Schindler's List
Schindler's List
Schindler's List
4 29 February 2012 Transformation of Oskar Schindler from the beginning to end of the movie In the beginning of the movie, Oskar Schindler had one goal in life. His goal was to take advantage of the war and make money by supplying the German military supplies. He did not have the intensions of saving thousands of Jews from their death at the end of the movie. His primary objective was getting rich. So he convinced a couple rich Jewish officials to trade him food for money because Schindler had no money to start with. And he explained to the Jews that money is worth nothing in the ghettos only food and goods are. His intensions were not to benefit the Jews from building the factory but making himself rich. He just wanted to convince the Jews that it was the right thing to do to give him the money. As the movie progresses and Schindler starts to make money, his Jewish workers are sent to a different work camp because the S.S German Military forced them to and Schindler could not do anything about it. When he arrived at the other work camp he saw how harsh the workers were treated compared to how he treated his workers. This was when he started to change and started to care for his workers that were sent to the other camp. He soon decided to get his workers back at his plant. He made plans to gain the trust of the camp owner so he will allow Schindler to buy his workers back. As he became closer to the owner the war was coming to a close and the right situations fell into place. He then spent all the money he made from his factory to buy back all his workers. The women train was accidentally sent to a death camp Auschwitz because of an error in the documents. Because of Schindler change of heart from focusing on making money for himself to trying to
Cheung 2 help the Jews from death, he raced to Auschwitz to save his workers before they were killed. At the end of the movie when the war ends, he regrets and cries about how he could of saved a couple more Jews from death if he didnt spend money on cars, unnecessary goods. What if Oskar Schindlers words back fired at the end of the movie? At the end of the movie, if Oskar Schindlers words back fired on him when he was addressing to the German soldiers about them following the higher command orders, the results could have ended in a couple ways. The soldiers could not have killed all the Jews with because there were only 14 of them compared to the 1100 plus Jewish workers there would not have been enough ammunition, instead they could killed them by making them march north into Serbia and let them slowly die of the cold. Or they could have killed Schindler because he was the one who was in control of everything and they could take control of the Jews because the Jews dont have a leader who is defending them. The soldiers could have also called for reinforcements so they have enough fire power to kill all the Jews.