The document is a Student Information Report for Arush Kumar Gond, a male student in Class III A for the academic year 2024-25. It includes personal details such as his date of birth, parental information, and academic performance, indicating he was promoted from Class II with a 65% score. The report also notes that he has not been identified with any disabilities and has attended school for 215 days in the previous academic year.
The document is a Student Information Report for Arush Kumar Gond, a male student in Class III A for the academic year 2024-25. It includes personal details such as his date of birth, parental information, and academic performance, indicating he was promoted from Class II with a 65% score. The report also notes that he has not been identified with any disabilities and has attended school for 215 days in the previous academic year.
The document is a Student Information Report for Arush Kumar Gond, a male student in Class III A for the academic year 2024-25. It includes personal details such as his date of birth, parental information, and academic performance, indicating he was promoted from Class II with a 65% score. The report also notes that he has not been identified with any disabilities and has attended school for 215 days in the previous academic year.
The document is a Student Information Report for Arush Kumar Gond, a male student in Class III A for the academic year 2024-25. It includes personal details such as his date of birth, parental information, and academic performance, indicating he was promoted from Class II with a 65% score. The report also notes that he has not been identified with any disabilities and has attended school for 215 days in the previous academic year.
Student Information Report Student Database Management System (SDMS) Student Name : ARUSH KUMAR GOND Class : III Section : A General Information of Student Gender Male Mother Tongue of the Student 28 - HINDI - Bhojpuri Date of Birth (DD/MM/YYYY) 06/03/2017 Permanent Education Number NA Social Category 3-ST Mother's Name RINKI DEVI Minority Group 7-NA Father's Name MANOJ KUMAR GOND Whether BPL beneficiary No Guardian's Name NA Whether Antyodaya Anna Yojana (AAY) NA AADHAAR Number of Student ********1479 beneficiary Whether belongs to EWS / No Name of Student as per/in AADHAAR Card ARUSH KUMAR Disadvantaged Group GOND Whether CWSN No Address NAYA BHOJPUR Type of Impairments NA Pincode 802133 Indian Nationality Yes Mobile Number (of Student/ Parent/ Guardian) 9507260043 Is Child Identified as Out of School-Child No Alternate Mobile Number (of Student/ Parent/ Guardian) NA When the Child is mainstreamed NA Contact email-id (of Student/Parent/Guardian) Whether having Disability Certificate NA Disability Percentage (in %) 0 Blood Group Under Investigation - Result will be updated soon Enrolment Details of the Student Admission Number in Present School 214 Admitted / Enrolled Under (Only for Pvt. Unaided) NA Admission Date (DD/ MM/ YYYY) in 16/05/2023 Class/Section Roll No 5 Present School Medium of Instruction 19-English Languages Group Studied by the Student Hindi_English In the previous class Studied - result of 1-Promoted/Passed Academic Stream opted by student NA the examinations Subjects Group Studied by the Student NA Marks Obtained (in Percentage) 65 Status of Student in Previous Academic 1-Studied at Current/Same School No. of days child attended school (in the previous academic year) 215 Year Schooling (2023-24) Grade/Class Studied in the Class II Previous/Last Academic year (2023-24) Facility Profile Whether Facilities provided to the NA Has the student appeared in State Level Competitions/ No Student (for the year of filling data) Olympiads/National level Competitions? Facilities provided to Student in case of NA Does the Student participate in NCC/ NSS/ Scouts and Guides? No CWSN (for the year of filling data) Whether Student has been screened for No Whether student is capable of handling digital devices including the No Specific Learning Disability (SLD) internet? SLD Type NA Student's Height (in CMs) 130 CMs Whether Student has been screened for No Student's Weight (in KGs) 30 KGs Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)? Whether Student has been screened for No Approximate Distance of student's residence to school 2 - Between 1-3 Kms Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD)? Has the Student been identified as a No Completed Highest Education Level of Mother/Father/Legal 1 - Primary gifted / talented in following Guardian
Generated Date & Time : Feb 25, 2025, 10:29:38 PM, Sources :