Law of Torts
Law of Torts
Law of Torts
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The word ‘Tort’ is derived from latin term 'tortum' which means ‘to twist’ or a
deviation from straight or right conduct and includes that conduct which is not straight
or lawful.
“A tort is a civil wrong for which the remedy is a common law action for unliquidated
damages and which is not exclusively the breach of a contract, or the breach of a trust,
or the breach of other merely equitable obligation”.
– Salmond.
“Tortious liability arises from the breach of duty primarily fixed by law; this duty is
towards persons generally and its breach is redressible by an action for unliquidated
“Tort is a civil wrong which is not exclusively breach of contract or breach of trust”.
In tort, the duty is fixed by the law itself where as In contract, the duty is fixed by the
party themselves.
In tort, the duty is towards every person of the community or society where as In
contract, the duty is towards specific person or persons.
A tort is a violation of a right in rem (that is, a right vested in some determinate person
and available against the world at large) where as A breach of contract is an
infringement of a right in personam (that is, of a right available only against some
determinate person or party.
In tort, motive is often taken into account where as In breach of contract motive is not
Sixth on the basis of damages,
A third party can sue for tort even though there was no contract between the person
causing injury and the person injured where as A third party to a contract cannot sue for
breach of contract except in some exceptional cases.
Law of tort is concerned with losses where as Contract law is concerned with promises.
Limitation begins to run from the date when damages occurs where as Limitation
commences when the breach of obligation takes place.
Law of torts has its origin as part of common law where as Breach of trust could be
redressed in the court of Chancery.
When a person gains some advantage or benefit to which some other person was
entitled to, or by such advantage another person suffers an undue loss, the law may
compel the former to compensate the latter in respect of advantage so gained, even
though there is no such contract. The law of quasi-contracts covers such obligations.
A claim for damages under law of tort is always for an unliquidated sum of money
where as A claim for damages is for liquidated sum of money.
Under law of torts the duty is towards persons generally where as In a quasi-contract,
the duty is always towards a particular person.
The common point between tort and quasi-contract is that the duty in each case is
imposed by the law. However, in certain cases, where a tort has been committed, the
injured party has a choice of not bringing an action for damages in tort, but of suing the
wrongdoer in quasi- contract to recover the value of the benefit obtained by the
wrongdoer. When the injured party elects to sue in quasi-contract instead of tort, he is
said to have 'waived the tort'.
Legal Damage
The second important ingredient in constituting a tort is legal damage. In order to prove
an action for tort, the plaintiff has to prove that there was a wrongful act, an act or
omission which caused breach of a legal duty or the violation of a legal right vested in
the plaintiff. So, there must be violation of a legal right of a person and if it is not, there
can be no action under law of torts. If there has been violation of a legal right, the same
is actionable whether the plaintiff has suffered any loss or not. This is expressed by the
maxim, "Injuria sine damnun 'Injuria' refers to infringement of a legal right and the term
'damnum' means substantial harm, loss or damage. The term 'sine' means without.
However, if there is no violation of a legal right, no action can lie in a court despite of
the loss, harm or damage to the plaintiff caused by the defendant. This is expressed by
the maxim 'Damnum sine injuria The detailed discussion of these two maxims is as
This maxim means infringement or violation of a legal private right of a person even if
there is no actual loss or damage. In such a case the person whose right is infringed has
a good cause of action. It is not necessary for him to prove any special damage. The
infringement of private right is actionable per se. What is required to show is the
violation of a right in which case the law will presume damage. Thus, in cases of
assault, battery, false imprisonment, libel etc., the mere wrongful act is actionable
without proof of special damage. The Court is bound to award to the plaintiff at least
nominal damages if no actual damage is proved.
Thus, this maxim provides for,
1) Infringement of a legal right of a person.
2) No actual loss or damage is required to prove.
3) Infringement of a private right is actionable per se.
In Ashby v. White, the plaintiff was a qualified voter at a Parliamentary election, but
defendant, a returning officer, wrongfully refused to take plaintiffs vote. No loss was
suffered by such refusal because the candidate for whom he wanted to vote won the
election. Plaintiff succeeded in his action. Lord Holt, C.J., observed as follows, "If the
plaintiff has a right he must of necessity have a means to vindicate and maintain it, and
a remedy if he is injured in the exercise or enjoyment of it, and indeed it is a vain thing
to imagine a right without a remedy, for want of right and want of remedy are
reciprocal". "Every injury imports a damage, though it does not cost a party one penny
and it is impossible to prove the contrary, for the uamage is not merely pecuniary, but
an injury imports a damage, when a man is thereby hindered of his right. As in an action
for slanderous words, though a man does not lose a penny by reason of the speaking of
them, yet he shall have an action. So, if a man gives another a cuff on his car, though it
costs him nothing, not so much as a little diachylon (plaster), yet he shall have his
action. So, a man shall have an action against another for riding over his ground, though
it does him no damage, for it is an invasion of the property and the other has no right to
come there."
In Municipal Board of Agra v Asharfi Lal, the facts are, the Plaintiff (Asharfi Lal)
was entitled to be entered as an elector upon the electoral roll. His name was wrongfully
omitted from the electoral roll and he was deprived of his right to vote. It was held by
the court that if any duly qualified citizen or person entitled to be on the electoral roll of
an constituency is omitted from such roll so as to be deprived of his right to vote, he has
suffered a legal wrong, he has been deprived of a right recognised by law and he has
against the person so depriving him, a remedy, that is, an action lies against a person
depriving I him of his right.
Similarly, in Bhim Singh v. State of J&K, the petitioner, an M.L.A. of Jammu &
Kashmir Assembly, was wrongfully detained by the police while he was going to attend
the Assembly session. Thus, he was deprived of his fundamental right to personal
liberty and constitutional right to attend the Assembly session. The court awarded
exemplary damages of Rs. Fifty thousand by way of consequential relief.An action will
lie against a banker, having sufficient funds in his hands belonging to the customer, for
refusing to honour his cheque, although the customer has not thereby sustained any
actual loss or damage, Marzetti v. Williams Bank
Chesmore v.Richards, The plaintiff, a mill owner was using water for over 60 years
from a stream which was chiefly supplied by the percolating underground water. The
defendants dug a well on their land deep enough to stop the larger volume of water
going to plaintiff's stream. Held, that the plaintiff has no right of action since it was a
case of damnum sine injuria.
Bradford Corporation v. Pickles, In this case, the defendant was annoyed when
Bradford Corporation refused to purchase his land in connection with the scheme of
water supply for the inhabitants of the town. In the revenge the defendant sank a shaft
over his land intentionally and intercepted the underground water which was flowing to
the reservoir of the plaintiffs. Held that the plaintiffs have no cause since the defendant
was exercising his lawful right although the motive was to coerce the plaintiff to buy his
land. The House of Lords approved the ruling in Chesmore v. Richards.
Dickson v. Renter's Telegraph Company, 'A' sent a telegram to 'B' for the shipment
of certain goods. The telegraph company mistaking the registered address of 'C' for that
of 'B', delivered the telegram to 'C'. 'C', acting on the telegram sent the goods to 'A' who
refused to accept the goods stating that he had ordered the goods not from 'C' but from
'B'. ‘C’ sued the Telegraph Company for damages for the loss suffered by him. Held,
that ‘C' had no cause of action against the company for the company did not owe any
duty of care to 'C' and no legal rights to 'C' could, therefore, be said to have been
Rogers v.. Rajendera Dutt, The plaintiff owned a tug which was employed for towing
the ships in charge of Government Pilots in Hoogly. The plaintiff demanded exorbitant
price for towing the ship. Consequently, the Superintendent of Marine issued an order
prohibiting the use of that tug in future whereby the owner was deprived of the profits.
Held, that they had no legal right to have their tug employed by the Government.
Town Area Committee v. Prabhu Dayal, A legal act, though motivated by malice,
will not make the defendant liable. The plaintiff can get compensation only if he proves
to have suffered injury because of an illegal act of the defendant. The plaintiff
constructed 16 shops on the old foundations of a building, without giving a notice of
intention to erect a building under section 178 of the Uttar. Pradesh Municipalities Act
and without obtaining necessary sanction required under section 108 of that Act. The
defendants (Town Area Committee) demolished this construction. In an action against
the defendant to claim compensation for the demolition the plaintiff alleged that the
action of the defendants was illegal as it was malifide, the municipal commissioner
being an enemy of his. It was held that the defendants were not liable as no "injuria”
(violation of a legal right) could be proved because if a person constructs a building
illegally, the demolition of such building by the municipal authorities would not amount
to causing "injuria" to the owner of the property.
In Action v. Blundell, the defendants by digging a coal pit intercepted the water which
affected the plaintiff's well, less than 20 years old, at a distance of about one mile. Held,
they were not liable. It was observed, "The person who owns the surface may dug
therein and apply all that is there found to his own purposes, at his free will and
pleasure, and that in the exercise of such rights he intercepts or drains off the water
collected from underground springs in the neighbor’s well, this inconvenience to his
neighbour falls within description damnum sine injuria which cannot become the
ground of action."
Injuria sine damunm means violation of a legal right without actual loss or damages
where as Damnum sine injuria means actual or substantial Damages without
infringement of a legal right.
Injuria sine damunm is always actionable where as Damnum sine injuria is never
Third on the basis of nature of wrong,
Injuria sine damunm contemplates legal wrongs where there is a remedy where as
Damnum sine injuria contemplates only moral wrongs without any remedy.
Legal Remedy
As already seen, Criminal Law seeks to punish the wrong-doer, i.e., an offender.
Therefore, one of the cardinal principles of Law of Crimes is well expressed by the
Latin legal maxim actus non facit reum nisi mens sit rea, which is vaguely translated as
“to constitute a crime act and intent must concur”. In other words, to hold a person
liable in Criminal Law, the prosecution has to prove both act usreus (effect of the
offender’s act) and mens rea(guilty mind on the part of the offender).
Mens rea may take any one of the following three forms:
1. Intention
2. Rashness (Recklessness)
3. Negligence.
On the other hand, Civil Law of Obligations, of which Law of Torts is a part, seeks
mainly to compensate the victim of a wrong committed by another person. Therefore,
the question as to whether the wrong-doer had committed the wrong with a guilty mind
is not relevant to Law of Torts.
The obligation to make reparation for the damage caused wrongful act arises from the
fault, and not from the intention. Any invasion of the civil rights of another person is in
itself a legal wrong, carrying with it liability to repair its necessary or natural
consequences, in so far as these are injurious to the person whose right is infringed,
whether the motive which prompted it be good, bad, or indifferent.
It is no defence to an action in tort for the wrong-doer to plead that he did not intend to
cause damage, if damage has resulted owing to an act or omission on his part which is
actively or passively the effect of his volition. A want of knowledge of the illegality of
his act or omission affords no excuse. Every man is presumed to intend and to know the
natural and ordinary consequences of his acts (Guille v. Swan, the balloon case. Scott v.
Shepherd the lighted squib case.) But in some cases fraud or malice are the essence of
that act or omission. Only in such cases knowledge of facts will be relevant to hold the
alleged wrong-doer guilty or otherwise.
Where a person can foresee the natural consequences of his own act and also desires
those natural consequences, he is said to have committed that act intentionally. For
example, A shoots at B knowing full well that by doing so he may injure or even kill B,
and with a desire that B should be injured or killed. Here A has intentionally shot at B.
If the defendant must has acted consciously and of his own free will and has intended
some injury to the plaintiff’s interest, the he is said to have committed a wrong
1. Conduct is not intentional where it results from unconscious or involuntary
2. Nor is it intentional for the purpose of Law of Torts where although the defendant has
acted of his own free will, yet he intended no harm to the plaintiff.
Two points need to be noted, however, which diminish the importance of this rule.
1. In law a man’s intention are adjudged by objective standards.
2. A man is taken to intend to harm the plaintiff when the consequence which he intends
would constitute an injury to a legally protected interest of the plaintiff, regardless of
whether he realizes that such a consequence would constitute such injury or not.
Thus, if A sees B sitting in front of him in the bus and taps him on the head to attract his
attention, then A commits the tort of battery. A consciously and voluntarily moves his
hand over B’s head and taps it. A intends both the act, and the consequence—the
application of force, to B’s person. Technically, there is a tort committed. This is
equally true if A taps C’s head in mistake for B’s. If the defendant must have acted
consciously and of his own free will and must have intended some injury to the
plaintiff's interest.
But where he can foresee those consequences but does not desire them, he is said to
have acted rashly or recklessly. For example, A drives a vehicle at an excessive speed
on a crowded street knowing full well that he may cause accident and injure somebody,
but without desiring that accident should take place and hoping that no one will be
injured. Here A is driving the vehicle rashly or recklessly.
In case of negligence, there is neither foresight nor desire of the consequences of one’s
own natural acts. However, there is failure to take adequate care as demanded by the
circumstances in which the act is done.
The test is not whether this particular defendant actually foresaw the possibility of harm
to the plaintiff. It is whether a hypothetical reasonable man would have foreseen it had
he been in the defendant’s position. This means that a defendant must sometimes
foresee even acts of stupidity or forgetfulness on the part of the plaintiff.
Motive is defined as ulterior intention. If we say that A has intentionally shot at and
killed B, the next question would be why did A intend to kill B? In other words, what
was the reason behind A’s intention to kill B? It may be because Was the legal heir of B
and wanted to inherit the property quickly by killing B. Or, it may be that A had some
enmity against B and due to that hatred he killed B. Or, may be A wanted to take some
revenge against B. Such intention to acquire B’s property through inheritance, enmity or
hatred, or intention to take revenge are said to be motive behind the killing of B by A.
Motive is almost always irrelevant in the English law of tort. A man’s reasons for doing
an act do not make a lawful act unlawful, nor vice versa.
Malice is a term with many meanings. Firstly, it is often used to mean spitefully or with
ill-will. Like other motives, malice in this sense is invariably irrelevant in Law of Torts,
and therefore, is not essential to the maintenance of an action for tort.
It is of two kinds, ‘malice in fact’ (or express malice or actual malice) and ‘malice in
law’ (or implied malice). The first is what is called malice in common acceptation, and
means ill-will against a person. The second means a wrongful act done intentionally
without just cause or excuse where a man has a right to do an act; it is not possible to
make his exercise of such right actionable by alleging or proving that his motive in the
exercise was spite or malice in the popular sense. An act not otherwise unlawful cannot
generally be made actionable by an averment that it was done with evil motive. A
malicious motive per se does not amount to an injuria or legal wrong.
1) General defences, or
2) Special defences
‘General defences’ are those defences which do not depend upon the nature of tort.
They are available in all types of torts.
‘Special defences’ are those defences which depend upon the nature of the tort. They
are available for that tort only.
2) Act of God,
3) Inevitable accident,
4) Necessity,
5) Private Defence,
6) Acts causing slight harm,
7) Statutory Authority,
The maxim is based on the principle of common sense. If I invite you to my house,
can I sue you for trespass? Answer is no, because I have consented to your entry
upon my land. But if a guest who is to be entertained in the drawing room enters into
my bedroom without my permission, he can be sued for trespass, because his entry
into the bedroom is unauthorised. A postman entering into the house for delivering a
letter cannot be sued if he remains within a permissible limit, because in such a case
the consent is inferred but if the postman crosses that permissible limit he can be
In Dr. Laxman Balkrishan v Trimbak Bapu, the Supreme Court held that if a doctor
does not apply due care during the operation, he will be liable even after the patients'
consent for suffering loss during operation. In the case the patient died because
proper primary care was not taken while giving anesthesia.
For the application of the maxim the following conditions should be fulfilled,
Consent must be freely given, It is necessary for the application of this maxim that
the consent must be freely given. The consent is not free, if it has been obtained by
undue influence, coercion, fraud, misrepresentation, mistake or the like elements
which adversely affects a free consent.
In White v Blackmore, the plaintiffs husband paid for admission of his family for
witnessing a car race. During the race a car got entangled in the safety rope and the
plaintiff was catapulated some twenty feet and died consequently. It was held that
since the deceased did not have full knowledge of the risk he was running from the
faulty lay out of the ropes, he did not willingly accept the risk.
Consent cannot be given to an illegal act, No consent can legalise an unlawful act or
an act which is prohibited by law and when the tort, is of such a character as to
amount to a crime, for example, fighting with naked fists, duel with sharp swords
are unlawful, and even though the parties may have consented, yet the law will
permit an action at the instance of the plaintiff.
Knowledge of risk is not the same thing as consent to run the risk, The maxim is
volenti nonfit injuria and not the scinti non-fit injuria — knowledge of danger does
not necessarily imply a consent to bear that danger. This doctrine was for the first
time enunciated in Smith v.Baker. In this case, the plaintiff worked in a cutting on
the top of which a crane was carrying heavy stone over his head while he was
drilling the rock face in the cutting. Both he and employers knew that there was a
risk of stones falling, but no warning was given to him of the moment at which any
particular jibbing commenced. A stone from the crane fell upon him and injured.
The House of Lords held that defendants were liable.
Thus, for the maxim volenti nonfit injuria to apply two things are necessary,
There are three exceptions to the rule of volenti non fit injuria.
1) Employment Relations
2) Rescue cases
3) Drunk drivers
2) Rescue Cases: Doctrine of assumption of risk does not apply where plaintiff has
under ran exigency caused by defendant’s wrongful misconduct, consciously and
deliberately, faced a risk, even of death to rescue another from imminent danger of
personal injury or death, the defence of leave and licence is not applicable to the
plaintiff, whether the person endangered was one to whom he owed a duty of
protection as a member of his family, or was a mere stranger to whom he owed no
such duty.
For reasons of policy, the courts are reluctant to criticise the behaviour of rescuers.
A rescuer would not be considered volens if:
Baker v. T. E. Hokins and Sons, A well was filled with poisonous fumes of petrol
driven pump on account of negligence of the employer, as a result of which two
workmen were overcome by fumes. Dr. Baker was called to rescue their lives but he
was told not to enter the well in view of the risk involved. Still he preferred to enter
the well with a view to save their lives. In the attempt of saving them he himself was
overcome by the fumes and he died. The widow of Dr. Baker sued the employer to
claim compensation for her husband’s death. The defendants pleaded volenti non fit
injuria. It was held that the act of rescuer was the natural consequence of the
defendant’s negligent act which he could have foreseen and therefore, the defence of
volenti non fit injuria did not apply. The defendants were, thus, held liable.
Dr. J. N. Srivastava v. Ram Bihari Lal and Others, The doctor observed after
opening the abdomen cavity that patient’s appendix was all right but the operation of
gall-bladder was needful. He proceeded with the operation- later on the patient died.
The Court held that it was not possible to seek the consent for the Gall- bladder
operation. In such circumstances doctor was not responsible. If however, there is no
real need to rescue, the Claimant may be held volens.
Cutler v. United Dairies, A man who was injured trying to restrain a horse was
held to be volens because in that case no human life was in immediate danger and he
was not under any compelling duty to act.
3) Drunk Drivers: A person accepting a lift from a drunk driver was not to be treated
as volens unless the drunkenness was so extreme and so glaring that accepting a lift
would be equivalent of to intermeddling with an unexploded bomb or walking on
the edge of an unfenced cliff.
Dann v. Hamilton: The plaintiff was injured when she was a willing passenger in
the car driven by the Mr Hamilton. He had been drinking and the car was involved
in a serious crash which killed him. In a claim for damages the Defendant raised the
defence of volenti non fit injuria in that in accepting the lift knowing of his drunken
condition she had voluntarily accepted the risk. The defence was rejected and the
plaintiff was held to be entitled to damages.
Asquith, J. held,“There may be cases in which the drunkenness of the driver at the
material time is so extreme and so glaring that to accept a lift from him is like
engaging in an intrinsically and obviously dangerous occupation, intermeddling
with an unexploded bomb or walking on the edge of an unfenced cliff. It is not
necessary to decide whether in such a case the maxim volenti non fit injuria would
apply, for in the present case I find as a fact that the driver's degree of intoxication
fell short of this degree”.But in another case, defence of volenti non fit injuria was
Morris v. Murray, The Claimant and Defendant had been drinking all day. The
Defendant, who had a pilot licence and a light aircraft, suggested that they took the
aircraft for a flight. The Claimant agreed and drove them both to the airfield. They
started the engine and the Defendant took off but crashed shortly after. The
Defendant was killed and the Claimant was seriously injured. An autopsy revealed
that the Defendant had consumed the equivalent of Whiskeys. In an action for
negligence, the Defendant raised the defence of volenti non fit injuria. The defence
was allowed. The actions of the Claimant in accepting a ride in an aircraft from an
obviously heavily intoxicated pilot was so glaringly dangerous that he could be
taken to have voluntarily accepted the risk of injury and waived the right to
Ex:- The falling of a tree, a flash of lightening, a tornado, storms, tempests, tides,
volcanic eruptions, or a flood.
Irresistibility: The occurrence must be such that it could not have been
avoided by any amount of precaution.
Whether a particular event amounts to an Act of God is question of fact. Today the
scope of this defence is very limited because with the increase in knowledge the
foresight also increases and it is expected that the possibility of the event could have
been visualized.
In Ramalinga Nadar v. Narayana Reddiar, the Kerala High Court held that the
criminal activities of the unruly mob cannot be considered to be an Act of God.
All recent authorities support the view that 'inevitable accident'"negatives liability.
An 'inevitable accident' is that which could not possibly be prevented by the exercise
of ordinary care, caution and skill. It means an accident physically unavoidable. It
does not apply to anything which either party might have avoided. It is an accident
such as the defendant could not have avoided by use of the kind and degree of care
nece'ssary to the exigency, and the circumstances, in which he was placed. If in the
performance of a lawful act, done with all due care, damage ensues through some
unavoidable reason, such damage affords no cause of action. "People must guard
against reasonable probabilities, but they are not bound to guard against fantastic
Distinction between "inevitable accident" and "act of God", Dr. Winfield says that
"an act of God" is much older, much simpler and much more easily grasped by
primitive people than is the idea of 'inevitable accident.' A falling tree, a flash of
lightning, a tornado, or flood presents to the observer a simple and dramatic fact
which a layman would regard as an excuse for harm done without further
argument.... But the accidents which are not convulsions of nature are a very
different matter. To know whether injury from a run away horse was inevitable, one
must ask 'would a careful driver have let it run away'..,. 'Inevitable accident' differs
from the act of God in not depending on 'natural forces. All cases of 'inevitable
accident' may be divided into two classes,
1. those which are occasioned by the elementary forces of nature unconnected with
the agency of man or other cause, and
2. those which have their origin either in whole or in part in the agency of man,
whether in the commission or omission, non-feasance or misfeasance, or in any
other causes independent of the agency of natural forces. The term "act of God"
is applicable to the former class. The latter types of accidents are termed
'inevitable accident' or "unavoidable accidents."
An act of God will be extraordinary occurrence due to natural cause, which is not
the result of any human intervention, which could not be avoided by any foresight
and care, for example, a fire caused by lighting. But an accidental fire, though it
might not have resulted from any act or omission of common carrier, cannot be an
act of God.
Leading case on this point is Brown v. Kendall. A dog owned by the plaintiff was
fighting with a dog owned by the defendant. The plaintiff stood behind the
defendant without his knowledge while the defendant was trying to separate the
dogs with a stick. The stick struck the plaintiff in his eye and caused injury. It was
held that the defendant was not liable as he had exercised reasonable care.
Nitroglycerin case, The defendants who were a firm of carriers were carrying a
wooden box sent by one of the customers, the contents of which were not reported.
When the servants of the defendants found that the box was leaking, they took it
their office to inspect. Though they tried to open it with normal care, the
nitroglycerin which was highly inflammable substance exploded. All those who
were present there were killed and the building in which the office was situated got
severely damaged and the office itself was completely destroyed. It was held that the
defendants were not liable for the loss to the building.
Stanley v. Powell, The plaintiff, who was engaged in carrying cartridges and game
for the party, was hit by a shot fired by the defendant while on an organized
pheasant shoot when the shot glanced off a tree before hitting the plaintiff. It was
held that the defendant was not liable.
National Coal Board v. Evans, In this case a colliery company preceded the
National Board, had buried an electric cable in the county council’s land. The
county council’s contractor damaged the cable while excavating land and the fact
that electric cable was buried under the land was not known to the council or
contractor. It was held that in these circumstances, neither the council nor the
contractor would be liable for damage of cable and the defence of inevitable
accident was allowed.
E.g. one arresting and restricting the movement of the drunken person who is likely
to cause danger to the people at large, can successfully plead necessity as a defence.
However, one who puts live electric wires on his land to stop the trespassers cannot
successfully avail this defence if he does not give notice, warning of such a
dangerous thing.
Cope v. Sharpe, A fire broke out on A’s land. A’s servants were busy in
extinguishing the fire, the gamekeeper of C (who had shooting rights over A’s land)
set fire to some strips of heather extinguished between the fire and some nesting
peasants of C, in a shot, while the fire was by A’s servants. A sued the gamekeeper
for trespass. The Court held that the gamekeeper was not liable for there was a real
and imminent danger to the game which justified the action taken by the defendant.
Private Defence
Private defence is another ground of immunity well known to the law. No action is
maintainable for damage done in the exercise of one's right of private defence of
person or property provided that the force employed for the purpose is not out of
proportion to the harm apprehended. And what may be lawfully done for oneself in
this regard may likewise be done for a wife or husband, a parent or child, a master or
servant. But the force employed must not be out of proportion to the apparent
urgency of the occasion. Thus it is not justifiable to use a deadly weapon to repel a
push or blow with the hand. "Honest and reasonable belief of immediate danger" is
the test. Indian Penal Code extends the benefit of this defence even in case of
causing death in certain circumstances.
In India the right of private defence has been given a statutory recognition in
Sections 96 to 106 of the Indian Penal Code. Though provisions of these sections are
applicable to the criminal law, the principles contained therein may profitably be
imported into the Law of Torts. Self defence as a permissible defence against an
action in torts has recently been discussed by Orissa High Court in Devendra Bhai
v. Megha Bhai, the principle extends not only to the right of person to protect
himself but also to protect others' life, his wife, his parents and his child. He is to use
only necessary force or not to use force in excess of what is necessary.
De minimis non curat lex (Law does not cure minor loss): Courts generally do not
take trifling and immaterial matters into account, except under peculiar
circumstances, such as the trial of a right, or where personal character is involved.
Acts which separately would not be wrongs may amount to a wrong by a repetition
or combination.
Holford v. Bailey, A casts and draws a net in water where B has the exclusive right
of fishing. Whether any fish are caught or not, A has wronged B, because the act, if
repeated, would tend to establish or claim a right to fish in that water. Similarly, an
act, which a small incidence, may be a part of a larger transaction. In such a case
also the law will take cognizance of the act.
Statutory Authority
When a statute authorises the doing of an act, which would otherwise be a tort, the
injured has no remedy except the one (if any) provided by the statute itself. An
Indian case of this point is of Bhogi Lal v. The Municipality of Ahmedabad, The
Municipality of Ahmedabad demolished the wall of the plaintiff under their
statutory powers. The demolition of the wall also resulted in the falling of the roof of
the defendant on the wall. On an action by the plaintiff for the damage to his
property, it was held by the court that the defendant would not be liable. For no suit
will lie on behalf of a man who sustain a private injury by the execution of powers
given by a statute, these powers being exercised with judgment and caution.
But statutory powers are not charters of immunity for any injurious act done in the
exercise of them. The act done in pursuance of the statutory powers must be done
without negligence. If it is done negligently an action lies.
Main object of the law of torts is make a person liable for the loss caused by his
fault. If the defendant's fault causes loss to the plaintiff, defendant has to bear the
loss by compensating the plaintiff. Thus, the loss suffered by the plaintiff on account
of defendant's fault is shifted to the defendant. But in many cases, though the act of
the defendant causes harm to the plaintiff, the plaintiff’s own fault may be the
reason for the loss.
Boloch v. Smith, A person, who having occasion to come to the house of another,
strays from the ordinary approaches to the house, and trespasses upon the adjoining
land, where there is no path, has no remedy for any injury which he may sustain
from falling into unguarded wells or pits, as the injury is the result of his own
carelessness or misconduct. But occupier of a land has a duty to keep premises safe
even in respect of trespassers. If he violates this duty, then he cannot take this
defence and will be liable to the plaintiff. In such a case, there will be mutual torts
and each party may sue the other for the tort committed against him.
If both plaintiff and the defendant are at fault, the loss will have to be shared by
them in the proportion of their fault. This is called ‘distributive justice’.
Sayers v. Harlow, Mrs. Sayers found herself locked in a public lavatory. Unable to
summon help, she tried to climb out over the top of the door. She found this
impossible and, when climbing back down, allowed her weight to rest on the toilet
roll which ‘true to its mechanical requirement, rotated’. Mrs. Sayers fell and was
injured. It was held that 75% of her injury was the fault of the Council for
providing a defective lock which jammed, and 25% was her own fault.
Froom v. Butcher, A front seat passenger injured in a car accident had his damage
reduced by 25% because he had not worn a seat belt.
No action lies for acts done, or words spoken, by a judge in exercise of his judicial
office, although they may be malicious. It is founded on the principle of public
benefit that Judges should be at liberty to exercise their function independently and
without fear of consequences.
Judicial Officers Protection Act, 1850 grants protection to a judicial officer for any
act done or ordered to be done by him in the discharge of his judicial duty. He is
protected even though he exceeds his jurisdiction provided that at that time he
honestly believed that he had jurisdiction to do or order the act complained of.
1. No such protection is granted if a magistrate is acting mala fide and outside his
Sailajanand Pandey v. Suresh Chandra Gupta, The magistrate acting mala fide,
illegally and outside his jurisdiction, ordered the arrest of the plaintiff. The Patna
High Court held that he was not entitled to the protection given by the Judicial
Officer’s Protection Act, 1850 and was, therefore, liable for the wrong of false
State of U.P. v. Tulsi Ram: Five persons were prosecuted for certain offences.
One of them was acquitted by the Sessions Court and another by the High Court.
The High Court upheld the conviction of only three of the five persons and
authorized the issue of warrants against these three convicted persons. The judicial
magistrate acting negligently signed an order for the arrest of all the five persons. As
a result of this order, the plaintiffs, even though they had been acquitted by the High
Court, were arrested by the police.
It was held that the judicial officer was liable for the wrongful arrest of the plaintiff-
respondents as the judicial officer was not exercising any judicial function but only
an executive function while issuing warrants and therefore, the protection under the
Judicial Officers Protection Act, 1850 could not be available in this case.
Parents and persons in loco parentis (place or position of parents) have a right to
administer punishment on a child for the purpose of correction, chastisement of
training. However one must remember that such an authority warrants the use of
reasonable and moderate punishment only and therefore, if there is an excessive use
of force, the defendant may be liable for assault, battery or false imprisonment, as
the case may be.
In England, as per Section 1(7) of the Children and Young Persons Act, 1933, a
parent, teacher, or other person having lawful control or charge of a child or young
person is allowed to administer punishment on him.
The authority of a teacher to correct his students is not limited only to the wrongs
which the student may commit upon the school premises but may also extend to the
wrongs done by him outside the school because there is not much opportunity for
boy to exhibit his moral conduct while in school under the eye of the master the
opportunity is while he is at play or outside the school.
R v. Newport ,It has been held that if the school rules prohibited smoking, both in
the school and in the public, the school master was justified in caning a student
whom he had found smoking cigarette in a public street. Reasonable professional
behaviour, rather than perfection, is the norm.
Eisel v. Board of Education, The Maryland High Court ruled that school
counsellors were negligent in not revealing their knowledge of a student’s
threatened suicide to the child’s parents. The counsellors’ negligence was not for
failure to physically prevent the student’s suicide, but rather for not communicating
information regarding the child’s intent.
As a general rule, a man is liable only for his own act but there are certain
circumstances in which a person is liable for the wrong committed by others. This is
called "vicarious liability", that is, liability incurred for another. The most common
instance is the liability of the master for the wrong committed by his servants. In
these cases liability is joint as well as several. The plaintiff can sue the actual wrong-
doer himself, be he a servant or agent, as well as his principal. In the words of
Salmond, "In general a person is responsible only for his own acts, but there are
exceptional cases in which the law imposes on him vicarious responsibility for the
acts of another, however, blameless himself."
a) Qui facit per alium facit per se, The maxim means, 'he who acts through
another is deemed in law as doing it himself. The master's responsibility for the
servant's act had also its origin in this principle. The reasoning is that a person
who puts another in his place to do a class of acts in his absence, necessarily
leaves to determine, according to the circumstances that arise, when an act of
that class is to be done and trust him for the manner in which it is done,
consequently he is answerable for the wrong of the person so entrusted either in
the manner of doing such an act, or in doing such an act under circumstances in
which it ought not to have been done, provided what is done is not done from
any caprice of the servant but in the course of the employment.
b) Respondent superior, This maxim means that, the superior must be responsible
or let the principal be liable. In such cases not only he who obeys but also he
who command becomes equally liable This rule has its origin in the legal
presumption that all acts done by the servant in and about his master's business
are done by his master's express or implied authority and are, in truth, the act of
the master. It puts the master in the same position as if he had done the act
himself. The master is answerable for every such wrong of the servant as is
committed in the course of his service, though no express command or privity is
proved. Similarly, a principal and agent are jointly and severally liable as joint
wrongdoers for any tort authorised by the former and committed by the latter.
Modes of vicarious liability, The liability for others wrongful acts or omissions
may arise in one of the following three ways,
b) Liability arising out of special relationship, Where the defendant stands to the
wrong- doer in a relation which makes the former answerable for wrongs
.committed by the other, though not specifically authorised. This is the most
important form of liability. Liability arising out of master and Servant.
In order that the master may be held liable for the tort of his servant following
conditions should be fulfilled,
Who is servant? Lord Thankerton has said that there must be contract of service
between the master and servant has laid down the following four ingredients.
1. A servant is an agent who works under the supervision and direction of his
employer. Where as An independent contractor is one who is his own master.
2) the mode in which the authorized act has been done is wrongful or unauthorized.
It is the general rule that master will be liable not merely for what he has
authorized his servant to do but also for the way in which he does that which he
has authorized to do.
An employee in case of necessity is also considered as acting in the course of
employment, if he is performing his employer's business. For instance, a
Government employee was travelling in a jeep to deliver medicines in the course of
his duties. He had licence to drive and had also been authorized to drive the
Government's vehicle in the case of necessity. The driver of the jeep suddenly took
ill and, therefore, he had to drive, in order to ensure the medicines reaching their
destination, While driving the jeep he negligently run over the deceased, It was held
that he was acting in the course of employment and thus the Government was liable,
The trend of the recent decisions of various High Courts is to allow compensation to
the accident victim against the owner of the vehicle and through him, the insurance
company. The aspect of the relationship of the independent contractor and employer
between the mechanic or the workshop and the owner of the vehicle has been
generally ignored, such liability has been recognised on the basis of the law of
agency by considering the owners of the workshop or the mechanic as an agent of
the owner of vehicle.
The recent trend in law to make the master liable for acts which do not strictly fall
within the term 'in course of employment' as ordinarily understood. The owner is not
only liable for the negligence of the driver if that driver is his servant acting in the
course of the employment but also when the driver is with the owner's consent,
driving, the car on the owner's business or for the owner's purposes.
Thus, although the particular act which gives the cause of action may not be
authorised, yet, if the act is done in the course of employment which is authorised,
the master is liable. In other words, "to hold master liable for the wrongful act of a
servant it must be committed in the course of master's business so as to form part of
it, and not merely, coincident in time with it," but if the torts are committed in any
manner beyond the scope of employment the master is liable only if he was
expressly authorised or subsequently ratified them.
Main incidents of Master's Liability, There are six principal ways in which a master
becomes liable for the wrong done by servants in the course of their employment.
In Baldeo Raj v. Deowati, the driver of a Truck sat by the side of the conductor and
allowed the conductor to drive. The conductor caused an accident with a rickshaw as
a result of which a rikshaw passenger died. It was held that the act of the driver in
permitting the conductor to drive the vehicle at the relevant time was a breach of
duty by the driver, and that was the direct cause of the accident. For such
negligence of the driver his master was held vicariously liable.
In the first place, it must be shown that the servant intended to do on behalf of his
master something which he was, in fact, authorised to do. Secondly, it has to be
proved that the act if done in a proper manner, would have been lawful.
4. Wrong' may be a wilful wrong but doing on the master's behalf and with the
intention of serving his purpose.
If a servant performs some act which indicates recklessness in his conduct but which
is within the course of his employment and calculated to serve the interest of the
master, then the latter will be saddled with the responsibility for it.
A master is liable also for the wrongful acts of his servants done fraudulently. It is
immaterial that the servant's fraud was for his own benefit. The master is liable if the
servant was having the authority to do the act, that is, the act must be comprehended
within his ostensible authority. The underlying principle is that on account of the
fraudulent act of the servant, the master is deemed to extend a tacit invitation to
others to enter into dealings or transactions with him. Therefore, the master's
liability for the fraudulent acts of his servants is limited to cases where the plaintiff
has been invited by the defendant to enter into some sort of relationship with a
wrong doer. Consequently, where there is no invitation, express or implied, the acts
will be treated as the independent acts of his servant himself, and outside the scope
of his employment,
At one time in England the maxim of the Common Law was that "the King can do
no wrong", and as such crown could not be sued for the tortious acts of its servants.
The individual wrong-doer (that is, the official) was personally liable for the wrong
committed by him, even when the wrong was actually authorised by the Crown or
was committed in the course of his employment. Obviously, the position thus
obtained was inequitable and incompatible. However, with the expansion in the
activities of the State, it became necessary that the State should shoulder liability for
the acts of its servants without claiming any special immunity. With this object in
view, the Crown Proceedings Act, 1947, was passed. Now, like a private employer,
the Crown is liable for the torts committed by its servants in the course of their
Position in India
Article 300 of the Constitution of India stated the legal position of State as
regards its liability for the tortuous acts of its servants done in course of their
employment. The Article provides that the Government of India may sue or be sued
by the name of Union of India and the Government of a State may sue or be sued by
the name of the State and may, subject to any provisions which may be made by Act
of Parliament or of the legislature of such State enacted by virtue of powers
conferred by this Constitution, sue or be sued in relation to their respective affairs in
the like cases as the dominion of India and the corresponding provinces or the
corresponding Indian states might have sued or been sued if this constitution had not
been enacted.
Thus, the Union of India and the states are juristic persons by virtue of Article 300
but this Article does not mention those circumstances under which the Union of
India and the State Governments can sue and be sued. This Article simply mandates
to refer to the legal position prevailing before the commencement of the
constitution. The legal position of the State before the Constitution came into force
is to be found in the Government of India Act, 1935, which again like the
Constitution, said that the position prevailing before the Act of 1935, that is, position
as obtaining under the Government of India Act, 1915, shall prevail. The Act of
1915 in a like manner made reference to the Government of India Act, 1858. The
Act of 1858 made it clear that the Government was liable for acts of its servants in
those cases in which the East India Company would have been liable.
The East India Company was held to be liable for the tortuous acts of its servants
which were done in the exercise of its non-sovereign function, that is, the function
which could have been performed by a private individual. It was held not to be liable
for a tort committed by its servants if the act was done in exercise of sovereign
power. The question of liability of East India Company was considered in the
following case,
In lqbal Kaur v. Chief of Army Staff, an accident occured due to the negligent
driving by a driver of the Government while he was going with a truck for imparting
training in motor driving to new recruits. Held, the act did not constitute an act in
exercise of sovereign power and the Union of India was liable for damages.
In State of Tamil Nadu v.M.N. Shamsuden, the death of a person was caused by an
ambulance belonging to the Government which was being used for transporting a
patient for emergency treatment. The Madras High Court disallowed the protection
of immunity on the ground that transporting of the patient to the hospital could be
done even by private individuals.
In Surjit Singh Bhatia v. Segalla Ramula, a military vehicle dashed against a motor
cycle and caused injuries to the pillion rider. The Punjab & Haryana High Court
rejected the plea of sovereign immunity.
In Indian Insurance Corporation Asson Pool v. Radhabai, it has been held that
taking ailing children to Primary Health Centre in a vehicle belonging to the State
Government is not a sovereign function and the State is liable for the accident
caused by the negligence of the driver of such vehicle. It was a case decided on the
lines of Vidyawati's case.
In Union of India v. Harbans Singh, meals were being carried from the cantonment,
Delhi for being distributed to military personnel on duty. The truck carrying the
meals belonged to the military department and was being driven by a military driver.
It caused accident resulting in the death of a person. It was held that the act was
being done in the exercise of sovereign powers, and therefore, the State was not
liable for the same.
In Pushpa Thakur v. UOI, where the truck involved in accident was engaged in
carrying ration and sepoys within the country during peace time in the course of
movement of troops after the hostilities were over, held that this is a "routine duty"
not directly connected with carrying on of war, the traditional sovereign function.
In Ram Ghulam v. State of Uttar Pradesh, the police authorities recovered some
stolen property and deposited the same in the Malkhana. The property was again
stolen from the Malkhana. The Government of U.P. was held not liable for the same
to the owner of the property as the Government servants were performing
obligations imposed by law. Similar decision was given in Mohd. Murad v. Govt. of
Uttar Pradesh.
In State of U.P. v. Hindustan Lever Limited, the act of the Government servants was
in exercise of statutory powers but the powers in that case were not sovereign
powers, and therefore, the State was held liable.
In People's Union for Democratic Rights v. Police Commn, Delhi, the State was
ordered to pay compensation to victims of police firing.The police fired without any
warning on a group of poor peasants who had collected for a peaceful meeting.
Thus, from the above cases it can be concluded that sovereign powers means those
powers which can be lawfully exercised by a person by virtue of delegated
sovereign powers. It must include maintenance of the army, various departments of
the Government for maintenance of public law, order, administration of the country.
An easy test to consider that whether a function is a non-sovereign function or not is
that if a private individual can be engaged in that function it is a non-sovereign
function. Thus, functions relating to trade, business, commerce and the welfare
activities are non-sovereign functions.
While in England, after the passing of the Crown Proceedings Act, 1947, it is no
defence for the State that the tort committed by its servants was in discharge of
obligations imposed by law, in India, the same has been considered to be a defence
in a number of cases.
However, in order to exempt the State from liability it is further necessary that the
statutory functions which are exercised by the Government servants were exercised
by way of delegation of the sovereign power of the State. In case the tortious act
committed by the servant was in discharge of non-sovereign functions die State
would be liable for the same (Kasturi Lal’s case; State of U.P. v. Hindustan Lever
The palpable unjustness of the decision in Kasturi Lal case has led to its bypassing
in recent times. Today, the State has been held liable in respect of loss or damage
either to the property or to a person. Although the decision of the Supreme Court in
Kasturi Lal's case is yet to be overruled, subsequent decisions of the court have
greatly undermined its authority and reduced the strength of sovereign immunity In
Common Cause, A Registered Society v. UOI ,the court observed that "the doctrine
of sovereign immunity has no relevance in the present day context Much of
Kasturilal’s efficacy as a binding precedent has been eroded".
The present law relating to the vicarious liability of State is not satisfactory in India.
A proper legislation is lacking in this regard. It is left to courts to develop the law
according to the views of the judges. The citizens are not in a position to know the
law definitely. In Kasturi Lal case, die Supreme Court had expressed dissatisfaction
at the prevailing position. It said that the remedy to cure this position lies in the hand
of the Legislature. In T.V. Nagendra Rao's case also, the Supreme Court suggested
for enacting appropriate legislation to remove die uncertainty in this area.
It emerges from the various decisions (barring recent ones) that the Government is
not liable for the torts committed by its servants in exercise of sovereign powers, but
for the torts committed in the exercise of non-sovereign powers. Sovereign powers
mean powers which can be lawfully exercised only by a sovereign or by a person to
whom such powers have been delegated.
There are no well defined tests to know what are sovereign powers. Functions like
maintenance of defence forces, maintenance of law and order and proper
administration of the country, and the machinery for administration of justice can be
included in sovereign functions. Functions relating to trade, business and commerce
and welfare activities (viz. running of hospital) are amongst the 'non-sovereign'
functions. Broadly speaking such functions, in which private individuals can be
engaged in, are not sovereign functions.
In Baxi Amrik Singh v. Union of India, held that the checking of army personnel on
duty was a function intimately connected with the army discipline and it could only
be performed by a member of the Armed Forces and that too by such a member who
is detailed on such duty and is empowered to discharge that function.
2. Maintenance of law and order that is if die plaintiff is injured while police
personnel are dispersing unlawful crowd (State of Orissa v. Padmalochan), or
plaintiff's loudspeaker set is damaged when the police makes a lathi charge to
quell a riot (State of M.P. v. Chironji Lal).
b. A truck belonging to the public works department carrying material for the
construction of a road bridge (Rap Raw Verses The Punjab State), Famine relief
work (Shyam Sunder v. State of Rqjasthan).
c. A Government jeep car being taken from the workshop to the Collector's
bungalow for the Collector's use (State of Rajasthan v. Vidjawati).
e. Carrying military jawans from Railway Station to the Unit Headquarters (union of
India v. Savita Sharma). Similarly, carrying ration and sepoys within the country
during peace time in the course of movement of troops after the hostilities were over
[Pushpa Tbakur v. UOI].
f. Carrying Air Force officers from one place to another in Delhi for playing hockey
and basket ball (Satya Wati Devi v.UOI), or bringing back military officers from the
place of exercise to the college of combat
g. Taking a truck for imparting training to new M.T. Recruits (Iqbal Kaur v. Chief of
Army Staff).
i. Where some military jawans found some firewood lying by river side and
carried the same away for purposes of camp fire and fuel (Roop Lal v.UOI).
j. a 'service' (facility) provided to a 'consumer' within the meaning of the
Consumer Protection Act, 1986 is not a 'sovereign' function (Lucknow
Development Authority v. M.K. Gupta).
Generally speaking there is a legal duty to take care where it was or should have
been reasonably foreseeable that failure to do so was likely to cause injury.
Negligence is, accordingly, a mode in which many kinds of harms may be caused,
by not taking such adequate precautions as should have been taken in the
circumstances to avoid or prevent that harm, as contrasted with causing such harm
intentionally or deliberately. A man may, accordingly, cause harm negligently
though he was not careless but tried to be careful, if the care taken was such as the
court deems inadequate in the circumstances.
Generally speaking one is responsible for the direct consequences of his negligent
acts where he is placed in such a position with regard to another that it is obvious
that if he does not use due care in his own conduct he will cause injury to another.
Negligence takes innumerable forms, but the commonest forms are negligence
causing personal injuries or death, of which species are employers’ liability to an
employee, the liability of occupiers of land to visitors thereon, the liability of
suppliers to consumers, of persons doing work to their clients, of persons handling
vehicles to other road-users, and so on. The categories of negligence are not closed
and new varieties such as negligence causing economic loss may be recognized.
Essentials of Negligence
2. That the defendant made a breach of the duty i.e. he failed to exercise due care
and skill.
The existence of a duty situation or a duty to take care is thus essential before a
person can be held liable negligence. It means a legal duty rather than a mere moral,
religious or social duty. The plaintiff has to establish that the defendant owed to him
specific legal duty to take care, of which he has made a breach. Normally the
existence of a duty situation in a given case is decided on the basis of existing
precedents covering similar situations; but it is now well accepted that new duty
situations can be recognized.
In Donoghue v. Stevenson, the appellant plaintiff drank a bottle of ginger beer which
was brought from a retailer by her friend. The bottle which was of dark opaque glass
in fact contained the decomposed body of snail (found out by her when she had
already consumed a part of the contents of the bottle).
Held that the manufacturer of bottle was responsible for his negligence towards the
plaintiff. According to Lord Atkin: “A manufacturer of the products, which he sells
in such a form as to show that he intends them to reach the ultimate consumer in the
form in which they left him with no reasonable possibility of intermediate
examination and with the knowledge that the absence of the reasonable care in the
preparation or putting up of the products will result in an injury to consumers’ life or
property, owes a duty to the customer to take that reasonable care.”
The House of Lords also rejected the plea that there was no contractual relationship
between the manufacturer and plaintiff. Lord Atkin said: “The rule that you are to
love your neighbor becomes in law ‘you must not injure your neighbor’.’’
Similarly, in Hedley Byrne &co. Ltd v. Heller & Partners Ltd, again a new duty was
recognized. It was held that the law will imply a duty of care when a party seeking
information from a party possessed of a special skill trusts him to exercise due care
and that a negligent, though honest, misrepresentation in breach of this duty may
give rise to an action for damages apart from contract or fiduciary relationship. Lord
Pearce in this case said: “How wide the sphere of the duty of care in negligence is to
be laid depends ultimately upon the court’s assessment of the demands of society for
protection from carelessness of others.”
Whether the defendant owes a duty to the plaintiff or not depends on reasonable
foresee ability of the injury to the plaintiff. In Heaven v. Pender, held that the duty
arises only if a person is nearer to the person or property of another. A useful test to
decide culpability is to determine what a ‘Reasonable Man’ (i.e. a man of ordinary
prudence or intelligence) would have foreseen and behaved under the circumstances.
The standard of foresight of the reasonable man is an impersonal or objective test.
However, the standard of care of the reasonable man involves in its application a
subjective element.
In SushmaMitra v. M.P. State Road Transport Corpn , the plaintiff was resting her
elbow on the window sill. A truck coming from the opposite direction hit her elbow
as a result of which she received severe injuries. Held that it is the duty of the driver
to pass on the road at a reasonable distance from the other vehicles.
When the injury to the plaintiff is not foreseeable, the defendant is not liable. In
Glasgow Corpn. v. Muir, the managers of the defendant corporation tearooms
permitted a picnic party to have their food in the tearoom. Two members of the
picnic party were carrying a big urn containing 6-9 gallons of tea to a tearoom
through a passage where some children were buying ice creams. Suddenly one of the
persons lost the grip of the handle of urn and six children, including the plaintiff,
were injured. Held that the managers could not anticipate such an event and,
therefore, she had no duty to take precautions. Hence neither she nor he corporation
could be held liable.
To establish negligence it is not enough to prove that the injury was foreseeable. But
a reasonable likelihood of the injury has also to be shown. The duty is to guard
against reasonable probabilities rather than bare or remote or fantastic possibilities.
In Fardon v. Harcourt, the defendant parked his car by the roadside and left a dog
inside the car. The dog jumped out and smashed a glass panel. A splinter from this
glass injured the plaintiff while he was walking past the car. Held that the accident
being very unlikely, the defendant was not liable.
When the defendant owed a duty of care to persons rather than the plaintiff, the
plaintiff cannot sue even if he might have been injured by the defendant’s act. Thus
the duty must be owed to the plaintiff.
In Palsgraf v. Long Island Railroad Co.,a passenger carrying a package was trying
to board a moving train. He seemed to be unsteady as if about to fall. A railway
guard, with an idea to help him pushed him from behind. In this act, the package (of
fireworks) fell resulting in an explosion, as a result of which the plaintiff was
injured. Held that the guard if negligently to the holder of the package was not
negligent in relation to the plaintiff standing far away (about 25 feet).
Similarly, counsel has a duty towards client. The Counsel should be careful in
performing his professional duties. If a counsel, by his acts or omissions, causes the
interest of the party engaging him, in any legal proceedings to be prejudicially
affected. He does so at his peril. On the same analogy a person engaged in some
particular profession is supposed to have the requisite knowledge and skill needed
for the purpose and he has a duty to exercise reasonable degree of care in the
conduct of his duties. The standard of care needed in a particular case dependents on
the professional skill expected from persons belonging to a particular class. A
surgeon or anesthetist will be judged by the standard of an average practitioner of
class to which he belongs or holds himself out to belong. In case of specialists, a
higher degree of skill is needed.
Explaining the nature of duty of care in medical profession, the Supreme Court
observed in Dr. LakshmanBalkrishna Joshi v. TrimbakBapu Godbole, “The
petitioner must bring to his task a reasonable degree of skill and knowledge and
must exercise a reasonable degree of care. Neither the very highest nor a very low
degree of care and competence judged in the light of the particular circumstances of
each case is what the law requires. The doctor, no doubt, has discretion in choosing
treatment which he proposes to give to the patient and such discretion is relatively
ampler in cases of emergency.”
2. Breach of Duty
After the plaintiff has shown that defendant owed a duty to him, the plaintiff to
succeed in a claim for negligence, has next to show that the defendant was in breach
of this duty. It means not taking due care which is required in a particular case.
The law requires taking of two points into to determine the standard of care
(a) The importance of the object to be attained- The law does not require greatest
possible care but the care required is that of a reasonable and prudent man under
certain circumstances. The amount of care, skill, diligence or the like, vary
according to the particular case. The prudent man, ordinarily, with regard to
undertaking an act is the man who has acquired that special skill to do the act which
he undertakes; a man who has not acquired that special skill is imprudent in
undertaking to do the act, however careful he may be, and, however great his skill in
other things. The law permits taking chance of some measure of risks so that in
public interest various kinds of activities should go on.
As has been pointed in Dabron v. Bath Tramways , that if all the trains in this
country were restricted to a speed of five miles an hour, there would be fewer
accidents, but our national life would be intolerably slowed down. The purpose to be
served, if sufficiently important, justifies the assumption of the abnormal risk.
In Latimer v. A.E.C. Ltd, due to heavy rain a factory was flooded with water, which
got mixed with some oily substances. The floors in the factory became slippery. The
factory owners spread all the available sawdust but some oily patches still remained
there. The plaintiff slipped and was injured. Held that the defendants had acted
reasonably and, therefore, they were not liable.
(b) The magnitude of risk- The degree of care which a man is required to use in a
particular situation in order to avoid the imputation of negligence varies with the
obviousness of the risk. If the danger of doing injury to the person or property of
another by the pursuance of a certain line of conduct is great, the individual who
proposes to pursue that particular course is bound to use great care in order to avoid
the foreseeable harm. On the other hand if the danger is slight only a slight amount
of care is required. Thus the driver of a vehicle has to observe a greater care when he
is passing through a school zone, or he finds a blind man, a child or an old man.
There is no absolute standard, but it may be said generally that the degree of care
required varies directly with the risk involved.
In Kerala State Electricity Board v. Suresh Kumar, a minor boy came in contact
with an overhead electric wire which had sagged to 3 feet above the ground, got
electrocuted thereby and received burn injuries. The Electricity Board had a duty to
keep the overhead wire 15 feet above the ground. The Board was held liable for
breach of its statutory duty.
Glasgow Corp. v. Taylor, is another illustration where there was lack of due care
according to the circumstances of the case. In that case poisonous berries were
grown in a public garden under the control of the corporation. The berries looked
like cherries and thus had tempting appearance for the children. A child, aged seven,
ate those berries and died. It was found that the shrub bearing the berries was neither
properly fenced nor a notice regarding the deadly character of the berries was
displayed. It was, therefore, held that the defendants were liable for negligence.
Good sense and policy of the law impose some limit upon the amount of care, skill
and nerve which are required of a person in a position of duty, who has to encounter
a sudden emergency. In a moment of peril and difficulty the court not expect perfect
presence of mind, accurate judgment and promptitude. If a man is suddenly put in an
extremely difficult position and a wrong order is given by him, it ought not in the
circumstances to be attributed to him as a thing done with such want of nerve and
skill as to amount to negligence. If in a sudden emergency a man does something
which he might, as he knew the circumstances, reasonably think proper, he is not to
be held guilty of negligence, because upon review of facts, it can be seen that the
course he had adopted was not in fact the best.
In Jones v. Staveley, Iron & Chemical Co. Ltd., it was held that the standard of care
owed by an employer to his workmen in his factory for the purpose of determining
his liability to them for negligence is higher than the standard to be applied in
determining whether there has been contributory negligence on the part of one of the
3. Damages
It is also necessary that the defendant’s breach of duty must cause damage to the
plaintiff. The plaintiff has also to show that the damage thus caused is not too
remote a consequence of the defendants’ negligence.
The general rule is that it is for the plaintiff to prove that the defendant was
negligent. Initial burden of making a prima facie case against defendant is on
plaintiff, but once this onus is discharged, it will be for the defendant to prove that
the incident was the result of inevitable accident or contributory negligence on the
part of the plaintiff. Direct evidence of the negligence, however, is not necessary and
the same may be inferred from the circumstances of the case. Though, as a general
rule, the plaintiff has to discharge the burden of proving negligence on the part of
the defendant, there are, however, certain cases when the plaintiff need not prove
that and the inference of negligence is drawn from the facts. There is a presumption
of negligence according to the Latin maxim ‘res ipsa loquitur’ which means the
thing speaks for itself. In such a case it is sufficient for the plaintiff to prove accident
and nothing more. The defendant can, however, avoid his liability by disapproving
negligence on his part. Certain things regarding this maxim has to be kept in mind,
these include:
(1) The maxim is not a rule of law. It is a rule of evidence benefiting the plaintiff
because the true cause of accident may lie solely within the defendant’s knowledge.
(2) The maxim applies when- (i) the injurious agency was under the management or
control of the defendant, and (ii) the accident is such as in the ordinary course of
thing, does not happen if those who have the management use proper care. (3) The
maxim has no application when the accident is capable of two explanations. Also, it
does not apply when the facts are sufficiently known.
If a brick falls from a building and injures a passerby on the highway, or the goods
while in the possession of a bailee are lost, or a stone is found in a bun, or a bus
going on a road overturns, or death of a person is caused by live broken electric wire
in a street, a presumption of negligence is raised.
In Agyakaur v. Pepsu R.T.C., a rickshaw going on the correct side was hit by a bus
coming on the wrong side of the road. Held that the driver of bus was negligent.
In Mrs. Aparna Dutta v. Apollo Hospital Enterprises Ltd., the plaintiff got herself
operated for the removal of her uterus in the defendant hospital, as there was
diagnosed to be a cyst in the area of one of her ovaries. Due to the negligence of the
hospital surgeon, who performed the operation, an abdominal pack was left in her
abdomen. The same was removed by second surgery. Leaving foreign material in
the body during operation was held to be a case of res ipsa loquitur. The doctor who
performed the operation and the hospital authorities were held liable to pay
compensation of Rs. 5,80,000 to the plaintiff for their negligence.
In Wakelin v. London and South Western Railway Co., the dead body of a man was
found near a railway crossing on the defendant’s railway. The man had been killed
by a train (at the night time) bearing the usual head lights but the driver had not
sounded the whistle when he approached the crossing. In an action by the widow, it
was held that from these facts, it could not be reasonably inferred that the accident
occurred due to the defendant’s negligence.
Lord Halsburry said: “One may surmise, and it was but surmise and not evidence,
that the unfortunate man was knocked down by a passing train while on the level
crossing; but assuming in the plaintiff’s favour that fact to be established, is there
anything to show that the train ran over the man rather the man ran against the train?
Medical and Professional Negligence
Dr. Laxman v. Dr. Trimbak , court held that a doctor when consulted by a patient
owes him certain duties, viz., a duty of care in deciding whether to undertake the
case, a duty of care in deciding what treatment to give and a duty of care in
administration of that treatment. A breach of any of these duties gives a right of
action for negligence to the patient.
After adverting to the provisions of the Act, the supreme Court in M.Veerappa’s v.
Evelyn Squeira, held that an advocate who has been engaged to act is clearly liable
for negligence to his is client. The Supreme Court, however, left open the question
whether an advocate who has been engaged only to plead can be sued for
Kinds of Negligence
1. Contributory Negligence
In certain circumstances a person who has suffered an injury will not be able to
get damages from another for the reason his own negligence has contributed to his
injury; every person is expected to take care reasonable care of himself. According
to john G. Fleming, “Negligence is conduct that fails to conform to the standards
required by law for safeguarding others (actionable negligence) against
unreasonable risk of injury.” Thus, when the plaintiff by his own want of care
contributes to the damage caused by the negligence or wrongful conduct of the
defendant, he is considered to be guilty of contributory negligence It does not mean
breach of a duty towards other party but it means absence of due care on his part
about his own safety.
For example, a pedestrian tries to cross the road all of a sudden and is hit by a
moving vehicle; he is guilty of contributory negligence. In this case, the defendant
could completely escape his liability for accident. Take another case, if the
conductor of a bus invites passengers to travel on the roof of the bus, and one of the
passengers travelling on the roof is hit by the branch of a tree and falls down and
gets killed, there is not only negligence on the part of the conductor also
contributory negligence on the part of the passengers. What amounts to contributory
negligence in the case of an adult may not be so in case of a child. If, however, a
child is capable of appreciating the danger he may be held guilty of contributory
In Yachuk v. Oliver Blis Co. Ltd, the defendant’s servants sold some gasoline to two
boys aged 7 and 9 years. The boys falsely stated that they needed the same for their
mother’s car. They actually used it for their play and one of them got injured. The
defendant was held liable in full for loss.
The rule was applied in Davies v.Mann, in this case, the plaintiff fettered the forefeet
of his donkey and left it in a narrow highway. The defendant was driving his wagon
too fast and the donkey was run over and killed. In spite of his negligence the
plaintiff was entitled to claim compensation because the defendant had the last
opportunity to avoid the accident.
The rule was further defined in the case of British Columbia Electric Co. v. Loach
,“a defendant, who had not in fact the last opportunity to avoid the accident, will
nevertheless be liable if he would have that opportunity but for his negligence”
(Constructive Last Opportunity). The rule of last opportunity also was very
unsatisfactory because the party, whose act of negligence was earlier, altogether
escaped the responsibility.
The law was changed in England. The Law Reform (Contributory Negligence) Act,
1945 provides that when both parties are negligent and they have contributed to
some damage, the damage will be apportioned as between them according to the
degree of their fault (According to Winfield, where the plaintiff’s negligence was so
closely implicated with the defendant’s negligence so as to make it impossible to
determine whose negligence was the decisive cause, the plaintiff cannot recover).
The same is considered to be the position in India as well. The Kerala Torts
(Miscellaneous Provisions) Act, 1976 contains provisions for apportionment of
liability in case of contributory negligence. In India, contributory negligence has
been considered as a defense to the extent the plaintiff is at fault. Thus, if in an
accident the plaintiff is as much at the fault as the defendant the compensation to
which he would otherwise be entitled will be reduced to 50%.
2. Composite Negligence
When the negligence of two or more persons result in the same damage to a third
person there is said to be a ‘composite negligence’, and the persons responsible are
known as ‘composite tort-feasors’.
Kinds of Nuisance
For example, digging trench on a public highway may cause inconvenience to public
at large. No member of the public, who is thus obstructed or has to take a diversion
along with others, can sue under civil law. But if anyone of them suffers more
damage than suffered by the public at large, e.g., is severely injured by falling into
the trench, he can sue in tort. In order to sustain a civil action in respect of a public
nuisance proof of special and particular damage is essential.
The proof of special damage entitles the plaintiff to bring a civil action for what may
be otherwise a public nuisance. Thus, if the standing of horses and wagons for an
unreasonably long time outside a man’s house creates darkness and bad smell for the
occupants of the house and also obstructs the access of customers into it, the
damage is ‘particular, direct and substantial’ and entitles the occupier to maintain an
In Dr. Ram Raj Singh v. Babulal, the defendant erected a brick grinding machine
adjoining the premises of the plaintiff, who was a medical practitioner. The brick
grinding machine generated dust, which polluted the atmosphere. The dust entered
the consulting chamber of the plaintiff and caused physical inconvenience to him
and patients, and their red coating on clothes, caused by the dust, could be
apparently visible. It was held that special damages to the plaintiff had been proved
and a permanent injunction was issued against the defendant restraining him from
running his brick grinding machine there.
In Rose v. Milles, the defendant wrongfully moored his barge across a public
navigable creck. This blocked the way for plaintiff’s barges and the plaintiff had to
incur considerable expenditure in unloading the cargo and transporting same by
land. It was held that there was special damage caused to the plaintiff to support his
If the plaintiff cannot prove that he has suffered any special damage, i.e. more
damage than suffered by the other members of the public, he cannot claim any
compensation for the same.
Its essentials: To constitute the tort of nuisance, the following essentials are required
to be proved:
1. Unreasonable interference.
3. Damage.
1. Unreasonable interference.
Interference may cause damage to the plaintiff’s property or may cause personal
discomfort to the plaintiff in the enjoyment of property. Every interference is not a
nuisance. To constitute nuisance the interference should be unreasonable. Every
person must put up with some noise, some vibration, some smell, etc. so that
members of the society can enjoy their own right. If I have the house by the side of
the road I cannot bring an action for the inconvenience which necessarily incidental
to the traffic on the road. Nor can I sue my neighbor if his listening to the radio
interferes with my studies. So long as the interference is not unreasonable, no action
can be brought.
In Radhey Shyam v. Gur Prashad, Gur Prasad and another filed a suit against
Radhey Shyam and others for a permanent injunction to restrain them from
installing and running a flour mill in their premises. It was alleged that the said mill
would cause nuisance to the plaintiffs, who were occupying the first floor portion o
the same premises in as much as the plaintiffs would lose their peace on account of
rattling noise of the flour mill and thereby their health would also be adversely
affected. It was held that substantial additional to the noise in a noisy locality, by the
running of the impugned machines, seriously interfered with the physical comfort of
the plaintiffs and as such it amounted to nuisance, and the plaintiffs were entitled to
an injunction against the defendants.
In Ushaben v. Bhagya laxmi Chitra Mandir, the plaintiffs-appellants sued the
defendants-respondents for a permanent injunction to restrain them from exhibiting
the film “Jai Santoshi Maa” It was contended that exhibition of the film was a
nuisance because the plaintiff’s religious feeling were hurt as Goddesses Saraswati,
Laxmi and Parvati were defined as jealous and were ridiculed. It was held that hurt
to religious feelings was not an actionable wrong. Moreover, the plaintiffs were free
not to see the movie again. The balance of convenience was considered to be in
favor of the defendants and as such there was no nuisance.
An act which is otherwise reasonable does not become unreasonable and actionable
when the damage, even though substantial, is caused solely due to sensitiveness of
the plaintiff or the use of which he puts his property. If certain kind of traffic is no
nuisance for a healthy man, it will not entitle a sick man to bring an action if he
suffers thereby, even though the damage is substantial. If some noises which do not
disturb or annoy an ordinary person but disturb only the plaintiff in his work or sleep
due to his over sensitiveness, it is no nuisance against this plaintiff.
In Robinson v. Kilvert, the plaintiff warehoused brown paper in a building. The heat
created by the defendant in the lower portion of the same building for his own
business dried and diminished the value of plaintiff’s brown paper. The loss was due
to exceptionally delicate trade of plaintiff and paper generally would not have been
damaged by the defendant’s operations. It was held that the defendant was not liable
for the nuisance.
Malice: If the act of the defendant which is done with evil motive, becomes an
unreasonable interference it is actionable. A person has right to make a reasonable
use of his own property but if the use of his property causes substantial discomfort
to others, it ceases to be reasonable. “If a man creates a nuisance, he cannot say that
he is acting reasonably. The two things are self contradictory.” In Allen v. Flood,
Lord Watson said: “No proprietor has an absolute right to create noises upon his
own land, because any right which the law gives him is qualified by the condition
that it must not be exercised to the nuisance if his neighbors or of the public. If he
violates that condition h commits a legal wrong, and if he does so intentionally he is
guilty of a malicious wrong, in its strict legal sense.”
Interference may cause either (A) injury to the property itself, or (B) injury to
comfort or health of occupants of certain property.
Nuisance to incorporealProperty
i. Interference with the right of support of land and buildings: A person has a
“natural” right to have his land supported by his neighbor’s and therefore removal of
support, lateral, or from beneath is a nuisance. The natural right from support of
neighbor’s land is available only in respect of land without buildings or other
structure on land.
Right to light is also not a natural right and may be acquired by grant or prescription.
When such a right has been thus acquired, a substantial interference with it is an
actionable nuisance. It is not enough to show that the plaintiff’s building is having
less light than before.
In Colls v. Home and Colonial Stores, Ltd., the construction of a building by the
defendant only diminished the light into a room on a ground floor, which was used,
as an office and where electric light was otherwise always needed. It was held that
the defendant was not liable. It was “not sufficient to constitute an illegal
obstruction, that the plaintiff had, in fact, less light than before….in order to give a
right of action, there must be a substantial privation of light.”
In India also the right to light and air may be acquired by an easement. Sec. 25,
Limitation Act, 1963 and Sec 15, Indian Easements Act, 1882 make similar
provisions regarding the mode and period of enjoyment required to acquire this
prescriptive right.
3. Damage.
Unlike trespass, which is actionable per se, actual damage is required to be proved in
an action for nuisance. In the case of public nuisance, the plaintiff can bring an
action in tort only when he proves a special damage to him. In private nuisance,
although damage is one of the essentials, the law will often presume it. In Fay v.
Prentice, a cornice of a defendant’s house projected over the plaintiff’s garden. It
was held that the mere fact that the cornice projected over plaintiff’s garden raises a
presumption of fall of rain water into and damage to the garden and the same need
not be proved. It was a nuisance.
In Noble v. Harrison, the branch of a beech tree growing on the defendant’s land
hung on the highway at a height of about 30 feet above the ground. In fine weather
the branch of a tree suddenly broke and fell upon the plaintiff’s vehicle which was
passing along the highway. For the damage to the vehicle the plaintiff sued the
defendant to make him liable either for nuisance, or alternatively, for the rule in
Rylands v. Fletcher. It was held that there was no liability or nuisance because the
mere fact the branch of the tree was overhanging was not nuisance, nor was the
nuisance created by its fall as the defendant neither knew nor could have known that
the branch would break and fall. There was no liability under the rule in Rylands v.
Fletcher either, as growing a tree was a natural use of land.
A number of defences have been pleaded in an action for nuisance. Some of the
defences have been recognized by the courts as valid defences and some others have
been rejected both the valid or effectual defenses as well as ineffectual defences
have been discussed below.
Effectual Defences
2. Statutory Authority
In the absence of such an authority, the railway authority would have been liable
even though there was no negligence; Jones v. Festing Rail Co. or the value of the
adjoining property is depreciated by the noise, vibrations and smoke by the running
of trains Hammersmith Ry.Co. v. Brand, If there is negligence in the running of
trains, the railway co., even though run under a statutory authority will be liable. See
Smith v. L. and S.S. Ry. Co.
According to Lord Halsbury quoted in London Brighton and south Coast Rail Co. v.
Turman, “It cannot now be doubted that a railway company constituted for the
purpose of carrying passengers, or goods, or cattle, are protected in the use of the
functions with which parliament has entrusted them, if the use they make of those
functions necessarily involves the creation of what would otherwise be a nuisance at
Common Law.
Ineffectual Defences
Sometimes, the act of two or more persons, acting independently of each other, may
cause nuisance although the act of anyone of them alone would not be so. An action
can be brought against anyone of them and it is no defence that the act of the
defendant alone would not be a nuisance, and the nuisance was caused when other
had also acted in the same way.
2. Public Good
3. Reasonable care
It is no defence that the plaintiff himself came to place of nuisance. A person cannot
be expected to refrain from buying a land on which a nuisance already exists and the
plaintiff can recover even if nuisance has been going on long before he went to that
place. The maxim volenti non fit injuria cannot be applied in such a case. Held in
Ellostion v. Feetham; Bliss v. Hal; Sturges v. Bridgman.
Law of torts seeks to achieve what is called distributive justice, where the person
responsible for the injury caused to the plaintiff has to bear the burden.
Further, law of torts does not hold the defendant liable for any loss that may be
caused to the plaintiff on account of defendant’s act. The loss must be caused due to
breach of some legal duty on the part of the defendant towards the plaintiff
(damnum sine injuria and injuria sine damno).
During the development of law of torts, distinction between two general classes of
duties came to be recognised:
When a person is engaged in a duty of normal risk, he has the duty not to injure
intentionally, etc.
But, when he is engaged in an activity which is regarded by law as inherently and
extremely dangerous, such as handling explosives, there is a duty not to injure
Principle: The person who brings on to his land and collects and keeps there
something likely to do mischief if it escapes must keep it in at his peril and if he
does not do so, he is liable for all the damage which is the natural consequence of its
escape. But the use of land must be non-natural.
In Blackburn J.’s formulation, the rule applies to bringing onto the defendant's land
things likely to do mischief if they escape, which have been described as ‘dangerous
In Hale v. Jennings Brothers, Scott, LJ, referred to the rule as “a broad principle
that the liability attaches because of the occupier of the land bringing onto the land
something which is likely to do damage if it escapes”.
In Read v. Lyons, Lord Macmillan stated that “the doctrine of Rylands v. Fletcher
derives from a conception of mutual duties of adjoining landowners and its
congeners are trespass and nuisance”.
In the same case, Viscount Simon aptly put the essential conditions to make one
liable under doctrine of strict liability as follows:
We may observe that the following are the three requirements for application of rule
in Rylands v. Fletcher,
A thing which is of such nature that it has the tendency to escape and when escapes
to cause considerable damage.
Use of the land must be other than its ordinary use, i.e., the purpose for which it is
meant or the purpose for which it is suitable.
Illustrations of natural use of land can be: storage of water in reservoir for mill or
use, storage of one or two gas cylinder for domestic use, electricity connection to
light the house, lighting an oil lamp in house etc.
In Sochacki v. Sas, B, who was a lodger in A’s house, lit a fire in his room and
went out. While he was out, his room caught fire may be due to jumping of a spark.
It spread and damaged A’s property in the rest of the house. There was no evidence
of negligence on the part of B. It was held that B was not liable under Rylands v.
Fletcher since his use of the fire in his grate was an ordinary, natural, proper,
everyday use of a fire place in a room.
In T. C. Balkrishna Menon v. T.R. Subramanian, the Court held that the use of
explosives in an open field on the occasion of festival is a ‘non-natural’ user of
Defendant would be liable only when there is escape of the object fromland of
which he is in occupation or control.
3. Plaintiff's consent
6. Statutory Authority
1. Act of God (Vis Majeur): The damage took place due to some happening
which was due to the force of nature and was unforeseen, beyond the control of
the defendant and extraordinary.
Ryan v. Young, Driver of a lorry of the defendant died while driving the lorry
which thereon ran on and injured the plaintiff. The driver before dying appeared to
be in good health. Further defendant was not under duty to get the driver medically
examined. There was no fault in the lorry. The defendant was held not liable.
2. Act of Third Party: Where escape is caused by the act of the third party over
whom the defendant has no control, he will not be liable.
Box v. Jubb, The defendants were the owners of a reservoir, which was supplied
with water from a main drain, not their property, which flowed by it. There were
sluice gates properly constructed between the reservoir and main drain at both the
inlet and out let. Owing to an obstruction in the main drain at a point below the
defendants' reservoir, caused by a third party over whom the defendants had no
control, and without their knowledge, the water in the drain forced open the sluice
gates and caused the reservoir to overflow on to the plaintiff’s land. Held, that the
defendants were not liable for the damage caused by the overflow.
Rickards v. Lothian, The plaintiff was tenant of the defendant on the second floor.
On the fourth floor of defendant’s building a third party maliciously plugged up the
waste pipes and opened the water taps. As a result, the plaintiff's goods were
damaged by the flow of water from the lavatory on the fourth floor. The defendant
was held not liable as it was an act of third party beyond his control and no proof of
negligence on his part.
3. Plaintiff's Consent: Where the plaintiff has given consent to the defendant in
respect of the thing stored, there is no liability. This is similar to volenti non fit
In Carstairs v. Taylor, Taylor, the landlord, rented his upper story to the plaintiff.
Taylor, for the benefit of both maintained a rain water box for the benefit of both.
Some rats gnawed the water box which resulted into escape of water and damaging
the goods of the plaintiff. The defendant was held not liable as there was plaintiff's
consent and no negligence on the part of the defendant.
5. Plaintiff's own fault: If the injury caused to the plaintiff is due to his own
fault, the defendant is not liable.
Rule of strict liability has been applied by the Indian Courts. But it is rarely applied.
In India, storing of water for agricultural use or irrigation purpose is not held to be
non natural use of land.
In the oleum leak disaster case of 1985 liability was made further stringent by the
introduction of the rule of absolute liability.
M. C. Mehta v. Union of India (Oleum Gas Leakage Case or Sriram Industries Case),
Oleum gas leaked from one of the units of Shriram Foods and Fertilizers Industries
in New Delhi. It resulted into death of one of the advocate and caused serious
injuries to several others. A writ petition under Article 32 of the Constitution was
brought by way of public interest litigation.
The Supreme Court of India felt that the application of the rule of strict liability is
inadequate to deal such serious problems, holding that
“Law has to grow in order to satisfy the needs of the fast changing society and keep
abreast with the economic developments, taking place in this country Law cannot
allow our judicial thinking to be constrained by reference of the law as it prevails in
England or for the matter of that in any other foreign legal order.”
“This rule evolved in the 19th Century at a time when all these developments of
science and technology had not taken place cannot afford any guidance in evolving
any standard of liability consistent with the constitutional norm and the needs of the
present day economy and social structure.”
It further held that, “Application of exceptions to this rule is inapplicable.”
Bhagwati, C.J. assertively announced the entry of the rule of absolute liability and
held the Defendant liable in the following words,
Union Carbide Corporation v. Union of India, In this case, the rule of absolute
liability applied in the oleum gas leak disaster case was reaffirmed by the Supreme
Court. In December, 1984 methyl iso-cyanate and other toxic gases leaked from the
Union Carbide Corporation India Ltd. at Bhopal. About 2660 people died, several
thousand suffered serious injuries which did not die with that generation but also in
cases got transferred to their next generation. The Court on applying the principle of
absolute liability held the defendant liable to pay US $470 Million dollars by way of
compensation to the victims or relatives of the victims.
Arun Kumar v. Union of India, In this case, a tigress chewed the hand of a three
year old child. While holding the Zoo authorities liable the Court held that the zoo
authorities being under absolute responsibility did not perform their part of duty and
thus should be answerable to pay compensation.
In Charan Lal Sahu v. UOI, It was held that this duty was ‘absolute non-delegable’
and the defendant cannot escape liability by showing that he had taken reasonable
care and that there was no negligence on his part.
Apart from the difference that in case of strict liability certain defences are admitted
whereas in case of absolute liability no defence is admitted, the following are the
other differences:
a. In case of strict liability, what is brought on land is dangerous, but not inherently
dangerous. In case of absolute liability it is inherently dangerous, and hence no
exceptions admitted.
b. Strict liability is based on non-natural use of land, absolute liability does not
envisage such a user.
c. In case of strict liability, the thing must escape. Hence, there is no liability in
respect of persons on the premises. Absolute liability is available also to the
persons on the premises.
This observation was treated as obiter dictum in Charan Lal Sahu case, while was
treated as ratio decidendi in Indian Council for Enviro-Legal Action v. UOI.
1. Legal Remedies
a) Judicial Remedies
Judicial Remedies
1. Damages
2. Injunction
Damages which law presumes to be the natural consequences of the defendant’s acts
are general damages, whereas damages the law will not infer unless proved at the
trial are special damages.
e.g. medical expenses incurred by plaintiff due to defendant’s negligent driving will
give general damages, whereas if he claims nervous shock, then he has to prove and
will get special damages.
Types of Damages
1) Nominal Damages
2) Contemptuous Damages
4) Exemplary Damages
5) Prospective Damages
1. Nominal Damages: Damages which are awarded by the Court to the plaintiff
not by way of compensation but by way of recognition of some legal rights of
plaintiff which the defendant has infringed are nominal damages.
Nominal damages are available for torts which are actionable per se.
Ashby v. White, Where a rightful voter’s right to vote was wrongfully and
maliciously denied at an election, he was awarded damages nominal in nature,
though the candidate in whose favour he wanted to cast his vote won the elections.
4. Exemplary Damages: Exemplary damages are awarded where there has been
great injury by reason of aggravating circumstances accompanying the wrong.
Exemplary damages are awarded not by way of compensation for the plaintiff,
but by way of punishment for the defendant.
In Rookes v. Barnard, the Court laid down that exemplary or punitive damages
can be awarded in three cases:
In Bhim Singh v. State of J & K, Bhim Singh, MLA of J & K was arrested when
he was going to attend Assembly session. The Supreme Court considered it to be
appropriate case to award exemplary damages.
b. Cases where the defendant’s conduct has been calculated by him to make
a profit for himself which may well exceed the compensation payable to
the plaintiff.
In Manson v. Associated News Papers Ltd., the court held that if a person who is
possessed of material which would be defamatory if published, and who does to
really believe it to be true at all, decides to publish it simply because he can make a
profit from publishing it and because he reckons that any damage she might have to
pay would be so small that it would be well worth it, then that is a man, and that is
the only man, against whom an award of exemplary damages can be made.
5. Prospective Damages: Damages which are likely to result from the wrongful
act of the defendant but they have not actually resulted at the time when the
damages are being decided by the Court.
In Subhas Chandra v. Ram Singh, appellant was hit by a bus driver. He suffered
several injuries resulting in his permanent disability to walk without a surgical shoe.
Because of the disability he could not take employment in certain avenues. The
Motor Claims Tribunal awarded him compensation amounting to Rs. 3,000 under
the heading probable further loss. The amount of compensation on appeal was
increased to Rs.7000 by the Delhi High Court.
An injunction is an order of the court directing the doing of some act or restraining
the commission or continuance of some act.
If the order is to forbear from doing an act, it is called prohibitory injunction. e.g.
order not to encroach upon the plaintiff’s property, order not to cause nuisance. It is
also called ‘preventive injunction’, ‘perpetual injunction’ or ‘prohibitory injunction’.
In case of an order for mandatory injunction, once the act ordered is done, the order
is discharged. But in case of a prohibitory injunction, the act prohibited cannot be
done at any time. Hence, prohibitory injunction is also called permanent injunction
or perpetual injunction.
Section 37, Specific Relief Act, 1963 defines temporary and perpetual injunction as
E.g. A and B have a dispute regarding title over a plot of land, which is in A’s
possession. B also claims to have the title of the same plot. Case is pending before
the court; A wants to begin with construction on the said plot. B may obtain
temporary injunction by filing an interlocutory application in the suit pending before
the court.
Perpetual Injunction: If the court after going into the matter, finds that the
plaintiff is entitled to the relief, the temporary injunction will be replaced by a
perpetual injunction. A perpetual injunction is a final order and is issued after the
full consideration of the case.
e.g. action for ejectment, the recovery of chattels by an action for detinue etc.
As per section 6 of the Specific Relief Act, 1963 a person who is wrongfully
dispossessed of immovable property is entitled to recover the immovable property.
As per section 7 of the Specific Relief Act, 1963 a person who is wrongfully
dispossessed of movable property is entitled to recover the movable property.
1. Expulsion of trespasser
2. Re-entry on land
3. Recapture of Goods
4. Abatement of Nuisance
In Scott v. Mathew Brown & Co., the rightful owner of property of is entitled to
use force in ejecting a trespasser so long as he does him no personal injury.
A man wrongfully disposed of his land may retake its possession, if he can do so
in a peaceful manner and without the use of force.
Section 6 of the Specific Relief Act, 1963 provides that if one in possession of
immovable property is disposed, otherwise than by due course of law, he may,
within six months, sue to recover possession without reference to any title set up by
another, which is left to be determined in a separate action.
A person entitled to the immediate possession of chattels may recover them from
any person who has then been in actual possession and detain them, provided that
such possession was wrongful in its inception.
In Lemmon v. Webbs, The occupier of land may cut off the overhanging branches
of his neighbour’s trees, or sever roots which have spread from these trees into his
own land.
Someshwar v. Chunilal: One cannot cut the branches if the trees stand on the land
of both parties.
A man wrongfully disposed of his land may retake its possession, if he can do so
in a peaceful manner and without the use of force.
Section 6 of the Specific Relief Act, 1963 provides that if one in possession of
immovable property is disposed, otherwise than by due course of law, he may,
within six months, sue to recover possession without reference to any title set up by
another, which is left to be determined in a separate action.
A person entitled to the immediate possession of chattels may recover them from
any person who has then been in actual possession and detain them, provided that
such possession was wrongful in its inception.
In Lemmon v. Webbs, The occupier of land may cut off the overhanging branches
of his neighbour’s trees, or sever roots which have spread from these trees into his
own land.
Someshwar v. Chunilal: One cannot cut the branches if the trees stand on the land
of both parties.
Man’s reputation is considered to be his property, more precious than any other
property. Defamation is an injury to reputation of a person.
Broad distinction between the two is that libel is addressed to the eye while as
slander to the ear. Slander is the publication of defamatory statement in a transient
Under English Law, the distinction between libel and slander is material for two
reasons; 1. Under criminal law, only libel has been recognized as an offence.
Slander is no offence. 2. Under Law of torts, slander is actionable, save in
exceptional cases, only on proof of special damage. Libel is always actionable per se
i.e. without the proof of any damage.
Requisites of Defamation
b. the defamatory words, should directly or indirectly refer to the person defamed,
(a) Defamatory Words: The defamatory words or statements are those which
cause an injury to reputation. Reputation is injured when one is lowered in the
estimation of members of the society generally or when one is avoided by others or
others shun his company. In short, an imputation which exposes the aggrieved
person to disgrace, humiliation, ridicule or contempt, is defamatory. The criterion to
determine whether a statement is defamatory or not, is “how do the right thinking
members of the society think”? If they consider the statement as disgraceful,
humiliating, ridiculous or contemptuous, the statement is defamatory. If the
statement is likely to injure the reputation of the aggrieved person, it is no defence
on the part of the defamer that he never intended to do so. Words which merely hurt
feelings or cause annoyance but in no way cast reflection on reputation or character,
are not libelous. Vulgar abuses uttered as mere abuse and not understood by the
person who hears them as defamatory, though they hurt one’s pride. Many a time,
people do not directly use defamatory words, but utter defamatory words in
innuendoes. Innuendoes are those words, which appear innocent but contain some
secondary or latent meaning which is defamatory.
Thus, if A says to B in the presence of P that ‘P is very honest man, he could never
have stolen anything.’ The statement will be defamatory if from this, B understood
that P was a dishonest man. If the words or statements are defamatory, it is
immaterial with what intention they are uttered or circulated.
In Morrison v. Ritetise, one R in good faith published a mistaken statement that M a
lady, had given birth to twins. The fact of the matter was that M was married only
two months back. The statement was held defamatory.
(b)Words Must Refer To The Person Defamed: In any action for defamation, the
person defamed must establish that the defamatory words or the statement referred
to him. In other words, defamatory statement was such that the defamed person
would reasonably infer that the statement was directed against him. In Jones v.
Holton & Co., it was observed that if libel speaks of a person by description without
mentioning the name, in order to establish a right of action, the plaintiff must prove
to the satisfaction of the jury that ordinary readers of the paper, who knew him,
would have understood that it referred to him.
The state of English Law was considered unsatisfactory as it led to the conviction of
innocent person. Consequently the Defamation Act,1952 was passed under which it
was established that the publisher of the statement did not intended to publish it
concerning the other man, or the words were not defamatory on the face of them and
he did not know the circumstances under which they were understood to be
defamatory. He would not be liable. Ordinarily there cannot be a defamation of a
class of persons. If a person says: ‘lawyers are liers’ or ‘all doctors are incompetent’,
no lawyer or doctor can sue for defamation unless he shows that these words were in
reference to him.
In Knupffer v. London Express Newspaper Ltd., Lord Atkin observed, “There can be
no law that a defamatory statement made of a firm, or trustee, or the tenants of a
particular building, is not actionable, if the words would reasonably be understood
as published of each member of the firm or each trustee or each tenant. The reason
as to why a libel published of a large or indeterminate number of persons described
by some general name fails to be actionable, is the difficulty of establishing that the
plaintiff was, in fact, included in the defamatory statement.”
In T.J. Ponnam v. M.C. Verghese, the husband wrote number of defamatory letters
to his wife about his father-in-law. The wife passed on these letters to his father. The
father-in-law sued for defamation. The husband claimed privilege, under section
122, Indian Evidence Act. The Supreme Court took the view that if such letters fall
into the hands of the defamed person, he can prove them in any other manner and if
proved, the action for defamation will lie. If a third person writes a defamatory letter
about one spouse to the other in such a manner that the former is most likely to read
it, there is sufficient communication.
Defences to Defamation
1. Justification or truth
2. Fair comment
3. Privilege
1. Justification or truth
In defamation there cannot be better defence than that of truth, as the law will
not permit a man to recover damages in respect of any injury and character which he
either does not or ought not to possess. The deference is still available even though
the statement is made maliciously. Defence is available if the statement is
substantially correct though incorrect in respect of certain minor details. In
Alexender v. North Eastern Rly., a news was published in the newspaper that X has
been sentenced to a fine of pond of 1 or three weeks imprisonment. In the
alternative, while in fact X was sentenced to a fine of pound 1 or 14 days
imprisonment. It was held that the statement in the press was substantially correct
and no action lied. Obviously, if defamer fails to prove the truth of statement, he is
2. Fair Comment
The second defence to an action for defamation is that the statement was a fair
comment in public interest. Comment means expression of an opinion.
For instance, after reading A’s book, B says ‘it is a foolish book.’ ‘It is an indecent
book.’ ‘’A’ must be a man of impure mind.’ These are comments. But if he says, ‘I
am not surprised that A’s book is foolish and indecent and he is weak and of impure
mind.’ In former case, it is a comment and in the latter case, it is a statement of fact.
Since comments are always made on facts, it is necessary that facts commented
upon should be generally known or the commentator should make them known
before comments upon them. A says ‘B is guilty of breach of trust.’ This is a
statement of fact and must be true. A then adds, ‘B is, therefore, a dishonest man.’
This is a comment. But if audience or public do not know the fact that B has been
convicted for breach of trust, the latter statement will be statement of fact. Comment
should be fair. No comment can be fair which is based on untrue facts. Thus, when
commenting on play, it was stated that, ‘play potrays vulgarity as it contents a scene
of rape’, while in fact there is no such scene, the comment is not fair.
3. Privilege
This is also one of the fundamental principles that there are circumstances when
freedom of speech has privilege and even if it is defamatory it is protected. The
individual’s right to reputation is subordinate to the privilege of freedom of speech.
This privilege may be; absolute or qualified.
There are three main wrongs which fall under the umbrella of trespass to the person:
assault, battery and false imprisonment. They are intentional torts, meaning they
cannot be committed by accident. Although these descriptions sound like they are
crimes, and indeed do share their names with some crimes, it is important to
remember that these are civil wrongs and not criminal wrongs. A person liable in
tort for assault, battery or false imprisonment will not face a sentence. Instead, they
will be ordered to pay damages to their victim.
Assault means physical contact. But in tort, an assault occurs when a person
apprehends immediate and unlawful physical contact. In other words, fearing that
you are about to be physically attacked makes you the victim of an assault. It is also
necessary that an attack can actually take place. If an attack is impossible, then
despite a person’s apprehension of physical contact there can be no assault. So a
person waving a stick and chasing after another person who is driving away in a car
would not be an assault. It is also generally thought that words alone cannot
constitute an assault, but if accompanied by threatening behaviour the tort may have
been committed.
If the physical contact that is apprehended in an assault actually takes place, then the
tort of battery has been committed. It is not necessary for the physical contact to
cause any injury or permanent damage to the victim, or even be intended to do so.
The only intention required is that of making physical contact.It is also not necessary
for the tortfeasor, that is, the wrongdoer, to actually touch the victim, so battery may
be committed by throwing stones at someone or spitting on them.
False Imprisonment
False imprisonment is the unlawful restraint of a person which restricts that person’s
freedom of movement. The victim need not be physically restrained from moving. It
is sufficient if they are prevented from choosing to go where they please, even if
only for a short time. This includes being intimidated or ordered to stay somewhere.
A person can also be restrained even if they have a means of escape but it is
unreasonable for them to take it, for example, if they have no clothes or they are in a
first floor room with only a window as a way out. False imprisonment can also be
committed if the victim is unaware that they are being restrained, but it must be a
fact that they are being restrained.
1. Consent
give express medical consent to their doctor before undergoing an operation which
in other circumstances might amount to a battery. Similarly, certain sports, such as
rugby, on the face of it comprise a continuous series of assaults and batteries.
Clearly it would be absurd if the law allowed a rugby player to sue the opposing
team for trespass to the person. So a person who consents to being physically
contacted within the rules of a particular game is not a victim of a tort. Deliberate
acts of violence on the playing field, though, do not fall within this defence.
2. Necessity
A wrongdoer may have a successful defence if they can show that it was necessary
to act in the way they did. In other words, there must be a sound justification for
breaking the law. A person who grabs another and drags them by force from the path
of an oncoming vehicle, and who by doing so prevents them from serious injury or
death, is not liable in tort. Similarly, a doctor who performs emergency surgery on
an unconscious patient, who naturally cannot consent, in order to save their life, may
successfully argue that the battery was necessary if the surgery performed was
limited to that which was required to save the patient’s life.
3. Self-Defence
The defence of self-defence will only succeed if the force used was not excessive
and was reasonable and necessary in the circumstances to prevent personal injury.
Each case must be considered on its own facts. For example, if a person is attacked
with a knife it may be reasonable for them to defend themselves also with a knife,
but not necessarily with an automatic pistol. It will be for the courts to decide what
is reasonable.
4. In Defence of Others
Malicious Prosecution
Example: P informed police that a theft has been committed in his house and he
suspected that it has been committed by A. A was consequently arrested but was
discharged by the magistrate as the final police report showed that A was not
connected with the theft. When A prosecuted P for malicious prosecution, the court
dismissed the suit as there was no prosecution in a court of law. To prosecute is to
set the law in motion.
Reasonable and probable cause means, an honest belief in the guilt of the accused
person upon a full conviction, founded upon reasonable grounds of the existence of
circumstances, which assuming them to be true, would reasonably lead any prudent
man placed in the position of the accused to the conclusion that the person charged
was probably guilty of the crime imputed.
There is a reasonable and probable cause when one has sufficient ground for
thinking that the other person has committed the offence. In Abrath v. N.E.Railway
Co.,one ‘M’ had recovered compensation for his injury in a railway collision from
the railway Co. Latter on the railway Co. came to know that those injuries were not
suffered in the collision but were artificially created by him in collision with one
doctor ‘P’. The railway Co. made inquiries and on legal advice sued P for conspiring
with M to defraud the railway Co. ‘P’ was acquitted and he filed an action for
malicious prosecution against the railway. It was held that railway Co. had
reasonable and probable cause.
Mahatama Gandhi once said that “A customer is the most important visitor on our
premises. He is not dependent on us. We are dependent on him. He is not an
interruption in our work. He is the purpose of it. He is not an outsider in our
business. He is part of it. We are not doing him a favour by serving him. He is doing
us a favour by giving us an opportunity to do so”. The digital age has ushered and
immensely grown in a fresh new era of e-commerce and brought new customer
expectations. The digital age has brought easy access, increased choices and time
saving modes of shopping for the consumers.
Due to the spurt of digitalization, the old Act possessed certain challenges and
needed immediate attention. But the time has come where consumers can witness
and cherish the new Consumer Protection Act, 2019 (hereafter referred as 2019 Act)
that has recently replaced the three-decade old Consumer Protection Act, 1986
hereafter referred as the 1986 Act. The historical day was 6 August 2019 when the
government passed the landmark Consumer Protection Act, 2019.
In ordinary language the term ‘consumer’ means ‘one who consumes’ something.
We are all consumers from birth to death. In fact, even before we are born, we are
consumers. We consume air, water, food and many other things.
Under Consumer Protection Act, 2019 terms consumer, defect, deficiency, person,
trader, service, etc. are defined. These terms should be, subject to the context,
applied in interpretation of the Consumer Protection Act.
For the purpose of the Act, generally, consumer is a person, 1. who purchases
goods or avails of services for remuneration; 2. for whose use the goods are
purchased or services are availed; and 3. who uses the goods or services with the
consent of the purchaser.
1. Right to Safety;
2. Right to be Informed;
3. Right to Choose;
4. Right to be Heard;
Further, the definition of consumer rights given under sec. 2(9) of the Consumer
Protection Act, 2019 also mentions the same six rights. It is pertinent to note that the
definition under sec. 2(9) is not an exhaustive definition, but an inclusive definition.
Therefore, the rights mentioned in that sub-section are not the only rights of
consumers under the Act.
1. It aims at providing overall (holistic) protection to the consumers, eve better than the
protection provided by the 1986 Act.
2. The Act is applicable to entire India, except for the state of Jammu and Kashmir.
3. The Act is applicable to all goods and services, unless explicitly stated by the
Central Government. The Act excludes free services and contracts of personal
4. The 2019 Act expressly includes e-Commerce transactions and makes special
provisions in respect of the same.
5. The Act has a comprehensive definition of services. The considers services of any
description rendered or offered by any individual or organization.
6. The Act covers both public and private sector suppliers of goods and services,
including the government agencies.
7. The 2019 Act has introduced the concept of product liability and brings within its
scope, the product manufacturer, product service provider and product seller, for any
claim for compensation.
8. The Act provides redressal of consumer grievances in a simple and inexpensive
way. The Act provides for a simple procedure for filing grievances. The complaint
can be made in a simple form, where the name and address of aggrieved party and
opposing party are duly mentioned. The complaint can be written in form of a letter
to the Redressal Forum. It is not obligatory for the parties to engage advocate. The
Act allows the complainant or authorized agent to appear before the Redressal
Forum. The 2019 Act provides for e-filing of complaints, which makes it very
convenient especially to the consumers who are busy. Earlier, due to paucity of time
many consumers did not approach the consumer fora.
9. The most important aspect of the Act is that it has a set time frame for settlement.
10. Consumers having common interests and grievances can collectively file complaint,
under ‘class action’ provided under the Act.
11. The 2019 Act provides for mediation as an Alternate Dispute Resolution
mechanism, making the process of dispute adjudication simpler and quicker. This
will help with the speedier resolution of disputes and reduce pressure on consumer
courts, who already have numerous cases pending before them.
12. The Act provides for formation of Consumer Protection Councils to promote the
consumer protection and consumer rights. It is important to note that these councils
do not have any legal authority under the Act and merely facilitate addressable of
consumer grievances.
13. Therefore, the new Act proposes the establishment of a regulatory authority known
as the Central Consumer Protection Authority (CCPA), with wide powers of
enforcement. The CCPA will have an investigation wing, headed by a Director-
General, which may conduct inquiry or investigation into consumer law violations.
14. The Act protects consumer against defective and hazardous goods, deficient and
inappropriate services, and restrictive trade practices and unfair trade practices like
hoarding, black marketing, insider trading, monopolies etc.
15. The Act covers restrictive trade practices.
16. The Act covers unfair trade practices like food adulteration, overcharging or short
weighing on fixed price items and packaged commodities etc. Such grievances can
be directly taken to District Forums directly. The new act has widened the definition
of unfair trade practices, by including sharing of personal information given by the
consumer in confidence, unless such disclosure is made in accordance with the
provisions of any other law.
17. The 2019 Act also makes provisions against misleading advertisements. It also
impose liabilities on the persons who endorse misleading advertisements, such as
brand ambassadors.
18. The new Act introduces penal liabilities.
19. The Act is considered as a progressive instance of social welfare legislation. The Act
has fortified consumer movement in India. The Act is one of its kinds, as it pertains
to market and seeks redressal of complaints arising out the market interactions.
20. The Act is customer-oriented and safeguards the interests of the consumers against
unjust and exploitative business practices like selling of defective goods, rendering
poor services etc.
The term ‘consumer’ is defined under sec. 2(7) of the Consumer Protection Act,
2019. Consumer may be consumer of goods or consumer of services. Sec. 2(7)(i)
defines consumer of goods while sec. 2(7)(ii) defines consumer of services.
Explanation (b) to sec. 2(7) clarifies that the expressions ‘buys any goods’ and
‘hires or avails any services’ include offline or online transactions through electronic
means or by teleshopping or direct selling or multi-level marketing.
The provision reveals that a person claiming himself as a consumer of goods
should satisfy that 1. He is (a) the buyer of the goods for consideration; or (b) the
user of the goods with the approval of the buyer; and
2. He has not bought the goods for ‘resale’ or for ‘commercial purpose’.
A person is a consumer of services if he satisfy the following criteria:
1. He has (a) hired or availed of service for remuneration, or (b) taken benefit of the
service with the approval of the person hiring it, and
2. He has not hired or availed of the service for ‘commercial purpose’.
Person Who Hires or Avails of Services is a Consumer of Services
The purchase of goods naturally involves payment of price as a consideration for
the sale of the goods. Hiring or availing of services should also be for some sort of
remuneration. The rendering of any service free of charge or under a contract of
personal service is excluded from the definition of ‘service’ for the purpose of the
Act. In other words, only if the sale of goods or provision of services is for some
consideration, the Act is applicable.
The term ‘hired’ has not been defined under the Act. Its Dictionary meaning is ‘to
procure the use of services at a price’. It appears that the difference between ‘hiring’
a service and ‘availing of’ a service is that in case of hiring, the service is given as
per the requirement of the consumer, whereas in case of availing of service, the
consumer makes use of the service which is available if it suits his requirement.
Thus, one hires an auto rickshaw to go to the desired destination, but he avails of the
city bus service if the city bus takes him to the destination of his desire.
What constitutes hiring has been an issue to be dealt with in many consumer
disputes. If it is established that a particular act constitutes hiring of service, the
transaction falls within the net of the Consumer Protection Act.
Example- A passenger getting railway reservation after payment is hiring service
for consideration.
Smt. Laxmiben Laxmichand Shah vs. Smt. Sakerben Kanji Chandan
A landlord neglected and refused to provide the agreed amenities to his tenant. He
filed a complaint against the landlord under the Consumer Protection Act. The
National Commission dismissed the complaint saying that it was a case of lease of
immovable property and not of hiring services of the landlord.
(b) such number of other official or non-official members representing such interests
as may be prescribed by the Rules;
(c) such number of other official or non-official members, not exceeding ten, as
may be nominated by the Central Government.
2. Any trade practice which requires a consumer to buy, hire or avail of any
goods or, as the case may be, services as condition precedent for buying,
hiring or availing of other goods or services.
The first example is where the consumer has to pay -
1. the price of goods as on the date of delivery, or
2. remuneration for service as on the date on which the service is provided, and
because of the delay on the part of the trader, there is a rise in the price or
The second example is called ‘bundling’ of goods or services. That means unless
some goods are purchased, the buyer cannot buy some other goods. Similarly, unless
some service is not taken the consumer cannot get some other service. Bundling
imposes upon the consumer some goods or service, which he does not need, or in
which he is not interested.
One interesting aspect is that deficiency in service should occur during the
happening of performance. Thus it is crucial to determine when the performance of a
service commenced.
Jaipur Metals & Electricals Ltd. vs. Laxmi Industries
A contracted with B to supply, erect and commission cold rolling mill. A supplied
the mill, but failed to erect and commission the mill. B filed a suit alleging
deficiency of service on A’s failure to elect and commission the mill.
The National Commission observed that the deficiency must pertain to
performance of service. Since A never started erecting and commissioning the mill,
the question of performance did not arise. Thus the case is not that of deficiency of
3. The deficiency must be in relation to a service – The words ‘ relation to any
service’ in the definition signifies that the deficiency is always in terms of service.
Thus if the grievance pertains to a matter which does not fall in the definition of
service’, the concept of deficiency would not apply.
Mangilal vs. Chairman District Rural Development Agency
A deposited Rs. 100 with B as application fee and executed bond for the purpose of
drilling tube well. B did not drill the tube well because it was not feasible. A alleged
deficiency in service. It was held that depositing Rs. 100 as application fee and
executing a bond does not amount to hiring of services, thus the deficiency of
service cannot be complained of in the matter.
It may be noted that when price of an article is not fixed by law, or when the same
is not displayed on goods or on the package containing goods, no complaint can be
made under the Act for excess pricing.
1. False Representation;
2. False Offer of Bargain Price;
3. Free Gifts Offer and Prize Schemes;
4. Non-Compliance of Prescribed Standards;
5. Hoarding, Destruction, etc.
6. Manufacturing Spurious Goods
7. Not Issuing Bill, etc.
8. Refusing to Withdraw Defective Goods or to Discontinue Deficient Service; and
9. Compromising Confidential Personal Information of the Consumer.
The first six were covered by the Consumer Protection Act, 1986. The last three are
added by the Consumer Protection Act, 2019.
The practice of making any oral or written statement or representation which:
1. Falsely suggests that the goods are of a particular standard quality, quantity, grade,
composition, style or model;
2. Falsely suggests that the services are of a particular standard, quantity or grade;
3. Falsely suggests any re-built, second-hand renovated, reconditioned or old goods as
new goods;
4. Represents that the goods or services have sponsorship, approval, performance,
characteristics, accessories, uses or benefits which they do not have;
5. Represents that the seller or the supplier has a sponsorship or approval or affiliation
which he does not have;
6. Makes a false or misleading representation concerning the need for, or the
usefulness of, any goods or services;
7. Gives any warranty or guarantee of the performance, efficacy or length of life of the
goods, that is not based on an adequate or proper test;
8. Makes to the public a representation in the form that purports to be- (a) a warranty
or guarantee of the goods or services, (b) a promise to replace, maintain or repair the
goods until it has achieved a specified result, if such representation is materially
misleading or there is no reasonable prospect that such warranty, guarantee or
promise will be fulfilled.
9. Materially misleads about the prices at which such goods or services are available in
the market; or
10. Gives false or misleading facts disparaging the goods, services or trade of another
Such false statement may be –
(a) expressed on an article offered or displayed for sale, or on its wrapper or
container; or
(b) expressed on anything attached to, inserted in, or accompanying, an article
offered or displayed for sale, or on anything on which the article is mounted for
display or sale; or
(c) contained in or on anything that is sold, sent, delivered, transmitted or in any
other manner whatsoever made available to a member of the public.
Where an advertisement is published in a newspaper or otherwise, whereby goods
or services are offered at a bargain price when in fact there is no intention that the
same may be offered at that price, for a reasonable period or reasonable quantity, it
shall amount to an unfair trade practice.
The ‘bargain price’, for this purpose means,
1. the price stated in the advertisement in such manner as suggests that it is lesser than
the ordinary price, or
2. the price which any person coming across the advertisement would believe to be
better than the price at which such goods are ordinarily sold.
2. Any voluntary consumer association registered under any other law for the time
being in force;
Where the interest of public or larger section of the public is involved, the
Governments may make a complaint as their representatives.
5. One or more consumers, where there are numerous consumers having the same
This is a representative action similar to one under O. VII, R. 8 of the Civil
Procedure Code, 1908. The complainants must have a cause of action to make the
complaint under the Consumer Protection Act, 2019.
Initially, the Consumer Protection Act, 1986 did not expressly indicate that the
LRs or heirs of a consumer are also included in its scope.
It was held that by operation of law, the legal representatives get clothed with the
rights, status and personality of the deceased. Thus the expression consumer would
include legal representative of the deceased consumer and he could exercise his right
for the purpose of enforcing the cause of action which had devolved on him.
So also, in Joseph Alias Animon vs. Dr. Elizabeth Zachariah, it was held that a
legal heir of the deceased consumer could well maintain a complaint under the Act.
In 2002 by amendment to the Consumer Protection Act, 1986, LRs and legal heirs
were included in the definition of ‘consumer’ to give legislative approval to the
above decisions.
Apart from the above seven persons, the following three persons may also make a
complaint under the Consumer Protection Act, 2019.
Time-barred Complaints
A complaint after expiry of limitation period is not permitted. A complaint cannot
be filed after the lapse of two years from the date on which the cause of action arise
unless the Forum is satisfied about the genuineness of the reason for not filing
complaint within the prescribed time.
The Consumer Protection Act provides for a 3 tier approach in resolving consumer
There are three levels of consumer courts —
1.DCDRC: District Consumer Disputes Rederessal Commission (District
2.SCDRC: State Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission (State Commission),
3.NCDRC: National Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission (National
District Forum and State Commission are formed by States while the National
Commission is formed by the Central Government. These Commissions have not
taken away the jurisdiction of the civil courts but have provided an alternative
remedy. Sec. 100 provides. “the provisions of this Act shall be in addition to and not
in derogation of the provisions of any other law for the time being in force.” Thus
the jurisdiction of the civil Courts is not affected by the Consumer Protection Act.
The compositions of the District Forum and the State Commission were detailed
out by the Consumer Protection Act, 1986. Under the Consumer Protection Act,
2019 most of the things regarding the qualifications, appointment and conditions of
service of the Presidents and members of the Consumer Commissions are left to the
Central Government, to be prescribed through Rules.
The Selection Committee shall determine its procedure for making its
1. keeping in view the requirements of the District Commission, and
2. after taking into account the candidates’(a) suitability, (b) record of past
performance, (c) integrity, and (d) adjudicatory experience.
The Selection committee shall prepare a ‘merit list’ of the candidates and
recommend it for the consideration of the State Government.
The state Government shall verify or cause to be verified the credentials and
antecedents of the recommended candidates.
Before appointment, the selected candidate shall furnish
1. a certificate of physical fitness in the form prescribed by the Rules, duly signed by
a civil surgeon or District Medical Officer.
2. an undertaking that he does not and will not have any such financial or other
interest as is likely to affect prejudicially his functions as a President or member.
A vacancy in the office of president or a member may occur after the expiry of his
term, or by his death, resignation, or removal.
Resignation [R. 7]
In terms of Rule 7, President or a Member may resign his office in writing under
his hand addressed to the State Government.
President or Member shall continue to hold office until,
1. the expiry of three months from the date of receipt of such notice (resignation
2. he is permitted by the State Government to relinquish office;
3. a person duly appointed as a successor enters upon his office; or
4. the expiry of his term of office,
whichever is the earliest.
Removal [R. 8]
Rule 8 mentions five grounds on which a President or Member of a District
Commission may be removed from his office.
1. has been adjudged an insolvent, or
2. has been convicted of an offence involving moral turpitude, or
3. has become physically or mentally incapable of performing his duties, or
4. has acquired such financial interest in the matter as would prejudicially affect his
functions as president or member, or
5. has abused his position so as to render his continuance to office prejudicial to
public interest.
Proviso to R. 8 requires that before the President or Member is removed on these
grounds, the charge against him must be informed to him, and an opportunity of
being heard must be given to him.
Subject to the other provisions of this Act, the District Commission shall have
jurisdiction to entertain complaints where the value of the goods or services paid as
consideration does not exceed one crore rupees.
Proviso to sec. 34(1) empowers the Central Government to alter the pecuniary
jurisdiction of the District Commissions.
In pursuance of the powers granted by sec. 29, the Central Government has framed
the Consumer Protection (Qualification for Appointment, Method of Recruitment,
Procedure of Appointment, Term of Office, Resignation and Removal of the
President and Members of the State Commission and District Commission) Rules,
Qualifications of President and Members [R. 3]
Rule 3 provides for the qualifications and appointment of President and members
of the State Commission.
Rules as to the vacancy related in the office of the President or Member of State
Commission are the same as those of the members of the District Commission, the
only difference being that in case of removal of President or Member of State
Commission, the enquiry will be conducted by the National Commission.
A vacancy in the office of president or a member may occur after the expiry of his
term, or by his death, resignation, or removal.
Resignation [R. 6]
In terms of Rule 6, President or a Member may resign his office in writing under
his hand addressed to the Central Government.
President or Member shall continue to hold office until,
1. the expiry of three months from the date of receipt of such notice (resignation
2. he is permitted by the Central Government to relinquish office;
3. a person duly appointed as a successor enters upon his office; or
4. the expiry of his term of office, whichever is the earliest
Removal [R. 7]
Rule 7 mentions five grounds on which a President or Member of the National
Commission may be removed from his office.
1. has been adjudged an insolvent;
2. has been convicted of an offence involving moral turpitude;
3. has become physically or mentally incapable of performing his duties;
4. has acquired such financial interest in the matter as would prejudicially affect his
functions as president or member; or
5. has abused his position so as to render his continuance to office prejudicial to
public interest.
Proviso to R. 7 requires that before the President or Member is removed on these
grounds, except the first ground, the charge against him must be informed to him,
and an opportunity of being heard must be given to him.
The Motor Vehicles Act, 1988 is a Central Act (an Act of the Parliament of India)
which regulates all aspects of road transport vehicles. The Act came into force from
1 July 1989. It replaced Motor Vehicles Act, 1939 which earlier replaced the first
such enactment Motor Vehicles Act, 1914.
In view of heavy casualty all over India, by motor accidents which are, in a
majority of cases, arising out of violation of traffic rules, in 2019, sweeping
amendments were brought to the Motor Vehicles Act. The amendment introduced
new traffic offences, and sharply enhanced the penalties under the Act. Further, to
save the lives of the victims, it has made special provisions. Good Samaritans have
been given protection against Police harassment.
(c) insurance
5. liability,
In pursuance of the rule-making powers under the Act, the Government of India
has framed the Central Motor Vehicles Rules, 1989. Similarly, state governments
also have framed State Motor Vehicle Rules. Karnataka Government has made the
Karnataka Motor Vehicle Rules, 1989.
If the person to whom the offer is made rejects the offer, the Claims Tribunal
proceed with hearing and disposal of the case.
2. Chapter 11 provides for insurance of motor vehicle against third party risk, and
In this process Supreme Court has passed various judgements in recent past, which
have restricted the statutory defences to the Insurance Company to a greater extent
as law relating to burden of proof has been totally changed.
Limited defences as to not holding valid driving license, use of vehicle for hire and
reward, use of transport vehicle for the purpose not allowed by permit are required
to be proved in so stringent manner that insurers are not getting advantage of these
Insurance policies in respect of vehicles are of two types:
1. Comprehensive Policy; and
2. Third Party Insurance Policy.
Comprehensive policy covers the loss suffered by the owner of the vehicle and also
his liability to compensate a third party for the loss suffered by that third party on
account of the accident by the use of the vehicle in a public place.
Third party insurance policy only covers the liability of the owner of the vehicle to
compensate a third party for the loss suffered by that third party on account of the
Sections 145 to 164-D in Chapter 11 provide for compulsory third party insurance,
which is required to be taken by every vehicle owner. This entire chapter is
substituted by the Motor Vehicles (Amendment) Act, 2019.
Sec. 145(i) defines third party. According to this definition “third party” includes
the Government, the driver and any other co-worker on a transport vehicle. The
expression “includes” implies that third party means person other than the owner of
the vehicle and also government, driver of the vehicle and in case of transport
vehicle cleaner or labourer. Driver of the vehicle and in case of transport vehicle
cleaner or labourer are added by the Motor Vehicle (Amendment) Act, 2019.
It is provided by in sec. 146(1) that no person shall use or allow using a motor
vehicle in public place unless there is in force a policy of insurance complying with
the requirements of Chapter 11. If the vehicle is carrying hazardous goods or is
meant for carrying hazardous goods it shall also be insured under the Public
Liability Insurance Act, 1991.
Using an uninsured vehicle in a public place is an offence under sec. 196,
punishable with imprisonment of up to three months or with fine of up to Rs. 2,000
or both. If the offence is repeated, the punishment shall be imprisonment of up to
three months or with fine of up to Rs. 4,000 or both.
If the person driving the vehicle is only a paid employee and the vehicle is
uninsured, he is not guilty of the offence under sec. 196 if he did not know or did not
have reason to believe that the vehicle was uninsured at that time.
The appropriate Government, i.e., state Government or central Government may
exempt the following entities from the application of sec. 146:
1. Government, if the vehicle connected with commercial enterprise of the state,
2. any local authority; and
3. any State Transport Undertaking.
Sec. 165 of Motor Vehicles Act, 1988 empowers the State Governments to
constitute Claims Tribunals to adjudicate upon claims for compensation arising out
of motor vehicle accidents, resulting in death or bodily injury to persons or damages
to any property of third parties.
A State Government may by notification in the Official Gazette, constitute one or
more Motor Accidents Claims Tribunals for such area as may be specified in the
Sushma Mehta vs. Central Provinces Transport Services Ltd.
It is held by the court that no tribunal can be constituted unless there has been
1. firstly, a notification of the State Government and
2. secondly, such notification has been published in the official gazette of the state.
A Claims Tribunal shall consist of such number of members as the State
Government may think fit to appoint. Where it consists of two or more members,
one of them shall be appointed as the Chairman.
A person shall not be qualified for appointment as a member of a Claims Tribunal
unless he
(a) is, or has been, a Judge of a High Court, or
(b) is, or has been, a District Judge, or
(c) is qualified for appointment as a High Court Judge or as a District Judge.
Appointment of a person as member of tribunal by name is not necessary and
appointment with reference to an office is sufficient. The usual practice has been to
designate as claims tribunal, the District Judge or Additional District Judge.
Where two or more Claims Tribunal are constituted for any area, the State
Government, may by general or special order, regulate the distribution of business
among them.
Claims tribunal set up under Motor Vehicles Act are deemed to be civil courts. It is
a civil court for all purposes of adjudication of claims for compensation in motor
accident cases.
The Claims Tribunal shall, for the purposes of holding any determination under
this Act, have the same powers as are vested in a civil court under the Code of Civil
Procedure, 1908, while trying a suit in respect of the following matters, namely:
1. The summoning and enforcing the attendance of any witness and examining him
on oath;
2. The discovery and production of any document;
3. The reception of evidence on affidavits;
4. The requisitioning of any public record or document or copy of such record or
document from any court or office; and
5. Such other matters as may be prescribed.
3. Driving Without Licence (Sec. 181): Driving a motor vehicle without a licence
or driving a motor vehicle by a person under 18 years of age, shall be punishable
with imprisonment for a term, which may extend to 3 months, or with fine, which
may extend to Rs. 5,000, or with both.
4. Driving Without Valid Licence (Sec. 182): If a person disqualified under the
Motor Vehicles Act from holding or obtaining a driving licence drives a motor
vehicle in a public or in any other place, or applies for or obtains a driving licence
without disclosing the endorsement made on a driving licence previously held, shall
be punishable with imprisonment for a term which may extend to 3 months, or with
fine which may extend to Rs. 10,000 or with both, and any driving licence
obtained by him shall be of no effect.
Whoever, being disqualified under this Act for holding or obtaining a conductor's
licence, acts as a conductor of a stage carriage in a public place or applies for or
obtains conductor's licence or, not being entitled to have a conductor's licence issued
to him free of endorsement, applies for or obtains a conductor's licence without
disclosing the endorsements made on a conductor’s licence previously held by him,
shall be punishable with imprisonment for a term which may extend to 1 month, or
with fine which may extend to Rs. 10,000, or with both, and any conductor’s
licence so obtained by him shall be of no effect.
Explanation to sec. 185 provides that for the purposes of this section, the
expression “drug” means any intoxicant other than alcohol, natural or synthetic, or
any natural material or any salt, or preparation of such substance or material as may
be notified by the Central Government under this Act and includes a narcotic drug
and psychotropic substance as defined in sec. 2(xiv) and 2(xxiii) of the Narcotic
Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Act, 1985.
Breath Test (Sec. 203): Sec. 203 empowers a police officer in uniform or an
authorised officer of the Motor Vehicle Department, may require any person driving
or attempting to drive a motor vehicle in a public place to provide one or more
specimens of breath for breath test there or nearby, if such officer has any
reasonable cause to suspect him to having committed an offence under this section.
If any person required by a police officer to provide specimens of breath refuses, he
may be arrested by that police officer, without warrant. But if that person is at a
hospital as an indoor patient, he cannot be arrested.
A person arrested under this section shall while at a police station, be given an
opportunity to provide a specimen of breath for a breath test there.
Laboratory Test (Sec. 204): A person arrested under sec. 203 may be required by a
police officer at a police station to provide a specimen of his blood for a laboratory
test to a registered medical practitioner produced by such police officer.
Where such person is female and the registered medical practitioner produced by
police officer is male, the specimen shall be taken only in the presence of a female,
whether a medical practitioner or not.
This provision is applicable if any of the following conditions is satisfied:
(a) the presence of alcohol in the blood of such person was found in his breath test,
(b) such person, when given the opportunity to submit to a breath test, has refused,
omitted or failed to do so.
8. Driving When Mentally or Physically Unfit to Drive (Sec. 186): Driving a
motor vehicle in any public place when to the knowledge of the driver he suffers
from any disease or disability calculated to cause driving of the vehicle to be a
source of danger to the public, he shall be punishable for the first offence with fine
which may extend to Rs. 1,000 and second or subsequent offence with fine which
may extend to Rs. 2,000.
9. Racing and Trials of Speed (Sec. 189): Whoever without the written consent of
the State Government permits or takes part in a race or trial of speed of any kind
between motor vehicles in any public place shall be punishable for the first offence
with imprisonment for a term which may extend to 3 month, or with a fine which
may extend to Rs. 5,000, or with both and for second or subsequent offence with
imprisonment for a term which may extend to 1 year, or with a fine which may
extend to Rs. 10,000, or with both.
10. Using Vehicle in Unsafe Condition (Sec. 190): Any person who drives or
allows to be driven in any public place a motor vehicle or trailer, having any defect,
which renders the driving of the vehicle a source of danger to persons and vehicles
using such place, shall be punishable with fine which may extend to Rs. 1,500.
If as a result of such defect an accident is caused causing bodily injury or
damage, to property, such person shall be punishable with imprisonment for a term,
which may extend to 3 months, or with fine, which may extend to Rs. 5,000, or
with both.
Any person who drives or allows to be driven, in any public place a motor
vehicle, which violates the standards prescribed in relation to road safety, control
noise and air-pollution, shall be punishable for the first offence with imprisonment
which may extend to 3 months or fine of Rs. 10,000 or both and for second or
subsequent offence with imprisonment which may extend to 6 months a fine of Rs.
10,000 or both.
Any person who drives or allows to be driven, in any public place a motor vehicle
which violates the provisions of this Act or the rules made there under relating to the
carriage of goods which are of dangerous or hazardous nature to human life, shall be
punishable for the first offence which may extend to Rs. 10,000 and his licence shall
be suspended for three months, or with imprisonment for a term which may extend
to 1 year, or with both, and second or subsequent offence with fine which may
extend to Rs. 20,000, or with imprisonment for a term which may extend to 3 years,
or with both.
11. Using Vehicles without Registration (Sec. 192): Whoever drives a motor
vehicle or allows an unregistered motor vehicle to be used shall be punishable for
the first offence with a fine which may extend to Rs. 5,000 but shall not be less than
Rs. 2,000 second or subsequent offence with imprisonment which may extend to 1
year or with fine which may extend to Rs. 10,000 but shall not be less than Rs.
5,000 or with both.
However, the above provision does not apply to the use of a motor vehicle in an
emergency for the conveyance of persons suffering from sickness or injuries or for
the transport of food or materials to relieve distress or of medical supplies for a like
purpose, provided that the person using the vehicle reports about the same to the
Regional Transport Authority within seven days from the date of such use.
12. Failure to Use Safety Belt (Sec. 194-B): Driving without fastening seat belt or
carrying passengers who are not using seat belt is punishable with fine of Rs. 1,000.
Where a child below the age of fourteen years is carried, use of safety belt or child
restraint system is mandatory. Failure use the same attracts a fine of Rs. 1,000.
13. Carrying More than One Pillion Rider (Sec. 194-C): Carrying more than one
pillion rider or carrying pillion rider without a secure seat is punishable with a fine
of Rs. 1,000, and with suspension of driving licence for three months.
14. Not Wearing Helmet (Sec. 194-D): Driving a motor cycle without wearing
helmet is punishable with a fine of Rs. 1,000, and with suspension of driving
licence for three months.
15. Not Allowing Free Passage to Emergency Vehicles (Sec. 194-E): Not
allowing free passage to ambulance, fire brigade or any other emergency vehicle is
punishable with imprisonment for a term which may extend to 6 months, or with a
fine of Rs. 10,000 or both.
16. Driving Uninsured Vehicle (Sec. 196): Whoever drives a motor vehicle or
causes or allows a motor vehicle to be driven an uninsured vehicle shall be
punishable for the first offence with imprisonment, which may extend to 3 months,
or with fine, which may extend to Rs. 2,000, or with both, and second or subsequent
offence with fine which may extend to Rs. 4,000, or with imprisonment for a term
which may extend to 3 months, or with both.
17. Taking Vehicle Without Authority (Sec. 197): Whoever takes and drive away
any motor vehicle without having the consent of the owner shall be punishable with
imprisonment which may extent to 3 months, or with fine which may extend to Rs.
5,000, or with both.
However, no person shall be convicted if the court is satisfied that such person
acted in the reasonable belief that he had lawful authority or in the reasonable belief
that the owner would in the circumstances of the case have given his consent if he
had been asked therefore.
Whoever, unlawfully by force or threat of force or by any other form of
intimidation, seizes or exercise control of a motor vehicle, shall be punishable with
imprisonment which may extend to 3 months, or with fine which may extend to Rs.
5,000, or with both.
Attempt or abetment to commit any offence under this section is also treated as
commission of offence under this section.
18. Causing Obstruction to Free Flow of Traffic (Sec. 201): Whoever keeps a
vehicle place, on any public, in such a manner, so as to cause impediment to the free
flow of traffic, shall be liable for penalty up to Rs. 500 per hour, so long as it
remains in that position.
However, a vehicle involved in accident shall be liable for penalty only from the
time of completion of inspection formalities under the law.
Provided further that where the vehicle is removed by an agency authorised by the
Government, removal charges shall be recovered from the vehicle owner or person
in-charge of such vehicle.
19. Offences by Juveniles (Sec. 199-A): Where an offence under the Act is
committed by a juvenile, his guardian or the owner of the vehicle shall be deemed to
have committed the offence, and he shall be punished accordingly.
In addition to the punishment for the offence committed by the juvenile, the
guardian or the owner of the vehicle is also liable to a punishment of imprisonment
which may extend to a term of 3 years, and fine of Rs. 25,000.
If the guardian or the owner of the vehicle proves that the offence was committed
without his knowledge and he took all precautions to prevent it, he will not be
20. Residuary Clause (Sec. 177): Whoever contravenes any provision of this Act or
of any rule, regulation or notification made there under shall, if no penalty is
provided for the offence is punishable for the first offence with fine which may
extend to Rs. 500, and for any second or subsequent offence with fine which may
extend to Rs. 1,500.