AIIMS Rank Letter
AIIMS Rank Letter
AIIMS Rank Letter
No.F. AIIMS/Exam. Sec./AIPGMEE-12 Candidate Name: Father Name: Mother Name: Roll No.: Category:
Over All Rank No.: Category Rank No.:
Remarks: Qualified for on-line choice filling process-Eligible for UR,OBC Seats
The result of the All India Entrance Examination held on 8th January,2012 for Post Graduate Medical (MD/MS/Diploma) & Dental (MDS) courses for admission against 50% seats has been declared on 03.03.2012. Online seat allotment will be based purely on All India Rank. To see details of online allotment process, please visit
1.The vacancy position (college-wise) may be seen at web site 2.The candidate must carry the following documents in original, along with attested copies of the documents at Sl.No.(iii) to (x), while reporting for admission in allotted college : i. Admit Card issued by AIIMS. ii. Rank Letter issued by AIIMS. iii. MBBS/BDS Degree/Provisional passing Certificate. iv. Internship Completion Certificate. v. Permanent/Provisional Registration Certificate issued by MCI/State Medical Council (for MD/MS/PG Diploma) or Permanent Registration Certificate issued by DCI/State Dental Council (for MDS). vi. Matriculation /High School/Higher Secondary Certificate in proof of date of birth. vii. SC/ST certificate from the Competent Authority ,if applicable. viii. OBC certificate issued by the competent authority. The sub-caste should tally with the Central List of OBC. OBC candidate should not belong to Creamy Layer. OBC certificate must be in the format as mentioned in Appendix-V on page 26 of the Prospectus. ix. Physical Disability Certificate issued from a duly constituted and authorized Medical Board as specified in Prospectus. x. Any other relevant certificate or document. **Important notice for qualified Physically Handicapped (PH) candidates {Reference Prospectus All India Post Graduate Medical Entrance Examination-2012(AIPGMEE-2012) [MD/MS/Diploma and MDSCourses] for admission to postgraduate medical courses for Admission to 50% of total seats on all India basis para number 11(a) and 14} As per Medical Council of India Post Graduate Medical Education Regulations 2000(amended up to December, 2010) sub-clause 9(1) (a) "1(a). 3% seats of the annual sanctioned intake capacity shall be filled up by candidates with locomotor disability of lower limbs between 50% to 70%. Provided that in case any seat in this 3% quota remains unfilled on account of unavailability of candidates with locomotor disability of lower limbs between 50% to 70% then any such unfilled seat in this 3% quota shall be filled up by persons with locomotor disability of lower limbs between 40% to 50% before they are included in the annual sanctioned seats for General Category candidates." All qualified physically handicapped (PH) candidates are requested to keep themselves certified immediately at one of the under mentioned Disability Assessment Boards constituted at the 4 metro cities: 1.Vardhman Mahavir Medical College & Safdarjung Hospital, Ansari Nagar, (Ring Road), New Delhi-110029. 2.All India Institute of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Hazi Ali Park, K.Khadya Marg, Mahalaxmi, Mumbai-400034. 3.Institute of Post Graduate Medical Education & Reasearch, 244 Archarya J.C.Bose Marg, Kolkatta-700020. 4.Madras Medical College, Park Town, Chennai-600003. All qualified physically handicapped candidates may please note that on the basis of the Disability certificate issued by one of the 4 above mentioned Disability Assessment Boards candidates will be required to fill in their PH category in online counselling (allotment process) Registration form. NB: THE RESULT IS PROVISIONAL SUBJECT TO VERIFICATION OF DATA & RECORDS Note: All the certificates especially the Caste certificate must be in Hindi or English. In case the certificates are in regional language, its English version translated copy duly authenticated by a Group A Gazetted Officer will be required in original.
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03-04-2012 19:45