The Hon'Ble Sri Justice B.N. Rao Nalla: at Hyderabad
The Hon'Ble Sri Justice B.N. Rao Nalla: at Hyderabad
The Hon'Ble Sri Justice B.N. Rao Nalla: at Hyderabad
Petition under Section 151 of CPC, praying that in the circumstances stated in the affidavit filed herein, the High Court may be pleased to stay of all further proceedings pursuant to the Judgment and Decree dated: 11-11-2011 passed by the Court of the VIII Additional District and Sessions Judge (Fast Track Court), Visakhapatnam District in A.S. No. 324 of 2008 confirming the Judgment and Decree passed by the Court of the IV Additional Senior Civil Judge (FTC), Visakhapatnam, Visakhapatnam District, pending Disposal of S.A. No. 127 of 2012 on the file of the High Court;
The Court while directing issue of notice to the Respondents herein to show cause why this application should not be complied with, made the following order. (The receipt of this order will be deemed to be the receipt of notice in the case).
ORDER: Learned counsel on either side are present. Learned counsel for the appellant/tenant seeks three (3) months time to vacate the suit schedule premises/shop situated at Satya Surya Complex Level II, Dwarakanagar, Visakhapatnam. However, learned counsel for the respondents/landlords informs the Court that the decree was executed and possession of the suit schedule premises was already delivered to the respondents/landlord. In the circumstances, this Court is of the view that the request of the learned counsel for the appellant/tenant may be considered, in case the decree is not executed and possession of the suit schedule property was not delivered to the respondents/landlord. Hence, status quo obtaining as on today shall be maintained for a period of three (3) months.
SD/-B.V. SATYANARAYANA ASSISTANT REGISTRAR // TRUE COPY // for ASSISTANT REGISTRAR To 1. The VIII Additional District and Sessions Judge (Fast Track Court), Visakhapatnam District. 2. The IV Additional Senior Civil Judge (FTC), Visakhapatnam, Visakhapatnam District 3. Rednam Venkata Appa Rao, S/o. Dr. Late Surya Prasada Rao, Residing at D. No. 10-122, Rednam Gardens, Visakhapatnam. 4. Rednam Venkata Krishna Rao, S/o. Dr. Late Surya Prasada Rao, residing at D. No. 1012-2, Rednam Gardens, Visakhapatnam. (ADDRESSEES 3 & 4 BY RPAD) 5. One CC to Sri A. Bhaskarachary, Advocate (OPUC) 6. One CC to Sri Vivekanand, Advocate (OPUC) 7. One spare copy. Ksv
Ksv Date of drafting: 15-02-2012
DATE: 15-02-2012