Unleashing the Power of Tweets and News in Stock-Price
Prediction Using Machine-Learning Techniques
Hossein Zolfagharinia 1, * , Mehdi Najafi 1 , Shamir Rizvi 1 and Aida Haghighi 2
1 Global Management Studies Department, Ted Rogers School of Management, Toronto Metropolitan
University, Toronto, ON M5B 2K3, Canada; najafi.mehdi@torontomu.ca (M.N.);
shamir.rizvi@torontomu.ca (S.R.)
2 School of Occupational and Public Health, Faculty of Community Services, Toronto Metropolitan University,
Toronto, ON M5B 2K3, Canada; aida.haghighi@torontomu.ca
* Correspondence: h.zolfagharinia@torontomu.ca; Tel.: +1-416-979-5000 (ext. 557532)
Abstract: Price prediction tools play a significant role in small investors’ behavior. As such, this
study aims to propose a method to more effectively predict stock prices in North America. Chiefly,
the study addresses crucial questions related to the relevance of news and tweets in stock-price
prediction and highlights the potential value of considering such parameters in algorithmic trading
strategies—particularly during times of market panic. To this end, we develop innovative multi-
layer perceptron (MLP) and long short-term memory (LSTM) neural networks to investigate the
influence of Twitter count (TC), and news count (NC) variables on stock-price prediction under both
normal and market-panic conditions. To capture the impact of these variables, we integrate technical
variables with TC and NC and evaluate the prediction accuracy across different model types. We
use Bloomberg Twitter count and news publication count variables in North American stock-price
prediction and integrate them into MLP and LSTM neural networks to evaluate their impact during
the market pandemic. The results showcase improved prediction accuracy, promising significant
benefits for traders and investors. This strategic integration reflects a nuanced understanding of the
market sentiment derived from public opinion on platforms like Twitter.
Keywords: stock-price prediction; neural network; LSTM; multi-layer perceptron; news count
Citation: Zolfagharinia, H.; Najafi, M.;
Rizvi, S.; Haghighi, A. Unleashing the
Power of Tweets and News in
Stock-Price Prediction Using
Machine-Learning Techniques. 1. Introduction
Algorithms 2024, 17, 234. https:// The dynamic landscape of the global stock market plays a significant role in shaping
doi.org/10.3390/a17060234 economies, influencing individual financial decisions, and driving continuous innovation
Academic Editor: Jesús Ángel in investment strategies. The indisputable significance of the stock market is underscored
Román Gallego by the growth in total global capitalizations, which exceeded USD 109 trillion in 2023—a
remarkable threefold increase from the 2009 figure of USD 25 trillion [1,2]. As per World
Received: 8 March 2024 Bank data from 2017, stock trading’s substantial impact on the American economy has been
Revised: 17 May 2024
evident since 2013, with the total value of stocks traded on US markets consistently surpass-
Accepted: 24 May 2024
ing 200% of the nation’s annual GDP. The New York Stock Exchange (NYSE)—a symbolic
Published: 28 May 2024
hub of financial activity—boasts an average market capitalization of approximately USD
29 trillion, highlighting its central role in global financial markets [3]. The daily average of
about USD 169 billion in stocks traded on the NYSE further emphasizes the fluidity and
Copyright: © 2024 by the authors.
dynamism of the market [4].
Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. Beyond its macroeconomic influence, the movement of stocks on a micro level is
This article is an open access article crucial in determining the financial market’s overall well-being. Notably, studies such
distributed under the terms and as that of Chan and Woo [5] reveal that stock-market price booms can drive long-term
conditions of the Creative Commons economic growth. The involvement of novice investors in the stock market adds another
Attribution (CC BY) license (https:// layer of complexity to the financial ecosystem. In particular, there are now over 54% of US
creativecommons.org/licenses/by/ adults having some form of investment in the stock market [6]. This increase in individual
4.0/). investors can be attributed to the post-2008 financial crisis [7]. In this evolving landscape,
the need for reliable stock-price prediction models increases, especially as financial products
and services become more accessible to smaller investors.
Moreover, price prediction tools play a significant role in small investors’ behavior. As
such, numerous research studies (e.g., [8–23]) have been conducted to develop appropriate
models and techniques that would widely be employed in algorithmic trading. Algorithmic
trading, in essence, leverages computational power and mathematical formulas to illumi-
nate buy or sell decisions for financial securities on an exchange and incorporates complex
formulas and models with human oversight [24–27]. These techniques are integral to insti-
tutional firms’ trading algorithms, as they aid in minimizing transaction costs and market
risks [28]. The rise of artificial intelligence (AI) in both the stock market and financial firms
has significantly contributed to the growth of the algorithmic trading market. Companies
like Sentient have developed AI-powered algorithmic traders, thereby showcasing the
potential for these advanced algorithms to function as standalone entities [29,30].
While numerous studies have developed models and techniques utilizing AI methods
in stock-price prediction, they often focus on technical indices and general data in a normal
market context. More specifically, these studies frequently overlook the impact of news on
the decisions of small traders—particularly in market-panic scenarios. The profound impact
of the media—most notably the news and Twitter—on investors’ decisions in relation to
stock buying and selling is evident. This has greatly shaped the modern financial landscape.
News that is disseminated through traditional media or online platforms can swiftly
influence investor sentiment by providing critical information about companies, industries,
and the broader economic landscape. For example, during the COVID-19 pandemic,
the demand for oil rapidly declined due to business closures and travel restrictions; this
had, inevitably, caused the futures price for West Texas Intermediate (WTI) to plummet
from USD 18 a barrel to around −USD 37 a barrel [31]. Real-time updates on corporate
earnings, geopolitical events, and market trends can trigger immediate reactions and
prompt investors to make rapid decisions in reassessing their positions. The social media
platform Twitter, in particular, has become a dynamic space for financial discussions and
for disseminating market-related information. Tweets from influential market analysts,
financial experts, and even company executives can rapidly circulate and thereby influence
investor perceptions and drive fluctuations in stock prices. The accessibility and speed of
information on both news outlets and Twitter have made it imperative for investors to stay
vigilant, as their decisions are now increasingly shaped by the instantaneous flow of news
and opinions.
Evidently, both the news and tweets can potentially impact small traders’ trading
decisions. As such, this study aims to investigate whether or not these parameters can
affect price prediction performance. More specifically, we aim to answer the following
research questions:
• Can considering the news and tweets improve the stock-price prediction accuracy?
• Does the impact of the news and tweets on the price prediction differ under normal
and market-panic conditions?
Given these research questions, the primary aim of the research is to investigate
whether considering news and tweets can enhance stock-price prediction accuracy. This
impact is crucial for investors, financial institutions, and algorithmic trading firms, as more
accurate predictions can lead to better investment decisions, reduced risks, and improved
profitability. Furthermore, by examining the impact of news and tweets on stock-price
prediction, the research seeks to deepen understanding of the dynamic interactions between
market information, investor sentiment, and stock-price movements. This understanding
can help develop more accurate prediction models that capture the complex interaction
of factors influencing financial markets. Following the understanding of these impacts,
this research aims to investigate the stability of these impacts under panic conditions. In
other words, it aims to consider whether and how these impacts may alter during periods
of market distress. To this end, we chose the COVID-19 pandemic as the case for our
analysis, given its status as one of the most significant instances of market panic in recent
Algorithms 2024, 17, 234 3 of 29
history [32–34]. Similarly, considering the widespread utilization of LSTM and MLP models
in stock-price prediction (e.g., [12,19,21,35–45]), we opted to evaluate these two methods
specifically in the context of incorporating tweets and news count as predictive variables,
particularly during market distress.
The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, we review the relevant
literature to identify extant knowledge gaps and highlight the contributions of our current
study. Next, in Section 3, we define the problem under investigation and outline the proposed
model for price prediction. Then, in Section 4, we develop the solution algorithms. Moreover,
in Section 5, we analyze the results to address the research questions. Lastly, in Section 6, we
offer concluding remarks and insights and suggest future avenues for research.
2. Literature Review
A stock market is a place for publicly listed companies to trade stocks and other financial
instruments; likewise, the price of shares is termed the stock price [46]. Initial studies (e.g., [47])
held a view of the stock market as stochastic and, hence, non-predictable. However, later
studies (e.g., [22,35,48,49]) argued that the stock market may be predictable to an extent when
it is examined from a behavioral economics and socioeconomic theory of finance point of view.
Therefore, many research studies have developed different models to predict stock prices and
parameters in the stock market. These various approaches and techniques can be categorized
into three main categories in terms of strategy: (i) technical analysis, (ii) fundamental analysis,
and (iii) sentiment-based analysis [20,22,30]. Technical analysis is the most popular approach.
It defines a couple of indicators, such as open price, close price, low price, high price, and
trading volume, and applies mathematical and statistical techniques to structured data to
predict the stock price based on trends in the past and present stock prices [22,48,50–52]. On
the contrary, the fundamental analysis is concerned with the company that underlies the stock
itself instead of the actual stock [53–55]. The data that are used by the fundamental analyst
are usually unstructured and, thus, pose some challenges. However, this type of data has
occasionally been shown to be a good predictor of stock-price movement [56]. Moreover,
this approach is utilized by financial analysts daily, as it incorporates various factors, such
as economic forecasts, the efficiency of management, business opportunities, and financial
statements [57]. Fundamental analysis can, in essence, be defined as a method of finding a
stock’s inherent value based on financial analysis. Lastly, sentiment-based analysis is based
on linguistic feature extraction (e.g., [58–60]). This approach has not been as popular, given
the difficulty of developing reliable and efficient sentiment analysis tools. This is mainly due
to the design complexity and relevant source selection (which is of utmost importance).
Given the popularity of the technical analysis approach, many studies have employed
different statistical and mathematical techniques to predict stock prices. These techniques
can be generally categorized into three groups: (i) statistical model (STAT), (ii) evolutionary
algorithm (EA), and (iii) machine learning (ML), including neural networks (NN). To utilize
these techniques, decision-makers should decide on the type of target variable the model
aims to predict. These variables can either be the stock price, stock direction, index price,
or index direction. The stock price refers to an individual numerical value that the model
believes the stock will be priced at soon. The stock direction refers to the direction (i.e., up or
down) in which the stock price will move. Furthermore, the index could be another target
variable. Unlike the case of stocks, where the data pertains to that of an individual stock,
an index measures a section of the stock market by combining price data from multiple
stocks. A few well-known indices are the S&P 500 and the Dow Jones Industrial Average.
Exploring the existing literature reveals that diverse techniques have been used for
stock-market prediction. Table 1 summarizes studies that have used various techniques
for stock-market prediction. To compile this table, we utilized two prominent research
databases, namely the Web of Science (WOS) and Scopus, which are known for their
comprehensive coverage across various disciplines. Additionally, we supplemented our
search by exploring the reference lists of selected studies not initially found in these
databases. Our survey focused primarily on papers published after 2000, particularly
Algorithms 2024, 17, 234 4 of 29
those published within the last decade. Subsequently, we meticulously reviewed the
available literature to identify studies specifically addressing stock-price prediction through
technical or sentimental analysis techniques. Each identified article underwent a thorough
investigation, enabling us to categorize them based on the type of analysis and techniques
employed for stock-price prediction. As shown in Table 1, individual stock outputs are
significantly more popular than index-based computations. Likewise, ML and NN are the
most popular techniques that have been used in recent years. Hence, given the popularity of
these techniques, we will focus on reviewing research studies using ML and NN techniques
in order to position our work in the extant literature.
Support vector machines (SVM) is another promising model in the domain of ML. This
type of model separates data into distinct classes via a decision boundary and then seeks to
maximize the margin. Due to the nonlinearity of stock-price data, SVM is an appropriate
technique for prediction, as it can project the data points into a higher dimensional space
by performing a function on the data that makes the classes linearly separable. As a result,
many studies (e.g., [100,135]) have utilized SVM for stock-price prediction. Additionally,
several studies have successfully incorporated textual data into their SVMs for stock predic-
tion [75,91]. Nevertheless, the SVM algorithm is computationally time-consuming. Thus,
some studies (e.g., [16]) utilized a kernel function to improve the efficiency of mapping data
into a higher dimensional space. Similar to SVM, support vector regression (SVR) employs
the same components and techniques; however, rather than classifying the mathematical
operations, these operations are tasked with regressing the data points. Li et al. [79] uti-
lized a multiple-kernel SVR to test whether or not the inclusion of news articles alongside
technical indicators improved the predictive power of the SVR model. The results revealed
that the multiple-kernel SVR outperformed a normal SVR model. The work of Schumaker
et al. [73] employed the AZfintext qualitative stock-price predictor and regressed stock
quotes and financial news article data as inputs into an SVR algorithm for stock-price
prediction. The authors examined whether incorporating sentiment-based analysis into
the AZfintext system would improve the stock direction prediction accuracy. The results
showed that incorporating sentiment analysis into the AZfintext system did not improve
the overall prediction accuracy.
Another widely employed method for stock-price prediction involves utilizing the
auto-regressive integrated moving average (ARIMA) model, which is also commonly
known as the Box–Jenkins model in finance. ARIMA is specifically designed for training
in forecasting time-series data [136]. Functioning as a generalized random walk model,
ARIMA is finely tuned to eliminate residual autocorrelation, which is a statistical measure
of the correlation between variables based on past values. As a generalized exponen-
tial smoothing model, ARIMA can incorporate long-term trends and seasonality into its
predictions [137]. In recent stock-price prediction research, ARIMA has frequently been
integrated either into other ML algorithms or used as a benchmark for comparison. An
early example is the work of Pai and Lin [66], who developed and tested a hybrid ARIMA
and SVM model. They recognized ARIMA’s declining popularity and demonstrated its
utility in enhancing ML models. The results revealed that the proposed hybrid ARIMA-
SVM model outperformed both the standalone ARIMA and SVM models. A subsequent
study conducted by Adebiyi et al. [82] compared ARIMA with a three-layer NN and found
that the NN consistently outperformed ARIMA in most cases. The graphical representation
of their ARIMA predictions indicated a linear pattern, thereby emphasizing its limitation
in providing value-based forecasting. Similarly, Chong et al. [109] discovered that NNs
significantly outperformed the benchmark autoregressive model in stock-price prediction.
emphasizing that this positive result can be considered relatively intuitive, as it is generally
well-known that the activities of one group of traders influence another.
Furthermore, Geva and Zahavi [87] investigated whether market data, simple news
item counts, business events, and sentiment scores could improve various ML algorithms
in stock-price prediction. The authors considered NNs, decision trees, and basic regression.
The results demonstrated that among the algorithms tested, only the NN could fully exploit
the more intricate nature of the proposed sentiment/news inputs. The other models could
not take advantage of these inputs, given the complicated relationship between price and
sentiment/news indicators. Zhuge et al. [111] utilized Shanghai Composite Index data and
emotional data. Emotional data, in this case, involved sentiment analysis from the news
and microblogs that were related to a specific company. The authors demonstrated that 15
input variables, comprised of sentiment and technical indicators, could successfully predict
a Chinese company’s stock opening prices.
Kooli et al. [117] proposed a simple NN to examine whether the inclusion of accounting
variables (generated from the release of accounting disclosures) improved the prediction
accuracy of the NNs. The results showed that combining 48,204 daily stock closing prices
of 39 companies with the respective accounting disclosure variables improved the NNs’
prediction quality. However, this level of improvement drastically dropped when the
NN predicted prices in 2011, a time of civil unrest in Tunisia. This extreme example is
noteworthy, as it portrays how an observed variable (i.e., one that was able to consistently
improve the model accuracy) could lose its impact when emotional events occurred.
Vantstone et al. [122] investigated if the prediction of the price of 20 Australian stocks by a
neural network autoregressive (NNAR) model could be improved with the inclusion of inputs
in the form of counts of both news articles and tweets. The sentiment-based indicators used
in this study were generated by Bloomberg. These types of sentiment-based indicators are
increasingly becoming available. Additionally, due to the overall improvement in data-mining
techniques, these indicators should theoretically be more reliable than ever. Their study found
that the NNAR that incorporated the Bloomberg-generated news and Twitter-based sentiment
indicators had a higher quality of stock-price predictions. Due to the indicators being created
and readily available by Bloomberg, no text/data-mining models had to be utilized by the
authors. The resulting ease of incorporating news and Twitter indicators into NNs was equal
to any other technical indicator.
As shown in Table 1, LSTM stands out as one of the most popular NN techniques in
the price prediction literature. This technique was introduced by Olah [139] in 2015 and
has since been utilized in numerous studies. For example, Jin et al. [19] introduced an
LSTM-based model that incorporated sentiment analysis and employed empirical modal
decomposition to break down stock-price sequences. The authors’ approach enhanced
prediction accuracy by leveraging LSTM’s capacity to analyze relationships among time-
series data through its memory function. Furthermore, Lu et al. [21] introduced the
CNN-BiLSTM-AM method, which combined convolutional neural networks, bidirectional
long short-term memory, and an attention mechanism. The authors’ model aimed to predict
the following-day stock closing prices by extracting features using CNN, using BiLSTM
for prediction, and employing an attention mechanism to capture feature influences at
different times. A comparative analysis against seven other methods for predicting stock
closing prices on the Shanghai Composite Index revealed the superior performance of the
CNN-BiLSTM-AM method in terms of MAE and RMSE.
Vijh et al. [20] employed artificial neural network and random-forest techniques to
predict next-day closing prices for stocks across various sectors. By utilizing financial data,
such as open, high, low, and closed prices, they created new variables as inputs in the
model. The evaluation based on standard indicators RMSE and MAPE highlighted the
efficiency of their models for predicting stock closing prices. Wu et al. [60] explored LSTM
for stock-price prediction by introducing the S_I_LSTM method in incorporating multiple
data sources and investor sentiment. The authors’ approach leveraged sentiment analysis
based on convolutional NNs for calculating investors’ sentiment index and combined this
Algorithms 2024, 17, 234 8 of 29
with technical indicators and historical transaction data as features for LSTM prediction.
The results indicated that the predicted stock closing prices aligned more closely with
the accurate closing prices compared to the traditional LSTM methods. Lastly, Kurani
et al. [23] presented a comprehensive study on the use of artificial neural networks (ANN)
and support vector machines (SVM) for stock forecasting to provide further insights into
the application of machine-learning techniques in the financial domain.
Khan et al. [127] applied algorithms to social media and financial news data to assess
their impact on stock-market prediction accuracy over a span of ten subsequent days.
They conducted feature selection and minimized spam tweets in the datasets to enhance
prediction quality. Furthermore, the study involved experiments to identify stock markets
that were challenging to predict and those heavily influenced by social media and financial
news. The researchers also compared the outcomes of various algorithms to determine a
reliable classifier. The results recommended random forest for stock-trend prediction due
to its consistent results in all the cases. Finally, deep-learning techniques were employed,
and classifiers were combined to maximize prediction accuracy. The experimental findings
revealed the highest prediction accuracies of 80.53% and 75.16% using social media and
financial news data, respectively. Shaban et al. [128] introduced a new system based on
deep learning to predict the stock price. They combined LSTM and bidirectional gated
recurrent unit (BiGRU) to predict the closing price of the stock market. Then, they applied
the proposed method to some stocks and predicted their close price 10 and 30 min before
the actual time. Liu et al. [44] have another study that considered news in the market
price prediction. They developed a model based on TrellisNet and a sentiment attention
mechanism (SA-TrellisNet) to predict stock-market prices. They integrated the LSTM and
CNN models for sentiment analysis while employing a sentiment attention mechanism
to allocate weights and a trellis network for stock prediction. The hybrid model includes
three components: sentiment analysis, sentiment attention mechanism, and the prediction
model. Finally, they compared the proposed model with general methods to demonstrate
its performance.
Recently, the substantial impact of cryptocurrencies on the global financial markets
has led to an increasing number of price prediction studies in academic research. Ammer
and Aldhyani [45] proposed an LSTM algorithm to forecast the values of four types of
cryptocurrencies: AMP, Ethereum, Electro-Optical System, and XRP. To overcome the
problem of price-fluctuation prediction, they proposed an LSTM that captures the time
dependency aspects of the prices of cryptocurrencies and proposed an embedding network
to capture the hidden representations from linked cryptocurrencies. They then employed
these two networks in conjunction with each other to predict price. In addition, Belcastro
et al. [129] introduced a methodology aimed at optimizing cryptocurrency trading decisions
to enhance profit margins. Their approach integrates various statistical, text analytics, and
deep-learning methodologies to support a recommendation trading algorithm. Notably,
the study leverages supplementary data points, such as the correlation between social
media activity and price movements, causal relationships within price trends, and the
sentiment analysis of cryptocurrency-related social media, to generate both buy and sell
signals. Finally, the researchers conducted numerous experiments utilizing historical data
to evaluate the efficacy of the trading algorithm, achieving an average gain of 194% without
factoring in transaction fees and 117% when accounting for fees. Lastly, Al-Nefaie et al. [130]
employed AI algorithms, including the gated recurrent unit (GRU) and MLP, for forecasting
Bitcoin prices. They evaluated their models using various metrics, such as mean square
error (MSE), root mean square error (RMSE), Pearson correlation (R), and R-squared (R2),
to assess performance. Their findings indicated that the MLP method outperformed the
GRU approach. Given these studies, the primary contributions of the current study to the
extant literature are as follows.
• We are the first to use Bloomberg Twitter and news publication count variables as
critical inputs for stock-price prediction within the North American context;
Algorithms 2024, 17, 234 9 of 29
• We use a novel approach in employing Twitter and news publication count variables
as inputs into multi-layer perceptron (MLP) and long short-term memory (LSTM)
NNs. This novel approach seeks to assess the influence of these variables on various
NN architectures, allowing us to concurrently evaluate and contrast the stock-price
prediction performance of both models;
• We focus on examining the existence of a potential notable decline in model perfor-
mance during periods rife with market panic (e.g., the COVID-19 pandemic). There-
fore, we seek to provide insights into the robustness of the proposed models under
stressful conditions in financial markets.
input variable processing within an MLP is depicted through the following mathematical
expression: ! !
Yn (t) = Φ ∑ wno .Φ ∑ wkhn Xk (t) + bnh + bno (1)
n k
where Xk denotes the value of the kth variable input into the perceptron, wk represents the
corresponding weight, b is the bias, and Φ is the activation function, including the sigmoid
and tanh functions ([23,49]). Furthermore, Kn denoted the number of neurons in the nth layer.
These layers fall into three categories: (i) input, (ii) output, and (iii) hidden layers. Finally, “o”
represents values associated with the output neurons, and “h” represents values associated
with the hidden neurons. While it has been established that a single hidden layer in a neural
network can approximate any univariate function [149], stock-price prediction inherently
involves multi-variate complexities. Given the successful approximation of multi-variate
functions with just two hidden layers in a simple feed-forward network [150,151], we adopt
an NN configuration with two hidden layers for the MLP network.
Although various cost functions have been explored for the MLP network in the
literature, we specifically opt for the mean squared error (MSE). The effectiveness of MSE in
optimizing NNs has previously been demonstrated [152], thereby showcasing its ability to
handle an extensive magnitude of training data [153]. Additionally, we employ the Adam
(Adaptive Moment) optimization algorithm. This algorithm was first introduced by Hasan
et al. [154] and has been tested by researchers at OpenAI and Google Deepmind [154,155].
Adam has been found to be successful in handling non-stationary data while also being
able to handle both sparse and noisy gradients.
The number of hidden nodes is another parameter that should be determined for NN
configuration. Unlike epoch iterative testing, a generally agreed-upon formula can guide
the establishment of a testing range for the optimal number of hidden nodes. This formula
is presented as follows:
Nh = (2)
α( Ni + No )
where Nh denotes the number of hidden nodes, Ni denotes the number of input neurons,
and No and Ns denote the number of output neurons and samples in the training dataset,
respectively. Finally, α is an arbitrary scaling factor, usually 2–10. With a training dataset
comprising 1000 samples, an input layer of six neurons, and an output layer of one neuron,
we have opted for 13 hidden neurons in the MLP. Another critical aspect of the design
process involves determining the number of epochs. Since the optimal number of epochs
should be established on a case-by-case basis, we have conducted iterative testing to
identify the point at which the loss function ceases to decrease. It is worth noting that,
despite the iterative approach, we have set a maximum limit of 5000 epochs for the MLP
for the sake of simplicity.
sidering the network’s complexity, we set the number of hidden neurons and the maximum
number of epochs to 60 and 1000, respectively, when the training sample size is 1000.
4. Model Construction
The current study aims to examine the specific impact of Twitter and news count
variables on stock-price prediction, with a primary emphasis on the North American
context. To this end, as shown in Figure 1, we first selected a group of stocks for inves-
tigation. A subset of the chosen stocks is collectively known as “FAANG”, an acronym
representing Facebook Inc. (FB), Apple Inc. (AAPL), Amazon.com Inc. (AMZN), Netflix
Inc. (NFLX), and Alphabet Inc. (GOOG). Coined by former Goldman Sachs fund manager
Jim Cramer [158], FAANG stocks are particularly significant for North American investors
and the overall stock market and are publicly traded on the NASDAQ. As of July 2020,
these five companies boasted a combined market capitalization of USD 4.1 trillion, which
constituted 16.64% of the total S&P 500 market capitalization. The S&P 500, an index com-
prised of 500 companies, historically represents 70% to 80% of the total US stock-market
capitalization. The substantial contribution of FAANG stocks to the S&P 500 highlights
their broader importance in shaping the North American stock market. The movements
Algorithms 2024, 17, x FOR PEER REVIEW
of FAANG stocks directly influence North American investors’ perceptions of the 12 of 29
market and thereby impact trading decisions.
Data Gathering/Extraction
Normal Test Set Panic Test Set
Data Preparation
Input Parameters Selection MLP LSTM
(Feature Selection & Normalization)
Figure 1.
1. The
The methodology
methodology used
used for
for analysis.
volume. Among these, the four most prevalent ones are open, high, low, and close. Con-
sequently, the moving average (representing the price averaged over a specified number
of periods) and trade volume (indicating the number of trades executed in a day) are
incorporated into only half of the models. In contrast, the remaining half incorporates
the four most common inputs alongside Bloomberg-generated Twitter and news count
data. Several reasons justify the exclusion of the least utilized variables. Primarily, this
choice facilitates a more direct comparison of the individual impact of these variables on
enhancing stock-price prediction. Likewise, since the total number of variables remains
constant, any observed performance improvement cannot be attributed to an increase in
data volume. Additionally, in the context of NN, adjustments to design decisions, such
as the number of neurons, are influenced by changes in the input variable count. Hence,
for a methodologically sound comparison, we maintain consistency in the NN’s design,
irrespective of the variable set in use. It is worth noting that all variables are sourced
from Bloomberg and are formatted in a comma-separated value structure. The dataset
we used spanned from January 2015 to May 2020. We chose this time period in order to
consider a more comprehensive coverage, that is, to include both normal market conditions
(i.e., pre-COVID-19) as well as market-panic conditions (i.e., a few months post-COVID-19
outbreak). The definitions for each variable can be found in Table 3.
As mentioned, the data utilized in our study was extracted from Bloomberg, a rep-
utable financial data provider widely used in academic and industry research. To ensure
Algorithms 2024, 17, 234 13 of 29
accuracy and reliability, we accessed Bloomberg’s database and retrieved the required
information using their data-export functionality. Bloomberg’s database is renowned for its
accuracy, timeliness, and depth of coverage, making it a preferred choice for researchers
and practitioners in the financial industry. Specifically, we employed Bloomberg’s Excel
API to extract the data directly into an Excel format. This API allowed us to access various
financial data, including stocks’ open prices, high prices, low prices, and close prices daily
from 1 January 2015 to 31 May 2020. It also includes trading volume, the 30-day moving
average, the number of tweets with positive sentiment, the number of tweets with negative
sentiment, the number of tweets with neutral sentiment, and the news publication count. To
capture the sentiments of tweets, we consider the difference between positive and negative
sentiment tweets as the number of Twitter counts (TC). However, we do not involve the
sentiment in the news publication count (NC) parameter and consider the total number of
news publications mentioning the parent company over a 24 h period. The dataset includes
1412 data items for each stock, and the attributes were selected based on their potential
significance for analyzing stock-market dynamics and sentiment and their availability
within the Bloomberg database. The daily average number of tweets and news publications
for the selected companies are Apple (4952 tweets, 2506 news), Amazon (3009 tweets,
757 news), Facebook (3912 tweets, 701 news), Netflix (1556 tweets, 637 news), Google
(3930 tweets, 1196 news), Walmart (743 tweets, 375 news), Tesla (2218 tweets, 594 news),
and Ford (192 tweets, 271 news). Furthermore, by utilizing the Excel API, we could in-
tegrate the data into our analysis workflow, facilitating further processing and analysis.
Additional details regarding the collected data can be found in Table A1 in Appendix A.
displayed in descending order by mean RMSE for the pan-set. As shown in Table 4, when
comparing the bottom 50% to the top 50% of the list, the CV for the TC and NC variables
exhibit a 19% and 27% absolute difference, respectively. In addition, the percentage change
of mean TC and NC variables shows an 18% and 19% absolute difference, respectively. The
difference in variance between the data the models are learning from and the additional
period added to the nor-set to make it the pan-set are critical to our analysis. The average
percentage change in mean for the price data, as well as the average CV of the price data,
exhibits a similar difference between the panic data and training data for all the stocks
being predicted. This discrepancy in variable variance between the training and test sets
can be the primary cause of the drop in performance when it comes to the pan-set compared
to the nor-set.
Table 4. T+ variables’ mean and coefficient of variation in the panic test set and training data.
TC NC Price
Train vs. Pan-Set Train vs. Pan-Set Train vs. Pan-Set
CV −7% −15% −14%
Mean −46% 23% −49%
CV −19% −7% −37%
Mean −55% −17% 114%
CV −27% −35% 6%
Mean −26% 132% 129%
CV −48% −46% −16%
Mean −10% −71% 47%
CV 22% 38% −45%
Mean −69% −53% 117%
CV −59% −20% −16%
Mean −71% 0% 105%
CV −103% −2% 12%
Mean −14% 34% −44%
CV −35% −13% −10%
Mean −57% 13% 52%
Top 50% −25% −26% −15%
Bottom 50% −44% 1% −15%
Top 50% −35% 17% 60%
Bottom 50% −53% −2% 57%
Ford 0.13641 0.07553 0.06087 45.0%
Google 0.06271 0.04938 0.01333 21.0%
Netflix 0.11226 0.09216 0.02010 18.0%
Tesla 0.17632 0.18758 −0.01126 −6.0%
Walmart 0.05845 0.07278 −0.01434 −25.0%
Table 7. The mean Twitter count to mean news publication count ratio.
In general, within ML, a distinctive requirement involves training with a distinct dataset.
It is necessary to thoroughly examine input variables across various stages of both the training
and testing processes [165]. The objective is to assess the potential impact of the TC and
NC variables on enhancing stock-price prediction. To this end, we conducted comparisons
between these variables within the training data and across both test sets. The rationale behind
this comparative analysis is to ascertain whether the pre-emptive examination of input data
(prior to actual testing) could reveal the possibility of improving the accuracy of stock-price
prediction by incorporating T+ variables into the model. Table 8 provides an analysis of the
change in the CV between the training and the test sets. The CV for the variables exhibits
relative stability across both the training and the test data for all models. Although CV is
always non-negative, the change percentage can be positive or negative.
Table 9 presents an analysis of the mean T+ variables across the training data, normal
test set (nor-set), and panic test set (pan-set). Notably, there is a consistent improvement
in RMSE across all eight tests with the inclusion of T+ variables. Among the top 50% of
performers, there is an average 25% reduction in the mean TC between the training and
test sets, suggesting that, on average, the TC is 25% lower in both test sets compared to the
training set. Conversely, the bottom 50% of performers exhibit an almost 60% decrease in
the mean TC between the training data and the average of both test sets. The difference in
the mean NC between the training data and test data for the top 50% of models indicates a
40% decrease. In contrast, the bottom 50% of companies (based on the RMSE percentage
improvement due to the addition of T+ variables) show an average 25% increase in the
mean NC between the training and testing phases.
Algorithms 2024, 17, 234 18 of 29
Table 8. The variable CV change between the training and test sets.
Training NC vs
Training NC vs
Training TC vs
Training TC vs
% ± in CV of
% ± in CV of
% ± in CV of
% ± in CV of
Nor-Set NC
RMSE% +/-
Pan-Set NC
Nor-Set TC
Pan-Set TC
Rank by
1 Ford −90% −93% −6% −4%
2 Google 22% 21% −2% −5%
3 Netflix −9% 2% −14% 9%
4 Facebook −42% −41% −37% −36%
5 Amazon −19% −18% −14% −7%
6 Apple −18% −31% 0% −5%
7 Walmart −31% −32% 7% 2%
8 Tesla −39% −31% −29% −29%
Top 50% Avg −30% −28% −15% −9%
Bottom 50% Avg −27% −28% −9% −10%
Table 9. The mean TC and NC in the training data, the normal test set, and the panic test set.
Mean TC Mean NC
Train Nor-Test Pan-Test Train Nor-Test Pan-Test
1 Ford 212 131 149 253 334 336
2 Google 4320 3560 3140 1206 1109 1237
3 Netflix 1823 1077 907 620 956 730
4 Facebook 686 866 780 4758 1914 1741
5 Amazon 3515 1816 1734 727 1035 890
6 Apple 6229 1612 1675 2479 2864 2735
7 Walmart 881 394 388 364 439 429
8 Tesla 2499 1395 1548 488 823 930
Top 50% 1760 1408 1244 1709 1078 1011
Bottom 50% 3281 1304 1337 1015 1290 1246
Top 50% Train vs. Avg Test 75% Top 50% Train vs. Avg Test 61%
Bottom 50% Train vs. Avg Test 40% Bottom 50% Train vs. Avg Test 125%
Table 10. The RMSE analysis for T vs. T+ variables and the panic test set vs. the normal test set.
Range 0.141446 0.158834 0.072171 0.138198
ST.Dev 0.040658 0.040633 0.016259 0.041585
CV 0.554 0.586 0.356 0.428
Mean 0.037357 0.024891 0.025188 0.037060
Range 0.147494 0.035011 0.036088 0.142744
ST.Dev 0.035671 0.008374 0.008748 0.035683
CV 0.955 0.336 0.347 0.963
MLP vs. LSTM Average
+/−Mean −0.036038 −0.044466 −0.020511 −0.059993 −0.0403
+/−CV −0.401 0.249 0.008 −0.534 −0.1693
While the proposed models aimed to analyze the impact of news and tweets on stock-
price prediction accuracy, it is important to acknowledge certain limitations for further
research. First, this study focused primarily on the COVID-19 pandemic as a period
of market distress. The impact identified in this case might not capture the full range
of possible market behaviors under different types of panic conditions, crises, financial
crashes, or geopolitical events. In addition, this study used LSTM and MLP models,
which, while established, may not represent the cutting edge in predictive modeling.
More advanced techniques, like hybrid approaches, might provide better performance
or additional insights. Furthermore, the study used sentiment analysis tools to quantify
investor sentiment from news and tweets. The accuracy of these tools can vary, and errors
in sentiment classification could affect the overall findings. Finally, the impact of news and
tweets on stock prices might vary across different regions and industry sectors. The study
does not explicitly address whether the findings are consistent across various markets and
industries or if specific segments primarily drive the results.
There are several avenues to develop future studies in this area. The current config-
uration of TC and NC variables in T+ entails countable measures and shares similarities
with other variables. In contrast to more generalized Twitter and news-based indicators,
Bloomberg’s generated Twitter and news count variables employ clearly defined and repli-
cable terms linked to objective measures. Moreover, certain indicator providers, such as
Yahoo Finance, may yield identical values for TC and NC, which can be integrated into
price prediction models. However, further analysis is imperative to ascertain why these
variables demonstrate efficacy across the majority of scenarios but exhibit sub-optimal per-
formance in specific instances. Thus, exploring these cases and identifying their underlying
sources of impact may be a promising avenue for future research. Another prospective area
for future investigation involves considering whether the influence of TC and NC variables
correlates with the size of the company. More specifically, future studies are encouraged
to explore whether the inclusion of TC and NC variables equally enhances stock-price
prediction accuracy for small-, medium-, and large-sized companies.
Furthermore, the observed variations in prediction performance between MLP and
LSTM models can be attributed to the test-period length and the extent of data preprocess-
ing. Traders and researchers should be conscious of these factors when selecting stock-price
prediction models. To enhance model applicability across different scenarios, it is recom-
mended to standardize data-preparation techniques to ensure the optimal performance of
various model types. This standardization should be replicable for each use of a specific
model and thereby promote consistency in the analyses related to stock-price prediction.
Likewise, it should advance research aimed at refining neural networks. Additionally, ex-
ploring alternative neural network architectures beyond MLP and LSTM is advisable, in an
attempt to identify simpler models that may outperform stock-price prediction. Moreover,
the current study focused solely on the quantity of tweets and news (TC and NC) while
neglecting their sentiment and diverse impacts. Future research could cover the varying
impact weights of distinct tweets or news items for each stock and involve their dominant
sentiment. Such considerations can be promising areas for future research, as they may
refine prediction accuracy in the dynamic landscape of stock-market forecasting.
Author Contributions: Conceptualization, H.Z. and S.R.; methodology, H.Z., M.N. and S.R.; software,
S.R.; validation, M.N. and S.R.; formal analysis, M.N. and S.R.; investigation, H.Z. and S.R.; resources,
H.Z. and A.H.; data curation, S.R.; writing—original draft preparation, M.N.; writing—review and
editing, H.Z., S.R. and A.H.; visualization, M.N. and S.R.; supervision, H.Z.; project administration,
A.H. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
Funding: This research received no external funding.
Data Availability Statement: Data can be accessed on Bloomberg Market News website at https:
//www.bloomberg.com/. The dataset we used was daily and spanned from January 2015 to May
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
Algorithms 2024, 17, 234 21 of 29
Appendix A
Table A1. Comparing variables in the overall, training, normal test, pan-test, and panic-period test set.
This table provides insights into the changes in mean, standard deviation, and coefficient of variation (CV) of the T+ variable (including TC, NC, and close price) across the overall
dataset, training dataset, normal test sets, and panic test set. It is worth noting that the normal test set spans from January 2019 to November 2019, whereas the panic test set covers
December 2019 to May 2020 (this is mainly due to the date of a report issued by the World Health Organization, which resulted in a panic in the US stock market [34]). Additionally, the
training data encompasses the period from January 2015 to December 2018.
Algorithms 2024, 17, 234 23 of 29
Company Test Set Model RMSE Company Test Set Model RMSE
LSTM (T) 0.06271 LSTM (T) 0.06246
LSTM (TS) 0.04938 LSTM (T+) 0.06018
MLP (T) 0.02388 MLP (T) 0.01950
MLP (TS) 0.02069 MLP (T+) 0.01928
Google Amazon
LSTM (T) 0.03487 LSTM (T) 0.04672
LSTM (TS) 0.02874 LSTM (T+) 0.04210
MLP (T) 0.02355 MLP (T) 0.02602
MLP (TS) 0.02147 MLP (T+) 0.02426
LSTM (T) 0.07699 LSTM (T) 0.17632
LSTM (TS) 0.07392 LSTM (T+) 0.18758
MLP (T) 0.02746 MLP (T) 0.08409
MLP (TS) 0.02407 MLP (T+) 0.04863
Facebook Tesla
LSTM (T) 0.04404 LSTM (T) 0.05344
LSTM (TS) 0.03668 LSTM (T+) 0.10091
MLP (T) 0.02070 MLP (T) 0.03610
MLP (TS) 0.02193 MLP (T+) 0.03531
LSTM (T) 0.05845 LSTM (T) 0.12860
LSTM (TS) 0.07278 LSTM (T+) 0.12711
MLP (T) 0.01753 MLP (T) 0.02188
MLP (TS) 0.01814 MLP (T+) 0.02141
Walmart Apple
LSTM (T) 0.04021 LSTM (T) 0.05848
LSTM (TS) 0.04251 LSTM (T+) 0.05299
MLP (T) 0.01278 MLP (T) 0.02002
MLP (TS) 0.01362 MLP (T+) 0.01995
LSTM (T) 0.13641 LSTM (T) 0.11226
LSTM (TS) 0.07553 LSTM (T+) 0.09216
MLP (T) 0.16027 MLP (T) 0.02553
MLP (T+) 0.03661 MLP (T+) 0.02399
Ford Netflix
LSTM (T) 0.04024 LSTM (T) 0.04211
LSTM (T+) 0.03007 LSTM (T+) 0.03706
MLP (T) 0.04886 MLP (T) 0.02954
MLP (T+) 0.02047 MLP (T+) 0.02842
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