A Api618 5th Ed Ce - Rev - 1
A Api618 5th Ed Ce - Rev - 1
A Api618 5th Ed Ce - Rev - 1
HSR Compressors
Comments and Exceptions to 5th Edition of API 618 for GE HSR Compressors Model A
Rev. 1: Dec 21, 2011 Key: E = Exception C = Comment $ = Cost adder required to meet specification Product is compliant with all paragraphs not identified in this document. API 618 5th Ed. Paragraph 6 6.1 6.1.3 Classification BASIC DESIGN GENERAL C Clarification
6.1.5 6.1.6 6.2 6.2.1 6.2.2 6.2.3 6.2.5 6.3 6.3.1 6.3.3 6.5 6.5.1
GE guarantees a single design point as calculated by the current version of the GE HSR compressor performance program for each compressor manufactured. All other performance is expected and is not guaranteed. Standard tolerance on guaranteed capacity is 3% for specific gravity (SG) ranges between 0.50 (14.482 molecular weight) and 0.80 (23.171 molecular weight). No negative tolerance on capacity can be applied when specified by Customer. Pressure design code is not specified or agreed upon by the Packager. GE provides limited data concerning sound levels. Maximum, not exceed able, on the level of 85 dBs. Sound power level data per octave band for the equipment is not provided. Not all fasteners 1 and larger have constant pitch of 8 TPI as required. Not all bolting connections have required clearance to permit the use of sockets and box wrenches. Condition not fully met. Not recommended slotted-nuts are used for crosshead caps, socket set screws are used internally for securing piston nut. Spanner-type bolting is not used. Bolting on reciprocating and rotating parts is locked by providing proper stretch in bolts.
CALCULATING COLD RUNOUT GE provides maximum values for horizontal and vertical rod run-out E C
in Installation and Operating Instruction. The horizontal and vertical rod run-out is not measured in the manufacturing facility. Compressor installation is per GE Packager Standard and is performed by authorized Packagers only.
ALLOWABLE DISCHARGE TEMPERATURE Maximum allowable discharge temperature is 350 F for lubricated E
cylinder. Rest of requirements is not applicable since GE doesnt quote nonlube cylinders or hydrogen rich applications.
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ROD AND GAS LOADS Combined rod load is calculated on the basis of highest discharge E
pressure and lowest suction pressure as specified by Customer.
COMPRESSOR CYLINDERS General MAWP for all cylinders provided by GE are above RDP by at least 25 C
E E 6.8.2 6.8.4 6.8.5 6.8.5 6.9 6.9.1
psig and in some cases over 10%. Packager is responsible for providing pressure relief valves for every compressor stage per appropriate section of API Standard. Most of cylinders are suitable for a 1/16 re-boring. Contact with HSR Technical Department is required to confirm each case. Cylinder heads, clearance pockets and valve covers are fastened with studs. Condition is not met for packing cases which are fastened with hex head capscrews. Torque values for all studs and capscrews are included in Torque Value Specifications. Our standard/stud hole is as follows: Class 2 stud installed with depth gage 1-1/2 diameter deep in Class 3 stud hole using anaerobic adhesive. Studs do not bottom.
Cylinder Appurtenances A series cylinders are machined to the exact cylinder diameter and E E C E C
liners are not offered. Roughness (Ra) requirement is not met for A series cylinders which have roughness of 0.8 m. GE supplier machines cylinder bore to meet requirements of print. Final honing may not be completed using same material as the rider band and piston rings. Valve cover studs are the same length. Not all A series cylinders have finish of valve port O-ring sealing surface in required range. Bevel is present.
Cylinder Connections General Unused connections are plugged with hex-head plugs made of C E C
carbon steel instead of round-head plugs.. Thread tape is not used, anti-seize paste is used. First 1 1/2 threads at both ends of each stud are not removed. Indicator valves are not provided. Connections are plugged with hexhead plugs made of carbon steel.
Flanges Flanges on cylinders are not design for through bolting. E External Forces and Moments Maximum allowable nozzle loads at the GE/Packager interfaces are E
not defined.
VALVES AND UNLOADERS Valves Typically GE doesnt equip valve unloaders with visual indicator of C E
position and load condition. Nevertheless, the actuator for the unloader design allows for installation of an indicator device. It is possible to insert discharge valve assembly into suction port, but valve assembly will not be sealed properly due to additional
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clearance. Valve dynamic study can be performed when tailored valves are requested by the Customer.
Unloaders GE does not provide valve unloader rain shield. C Connection of Piston Rod to Crosshead Positive locking of the rod is not provided (self-locking based on E C
preload achieved by striking wrench is provided). Not acceptable slugging wrench is used for applying the preload. Since striking wrench is a method to provide preload, exact torque is not known. From the other side A fleet experience confirms that obtained preload is sufficient to prevent connection loosening during service. A series pistons are not equipped with required venting hole or a spring-loaded relief plug to prevent gas gathering inside the assembly. GE standard piston rod design meets alternative methodology proposed by API. Rods are uncoated, manufactured from 4140 or better with minimum Rockwell hardness C50. For special services applications GE provides piston rods made from stainless steel 17-4 PH with tungsten carbide coating on pressure packing contact surfaces. Tolerance for finished rods is 0.0001 for roundness and 0.003 for run out.
CRANKCASES, CRANKSHAFTS, CONNECTING RODS, BEARINGS AND CROSSHEADS Connecting Rods GE conn rods are forged steel with removable caps and forced E
lubrication passages as required. Crankpin bushing (bearing) is the replaceable precision-bored type and is securely locked in place. 12 PT. cap screws are used for connecting rod bolting. They have rolled threads but they are not securely locked with cotter pins or wire after assembly. For A line GE uses crossheads made of ductile iron instead of required steel. The crosshead top and bottom shoes are not replaceable. They are integral part of crosshead covered with Babbit. GE does not provide relief devices for A series crankcase to protect against rapid pressure rise.
6.11.4 6.11.4 6.11.5 6.11.5 6.12 6.12.1 6.12.2
Crossheads E Crankcases E
DISTANCE PIECES Distance Piece Types Type C distance piece (long/long two compartment body) is not E C
available. Type D distance piece is provided. GE unique design provides 2 compartment solution with oil slinger.
Distance Piece Requirements Maximum design pressure of distance piece is 10 psig when solid E
covers are used, instead of 25 psi required.
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E PACKING CASES AND PRESSURE PACKING Pressure Packing Case Cooling Systems Cooled packing cases are not provided for cylinders with MAWP E
above 1500 psig.
Distance piece body doesnt have top vent connection with required size (at least NPT 1-1/2). Not all external connections are at least NPT 1.
LUBRICATION Compressor Frame Lubrication General The crankcase oil temperature will exceed 70 C (160F). E Lubrication components: C$
a. Reservoir provided, crankcase. b. Main oil pump provided. c. Auxiliary pump Packager responsibility, see for more details. d. Single cooler shipped loose and it is Packager responsibility to install it. e. Dual filters provided for Duplex solution only. Standard assembly is equipped with single filter. f. Heater oil immersion heaters can be provided per request g. Pressure relief valve provided. h. Low oil pressure switch on 1# main bearing feed Packager responsibility. i. Oil temperature switch - Packager responsibility. j. Valve only pump pressure relief valve provided. k. Oil piping and fittings are not always stainless steel. l. Almost all listed indicators are provided by Packager. GE provides only visual level indicator. Filter high differential pressure transmitter for alarm is not provided. Filter heads can be equipped with visual indicator to communicate a need of filter change. A line uses crankshaft driven lube oil pumps made of acceptable cast iron. Oil filter casting is cast/ductile iron in standard and Duplex option. Crankcase front cover is equipped with oil level sight glass but oil operating limits are not permanently indicated. GE performs 4h mechanical test at the workshop to confirm proper operation. In preparation to the test, lube system is flushed. External oil supply/discharge system is used. Some of the parts i.e. pump and suction lines are tested at that time. Conditions are partially met. a. Shell and tube cooler with removable-bundle design is offered- condition is met. b. Removable-bundle design is in accordance with ASME code condition is met. c. Cooling tube outside diameter is 3/8 instead of at least required 5/8 condition is not met. d. Coolers are offered in a variety of materials accepted by API standard condition is met.
Cooler E
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e. Coolers use forbidden U-bend tube design condition is not met. f. Coolers are equipped with a high point vent and low point drain connections condition is met.
Filters $
Conditions are partially met: Standard option: - Efficiency for 10 micron particle is 99.9% - condition is met - Collapsing differential pressure is 125 psi condition is met - Drain is not available condition is not met Duplex option: - Efficiency for 10 micron particle is 99.5% - condition is met - Collapsing differential pressure is 20 bar condition is met - Drain is available condition is met GE provides availability of heating the oil. The optional crankcase oil heaters are thermostatically controlled electric immersion heaters. It the packager's or end user's responsibility to install and maintain appropriate interlock devices.
Heater $
Pressure Relief Valve GE provides pressure relief (control) valve for main oil lubrication E
pump. This valve is located outside the crankcase and is individually piped back to the crank case. Body of relief valve is made of grey cast iron instead of required carbon steel.
Oil Temperature Regulator A thermostatic check valve is provided as a one of components for E
controlling oil temperature. Valve allows for oil bypass a cooler to maintain constant oil temperature. TCV used in GE standard design is made of cast iron. Stainless steel option is available per request. Provided valve is not flanged construction as required, NPT connections are provided instead.
Cylinder and Packing Lubrication Pump-to-point Lubrication Divider Block Lubrication Requirements are not fully met. E
a. Resettable spring-loaded indicator pin - not provided b. Rupture disc - provided c. Pressure gauge to indicate pump discharge pressure - not provided d. No-flow switch provided, shipped loose. e. Not applicable. Proximity switch is not provided since a cycle monitor is not provided.
Packager or End-user can request addition inspection or tests but they are extra cost. Set screw for locking piston nut to piston rod is made of material not fully compliant with NACE requirements. Experience shows that there are no issues during sour gas service. All other conditions are met. Condition is not met. GE uses ASTM A 193 Grade B7M studs and ASTM A 194 Grade 2HM nuts in cylinder connections.
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Pressure-containing Parts Nodular iron cylinders are provided up-to 2500 psi and gray cast iron E
cylinder up to 1270 psi.
Castings Nodular Iron Castings Nodular Iron is not supplied in compliance with ASTM A395; it is E Low-temperature Service GE has specifications and procedures that describe testing $
supplied in accordance with ASTM A536. Castings are heat treated only if the mechanical tests fail.
requirements for highly stressed parts. Besides common tests, required by API, GE offers also special tests/certificates that may be performed per Customer request. In other cases GE can study with part supplier the possibility of performing requested test but it will be a cost adder to unit price.
NAMEPLATES AND ROTATION ARROWS Purchaser item number/other reference are not given. All other E E
required are listed. All except hydrostatic test pressure and minimum allowable temperature are given.
CONTROLS AND INSTRUMENTATION It is Packager responsibility to design and install instrumentation and E$
control system. GE provides the following points for monitoring/shutdown connection: a. Low oil pressure b. High oil temperature c. Low oil level d. Cylinder high discharge temperature e. Frame vibration f. Cylinder pressure and temperature gauges GE doesnt provide monitoring points for: a. Crosshead pin bearing temperature b. Packing temperature
No flow switches (shipped loose), relief valve and rupture disk assembly are provided to each order. GE design does not give a provision for installation of thrust washer temperature monitoring and main bearing thermocouple. Minimum alarm/shutdown requirements are provided to Packager/end-user in Operation Manual attached to each order. Piston rod drop detectors are not furnished by GE.
PIPING AND APPURTENANCES Forced-feed Lubricator Tubing Tubing thickness is .065" for all connections except tubing between E
pump and crankcase reservoir (.049").
GE doesn't provide all special tools required by API: a. Mandrels for fitting solid wear bands on nonsegmental pistons - not provided.
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b. A lifting and lowering device provided. c. A crosshead removal and installation tool - not included in the package. d. Sleeve/cone to enable piston rod to be passed through completely assembled packing - provided. e. Hydraulic tensioning tools - not applicable. GE doesn't use hydraulic tensioning as a torqueing method. Condition is not fully met. Tools are sent in a separate metal box but they are not stamped or tagged. GE doesnt provide any device to lock the shaft in position during maintenance.
INSPECTION AND TESTING INSPECTION General Most of the data is maintained by Suppliers. GE cant assure that they C
are stored for at least 20 years. See below for more details: a. Necessary or specified certification of materials, such as mill test reports documents maintained at supplier level. b. Test data and results to verify that the requirements of the specification have been met documents maintained at supplier level. c. Fully identified records of all heat treatment whether in the normal course of manufacture or as part of a repair procedure documents maintained at supplier level. d. Results of quality control tests and inspections documents maintained at supplier level. e. Details of all repairs - data maintained in GE SDR & NCR system. f. If specified, final assembly maintenance and running clearances GA drawings stored on HSR Technical website, running clearances shipped with the unit. Additional inspections requested by Packager i.e. magnetic particle, liquid penetrant or ultrasonic examination are accepted but they are extra cost.
Material Inspection Ultrasonic Inspection Crankshafts can be ultrasonically tested per Purchaser request but it $
is extra cost.
Mechanical Inspection In preparation for the mechanical test lube system is flushed for 30 E
minutes and then the compressor is tested for next 4 hours. Compressor filter removes most of manufacturing/assembly debris. Used filter has better nominal micron rating than recommended 100mesh screens. This not allow for particle number verification required by API 614.
8.3 8.3.2
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Condition about liquid temperature is met. Cylinders are not tested with all components supplied with the finished part. Cylinders hydro tested with pressure between 1.5 to 2 times MAWP condition is met. Cylinder cooling jackets are not present so no test is required. Piping and packing cases are tested according to supplier standards. Condition is not fully met. GE specification for hydro test GES004 doesnt require multiplying hydrostatic pressure by factor if the part tested is expected to operate at a temperature at which the strength of a material is below the strength of that material at the testing temperature. Condition is partially met. A bar-over test is made to verify clearances but it is not made to verify piston rod run-out. GE doesnt perform performance test. Even if requested, GE doesnt have test stand to do this.
Other Tests E E
PREPARATION FOR SHIPMENT Crankshaft is not blocked for shipment. E Flanged cylinder connections are not coated with rust preventive. C E
E E C VENDORS DATA GENERAL Data Identification Requested information, i.e.: purchaser name, job/project number, C
These surfaces are tightly covered for shipment and internal surfaces protected with a vapor corrosion inhibitor. Condition is partially met. Shipping flange covers are metal and have thickness equal 3/16 but cover gaskets are made of vegetable fiber instead of requested elastomer. Covers are mounted with more than 4 capscrews as required but openings are not car sealed. Plugs are made of carbon steel and are used with ductile/cast iron cylinders - API requirement is not met. Center of gravity isnt identified on the equipment package. This data is only available on GA drawings. Weight is not marked on each package. Material shipped separately is no identified with metal tags. Service and connection designation are indicated on GA drawings.
equipment item number and service name, inquiry or purchase order number are given on performance data report and quotation/purchase order. Residual data provided to Customer do not list above information.
The following drawings are available for Purchaser: GAs, crosssectional views of used equipment lube oil schematics, distance piece showing vent/drain connections. Skid mounted package drawing and auxiliary schematics are provided by Packager. Technical data info: a. Copies of the purchasers data sheets complete with the vendors information required for the proposal and literature to fully describe details of the offering(s) provided per
9.2.3 9.2.3
Technical Data E
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request. b. The noise data as required by the purchaser in the inquiry GE provides only noise limits. Detailed acoustic study is performed by Packager. c. A copy of the Vendor Drawing and Data Requirements form (see Annex F) indicating the schedule according to which the vendor agrees to furnish the data requested by the purchaser (see 9.3) data is available on HSR Technical Website and Purchaser can download them in the most suitable time. No schedule of data transfer is required. d. Net and maximum operating weights, maximum shipping and erection weights with identification of the item and the maximum normal maintenance weight with identification of the item weights for components assembly are provided on GA drawings and Balance Weight Creator file. e. For a compressor with a variable-speed drive, the speed range over which the unit can be operated continuously under the specified operating conditions speed limits are listed in A Series Operators Manual. f. The vendor shall specifically identify volumetric efficiency of the active end of any cylinder if it is less than 40% at any specified operating condition GE identifies the volumetric efficiency of all cylinders in the performance report. g. A schedule for shipment of the equipment in weeks after receipt of the order estimated date and lead time in weeks is given h. A list of major wearing components showing interchange ability with other purchaser units not provided i. A list of start-up spares, to include as a minimum, three lube-oil filter cartridge sets, plates and springs for each valve, one set of packing rings for each rod, one set of rings and wear bands for each piston, plus all O-rings and gaskets necessary for a complete change-out of all packing rings, all piston rings and all valves. The vendor shall add any items that his experience indicates are likely to be required on startup GE can provide per request j. Complete tabulation of utility requirements, such as steam, water, electricity, air, gas and lube oil; including the quantity of lube oil required and the supply pressure, the heat load to be removed by the oil and the nameplate power rating and operating power requirements of auxiliary drivers GE provides required lube quantity and data on heat load to be removed by the oil. Residual are Packager responsibility. k. A description of the tests and inspection procedures of materials in accordance with 8.2.2. may be provided per request l. Complete details of any proposed air-cooled oil cooler provided to Packager per request. m. A list of spare parts recommended that the purchaser should stock for normal maintenance purpose. (Any special requirements for long term storage shall be as specified) not provided n. An itemized list of the special tools included in the offering
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not provided o. A clear description of the metallurgy of all major components of the compressor (see and not provided p. A full description of the standard shop tests identified in 8.3. Special tests as specified shall also be fully described provided to the Packager q. A list of relief valves, specifying those furnished by the vendor, as required by ISO 10438-1 or API 614, Chapter 1 this is Packager responsibility to provide relief valves for compressor package. GE provides basic direction where these valves should be installed to assure compressor proper operation. r. A description of the vendors intended response to any special requirements, such as those outlined in 6.7.1. torsional analysis is Packager responsibility s. If specified, a list of similar machines installed and operating under analogous conditions to that proposed GE can provide such list but only for specific Purchaser t. Any start-up, shutdown, or operating restrictions required to protect the integrity of the equipment. listed in Packager Standard u. An outline of all necessary special weather and winterizing protection required by the equipment, its auxiliaries and the driver (if furnished by the vendor) for start-up, operation and idleness. The vendor shall list separately the protective items he proposes to furnish guidelines are provided in GES013 v. Preliminary rod and gas load tabulation in accordance with 6.6.3. report with the combined rod loads and the gas loads calculated for each 1-degree interval of one crankshaft revolution is available in HSR compressor performance program.
CONTRACT DATA Installation, Operation, Maintenance and Technical Data Manuals General GE provides typical manuals for each order. Per Customer request E
additional data can be prepared. Customer receives Installation & Operating Instruction, Part book, Workshop test result and lube schematics. These documents do not have cover sheet with PO details. PO details are on shipping documents.
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