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Basic SQL: ITCS 201 Web Programming Part II

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Basic SQL

ITCS 201 Web Programming Part II

Outline for Today

What is SQL?
SQL Category Basic DML Commands


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ITCS201 Web Programming, The Faculty of Information and Communication Technology, Mahidol University

What is SQL?
SQL Structured Query Language
Language that defines commands for user to Create database and table structure

Basic data management

Query useful information Not case-sensitive Non procedural language : users specify what must be done, NOT how it is to be done

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ITCS201 Web Programming, The Faculty of Information and Communication Technology, Mahidol University

SQL Categories
Two broad type
1. Data Definition Language (DDL) NOT Study in this course

Commands used to create database objects including

Table/Attributes Keys etc.

2. Data Manipulation Language (DML)

Commands used to insert, update, delete, and retrieve data within tables.

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ITCS201 Web Programming, The Faculty of Information and Communication Technology, Mahidol University

Basic DML Commands


Insert row(s) into a table
Modify an attributes value in one or more tables rows Delete one or more rows from a table Select attributes from rows in one or more tables


Restrict the selection of rows based on condition expression

Group the selected rows based on one or more attributes Restrict the selection of group rows based on a condition Order the selected rows based on one or more attributes

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Comparison Operators =,<,>,<=,=>,<> Logical Operators AND/OR/NOT Special Operators IS NULL LIKE

Used in conditional expression

Used in conditional expression

Check whether an attribute value is null Check whether an attribute value matches a given string pattern

Aggregate Functions COUNT

Limit values to unique values

Returns the number of rows with non-null values for a given column

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Return the minimum attribute value found in a given column

Return the maximum attribute value found in a given column Return the sum of all values for a given column Return the average of all values for a given column
ITCS201 Web Programming, The Faculty of Information and Communication Technology, Mahidol University

INSERT Command
Use INSERT command to enter data into a table
Basic syntax:
INSERT INTO tablename VALUES( value1, value2, , valueN)

Note: Be careful with data type and allow-null attribute

INSERT INTO computers VALUES( '37', Lenovo Y550');

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ITCS201 Web Programming, The Faculty of Information and Communication Technology, Mahidol University

INSERT Command (cont.)

Special case of INSERT
1. Insert rows with null attributes If we do not know some values of attribute, we have to leave them as null To enter a null, use following syntax
INSERT INTO tablename VALUES(value1, NULL,,valueN)

Note: You can insert NULL only the allow-null attribute

INSERT INTO inventory VALUES( '57', '2010-04-23', 37', 2', NULL);
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INSERT Command (cont.)

2. Insert rows with only required attributes
Rather than declaring each attribute as NULL, indicate just only the required value

To insert only some require attribute (e.g. col1, col2, , colN), use following syntax
INSERT INTO tablename(col1,col2,...,colN) VALUES(value1,value2,,valueN)

INSERT INTO inventory (inventoryID, dateAcquired, computerID, employeeID) VALUES( '57', '2010-04-23', 37', 2');
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UPDATE Command
Use UPDATE command to modify data in a table
Basic syntax:
UPDATE tablename SET col1 = expression1, col2 = expression2, colN = expressionN [WHERE conditionList]

Note: Be careful about WHERE clause, there could be a huge problem if you forget to insert WHERE condition
UPDATE inventory SET dateAcquired = 2010-08-22, comments = go go go WHERE inventoryID = 57;
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DELETE Command
Use DELETE command to delete a table row
Basic syntax:
DELETE FROM tablename [WHERE conditionList]

Note: Be careful about WHERE clause, there could be a huge problem if you forget to insert WHERE condition
DELETE FROM inventory WHERE inventoryID = 57;

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ITCS201 Web Programming, The Faculty of Information and Communication Technology, Mahidol University

SELECT Command
Use SELECT command to query partial table contents by placing conditions we want specified in WHERE clause (optional)
Basic Syntax:
SELECT columnList FROM tablename [ WHERE conditionList ]

The columnList specifies the selected attribute we want, if we want all attributes in that table, simply use *
SELECT * FROM employee
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SELECT employeeID, firstName FROM employee

ITCS201 Web Programming, The Faculty of Information and Communication Technology, Mahidol University

SELECT Command (cont.)

Using a conditional expression in SELECT command
SELECT * FROM employees WHERE lastName = 'Mouse' SELECT * FROM employees WHERE employeesID = 3

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ITCS201 Web Programming, The Faculty of Information and Communication Technology, Mahidol University

SELECT Command Logical Operators

Use Logical Operators in SELECT command to connect multiple conditional expressions
SELECT * FROM employees WHERE lastName = 'Mouse' AND firstName = 'Mickey'; SELECT * FROM employees WHERE (lastName = 'Mouse' OR lastName = 'Jetson') AND NOT ( firstName = 'Mickey');

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ITCS201 Web Programming, The Faculty of Information and Communication Technology, Mahidol University

SELECT Command Comparison Operators

Use Comparison Operators in SELECT command
SELECT * FROM employees WHERE employeeID > 10 SELECT * FROM employees WHERE employeeID > 10 AND lastName <> Jetson

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ITCS201 Web Programming, The Faculty of Information and Communication Technology, Mahidol University

SELECT Command Special Operators: IS NULL

Use Special Operators in SELECT command
1. IS NULL Operator Use to check for a null attribute value
SELECT inventoryID, comments FROM inventory WHERE inventoryID >50 AND comments IS NOT NULL

SELECT inventoryID, comments FROM inventory WHERE comments IS NULL

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ITCS201 Web Programming, The Faculty of Information and Communication Technology, Mahidol University

SELECT Command Special Operators: LIKE

2. LIKE Operator

Use with wildcards to find pattern within string attribute

% means any and all following character are eligible P% include Paul, Peter, Pat Pa% include Paul, Pat, Parrot _ means any one character may be substituted 13_11 include 13A11, 13411 _a_ include Rat, Van , Tap

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ITCS201 Web Programming, The Faculty of Information and Communication Technology, Mahidol University

SELECT Command Special Operators: LIKE

2. LIKE Operator (cont)
SELECT * FROM `computers` WHERE computerDescription LIKE 'DELL%'
SELECT * FROM `employees` WHERE lastName LIKE '_o_'

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ITCS201 Web Programming, The Faculty of Information and Communication Technology, Mahidol University

SELECT Command Special Operators: DISTINCT

3. DISTINCT Operator
Use DISTINCT operator to produce a list of unique attribute values

SELECT DISTINCT computerID FROM inventory

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ITCS201 Web Programming, The Faculty of Information and Communication Technology, Mahidol University

SELECT Command Aggregate Function: COUNT

Use Aggregate Functions to perform mathematical summary in SELECT command
1. COUNT Function

Use COUNT function to count the number of non-null values of an attribute

SELECT COUNT( comments ) FROM inventory WHERE 1

SELECT COUNT( * ) FROM inventory WHERE computerID =1

(there are totally 26 rows)

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SELECT Command Aggregate Function: MIN/ MAX

2. MIN/MAX Function
Use MIN function to find the lowest value of a given attribute Use MAX function to find the highest value of a given attribute
SELECT MAX( computerID ) FROM computers

SELECT MIN( computerID ) FROM computers

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SELECT Command Aggregate Function: SUM

3. SUM Function
Use SUM function to compute a total sum for any specific attribute
SELECT SUM(computerID) FROM inventory

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SELECT Command Aggregate Function: AVG

4. AVG Function
Use AVG function to compute an average value for any specific attribute
SELECT AVG(computerID) FROM inventory

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ITCS201 Web Programming, The Faculty of Information and Communication Technology, Mahidol University


Use GROUP BY when you have other attribute columns combined with aggregate functions in SELECT command
Basic Syntax:
SELECT columnList FROM tablename [ WHERE conditionList ] [ GROUP BY columnList ]

SELECT employeeID, COUNT( computerID ) FROM `inventory` GROUP BY employeeID

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Use HAVING clause when you want to specify condition of GROUP BY clause in SELECT command
Basic Syntax:
SELECT columnList FROM tablename [ WHERE conditionList ] [ GROUP BY columnList ] [ HAVING conditionList ] SELECT employeeID, COUNT( computerID ) FROM `inventory` GROUP BY employeeID HAVING count(computerID)>1
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Use ORDER BY in SELECT command to sort values in a given attribute
Basic Syntax:
SELECT columnList FROM tablename [ WHERE conditionList ] [ GROUP BY columnList ] [ HAVING conditionList ] [ ORDER BY columnList [ASC | DESC]]

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SELECT inventoryID, employeeID, comments FROM `inventory` WHERE inventoryID >40 ORDER BY employeeID SELECT inventoryID, employeeID, comments FROM `inventory` WHERE inventoryID >40 ORDER BY employeeID DESC

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ITCS201 Web Programming, The Faculty of Information and Communication Technology, Mahidol University

SELECT Command Joining Tables

Perform when data are retrieved from more than one tables
Normally compose of an equality comparison (=) of FK and PK of related tables.
SELECT * FROM inventory, computers WHERE inventoryID >40 AND inventory.computerID = computers.computerID

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ITCS201 Web Programming, The Faculty of Information and Communication Technology, Mahidol University

SELECT Command Join Tables : Alias

Use Alias to identify the source table from which data are taken when join is performed
SELECT e.firstName, e.lastName, COUNT( * ) AS 'number of computer' FROM inventory AS i, employees AS e WHERE e.employeeID = i.employeeID GROUP BY e.firstName, e.lastName HAVING COUNT( computerID ) >1 ORDER BY COUNT( * ) DESC

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