and hit Enter. 7) For the following steps, the procedure for each term is to type in the term, hit Enter, wait for the computer to finish the process and go on to the next term. a) texhash (which equals Refresh FNDB from the MikTeX settings manager GUI.) b) initexmf -u c) updmap 8) You can now use the command
Youll get Minion Pro as the main text and math font for your document. For the use of Myriad Pro as your usual font for captions, use
Do not use
\usepackage{MyriadPro} or \usepackage{Minion-LF}.
A For the first build of your LTEX document with these two commands, you have to wait a bit for it to finish.
into your browsers adress bar and hit Enter. You have to put the file glyphtounicode.tex into your main .tex-files folder, meaning the folder of the file you compile when generating your .pdf- or .ps-file. Use the file via \input and then activate the unmasking via \pdfgentounicode=1.
2 3
Ausfhren in German. Without any problems when compiled via PDFTEX (pdflatex.exe), that is. Ironically, the old file I created was created via PS PDF (latex.exe) and that apparently omits ligatures. So if anyone copied and pasted the link: it didnt work because of the ligature ft, which was in the old link.
10 Miscellaneous notes
1) Just in case the Myriad Pro resources vanish some day from the server where they are located, you could take a look at the A LTEX Font Catalogue ( I think that the Bera Sans font looks quite alright with Minion Pro. 2) In math mode, MnSymbol will should be chosen and installed automatically, but this requires the activated on-the-fly option in the MikTeX settings manager. If you have a firewall (say such as ZoneAlarm), make sure that the relevant executables (pdflatex.exe and some other executables from MikTeX called mpm_mfc.exe and so on) may connect to the internet. 3) There wasnt any typewriter style supplied with Adobes original Minion Pro files. Thats why there is the line \usepackage{inconsolata}. It loads a typewriter font. There are lots of other typewriter style fonts available, just take a look at the Font Catalogue. You could also type \renewcommand{\ttdefault}{lmtt}, then you would get the typewriter style of the Latin Modern fonts (usually loaded via \usepackage{lmodern}).