PR-VI Plant Conservation Workshop - June 25-29-2012
PR-VI Plant Conservation Workshop - June 25-29-2012
PR-VI Plant Conservation Workshop - June 25-29-2012
Islands biogeographic region. It creates a venue to meet and discuss current plant conservation issues in the region, share knowledge from each Caribbean island involved, network among participants that could yield new collaborations, and discuss the current conservation laws and policies that apply to Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, and the British Virgin Islands. Where: Biology Department Auditorium, Univ. of Puerto Rico at Mayagez. Room capacity: 139 people. Monday, June 25th, 8am6pm Introductory remarks and history of plant listings in PR-VI Region by Christian Torres (USDA FS IITF) Plant Endemism and Diversity in the Caribbean Islands by Dr. Pedro Acevedo (Smithsonian Institution) Puerto Rican Endangered Plant Initiative - TBA (NYBG) The Bylaws, the Principles & Practices of Plant Conservation (PR-DNER, USVI-DPNR, BVINPT, USFWS) Plant Conservationist in an Age of Ecological Surprises offered by Dr. Mike Maunder, Associate Dean for Research Engagement at the Florida International University. UNs CBD Global Strategy for Plant Conservation and the Global Partnership for Plant Conservation by Dr. Colin Clubbe (RBG Kew) Endangered Species Act Listing Process by Omar Monsegur (USFWS) Overview of the IUCN Red Listing by Dr. Clubbe Tuesday, June 26th, 9am4:30pm Training on Red Listing Plants Using the IUCN Red List Categories and Criteria offered by Dr. Colin Clubbe, Martin Hamilton, and Sara Barrios from the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew Tour of the MAPR Herbarium Wednesday, June 27th 8am5:00pm Field trip to the Gunica State Forest and to the Cabo Rojo National Wildlife Refuge Poster presentations: Posters will be presented on Monday, June 25th from 4:00 to 6:00 pm. All participants are encouraged to bring posters on topics related to plant conservation. The workshop has a registration fee of $30 (USD) that includes all coffee breaks, welcoming reception on Monday and lunches. Lodging reservations during the workshop can be made at the Holiday Inn Hotel & Tropical Casino in Mayagez, which includes parking, WiFi, and breakfast for a workshop-negotiated rate of $105 (USD) per night + 11% taxes for single/double room accommodation. Lodging arrangements and registration will be handled by Esther Rojas (; 1+ (787) 201-6070), from Fundacin Puertorriquea de Conservacin. For any questions regarding the workshop, please contact: Christian Torres Santana at 1+ (787) 766-5335 ext. 110, email:
This workshop is funded by a cooperative agreement from the USDA Forest Service. This institution is an equal opportunity provider.