EE 214 Electric Circuits Laboratory: Midterm Examination April 15, 2002
EE 214 Electric Circuits Laboratory: Midterm Examination April 15, 2002
EE 214 Electric Circuits Laboratory: Midterm Examination April 15, 2002
SCORE Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 Q6 Q7 Q8
Determine v0 for the given input. (You may take the diode as ideal).
v0 R=100k 5V
-20 v0
Q2. Draw the input and output voltages for a sinusoidal input signal. D1, D2 and D3 are silicon diodes with VT=0.7V, D4 is a germenium diode with VT=0.3V. (You may neglect rf and rr of the diodes).
D2 vi(t) D4 D1 R vo(t)
R iZ + 12V Q3. VZ 1 k iL RL
In the data sheet of the zener diode used, it is given that IZ should| at 0.6 V 4mA in order to |VO = least be operate the zener diode in the regulation region. Find the maximum value R such that this rz = rf 0 condition is satisfied.
|VZ| = 6 V
In the data sheet, it is given that maximum power that can be dissipated on the zener diode is 360mW. When RL is disconnected, the maximum current passes through the zener diode. Calculate the minimum value of R such that the zener diode will not burn for no load (RL disconnected) case. (note that the power dissipated on the zener diode is given as PZ = IZVZ)
Let R = 330. A student accidentally connects the zener diode in reverse direction. Draw the output voltage waveform for this case.
a) Find the voltage, vC(t), across the 1F capacitor. Which elements affect the frequency of oscillation and how?
b) Find R2 and R4 such that the amplitude and frequency of vo(t) are 2 volts and 1kHz.
Explain the method to find the impedance (magnitude and phase) of a component Z using the X-Y mode of the CRO. Let the voltage waveform be observed on CH1 and the current waveform be observed on CH2. That is; a) Draw the circuit diagram. Show the probe connections.
b) Explain the way to find the magnitude and phase of the impedance, using the output seen on oscilloscope screen. Use the plot shown below. (Assume that the voltage is leading the current.)
a b
c) Construct the component Z by using any combination of capacitors, inductors and resistors where the input frequency is 1 kHz.
d) If the DUAL mode of the CRO is used, draw the plot that will be seen on oscilloscope screen.
The following graphs are the input (CH1) and the output (CH2) voltage waveforms of a filter circuit. The solid lines represent the input and the dashed lines represent the output voltages. In the first figure the input and the voltage waveforms are found to be equal. The time/div and volt/div settings of the CRO for each case are given. Plot the magnitude and phase of the response function indicating the important frequencies. b) What is the type of this filter?
time/div = 1sec
time/div = 1sec
CH1 volts/
time/div = 2sec
c) After the circuit is identified, a square wave input is supplied to the circuit. The input waveform is as shown in the figure (at CH-1). What will be the output (at CH-2) for such an input?
CH1 volts/div = 1V
time/div = 3sec
f0 =
1 f w = o To , o 2 ) can be represented as
a)Find the transfer function H(j) of the following circuit. Is the gain response low pass or
high pass? Find |H(j)|max and the cutoff frequency in terms of R1, R2 and C1.
Let |H(j)|max and the cutoff frequency ( c) be 4 and 40krad/sec, respectively. Select the values of R1, R2 and C1 for such a response. (Solution is not unique).
Q8. a) The rms value of a full-wave rectified sinewave with peak value VM is volts. b) The mean (average) value of a sine wave is b) A capacitor is connected parallel to the load resistance at the output of a half-wave rectifier. The ripple when capacitance is decreased. The output voltage for the circuit in Figure a is given in Figure b. Answer the following 3 questions with respect to these figures.
Vo(t) 7 5 3 t
+ vo(t) -
Figure a
Figure b
This is a .. circuit
d) The zener diode behaves as a constant .. source. g) The following circuit can be used as .when the op-amp is operating in ..
h) A grounded inductor circuit implemented using op-amps can be used as an inductor having the disadvantage that... i) j)
This is a . circuit.
i1 R1 b R3 i3 C3 d iD
i2 R2
D R4 i C
i1 C1
i2 R2
b R3 i3
D i L,r r d R1
m) The following circuit can be used to plot the . characteristics of .. with the given condition that .
R2 C1
n) For a filter filter, if it is possible to pass DC waves this filter may be a ................................. Vo( jw) o) The frequency where the ratio is maximum is called the ........................................... Vi ( jw) p) ................................................passes a range of frequencies.