Summary of Plot
Summary of Plot
Summary of Plot
Snow White and the Seven Dwarves is about a little princess whose mother which was a kind queen who died soon after Snow White birth. She is living with her stepmother, a vain and wicked queen who is assumed to have taken over the kingdom after the death of Snow Whites father. Fearing Snow Whites beauty surpassing her own, the Queen forced her to work as a scullery maid and asked her Magic Mirror daily. Who is he fairest of all For many years the mirror always answered that the queen was, pleasing her. She was jealous of her step daughters beauty. The conflict started when one day the Magic Mirror told the wicked queen that she was no longer the fairest of all but Snow White. She was very angry and jealous. Snow White's Evil Stepmother wants to be the fairest of them all. But Snow White was, said the Magic Mirror. So The Stepmother/Queen, plotted to kill Snow White. The Queen called the huntsman and ordered him to take Snow White into the forest to kill her and bring back her heart to prove that she was dead. The huntsman encounters Snow White but decides not to harm her. He begs for her forgiveness and told her to stay away from the queen as she wanted her dead. He urges her to flee into the woods and never came back. So she was running in the dark, her Stepmother wanted to kill her, and she had nowhere to go. She wandered in the forest all night, crying, Lost and frightened, Snow White keep ran as far as she could until she discovered a small cottage hidden deep in the forest. It belonged to 7 dwarves, who soon loved her and cares for her. She lives with them happily. The plot came to the climax when later, the queen discovered that Snow White is still alive when the mirror again answers that Snow White is the fairest of all. She was very angry, for she knew that the huntsman had tricked her. But this time she didnt want to take any chance. She tried her magic spell. She goes to the cottage while the dwarves were away and tricked Snow White biting into the poisoned apple. As Snow White fell the queen laugh and exclaimed she was the fairest of all. In most fairy tales, there is not much falling action .Same goes to this story. The falling action was when the wicked queen fell and never seen again and the sadly dwarves carried Snow White in the forest and put her in the crystal coffin until one day the prince Charming came and saw her. Astonished by her beauty he kisses her, which breaks the spell. So they were married and lived happily ever after.