Post DPF
P229E-1C NOx Sensor Bank 1 Sensor 2 - Circuit Voltage Out of Range.
NOx Sensor2
Circuit diagram
Circuit description:
Breakout Connection:-
Visual inspection (Electrical):
1. Check that the connectors are properly connected and locked into position
2. Disconnect and check the component connector
3. Inspect pins and terminals for oxidations or corrosion
4. Ensure that the pins and terminals are locked into the connectors and that they are not pushed
back out of the sockets
5. Check the pins and terminal are not damaged (which can cause poor connection)
A) If there is a Short circuit DTC in the ECU, to identify whether the fault is in wiring harness or the
sensor, disconnect the component connector, (creating open circuit) and re-read fault code
status to see if status changes (where applicable).
o If the fault code changes i.e. open circuit DTC occurs, issue is with the internal circuit of
the component
o If the fault code does not change, issue is with the wiring harness
B) Connect a new sensor with the ECU and check whether the fault gets erased
o If the fault code gets erased, issue is with the internal circuit of the component
o If the fault code does not change, issue is with the wiring harness.