Ec 5
Ec 5
Ec 5
EC5 Repeater BP-1 CH-1 CPS-1 VPM-2 CI-1 CDU-1 VTI-2S EC5 Colorlight BP-1 CH-1 CPS-1 VPM-2 CDU-1 VTI-2S VLO-C6S EC5 Endbox BP-2 CH-1 CPS-1 VPM-2 CI-1 VTI-2S VIO-1010S EC5 Lock BP-1 CH-1 CPS-1 VPM-2 CI-1 CDU-1 VTI-2S Optional: VIO-44S CIO
Lamp Outputs (VLD-C6S) 2 lamp output groups per VLD-C6S 3 lamp outputs per group Voltage regulated lamp output groups: 9.0 to 16.0 Each lamp output is intended to drive either an 18W or 25W single filament bulb Flashing aspects per group of outputs Track Circuits (VTI-2S) 23,000 block lengths 2 track circuits per VTI-2S Track filtering of 15 VAC rms for 40 Hz and higher (without external filter) Code rates: Standard Rates EC II, III and IV compatible Transit Rates Cab signal applications PDF Rates New code rates for transit Electrified Rates For use in electrified applications Relay Outputs (VIO-44S, VIO-1010S) 4 two-wire outputs per VIO-44S 10 one-wire relay outputs per VIO-1010S Each output is 2000 VAC isolated Relay impedance: 150 ohm minimum One-wire inputs are optically isolated and are referenced to a common ground Auxiliary Inputs (VIO-44S, VTI-2S, VIO-1010S) 4 two-wire inputs per VIO-44S 2 two-wire inputs per VTI-2S 10 one-wire inputs per VIO-1010S for code selection only Each input is 2000 VAC isolated 7.5 VDC minimum activation 6.0 VDC minimum deactivation 10mA 20% @ 10 VDC
Non-vital Inputs/Outputs (VLD-C6S) Four non-vital I/O per VLD-C6S Non-vital I/O can be used for: Power detection input with POR relay or AC power adapter Approach lighting Maintenance configuration Maintenance reporting 13.5 ma. typical input current 12 VDC typical output voltage Cab Signal Outputs (VTI-2S, CAB-16S) Two cab signal outputs per VTI-2S 16 cab signal outputs per CAB-16S Each cab signal is 2000 VAC isolated Cab rates include: Transit Ultra Cab Custom Ace Application Compiler Editor Compatible with VHLC and Electro Code 5 Integrated simulator supports future application development Power Requirements Voltage range: 9.0 to 16.5 VDC Current draw: Repeater 1.1 A 6-lamp Colorlight 1.5 A 12-lamp Colorlight 1.8 A Endbox 1.7 A 2-lamp Searchlight 1.5 A Lock 1.3 A Add 1.2 times lamp current for lamps lit Dimensions Height: 330.2 mm (exterior) 266.7 mm (interior) Width: 484.1 mm (exterior) 465.1 mm (interior) Depth: 279.4 mm (exterior) 190.5 mm (interior) Weight 11.8 kg
GE Transportation
The revolutionary GE Electro Code 5 combines industry-leading Electro Code signaling principles with state-of-the-art electronic technology in a redesign of packaging, electronics, and software to reduce installation and maintenance costs and expand application flexibility. Its rugged chassis and enclosed modules protect against electrostatic discharge and physical damage. Easy-access configuration enables one-person setup for track and lamp circuit adjustments. Electro Code 5 is backward compatible with previous Electro Code generations while offering expansion capabilities for future signal system alternatives.
Electro Code 5
Optional: CIO
Vital Peripheral Master VPM At the core of the Electro Code 5 is the Vital Peripheral Master processor module, containing dual microprocessors for vital application processing and a third communication processor for diagnostic and serial communication interface. Field programmable capabilities establish site identification, access vital software switches, select baud rates for the communication ports, select code 5 compatibility, and adjust algorithms for digital lamp and track circuit adjustment processes. The VPM processes performance and diagnostic operations for the other system modules. All site-specific information processed by the VPM is stored outside the module, reducing test requirements when a VPM is replaced. The VPM contains battery-backed RAM for recorder functions. The recorder memory can accommodate over 14,000 lines in various logs. Chassis Information CI The Chassis Information module contains the application EPROM. Application software contained in EPROM is easily accessible through a clear plastic removable front cover. This rugged, removable module facilitates transport of application software to the field. Control Display Unit CDU The Control Display Unit module is the local interface to the Electro Code 5 system. Attached to the front panel of the chassis, this module can be used as a hand-held device and can be completely removed for use with other Electro Code 5 equipment. The bright vacuum fluorescent display comprises two rows of 20 alphanumeric characters and has a wide viewing angle for easy examination and night visibility even at temperature extremes. Sixteen-key input: ten numeric values, four directional arrow keys, and two function character keys. A quick display menu offers easy access to frequently used menu items, including track code status, signal lamp status, and various I/O states. Together, the keypad and display access a variety of diagnostic functions, system status, and menu-driven setup processes including lamp and track circuit adjustments. Communication Input/Output CIO The Communication I/O modules support serial communications to and from the EC5. Modules can be used independently or combined into an integrated system. CIO1 provides one port for local interface to the system for diagnostic purposes similar to those provided by the CDU.
A second port can provide a telemetry link between an office and a remote site for remote control of a signaled location. Other CIO modules provide a vital serial link to an Electro Code 5 installation, for applications at interlocking plants where long distances exist between the instrument house containing the interlocking control system and the track circuit feed point. Vital Track Interface VTI-2S This module interfaces with coded DC-track circuits. Two track circuit transceivers communicate the Electro Code track circuit protocols. The module also offers two two-wire cab signal control outputs and two two-wire vital inputs. Track circuit signals are processed through an analogto-digital conversion to improve broken rail protection, shunt sensitivity, and noise immunity. DSP (digital signal processing) technology adds digital filtering capability. All I/O functions are indicated through LED status lamps. Oneperson track circuit adjustments are made through either the local port using a laptop or through the Control Display Unit. Track circuit block lengths can be designed up to 23,000 feet. Track Inductor Panel TIP Track circuit signals from the Electro Code 5 VTI are routed through the Track Inductor Panel before connecting to the rails. The TIP offers independent secondary surge protection for each track circuit. A primary slow-blow fuse protects against sustained high current surges. The Track Surge Suppressor TSS-I in each track circuit provides optimum performance in high lightning environments. Track chokes maintain compatibility with crossing warning equipment and other audio track circuit devices. Vital Lamp Driver VLD-C6S The Vital Lamp Driver module contains two separate 40watt DC-to-DC converters, each driving one bulb in a bank of three signal lamps. This configuration enables one or two Vital Lamp Driver modules to control a single-head, backto-back signal location. Bi-directional double-head signals require two lamp driver modules. Each lamp group has an independent regulated voltage adjustment. No adjustment resistors are required. Lamp outputs are regulated to extend bulb life and are isolated from the operating battery by 2500 volts. All lamp outputs provide soft start on power up and flashing aspects. Digital control over lamp outputs enable one-person setup for lamp voltage adjustments, made either the CDU module or a local port using a laptop. Each VLD-C6S also has four non-vital I/O connections. The I/O can be used for AC power detection through a contact of the power-off relay or an AC power adapter and can be defined to control approach lighting or maintenance functions. The module has a status LED for each lamp output and non-vital I/O. Diagnostics Each module has a health LED. Self-diagnostics are performed by the VPM and can be displayed on the CDU.
The open-frame chassis allows easy access to all modules and plug-in connections. Individual modules are secured by quick-disconnect clips. The chassis can be mounted on a shelf, wallboard, or standard 19-inch rack. The single-piece backplane reduces the number of overall interconnections. Module connectors and plug couplers are keyed to insure proper functional use. The cage clamp connectors accommodate all I/O interfaces except battery connections. The plug couplers can address wiring from either the front or the back. The chassis ID removes easily for modification. Automotive-style plug-in fuses protect individual module and are accessible from the front. Rigid polycarbonate shells protect individual modules from electrostatic discharge (ESD) and physical damage. Standard factory labels for the I/O indicators can be replaced with custom labels, which can be defined by the Application Compiler Editor ACE. Module names are located at the top of the front cover. Site specific information such as track setup and lamp setup data is stored on the backplane.
Basic Modules VPM-2 Vital Peripheral Master CI-1 Chassis Information CPS-1 Central Power Supply BP-1 Repeater, Colorlight and Lock Backplane BP-2 Endbox Backplane CDU-1 Control and Display Unit CH-1 EC5 Chassis Communication Modules CIO-1 Communication I/O used for diagnostics interface with PC and office controls Additional CIO Modules Communication I/O used for vital communications serial link Functional Modules VTI-2S Vital Track Interface VLD-C6S Vital Lamp Driver VIO-1010S Vital Inputs/Outputs used for relay interface VIO-44S Vital Inputs/Outputs (4I/4O)