EM Tute - 1
EM Tute - 1
EM Tute - 1
1. Determine the magnitude of the Resultant forces FR = F1 + F2 and its direction measured countercloockwise from the positive x axis.
2. Two forces are applied to an eye bolt fastened to a beam. Determine graphically the magnitude and direction of their resultant using (a) the parallelogram law, (b) the triangle law.
3. Determine the resultant R of the two forces shown by (a) applying the parrologram law of vector addition (b) summing scaler component.
N, =79.1o
Ans. R= 529
4. Determine the magnitude of the resultant force and its direction, measured counterclockwise from the positive axis
Determine the magnitude of the resultant force FR = F1 + F2 and its direction measured countercloockwise from the positive u axis.
Ans. FR =605 N,
= 85.4
6. The vertical force F acts downwards at A on the two membered frames. Determine the magnitudes of the two component of F directed along the axes of AB and AC. Set F = 500 N.
7. The plate is subjected to the two forces at A and B as shown. If = 600, determine the magnitude of the resultant of these two forces and its direction measured from the horizontal.
8. To steady a sign as it is being lowered, two cables are attached to the sign at A. Knowing that = 250 determine a) the required magnitude of force P if the resultant R of the two forces applied at A is to be vertical, b) the corresponding magnitude of R
Ans: Fx1 = -320 N, Fy1 = 600 N, Fx2 = 360 N, Fy2 = 600 N, Fx3 = 600 N, Fy3 = -110 N
10.A window pole is used to open a window as shown. Knowing that the pole exerts on the window a force P directed along the pole and that the magnitude of the vertical component of P is 45 N, determine a) the magnitude of the force P, b) its horizontal component.
11.Determine the magnitude and direction of F1 so that the resultant force is directed vertically upward and has a magnitude of 800 N.
13. While steadily pushing the photocopying machine up an incline, a person exerts a 180 N force P as shown. Determine the components of P, which are parallel and perpendicular to the incline. Ans. Pt = 163.1 N, Pn = - 76.1 N
15. It is desired to remove the spike from the timber by applying force along its horizontal axis. An obstruction A prevents direct access, so that two forces, one 1.6 kN and the other P, are applied by cables as shown. Compute the magnitude of P necessary to ensure axial tension T along the spike. Also find T. Ans. P = 2.15 kN, T = 3.20 kN
16. The guy cables AB and AC are attached to the top of the transmission tower. The tension in cable AC is 8 kN. Determine the required tension T in cable AB such that the net effect of the two cable tensions is a downward force at point A. Determine the magnitude R of this downward force. Ans. T = 5.68 kN, R = 10.21 kN