Address Details
Present Address Permanent Address
Door No. Mirjapur Door No. Mirjapur
Street Mirjapur Street Mirjapur
City/Village Mirjapur City/Village Mirjapur
Panchayat/Mandal/Dist Nalanda Panchayat/Mandal/Dist Nalanda
Pincode 803114 Pincode 803114
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State & Year of Passing Central Board of Secondary
Bihar - 2017 Board
10thclass Education
1. I am able to ride bicycle/scooter/motor cycle for performing my duty as a GDS BPM/ABM/Dak Sevaks.(Annexure III)
2. I declare that I have not done any duplicate registration with another email/mobile number and I understood that my
candidature will be disqualified for all the purposes if found as duplicate registration.
3. I hereby undertake to declare that I am a computer literate and I will be able to use smart phone/laptop/handheld device
supplied by the Department from the first day of engagement.
4. I will have other sources of income besides the TRCA and allowances to be paid by the Government to support livelihood
for myself and my family, in the event of my engagement to the post of Gramin Dak Sevak BPM/ABPM/Dak Sevaks.
(Annexure IV)
5. I am not holding an elective office will be considered for engagement to the post and does not engaged in any activity with
any outside agency, which would be detrimental to the business or interest of the Post Office
6. I have studied and understood the condition of residence and accommodation as per the notification clause 12 and here by
declare that I will be abiding to meet the requirements if got the engagement
7. I declare that I will submit the required certificates of 10th Marks Memo, Photograph, Identity Proof,
community(SC/ST/OBC)/disability(PWD A/B/C/D/E)/EWS in the prescribed format at the time of document verification if
got engagement
8. I undertake that I have studied notification document thoroughly and found myself eligible for the post of
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9. I undertake that I have not been 'removed/dismissed/compulsaory retired' as Govt. Servent/Gramin Dak Sevak
10. I hereby undertake to declare that, the details furnished by me (i.e. Age/Address/Educational qualifications/Computer
knowledge/EWS/PwD/Casteetc.) on the basis of which I am applying for the posts of GDSBPM/ABPM/DakSevak are true
to the best of my knowledge and belief . I also undertake that, in case, any detail submitted by me is found to be false at
any stage of engagement process/during engagement, my candidature shall be liable to be rejected against all the vacancies,
applied for, or after my engagement, I shall be terminated under GDS (Conduct and Engagement) Rules. I also understood
that I shall be liable for criminal/legal action for producing any of false details/documents etc.
11. I hereby give my consent for verification of my mark sheet of Secondary Level Examination of Class X standard through
API Setu.
Annexure - Posts applied for Jharkhand, Palamau Division with Preference order:
Preference Post Name
1 Jhariwa-GDS BPM - OBC - Rs.12000 (Hindi)
2 Kasmar BO-GDS BPM - OBC - Rs.12000 (Hindi)
3 Imamnagar Barewa-GDS BPM - OBC - Rs.12000 (Hindi)
4 Duldulwa B.O-GDS ABPM - UR - Rs.10000 (Hindi)
5 Auxi BO-GDS ABPM - OBC - Rs.10000 (Hindi)
6 Kadhwan BO-GDS ABPM - OBC - Rs.10000 (Hindi)
7 Makri BO-GDS ABPM - OBC - Rs.10000 (Hindi)
8 Naudiha BO-GDS ABPM - OBC - Rs.10000 (Hindi)
9 Pachmo BO-GDS ABPM - OBC - Rs.10000 (Hindi)
10 Padua-GDS ABPM - OBC - Rs.10000 (Hindi)
11 Semarwar-GDS ABPM - OBC - Rs.10000 (Hindi)
12 Amrora BO-GDS BPM - UR - Rs.12000 (Hindi)
13 Baherwa BO-GDS BPM - UR - Rs.12000 (Hindi)
14 Bansdih Khurd-GDS BPM - UR - Rs.12000 (Hindi)
15 Betla National Park BO-GDS BPM - UR - Rs.12000 (Hindi)
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In case of selection,the physical verification of original documents will be carried out at the Division, where the vacancy is
notified. Refer to paragraph 9(iii) of the notification.
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