Ultimate Book List
Ultimate Book List
Ultimate Book List
Vol.2 Martin Bernal - Black Athena Rights Back A deeper discussion on "black greeks"
BLACK HISTORY BOOK PACK 4: J.A. Rogers - The 5 Negro Presidents David M. Goldberg - The Curse of Ham Sylvester A. Johnson - The Myth of Ham in 19th Century American Christianity The Nation of Islam - Secret Relationships Between Blacks & Jews James Duffy - A Question of Slavery some books by W.E.B. Du Bois
Ancient History & Religions (From Then To Now): Donlald A. Mackenzie - Ancient Man in Britain E.O. James - The Ancient Gods Acharya S. - The Christ Conspiracy - The Greatest Story Ever Sold Another Jesus Christianity's Greatest Controversy Herman L. Hoeh - Compedium of World History vol.1 & 2 Forbidden History of Europe Prof. Hilton Hotema - Mystery Man of The Bible The True History of Christianity Micheal Cremo - Hidden History of the Human Race The first 2500 Years of Human History (contains some lies but still interesting)
HEBREW HISTORY, BOOKS & LANGUAGE: Moshe Idel - Messianic Mystics Robert Graves & Raphael Patai - Hebrew Myths (Book of Genesis) Raphael Patai - Gates To The Old City (Book of Jewish Legends) Fabre D'Olivet - Langue Hebraique Restitue (in french) Apocrypha, Pseudepigrapha, Dead Sea Scrolls
THE REVISION OF ZIONISM PACK 1: -The 22 Volumes of the Talmud Abfaham J. Edelheit - History of Zionism The Protocols of Zion Ralph Schoenman - The Hidden History of Zionism Edwin M. Wright - The Great Zionist Cover-Up Roger Garaudy - The Founding Myths of Israeli Politics British Anti-Zionist Organization-Palestine Solidarity - Nazi-Zionist Collaboration David Duke - Jewish Supremacism Tehran Conference Holocaust Powerpoint Presentation
JESUITS & CATHOLICS ARE GENTILE PAGAN HERETICS: Malachi Martin - The Keys of This Blood Erich Jon Phelps - Vatican Assassins Dr. Monsenor Rafael Rodriguez Guillen - The Power of the Vatican Dr. Monsenor Rafael Rodriguez Guillen - The Vatican's Mafia Dr. Monsenor Rafael Rodriguez Guillen - The Lies of The Pope John Paul II William H. Kennedy - Lucifer's Lodge (Satanic Ritual Abuse in Catholic Church) Edmond Paris - The Secret History of Jesuits
HAIL MARY (THE BLACK MADONNA) PACK : Moshe Idel - Kabbalah & Eros Raphael Patai - The Hebrew Godess Lotte Motz - The Face of the Goddess Erich Neumann - The Great Mother (Analysis of Archetype) Elinor W. Gadon - The Once & Future Goddess C. Mackenzie Brown - The Devi Gita H.P. Blavatsky - Isis Unveiled Jim Tetlow - Messages From Heaven J.Telow, R. Oakland & B. Myers - Queen of All Herbert A. Strong & John Garstang - The Syrian Goddess
The Left Hand Path Pack (Astrology,Magick,Eros,Kabbala h,Tarot,Yoga,etc...) : TEXE MARRS - CODEX MAGICA Zeena & Nicholas Shreck - Demons of the Flesh Henry Cornelius Agrippa - Books of Occult Philosophy Robert Hewitt Brown - Stellar Theology & Masonic Astronomy Devil Worship - Sacred Traditions of the Yezidiz Eliphaz Levi - The Key of the Mysteries Eliphaz Levi - Dogma & Rituals of High Magick Grant kenneth - Gamaliel The Diary of A Vampire H.P. Blavatsky - The Secret Doctrine H.P. Blavatsky - Studies in Occultism H.P. Blavatsky - Key To Theosophy Micheal Baigent, Richard Leigh & Henry Lincoln - Holy Blood, Holy Grail Israel Regardie - The Tree of Life (A Study in Magic) J.F.C. Fuller - The Secret Wisdom of The Qabalah Kenneth Grant - Magickal Revival Joshua Jacob Seraphim - Psychopatica Magica Raymond Buckland - Complete Book of Withcraft Christian Astrology (no password ...select read only)
BLACK HISTORY BOOKS PACK 1 African Origins of World Religions Bantu Origins (People & Language) - A.T. Bryant Cheikh Anta Diop - Civilization of Barbarism Cheikh Anta Diop - Cultural Unity of Black Africa Cheikh Anta Diop - Precolonial Black Africa Cheikh Anta Diop -The African Origin of Civilization Julian Baldick - Black God Wonderful Ethiopians 1926 Book The World's Sixteen Crucified Saviors - Kersey Graves The kebra negast The Two Babylons
BLACK HISTORY BOOKS PACK 2 Chancellor Williams - Destruction of Black Civilization Ivan Van Sertima - Early America Revisited Ivan Van Sertima - They Came Before Columbus J A Rogers - World's Great Men Of Color Vol.1 J A Rogers - World's Great Men Of Color Vol.2 Rudolph R Windsor - From Babylon 2 Timbuktu The Truth About Black People And Their Place In World History
RELIGIONS STUDIES VOLUME 1 China Galland - Longing 4 Darkness (on Black Madonna) James G Frazer - The Golden Bough 1 James G Frazer - The Golden Bough 2 Jean Markale - Cathedral of Black Madonna Manual of Mythology - Alexander S. Murray Maureen Concannon - The Sacred %#&@$! The Religions of The World - George A. Barton The Laws of Yahweh - William J. Doorly Caesar's Messiah - Roman Conspiracy 2 Invent Jesus (2005) Legends of the Gods by E.A. Wallis Budge Lord Shiva Moses Maimonides-The Guide for the Perplexed Zecharia Sitchin - The Lost Book Of Enki - Memories and Prophecies of... The Antiquities of the Jews-Flavius Josephus THE WARS OF THE JEWS-Flavius Josephus THE TETRAGRAMMATON Queen Isabella Christian Astrology-I & II The Thirteenth Tribe- Arthur Koesther The book of enoch The book of Jasher (compare with old Testament & Nimrod tries to kill Abraham) After the Flood (book focusing on Europeans descendants of Japheth)