Production of Dragon Fruit Powder Using Spray Drying
Production of Dragon Fruit Powder Using Spray Drying
Production of Dragon Fruit Powder Using Spray Drying
A report submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the degree of Bachelor of Chemical Engineering
MAY, 2009
I declare that this thesis entitled Production of Dragon Fruit Powder Using Spray Dryer Method is the result of my own research except as cited in the references. The thesis has not been accepted for any degree and is not concurrently submitted in candidature of any other degree.
Beloved parent; Mr. Dailami b. Husin & Mrs. Shariah bt. Maarof
Understanding and helpful friends; For Their Love, Support and Best Wishes.
First and foremost, I wish to express my sincere appreciation to my project supervisor, Prof. Madya Nordin b. Endut, for constantly guiding and encouraging me throughout this study. Thanks a lot for giving me a professional training, advice and suggestion to bring this thesis to its final form. Without his support and interest, this thesis would not have been the same as presented here.
I am grateful to the staff of Faculty of Chemical Engineering of University Malaysia Pahang for their cheerfulness and professionalism in handling their work. In preparing this thesis, I was in contact with many people, researches, academicians and practitioners. They have contributed towards my understanding and thoughts.
In particular, my sincere thankful is also extends to all my colleagues and others who have provided assistance at various occasions. Their views and tips are useful indeed. Unfortunately, it is not possible to list all of them in this limited space. And last, but not least I thank my mothers and other family members for their continuous support while completing this thesis.
Dragon fruit is a species of non seasoning fruit. This tree can produce fruit whole year and the fruit are harvest at anytime in the year. This fruit mostly consumed freshly. So the market for this fruit are limited and have limited period because of the fruit will turn bad after a few day of harvesting. To increase the economics of this fruit, product of this fruit should be varies where widen market are available. The product can be varies by producing powder of fruit juice where the potential of this type of product are large. This product can be keep for long time and it easy to market anywhere. The objective of this experiment is to produce dragon fruit powder using fresh fruit. By manipulating temperature and percentage of maltodextrin used to produce as much as possible of powder and retain the natural vitamin content. The powder should be fine particles and soft with bright red color and able to be keep for long period. The temperature (oC) used in this experiment are 150, 160, 170, 180 and 190and using maltodextrin by 5, 10, 15, 20 and 25 percent for every 200ml of dragon fruit juice. By using spray dryer, powder is produce for each temperatures and percentage of maltodextrins. The powder is then test on solubility, moisture content, dissolubility rate and vitamin C content. Result from this experiment find that the optimum temperature should be used for production of dragon fruit powder is 180oC by using 20% of maltodextrin. Powder produce using this parameter are fine and soft powder.
Buah naga adalah spesis yang berbuah sepanjang tahun tanpamengikut musim. Pokok ini akan berbuah sepanjang tahun dan hasil boleh dituai tidak kira masa. Kebanyakan buah ini diambil secara segar. Oleh itu pasaran adalah terhad dan mempunyai jangka masa yang singkat kerana buah yabg segar akan rosak selepas beberapa hari dipetik. Oleh itu kepelbagaian dalam produk makanan ini perlu dihasilkan bagi membuka pasaran yang lebih luas. Antara bentuk produk yang mempunyai potensi pasaran adalah jus buah-buahan dalam bentuk serbuk. Dimana ia boleh disimpan lebih lama dan mudah untuk dipasarkan kemana sahaja. Tujuan kajian ini adalah untuk menghasilkan serbuk buah naga daripada buah naga segar. Dengan memanipulasikan suhu dan peratus maltodextrin yang digunakan, kajian ini dijalankan bagi memperoleh serbuk sebanyak mungkin dengan mengekalkan kandungan vitamin dan mempunyai ciri-ciri yang mampu disimpan lama. Suhu (oC) yang digunakan adalah 150, 160, 170, 180, dan 190 dengan menggunakan maltodextrin sebanyak 5, 10,15,20 dan 25 peratus bagi setiap 200 ml jus buah naga. Dengan menggunakan spray dryer, serbuk dihasilkan daripada setiap sampel suhu dan setiap sampel peratus maltodextrin. Serbuk yang dihasilkan akan diuji kandungan kelambapan, keterlarutan, kadar keterlarutan dan kandungan vitamin C. Hasil daripada kajian ini mendapati bahawa suhu yang sesuai digunakan adalah 180oC dengan menggunakan 20% maltodextrin. Dimana serbuk yang dihasilkan adalah halus dan lembut.
i ii iv v vi x xi xii xiii
I TRODUCTIO 1.1 Background of study 1.1.1 Uses of the fruit 1.1.2 The future 1.2 1.3 1.4 Problem statement Objectives Scope of research
LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 2.2 2.3 Fruit juice 2.1.1 Drying Mechanism Vitamin C General characteristic of dryer
viii 2.3.1 2.3.2 Type of dryer equipment Spray dryer principle Introduction Spray dryer Brief history of spray dryer 2.4 Vitamin C retention analysis 10 11 10 13 14 15 16 16 16 16 18 20 20 21 21 21 21 22 22 23 24 26 27 27 30 32 32 34 36 37
METHODOLOGY 3.1 3.2 Introduction Material 3.2.1 3.2.2 3.3 3.4 3.3.1 3.4.1 Dragon fruit puree preparation Maltodextrin Spray Dryer Research method Spray dried powder Moisture test Solubility test Dissolution test 3.4.2 3.4.3 Qualitative analysis of HPLC Experimental method of HPLC
RESULT A D DISCUSSIO 4.1 Powder preparation 4.1.1 4.1.2 4.2 4.2.1 4.2.2 4.2.3 4.2.4 Spray dried sample with different amount of maltodextrin Spray dried sample with different temperature Moisture content in different maltodextrin amount Moisture content using different temperature Solubility test Dissolubility test for different temperature Analysis
ix 4.2.5 4.2.6 4.2.7 Dissolubility test for different maltodextrin amount Amount of vitamin C retain using different temperature Amount of vitamin C retain using different amount of maltodextrin 41 43 43 44 45 48 Setting for spray dryer HPLC analysis result for maltodextrin parameter Image of dragon fruit powder 48 49 54 40 39
TABLE O 1.1 2.1 3.1 3.2 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8 4.9 4.10 4.11 4.12 4.13 4.14
TITLE Nutrient value per 100 g of fresh dragon fruit Properties of ascorbic acid Trial of different juice to water ratio used for spray drying Maltodextrin (10DE) specification Mass of trials for each amount of maltodextrin To find optimum amount of maltodextrin Mass of trial of each temperature To find optimum temperature Moisture test for different amount of maltodextrin Moisture test for different temperature Average moisture content at different temperature Solubility test trials Solubility test Dissolution test for different temperature Vitamin C content in powder of different temperature Vitamin C content in powder of different maltodextrin
FIGURE O 2.1 3.1 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8 4.9
PAGE 8 10 10 12 16 16 17 20 22 25 30
Mass of powder collect using different amount maltodextrin Average mass for each temperature Moisture content in different amount of maltodextrin Moisture content in different temperature Solubility test for different temperature Reconstitute time for different temperature Reconstitute time for different amount maltodextrin Vitamin C content in different temperature Vitamin C content in different maltodextrin
Ascorbic Acid Capillary Force Dextrose Equivalent Intake Air High Performance Liquid Chromatography Ion Exchange Chromatography Kalium Dihydrogen Phosphate Liquid Liquid Chromatography Nozzle Atomizer Glass Temperature
TITLE Setting for spray dryer HPLC analysis result for maltodextrin parameter Images of dragon fruit powder`
PAGE 48 49 54
Background Dragon fruit is the fruit of several cactus species. These fruit are also known
as pitaya, native to Mexico and Central and South America. Growing dragon fruit commercially is common in places like Thailand and Vietnam where the climate makes the dragon fruit growing conditions just right for growing dragon fruit cactus all the way successfully to fruit. There are three most commonly cultivated varieties of dragon fruit, red dragon fruit with red flesh and red skin, dragon fruit with yellow skin and white flesh, and red dragon fruit with red skin and white flesh. All dragon fruit varieties have the flesh or dragon fruit pulp filled with lots of tiny black seeds which are edible with the fruit. Dragon fruit is a seasonal type. These fruit mostly available around August to November. The health benefits of dragon fruit cactus fruit are many and varied. These dragon fruit nutritional benefits include help to lower blood glucose levels in type 2 diabetes. Dragon fruit health benefits and the great dragon fruit nutrition benefits make dragon fruit cactus fruit popular all over the world. Dragon fruit vitamin C and dietary fiber are both positive nutritional benefits of dragon fruit among others. It has no dragon fruit cholesterol and very little cholesterol causing fats (fats are in the dragon fruit seeds). A significant portion prefers a grift-free, haze-free dragon fruit juice. Clarified may be more acceptable to the general population and may be used in the manufacturing of clear dragon fruit powder. There are also potential for use of an instant dragon fruit powder in formulated drinks, baby food and other product. Several methods may be used for production of dragon fruit powder, but the most successfully include freeze-drying,
2 foam-mat drying, spray drying and tunnel drying. Spray-drying is most preferable compared to others which is more economic and good powder quality. Plants in the cactus family, Cactaceae, originated in North, Central, and South America. They are widely distributed, from coastal areas, to high mountains, and in tropical rainforests. Their appearance is just as variable, from thimble-size species, to enormous column species, and the epiphytic (climbing) species. The cactus families are highly adaptable to a new environment. The plants are able to tolerate drought, heat, poor soil, and cold. The modification of the stem for water storage, the reduction or absence of leaves, the waxy surfaces, and night-time opening of the tissues for carbon dioxide uptake (the CAM process), enable the plants to tolerate harsh conditions. Terms used to describe plants with such adaptations include xerophyte and succulent. These adaptations to survive dry, hot conditions, apply to the above-ground plant. The roots are non-succulent and require small amounts of water and cooler temperatures. Cacti will not tolerate saline or water-logged conditions, nor will they grow where there is an absence of plant life. In their native lands, the plants were used for many purposes, but one of major importance is the fruit as a food source. Fruit was collected from naturally established stands. Later, cuttings were taken from highly productive plants and grown around houses. A similar process is now in place in several countries around the world to establish plantations of cacti with edible fruit, from column, shrubby and climbing types. Epiphytic or climbing cacti use their adventitious roots from the stems to cling to rocks and trees for support. These roots do not feed from the host plant. The aerial roots collect water and nutrients from their surroundings, enabling the plant to survive if the base is severed. This feature also allows the plants to be successfully grown from cuttings. Hylocereus undatus (Haworth) Britt and Rose, a climbing cactus thought to be from the tropical rainforests of Central and northern South America, is one species that has been used as a food source. It has already received worldwide recognition as an ornamental plant for the large, scented, night-blooming flowers. Its fame is now spreading throughout the world for its fruit, especially in Israel, Vietnam and Australia. Other climbing cactus species grown for the edible fruit include Hylocereus polyrhizus and Selenicereus megalanthus. H. polyrhizus has red skin and red flesh dotted with edible black seeds, while S. megalanthus, the pitaya amarillo or
3 yellow pitaya, has yellow skin and clear to white flesh containing edible black seeds. Columnar cacti, such as Cereus peruvianus the apple cactus, and the shrubby Opuntia species - the cactus (prickly) pears, are also grown for their edible fruit. The Opuntia species are also well known due to their noxious weed status. Plants spread and establish rapidly from seeds and vegetative pieces. The potential for Hylocereus to become a weed is unknown at this stage.
Uses of the Fruit H. undatus fruit is highly appreciated when served chilled and cut in half to
reveal the attractive colours. The flesh and seeds are scooped out with a spoon, much like a kiwi fruit. The flesh is firm and crisp, with a delicately sweet and lingering flavour. The juicy flesh can also be mixed with milk or sugar, used in marmalades, jellies, ices and soft drinks.
The Future H. undatus has a niche market in Australia at present. Prices are dependent on
the demand for the fruit. The ease of establishment and rapid growth may quickly lead to an oversupply in the market. The export potential for H. undatus from Australia is unknown at this stage.
4 Table 1.1: Nutrient value per 100 g of fresh dragon fruit Constitutent Water Protein Fat Fiber Ash Calcium Phosphorous Iron Carotene Thiamine Riboflavin Niacin Ascorbic acid H.guatemalensis 83% 0.16-0.23 g 0.21-0.61 g 0.7-0.9 g 0.54-0.68 g 6.3-8.8 g 30.2-36.1 mg 0.55-0.65 mg 0.005-0.12 mg 0.28-0.43 mg 0.28-0.45 mg 0.297-0.430 mg 8-9 mg H.undatus 89% 0.5 g 0.1 g 0.3 g 0.5 g 6.0 g 19.0 mg 0.4 mg NR 0 mg 0 mg 0.2 mg 25 mg
Problem Statement
Pitahaya also known as Strawberry Pear, Dragon Fruit in South East Asia, and Pitaya in Central America. Native to tropical America, range from Southern Mexico to Northern South America. It has great potential as a new crop for growers. This exotic fruits demand increase and the current demand exceeds supply. Relatively high antioxidant activity when compared to other subtropical fruits. Mostly white fleshed varieties used for fresh consumption or for dcor/garnish. It is a rich source of ascorbic acid, containing up to 25 mg/100 g (depends on variety). Dragon fruit juices are currently produced and may have greater market potential, but drying process conditions for these products have not been determined to preservation purposes. There is also potential for use of an instant dragon fruit powder in formulated drinks, baby foods and other products.
5 Drying process capable to cause a reduction in ascorbic acid content of the juice due to oxidation and temperature change. Transportation costs would be reduced significantly when shipping this product to distant markets. However, information about dragonfruit powders does not exist in the literature. Dragon fruit has best nutritional properties and drying operations must be carefully designed to maintain these nutritional properties. Nutrient retention in different temperature and after dried must be investigated to determine temperature effect and water activity level or moisture content effect on dragon fruit juice and to design best drying process from the study.
1.3 1. 2.
Objective To set optimum amount of carrier(maltodextrin) and temperature for maximizing yield and retaining ascorbic acid Dragon fruit powder production by spray drying methods
Scope of Study Literature shows very limited work on processing of dragon fruit powder
production. Lack of sufficient engineering and nutritional data for dragon fruit processing emphasizes that more efforts need to be focused in these areas. Study on drying of dragon fruit was, therefore, started in undergraduate research work. In this study, moisture transfer and nutrient retention of dragon fruit during spray drying is investigated. In this study, nutrient level of dragon fruit puree at initial state and after powdered using spray drying in different temperature is investigated. The objective was to prepare dragon fruit powders using spray drying methods and evaluate the effects of drying on physico-chemical properties especially temperature effect on vitamin C in dragon fruit juice. A qualitative analysis was conducted to determine the level of nutrient retention in juice a dragon fruit juice or
6 puree after dried using spray drier which is also known as one of the highest nutrient retention drier (Chetan A. Chopra, 2005) compare to freeze-drying, foam mat drying, and tunnel drying. In brief, the scopes of the study are state as; 1. To preserve dragon fruit by spray drying (powdered). 2. Reduce transportation cost to distant market. 3. Evaluate temperature and moisture content effect on nutrient (vitamin C selected as index) when dried. 4. To increase shelf life 5. Produce instant dragon fruit powder as formulated drinks and baby foods 6. A consumer preference test to determine the quality of the dragon fruit powder 7. Minimizing nutrient loss in processing by determine best temperature to spray dry
remove the majority of the water normally present in a food by evaporation. It is a complicated process involving simultaneous heat and mass transfer in which heat penetrates into the product and moisture is removed by evaporation into an unsaturated gas phase.
Drying Mechanism The mechanism of moisture movement within the solid in drying process has
received much attention in the literature and a significant number of drying theories have been developed. Mechanisms such as, molecular diffusion, capillary motion, liquid diffusion through solid pores, vapor diffusion in air-filled pores, Knudsen flow, vaporization condensation sequence flow and hydrodynamic flow were considered. These mechanisms are of particular importance for fruits and vegetables as product structure will influence the moisture movement. Mujumdar (1990) reviewed theories on the mechanism of moisture migration. Generally, there appear to be four probable major modes of transfer: 1.Liquid movement caused by capillary forces; 2.Liquid diffusion resulting from concentration gradients;
8 3.Vapor diffusion due to partial pressure gradients; 4. Diffusion in liquid layers absorbed at solid interfaces. Foods can be classified as hygroscopic and non-hygroscopic. The partial pressure of water vapor in hygroscopic food varies with the moisture content, while that of non-hygroscopic food is constant at different moisture contents. Thus, nonhygroscopic foods have a single falling-rate period, whereas hygroscopic foods have two falling rate periods. In the falling rate periods, the rate of moisture movement within the solid and the effects of external factors. Moisture transfer in drying is a complex process where different mechanisms can occur at the same time. In the process of drying, mechanisms may vary considerably. A realistic model should consider as many as of the different phenomenon (e.g., simultaneous heat and mass transfer, multi-dimensional transfer, material shrinkage) occurring in the course of drying. It may not be possible to use same drying model for different foods or drying conditions. Dragon fruit puree drying can be done by many ways. The spray-drying process has a higher retention of Vitamin C and the pro-vitamins A and betacarotene. (Manila Times). The juice or puree is dispersed or atomized to form droplets and sprayed into a heated chamber where it is dried and forms a freeflowing powder. The more common technologies such as convection, cabinet and drum drying are more costly, more labor-intensive, more complicated, and more likely to cause powder burns.
most mammals, humans do not have the ability to make their own vitamin C. Therefore, we must obtain vitamin C through our diet. Vitamin C is required for the synthesis of collagen, an important structural component of blood vessels, tendons, ligaments, and bone. Vitamin C also plays an important role in the synthesis of the
9 neurotransmitter, norepinephrine. Neurotransmitters are critical to brain function and are known to affect mood. In addition, vitamin C is required for the synthesis of carnitine, a small molecule that is essential for the transport of fat to cellular organelles called mitochondria, for conversion to energy. Recent research also suggests that vitamin C is involved in the metabolism of cholesterol to bile acids, which may have implications for blood cholesterol levels and the incidence of gallstones. Vitamin C is also a highly effective antioxidant. Even in small amounts vitamin C can protect indispensable molecules in the body, such as proteins, lipids (fats), carbohydrates, and nucleic acids (DNA and RNA) from damage by free radicals and reactive oxygen species that can be generated during normal metabolism as well as through exposure to toxins and pollutants (e.g. smoking). Vitamin C may also be able to regenerate other antioxidants such as vitamin E. Vitamin C is known to function as a highly effective antioxidant in living organisms. However, in test tube experiments, vitamin C can interact with some free metal ions to produce potentially damaging free radicals. Although free metal ions are not generally found under physiological conditions, the idea that high doses of vitamin C might be able to promote oxidative damage in vivo has received a great deal of attention. Widespread publicity has been given to a few studies suggesting a pro-oxidant effect of vitamin C, but these studies turned out to be either flawed or of no physiological relevance. A recent comprehensive review of the literature found no credible scientific evidence that supplemental vitamin C promotes oxidative damage under physiological conditions or in humans. Studies that report a pro-oxidant effect for vitamin C should be evaluated carefully to determine whether the study system was physiologically relevant, and to rule out the possibility of methodological and design flaws. For example, a study in the June 15, 2001, issue of the journal Science shows that lipid hydroperoxides (rancid fat molecules) can react with vitamin C to form products that could potentially harm DNA, although the reaction of these products with DNA was not demonstrated in this study. Pauling Institute considers the study's conclusions unwarranted, Vitamin C doesn't cause cancer! in the Linus Pauling Institute Newsletter. The Linus Pauling Institute recommends a vitamin C intake of at least 400 mg daily, the amount that has been found to fully saturate plasma and
10 circulating cells with vitamin C in young, healthy nonsmokers. Consuming at least five servings (2 cups) of fruits and vegetables daily may provide about 200 mg of vitamin C. Most multivitamin supplements provide 60 mg of vitamin C. Table 2.1: Properties of ascorbic acid Molecular formula Density Melting point Solubility in water Solubility in ethanol Solubility in glycerol Solubility in propylene glycol Acidity (pKa ) C6H8O6 176.124374 g/mol 1.65 g/cm 190-192 C, (decomposes) 33g/100ml 2g/100ml 1g/100ml 5g/100ml 4.17 (first), 11.6 (second) 463-465 K, 374-378 F
Types of Dryer Equipment There are many type of dryer can be found on market. Each dryer have a
specific capability which is using different method to done the job. So certain material can be match for a specific dryer which mean that not all material are suitable to be dry using a specific dryer. The dryer use depend on type of material use and it characteristics.
11 2.3.2 Spray Dryer In a spray dryer a liquid or slurry solution is sprayed into a hot gas stream in the form of a mist of fine droplets. The water is rapidly vaporized from the droplets, leaving the particles of dry solid which are separated from the gad stream. The flow of gas and liquid in the spray is co-current. The fine droplets are formed from the liquid feed by spray nozzles or high speed rotating sprays disks inside a cylindrical chamber. It is necessary that to ensure that the droplets or wet particles of solid do not strike and stick to solid surfaces before drying has taken places hence large chamber are used. The dried solids leave at the bottom of the chamber through a screw conveyor. The exhaust gases flow through a cyclone separator to remove any fines. The particles produced are usually light and porous.
Introduction Spray drying is one of the most complex methods for fruit juice drying. Fruit
juice is very sensitive and affected the different drying parameters. These parameters should be tested and determined before the design of the dryers. Natural hygroscopic and thermoplastic property of fruit juice is the basis problem in transport and handling of fruit juice powder produced in spray dryer
for establishing new industrial spray dryer to meet performance specification. This specification include: type of spray dryer flow current, optimum operation conditions, residence time and air humidity and ancillary equipment that necessary to complete drying without adverse effect on powder quality and prevent formation of unacceptable wall deposit of semi-dried product. Therefore the design of industrial spray dryer required accurate information of drying agent materials behavior. This information must be obtained with primary test with laboratory spray dryer. For fruit juice powder production two complex problems were available, stickiness of powder and its handling and the other related to fruit juice natural characteristic that causes no powder production. For preventing of stickiness and production of powder tow ways were, using of drying agent material and using of specific equipment to facilitate the powder handling. Dragon fruit juice hygroscopic required drying agent