Design Considerations For The Construction
Design Considerations For The Construction
Design Considerations For The Construction
Design Considerations for the Construction and Operation of Feed Milling Facilities. Part I: Planning, Structural, and Life Safety Considerations
Gregory D. Williams, Ph.D., P.E., S.E., Manager of Engineering
FWS Design Builders Inc., 1600 E. Cliff Road, Burnsville, MN 55337,
Written for presentation at the 2004 ASAE/CSAE Annual International Meeting Sponsored by ASAE/CSAE Fairmont Chateau Laurier, The Westin, Government Centre Ottawa, Ontario, Canada 1 - 4 August 2004
Abstract. Feed mills represent an important segment of our food production system, supplying the nutritional need for animals in our meat supply system. Agri-industrial facilities such as feed mills have a number of unique design requirements that are relatively unknown. The purpose of this paper is to summarize state of the art design procedures for feed milling facilities constructed in North America. To this end, in Part I of this series, planning, life safety, and structural design criteria for these facilities are examined and relevant theory is presented. Additional resources are cited for further study of concepts. This paper should be of benefit to both academics who teach facility design and practitioners, alike. Keywords. Agri-Industry, Concrete, Feed Mill, Foundations, Life-Safety, OSHA, Planning, Steel, Structural Design.
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A key component in the production of meat in the US agri-industrial system is animal feed production. The US Census Bureau indicates that there are currently 1779 animal food manufacturing establishments in the United States (US Census Bureau, 2004). Although a number of contractors and engineers service this industry, that number has been diminishing in recent years. Moreover, the design and operation of feed milling facilities have unique requirements that have not been extensively documented to date. Thus, the purpose of this article is to summarize state of the art standards, practices, and procedures for the design and construction of feed milling facilities, to improve the current knowledge base of the industry.
Boiler Building
Grain Reciving Grain Cleaning Grain Storage Magnetic Seperator Milling Mixing Surge Hopper Storage Conditioning Meal/Mash Steam Storage Weigh Other Ingredients Storage
Facility Planning
Proper facility planning and design is dependent upon a number of long-range planning and financial decisions. Planning is critical to the long range success of an operating facility. Major items of consideration include: (1) long range planning, (2) expansion versus new construction, (3) site selection and design, (4) facility layout and design, and (5) economic considerations.
Long-Range Planning
In long range planning, the owners team must look at long term trends in demographics, current production capabilities, as well as consumption trends, to determine the justification for the construction of a new feed milling facility. The management team must also ask if the construction of a new feed milling facility fits into the longer-term strategic goals of the corporation. Finally, the team must examine if the local market can support the existence of a new feed milling facility. Once these decisions have been, made the owners team can proceed to the next level of planning, which is the planning of the actual facility.
Economic Considerations
Return on Investment (ROI) is the final but most important item in the assessing the potential to design, construct, and operate a new feed milling facility. The management team must determine the discounted cash flow streams in terms of expected revenues and expenses to determine if the decision to build a new facility is economically justifiable.
Occupancy Requirements
Chapter 3 of the International Building Code specifies ten different use and occupancy types for structures. Categories range from residential to hazardous industrial. Common use and occupancy types typical for feed milling facilities include: Group B - Business - The business or laboratory sections of a feed milling facility fall under this occupancy category. Group H-2 - Hazardous The grinding area of a feed milling facility generates an enormous quantity of dust and has a high risk of explosion hazard. Additionally, many stored agricultural commodities shed fine dust, and under the right conditions are also highly explosive. Portions of the facility with these characteristics are usually categorized as an H2 occupancy. Group F - Factory and Industrial Non-hazardous building processing operations would fall under this category. Further processing such as packaging, extrusion or pelleting would fall under this category. Group S Storage This classification is used for the noncombustible storage of agricultural commodities. If the dust in the storage portions of a feed milling operation were non-explosive, it would be classified as category S. Warehousing of packaged materials typically would be classified as a category S.
Construction Type
Construction type influences the overall height of the buildings in a feed milling facility. Five major construction types are defined in the IBC (ICC, 2000). They vary from a highly protected
Type I construction to the least protected Type IV construction. They are further divided into subcategories of A and B, which define additional levels of added fire protection. Generally, construction types I and II consist of masonry, steel, and concrete structures. Type III construction has noncombustible exterior walls with interior materials of any material. Type IV construction encompasses heavy timber, and is not commonly used in agri-industry. Type V construction is construction where any combustible or non-combustible material is used for construction that does not fall under Types I to IV.
Location on Site
Location on the site influences the allowable area of the facility as well as the required fire rating of the exterior walls. Grain storage silos for a feed milling facility or other facility cannot be closer than 30 ft to either the edge of a property line or adjacent structures, except where the railroad right of way can run adjacent to the structure. The design engineer should be aware of required rail clearances and work closely with the railroad to define the necessary facility clearances. Other building fire separation distances are defined in Table 602 of the IBC (ICC, 2000) and are related to the fire rating of the exterior walls.
Grinding rooms, which are common in grain and feed facilities must be isolated from other areas of the facility with a fire wall. Often it is necessary to have explosion panels on the exterior of the walls of the facility. Specific requirements are detailed in NFPA 68. IBC 415.7.1.4 Requires dust-tight spouting and conveyor covers. This requirement reflects the inherent explosion hazard in feed milling facilities. IBC 415.1.7. States that feed mill design must follow NFPA 61, 65, 85, 120, 651, 655, and 664, where applicable. The primary standard that is essential to agricultural process facilities is NFPA 61, which relates to the dust handling hazards in agricultural and food process facilities.
Guard Rails
Guard rails are an important feature for roofs, elevated platforms, and mezzanines. Section 1003.2.12 of the IBC (ICC, 2000) states that guard rails are required for open-sided walking surfaces such as platforms, mezzanines, and equipment access platforms. In most industrial situations the guards must be arranged such that a 21-inch diameter sphere cannot pass through the rails. This usually requires the use of a mid rail. The requirements for guards and stair handrails are different, however, and should be reviewed by the design engineer before proceeding with the project.
According to IBC (ICC, 2000) section 1003.3.3, a 44-inch wide stairway is required. If the occupant load is less than 50 people, then a 36-inch wide stairway is required. Occupancy loads are defined in section 1003 and table 1003.2.2.2. Stair slopes in the IBC are more restrictive than older building codes and OSHA standards, with a typical 7-inch rise as the maximum rise and with an 11 inch run. For steeper stair slopes, a variance must be obtained. The design engineer should coordinate with the building code officials as early as possible during the project-planning phase to help with this important issue. Additionally, the design engineer should be aware that stair landings are required every 12 vertical feet. This has a substantial impact on the overall height of a structure and the size of the stairwell. Finally, section 1003.3.11 of the IBC gives the handrail requirements for stairs. These requirements vary significantly from guardrails, which were discussed in the previous section.
Section 505.1 of the IBC (ICC, 2000) discusses mezzanine design and construction. In general, a mezzanine should not be counted as part of the floor below, and shall not cover more than 1/3 of the floor area of the room it occupies, for purposes of building classification. Similar to other areas of the building, mezzanines are required to have two independent means of egress.
Building Envelope
Feed mill towers and related boiler areas produce an enormous amount of waste heat, thus meet the energy requirements of the building code. Similar to many other process facilities, this waste heat must be discharged to maintain an optimum environment. This heat may at times be recoverable for heating office or warehouse areas of the facility. Fire Protection The IBC gives details for additional fire protection, such as sprinklers, for feed mills, but they are impractical and expensive for these facilities, so designs are determined without such provisions. The IBC allows for such trade offs. Other than those requirements given in the referenced NFPA documents, there is little done for additional fire protection.
OSHA standards are described in Title 29 of the Federal Code of Regulations (NARA, 2004). These standards set workplace safety requirements, and are considered a minimum that must be met for non-public operational areas of facilities. They cover a number of constructionrelated issues such as access, exits, fixed ladder construction, stairs, ship ladders, guardrails, equipment access, and tunnel construction. Most items relating to constructed facilities are in Section 1910 of Title.29. OSHA standards are also of significant importance to facility operators as they influence a number of operational items related to worker safety. OSHA standards are only enforced if they are more stringent than the controlling building code, however. These issues are outlined in Table 1.
FDA Regulations
Title 21 of the Federal Code of Regulations (NARA, 2004) defines requirements for food-grade facilities. As BSE (i.e., mad cow disease) becomes a more serious issue, food-grade feed milling facilities will become the norm. Title 21 dictates wall and floor finishes, construction types, and operating practices for these types of facilities. Additionally, good housekeeping practices and dust accumulation prevention will limit the hazard for dust explosions and improve sanitation. Key to this issue is adding dust sheds to roof beams. Using closed structural steel shapes should be considered in the construction of floors, platforms, and machinery access to prevent dirt from accumulating and infestation from occurring. Additionally, dust control systems should be provided at major ingredient receiving points. Thus, the design engineer plays a crucial role in providing the owner with the ability to accomplish good housekeeping.
Table 1. Design matrix for feed mill life safety considerations. Code Item Description of Application IBC Determined based on the use of the structure. E.g. hazardous, manufacturing, business office. Methods of calculation for mixed occupancy
Code Section/Requirements Chapter 3 outlines occupancy types. Grain elevators are typically group H-2. Further processing may be group F. Business office may be group B. Group S occupancy if dust is non explosive Chapter 4 Section 415.7
Location on Property
Floor Area
Fire-Resistance-Rated Construction.
Special requirements for the construction of hazardous facilities such as grain elevators or feed mills Based on the materials used and the fire resistance of the components. Most grain elevators are type I and II construction Location of the structure on the site. Influences the fire rating. Special lot line distances are defined in section 415.7 for grain storage Maximum floor area is a function of construction type and occupancy Influenced by floor area, construction type and fire protection. See provision 415.7 for height requirements Code prescribed requirements for materials and assemblies used to separate adjacent areas and prevent the spread of fire and smoke Design of stair stringers, rise and run, and stair construction details
Chapter 6.
Chapter 7
Table 1 cont. Design matrix for feed mill life safety considerations Code Item Description of Application Guard rails Design of guard rails, construction requirements for walkways, stairs, and openings Special requirements for mezzanine construction Egress fire ratings, size, occupant loads, arrangement OSHA Egress fire ratings, size, occupant loads, arrangement Noted in the egress section. Two methods of exit required. Structural Design of guard rails, construction requirements for walkways, stairs, and openings
Mezzanines Egress
Section 1910.37
Guard rails
Section 1910.23
Section1910.66 Structural design of stair stringers, rise and run, and stair construction details Features, clearance, hatches, cages, offsets, and landings NFPA A major design requirement for equipment such as bucket elevators, conveyors, and such. A guide for the design and construction on explosion forces and explosion panels A guide for the design of explosion prevention systems A guide for the design of boiler system operation and design Section 1910.24
Fixed Ladders
Section 1910.27
68 Guide for venting of Deflagrations 69 - Standard on explosion prevention systems 85 - Boiler and Combustion Systems Hazards Code
Grain Elevator, H or S Business Office, B Further Processing, F
Construction Type
Type I Type II
Floor Area
Table 503
Location on Property
30 ft From Lot Line Rail Right of Way, Table 603
Ulimited Height For Type I and II Table 503
Two Methods of Egress From Each Area Occupancy Load
Stairs 7/11 Unless Variance Mezzanines Gaurds
Ladders Gaurd rails Ladders Manlifts
Loads on feed mills arise from a variety of sources, including ingredients, roof and floor live loads, equipment, dead loads, and lateral loads such as wind and seismic forces. Feed milling facilities utilize a large number of ingredients. Therefore the proper definition of their physical properties is critical for proper structural design of the facility. Material handling characteristics and flow properties for common ingredients are provided in Table 2. Table 2. Properties of common feed ingredients (ACI 313, 1997, Rotter 2002, & Material Storage Systems Inc, 2004). Description Bulk Density (lb/ft3) 16-18 18-22 14 14.5 12 41-43 41-43 48 38.5 30 37 49 34-37 50-60 Angle of Repose (degrees) 45 45 45 45 45 30 30 21 ANIMAL PRODUCTS Blood meal Blood flour Meat meal Tankage (digest) Poultry by-prod. meal Bone meal 45
ALFALFA PRODUCTS Alfalfa meal, dehydrated, 13% Alfalfa meal, dehydrated, 17% Alfalfa meal, sun cured, 13% Alfalfa leaf meal Alfalfa stem meal Alfalfa pellets, 13% Alfalfa pellets, 17% Alfalfa seed 0.6 0.6 0.7 0.6 0.9 0.46 0.46 0.5 1.7 0.6 0.9 0.9 0.6 1.7
45 45 35 40
Table 2 cont. Properties of common feed ingredients (ACI 313, 1997, Rotter 2002, & Material Storage Systems Inc, 2004). Description Bulk Angle of Coefficient of Coefficient of Friction Density Repose Friction for Steel for Concrete (lb/ft3) (degrees) BARLEY PRODUCTS Barley, rolled Barley, scoured Barley, whole Barley, ground Barley, malt Brewers dried grains Brewers grains, spent, dry Brewers grains, spent, wet Hops, spent, dry Malt, wet Malt, dry Malt meal Malt sprouts Dried citrus pulp Corn, whole, shelled Corn, ground Corn meal Corn bran Corn feed meal Corn chops (fine) Corn chops (medium) Corn chops (coarse) Corn grits (fine) Corn gluten feed Corn gluten meal Corn oil meal Corn germ meal Hominy feed Kibbled corn Ear corn chops 21-24 41 38-43 24-26 30-31 14-15 25-30 55-60 35 60-65 27-32 36-40 13-16 20.5 45 34-36 38-40 13 33.5 36-39 38-42 40-44 40-43 26-33 32-43 33-36 35 25-28 20-22 35 45 30
0.58 0.4
.47 to .56
0.44 0.6
45 35 85
35 85 80-45 30
0.67 0.6
0.7 0.4
Table 2 cont. Properties of common feed ingredients (ACI 313, 1997, Rotter 2002, & Material Storage Systems Inc, 2004). Description Bulk Coefficient of Coefficient of Friction Angle of Density Friction for Steel for Concrete Repose (lb/ft3) (degrees) CORN PRODUCTS Ear corn Ground cobs Pop corn, ear Pop corn, shelled Oats, crushed Oats, crimped Oats, whole Oats, rolled Feed oatmeal Peanuts, unshelled Peanuts, shelled Peanut meal Rice bran Rice hulls Rice, hulled Rice, grits Rice, rough Rice, polished Rye bran Rye feed Rye middlings Rye shorts Rye, whole Grain screenings Chaff and dust Dust 28 17 0.28 44-45 22 19-25 25-35 19-24 16-32 17-24 15-19 29 20-21 20-21 45-49 42-45 32-36 30 15-20 33 42 32-33 43-45 30 20 11
40 40 30
28 SCREENINGS 30 40 35
Table 2 cont. Properties of common feed ingredients (ACI 313, 1997, Rotter 2002, & Material Storage Systems Inc, 2004). Description Bulk Angle of Coefficient of Coefficient of Friction Density Repose Friction for Steel for Concrete lb/ft3 (degrees) SOYBEAN PRODUCTS Soybeans, whole Soybeans, ground Soybean millfeed Soybean hulls, unground Soybean hulls, ground Soybean millfeed pellets Sol. ext. soybean oil meal, 41% Sol. ext. soybean oil meal, 44% Sol. ext. soybean oil meal, 50% Expeller soybean oil meal Riboflavin Vitamin A, dry 46-48 25-34 25-27 7-Jun 20 37-38 34-36 35-38 41-42 36-40 37 48
0.2 to 0.32 0.2 to 0.36 -
40 45 40 35 35 35 32-37 35 VITAMINS
While several methods currently exist for the determination of the vertical and lateral loads for bulk solids storage structures, the most commonly used equation for loads in North America is Janssens equation. This equation is dependent on the coefficient of friction of the material, the bulk density of the material, the lateral-to-vertical pressure coefficient, and the depth of the material. Janssens equation represents the at-rest, or static, pressure of the grain in the bin or silo. It is necessary to adjust the pressures for the dynamic effects of filling or discharging of the grain, however. In practice, this is commonly accomplished by using an over-pressure facture. Recommendations for over-pressures vary by country, standard, and material. When the height to diameter ratio is less than 1 it is common for the bin or silo to be classified as shallow, and experience among design engineers has shown that the over-pressure factors can be ignored. It should be noted that shallow bins/bunkers can experience impact; therefore use of impact factors should be considered. Some common over pressure values are shown in Table 3. For reference, Jansens equation is given below:
Where: q = vertical pressure (lb/ft2) R = hydraulic radius (ft) = material coefficient of friction k = lateral-to-vertical coefficient = material bulk density (lb/ft3)
R 'k
(1 e 'k )
Y = depth of material in bin (ft) And the lateral wall pressure (psf) due to the bulk solids is given by:
p = kq
Finally, the following equation gives resulting wall friction (lb/ft) due to the bulk solids:
V = (Y q) R
Table 3. Recommended over-pressure factors. Material/Construction Type Concrete Smooth Wall Steel Corrugated Minimum Over-Pressure Factor, Cd 1.5, 1.4 1.35 min, 1.4 1.5, 1.4 Source
ACI 313 (1997), ASAE (2001) Rotter (2002), ASAE (2001) Rotter (2002), ASAE (2001)
Floor loadings are dependent on the use of each respective area of the feed milling operation. Key areas for consideration include the roof, bin deck, head house, bin bottom floor, mixing and grinding areas, and warehouse floors. Representative floor live loads are provided in Table 4. Table 4. Typical floor live loadings for feed mill floors. Area Mill Roof Uniform Load (lb/ft2) 50 Point Load (lbs) Varies. See comments Comments Use equipment point loads from equipment, towers and other major point load sources
Equipment supports for distributors, spouting and other equipment Varies. Equipment should be considered separately. 1000 Access platforms for mixers, conveyors, and grinding equipment Point loads from pallets and forklifts should be considered
Access Platforms
Warehouse Floor
50 50 to 250 100
Equipment point loads Temperature cables and equipment towers Equipment point loads Concrete or steel should be added. construction 1000 OSHA
Lateral loads from wind or seismic forces, on bulk storage and feed milling facilities can be significant. They are determined using the provisions in ASCE 7-98 Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures (ASCE, 1998). Tall slender towers, when subjected to wind, can be highly susceptible to overturning, especially when the tower is empty. Seismic forces can also be a major issue for tall towers if the resisting width and weight is not large enough. Anchorage to prevent uplift or sliding is often needed when lateral forces are high. Similar to buildings, lateral loads will be concentrated at the floor diaphragms.
Foundations for mill processing towers generally consist of combined or isolated spread footings or mat foundations. The design of spread footings is well documented and the reader is referred to one of the many introductory concrete texts for design procedures. Foundations for feed mills may be soil-supported or pile-supported. Occasionally, a composite soil/pile foundation system may be used. Common pilings types include: (1) auger cast piling, (2) steel H or pipe piles, (3) caissons, and (4) precast piling. Piling design procedures are discussed in ASCE 20-97 Standard Guidelines for the Design and Installation of Pile Foundations. The soil engineering requirements for most feed mills are demanding, and most geotechnical engineers are not familiar with feed milling facility designs or the high pressures and settlements that accompany these rigid structures. The structural engineer designing the facility must be aware of the capabilities of the geotechnical engineers prior to beginning the project. Furthermore, extensive soil preparation may be required for soil-supported mat and spread footings for feed milling facilities.
Figure 4. Typical piling types used for foundations. The soil-supported mat slab analysis uses either the rigid slab method or the finite element analysis. As the name implies, the rigid method involves treating the mat slab as an infinitely rigid body with respect to the distribution of the load for purposes of analysis, thus the applied load is uniform. The analysis is performed using elementary mechanics or plate theory analysis (Timoshenko, 1959) combined with superposition theory. Before an analysis is conducted, however, the design engineer should consider that concrete slip walls are very rigid and tend to drive isolated footings down equally. In the same light, the design engineer should be aware of the possibility of differential settlement for footings supporting steel superstructures. Concrete feed mills typically are taller and cover a large area, thus requiring a large mat foundation. Smaller steel feed mills may require a mat or individual spread footings. The finite element analysis of a mat foundation involves the use of soil springs and plate elements to determine the distribution of loads. The first step is the determination of the sub grade modulus. Typically the soils engineer will determine the subgrade modulus, but sometimes the structural engineer must estimate the value. Figure 4 shows the commonly
accepted relationship between soil bearing strength and spring stiffness. Other important considerations in mat foundation design are the relative density of the finite element mesh, shell element formulation, mat structure stiffness, and a cracked or uncracked section. Each of these variables can influence the distribution of forces through the mat, thus the design engineer must be aware these effects (Ulrich, 1995). Finally, the foundation must checked at critical sections for the effects of flexure as well as one way and punching shear as defined in ACI 318 (ACI 1999). ACI 336 (ACI, 1993) provides recommended analysis and design procedures for combined footings and mats.
Figure 5. Relationship between soil bearing capacity and soil spring constant (PCI Handbook, 2003)
Wall Construction
There are four major types of bins used for the storage of major and minor ingredients in a feed milling operation. They are (1) square metal bins, (2) round metal bins, (3) concrete silos, and (4) square concrete bins. For major ingredients, such as whole grain, round silos constructed from concrete or corrugated steel are used as storage bins (figure 1). For these, the primary design considerations are the hoop tension on the walls and the vertical wall compression. Eccentric discharge can also have a major influence on the design of the silo. For a complete discussion on circular silos the reader is referred to Williams and Rosentrator (2004). Processing of ingredients occurs in the mill structure (figure 1). Almost all mill towers are rectangular. Concrete mill structures are fairly large and the walls typically need stiffening using vertical wall pilasters that extend the entire height of the structure. Bins are constructed integrally with the outer mill shell, and extend about 1/3 the height of the tower, centered approximately at mid-height. The basic wall thickness below the pressure zone is determined using the span-to-thickness ratios defined in chapter 14 of ACI 318 (ACI, 1999); bin walls span horizontally between the vertical pilasters. As most vertical mill towers are constructed using slip form construction techniques, the floors are not in place at the time of construction. Thus it is a common for the construction load case to control. Most design engineers consider the pilasters as the main vertical load carrying members and also use the pilasters to transfer lateral force in the floor diaphragms. Rectangular bins are designed for axial (tension), flexural, and shear forces using the provisions of ACI 318 (ACI 1999). Forces are determined using any frame analysis software assuming a horizontal load distribution for a unit height. For the design and analysis of rectangular metal bins, there are two common design
procedures. The first approach is to use linear elastic design of the bin walls. This method is detailed in Gaylord and Gaylord (1984) and Troitwsky (1982), and is extremely conservative. The second method involves the use of large deflection theory for the design of the bin structure. Although structural efficiency is increased using this method, there will be noticeable deflections of the bins and hoppers. Details of these procedures are included in Gaylord and Gaylord (1984). Both methods of analysis and design are based on two-way load distribution. Regardless of the method of design, it is essential to include a vertical column or built-up member at the intersection of bin sheets to help transfer vertical wall friction forces to the base of the bin cluster. Metal bin clusters are supported on large steel framework support structures with columns placed under the intersection of every second or third bin cluster. Transfer beams support the bins between the columns. Eccentric discharge is an issue that design engineers of both concrete and steel rectangular bins have to contend with. Several methods for computing eccentric effects have been proposed. The method the authors prefer is the imaginary bin method (Troitwky, 1982), whereby an increased pressure, pe , is added to the design pressure for the sides that are affected by the eccentric discharge: pe = pi-ph Where: pi = lateral static pressure at depth H in the imaginary bin (psf) ph = lateral static pressure at depth at y equals h in real bin (psf) And the design pressure ph,des is defined as: Ph,des = Cdph+y/h(pe) Where: Ph des = design lateral pressure (psf) Cd = over pressure factor (Table 3) Y = depth at point of concern (ft) H = height of bin or silo (ft) The imaginary bin properties are determined as shown in Figure 6. (5) (4)
b ea b/2
Original Bin
Figure 6. Bin schematic showing relationship between eccentricity and imaginary bin size. (Troitwky, 1982)
Temperature and shrinkage steel Floor load, q*1.7 qk*1.7 h qk*1.7 q = floor pressure based on jansens equation (ksf) k = lateral-to-vertical coefficient Flexural Steel Temperature and shrinkage steel (qk + hk)1.7 = Soil density (ksf) 1.7 = load factor (qk + hk)1.7
Pilaster is used in high pressure regions Or where spans are large Soil and surchargepressure
q = floor pressure based on jansens equation (ksf) k = lateral-to-vertical coefficient = Soil density (ksf) 1.7 = load factor Pilaster flexural steel Wall thickness 24" or less Temperature and shrinakge steel (qk + hk)1.7
In feed milling facilities, regardless of whether the structures are of concrete or steel construction, almost all hoppers are suspended hoppers. Because most bins are square or rectangular in cross-section, the hoppers are pyramidal in shape. Pyramidal hoppers are subject to bending forces and membrane forces acting simultaneously. ACI 313 (ACI 1997) and Gaylord and Gaylord (1984) provide specific details on the design and analysis of hoppers. Other factors that must be accounted for in the design of hoppers include switching forces at the hopper and wall interface if the discharge is mass flow in nature. ACI 313-97 (ACI, 1997) and Gaylord and Gaylord (1984) contain extensive discussions on mass flow forces. Furthermore, the design engineer will also need to consider how to suspend and support elevated hoppers.
Elevated floors in feed milling facilities primarily support equipment for conveying, grinding, mixing, chilling, extruding, and other processing operations. These floors therefore experience moderate distributed and point loads. The design engineer should also be aware of the need for proper equipment clearances, as well as the possibility of severe vibratory loads. Table 4 shows a number of recommended minimum loads for a number of use areas. Roofs experience equipment, snow, and live loads. On steel feed mills the roofs are constructed using structural steel and for slip formed concrete feed mills concrete roof beams and slabs are formed using the slip forms as the roof beam and slab form.
Scales are commonly used for incoming and outgoing products at a feed milling facility. Typically, there are two major types of scale construction. These are pit less, and pit-type scales. Even with full trucks with loads at or above 80 kips, the pressures under scale pit foundations rarely rise above 2 ksf. Often times pit walls may not be supported at the top and will instead be cantilevered. Coordination with the scale vendor to determine the reactions and geometric requirements for the scale are critical for proper design of these structures.
Heights of equipment support towers on feed mills are dictated by the minimum flow angles of the materials being distributed by the spouting to the storage bins. Structural towers support a variety of equipment such as bucket elevators, scalpers, screeners, bulk scales, distributors, and spouting. In addition there are ladders, ladder cages, worker access platforms, and drive torque arm forces that must be resolved into the structure. Most structural towers are of braced-frame construction, with X, K, and V forms most commonly used, but other admissible forms of structural bracing can also be used. The design engineer is reminded to review the requirements of the building related to bracing in seismic zones, as some bracing configurations are not allowed in the more restrictive seismic design categories. Generally the wind load for the tower must be checked for the two orthogonal directions, plus the two diagonal directions, and the wind load pressure is determined for the projected face. Tower anchorage is often challenging because the towers are tall, but the anchorage often occurs on narrow concrete slip formed walls which will limit the breakout cone
of the concrete. One way to work around this issue is to ensure that there is special supplemental steel that intersects the plane of rupture on the wall.
This paper summarizes design considerations and procedures related to the planning, construction, and operation of feed milling facilities. In particular, strategic planning, life safety, and structural provisions were discussed. Design engineers and educators should find this paper useful.
ACI. 1997. Standard Practice for the Design and Construction of Concrete Silos and Stacking Tubes for Storing Granular Materials. ACI 313-97. Detroit, MI.: American Concrete Institute ACI. 1999. Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete. ACI Publication 318-99. Detroit MI.: American Concrete Institute. ACI 336 1993. Suggested Analysis and Design Procedures for Combined Footings and Mats. ACI Publication336-93. Detroit MI.: American Concrete Institute ASAE. 2001. Loads Exerted by Free-Flowing Grain on Bins. ANSI/ASAE EP433. St. Joseph, MI.: American Society of Agricultural Engineers ASCE. 1997. Standard Guidelines for the Design and Installation of Pile Foundations. ASCE 2097. Reston, VA.: American Society of Civil Engineers. ASCE. 1998. Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures. ASCE 7-02. Reston, VA.: American Society of Civil Engineers. Gaylord, E. H. and C. N. Gaylord. 1984 Design and Storage of Steel Bins for Storage of Bulk Solids. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall, Inc. ICC. 2000. International Building Code. Falls Church, VA.: International Code Council. Material Storage Systems Inc. 2004. Apparent Densities of Dry Feed Ingredients. Available at: NARA. 2004. Code of Federal Regulations. United States National Archives and Records Administration. Available at: NFPA. 1998a. Guide for Venting of Deflagrations. NFPA 68. Quincy, MA.: National Fire Protection Association. NFPA. 1998b. Standard on Explosion Prevention Systems, NFPA 69, National Fire Protection Association, Quincy, MA. NFPA. 1999. Standard for the Prevention of Fires and Dust Explosions in Agricultural and Food Products Facilities. NFPA 61. Quincy MA: National Fire Protection Association. NFPA. 2003. Boiler and Combustion Systems Hazard Code. NFPA 85. Quincy, MA: National Fire Protection Association. Precast/Prestressed Concrete Institute. 1999. PCI Design Handbook. Chicago Illinois Rotter, J.M 2002. Guide for the Economic Design of Circular Metal Silos. New York, NY. Spon Press. Rosentrater, K. A. and G. D. Williams. 2004. Design Considerations for the Construction and Operation of Feed Milling Facilities. Part II: Process Engineering Considerations. ASAE Paper No. 044144. St. Joseph, MI.: ASAE. Timoshenko, S and S Woinowsky-Krieger. 1959. Theory of Plates and Shells. McGraw-Hill.
Troitwsky, M. S. 1990. Tubular Steel Structures Theory and Design. James :Lincoln Arc Welding Foundation Ulrich, E. J; ed., 1995. Design and Performance of Mat Foundations State-of-the-Art Review. ACI. SP-152. Williams, G.D and K. A. Rosentrater. 2004. Design Considerations for the Construction and Operation of Feed Milling Facilities. Part I: Planning, Structural, and Life Safety Considerations. ASAE Paper No. 044145. St. Joseph, MI.: ASAE. Williams, G. D. and D. R. Bohnhoff. 2004. An Overview of North American Agri-Industry. ASAE Paper No. 044173. St. Joseph, MI.: ASAE.