China has 6 buses per 1000 people
South Korea Russia China Turkey Brazil Japan Germany Mexico India
3 Shift to 4- stroke technology scenario Analyzing the impact of the shift in technology from two-stroke (2s) vehicles to
four-strokes (4s) vehicles. We assumed shift in 2s:4s from 30:70 in 2000 to 4:96 in
2020 for two-wheelers and for three-wheelers we assumed increase in 4s vehicles
from 0–25% from 2000 to 2020
4 Improvement in Fuel Efficiency scenario Fuel efficiency of vehicles have improved for vehicles as follows- by 28% for HDV
and Buses, 10% for LDV, 38% for Taxis, 80% for 3W, and 32% for Private vehicles
such as 2W and cars from 2000 to 2020
5 Shift in Emission norms (BS norms) Emission norms such as Bharat Stage have reduced vehicular emissions. We have
scenario analyzed no BS norms to BS-IV norms for the fleet of 2020. BS-IV norms have
significantly reduced emission factors of gaseous pollutants. In 2017, BSIV was
expected to be implemented nationwide in India
Elasticity of substitution between individual and public passenger
transportation for household groups
• Policies and investments for • Policies encouraging deployment • Urban planning – compact cities,
public transport improvement of clean vehicles like battery EVs transit-oriented development
and expansion • Policies and investments for • Vehicle use and ownership
• Improving railway’s freight public transport improvement restraint measures
capacity and competitiveness to and expansion • Better parking and traffic
promote mode shift from road to • Measure to retire high-polluting management
rail freight vehicles • Pedestrian and cycling friendly
• Stringent fuel efficiency standards cities
for all vehicle categories • EV-ready by-laws
• Stringent emission standards for • Ultra-low and low-emission zones
all vehicle categories that allow only non-polluting
• Policies that support the adoption vehicles
of electric vehicles (EVs) and
other zero-emission vehicle
Key recommendations
• Develop a data collection framework focusing on India's transportation sector with
inputs from NITI Aayog, modelling teams, and other civil society and government
experts. This should be developed by the Ministry of Statistics and Programme
• Focus on collecting regular data related to short and long-distance travel behaviour,
energy consumption by type of vehicles, number of vehicles by type and emission
standard, load factors, and service demand for passenger vehicles and freight transport.
• Create policies to avert potential emissions from the transportation sector to achieve
deeper decarbonisation. Strengthen current emissions standards to reduce emissions.
• Launch a scheme to encourage bus transport in urban areas.
Thank you very much