Recently many kinds of commercial aluminum alloys have been used in press forming,
and the forming rates in use are in the strain rate range from 1 to 100 s 1 . Therefore,
the investigation of the mechanical properties of commercial aluminum alloys in these
forming rates is important to use these alloys appropriately.
It is well known that the change of flow stress of aluminum[l] and aluminum alloys[2)
with strain rate at room temperature is negligible in a low strain rate range below
10 1 s 1 ; but the flow stress increases rapidly with strain rate in high strain rate ranges
over 103s"1. A few reports about mechanical properties for aluminum alloys, however,
were made for the strain rate ranges from 10"' s 1 to 102s"M31. Therefore, the flow stress
and ductility of some commercial aluminum alloys(1050, 3003, 3004, 5182 and 7N01)
have been investigated as a function of strain rates over the range from l x l O 3 to 4xl0 3
s'1 at room temperature.
The chemical composition of the commercial aluminum alloys used in this study is
given in Table 1. Tensile specimens, machined from hot rolled plates, had their
tensile axes normal to the rolling direction. The gauge length of the specimen is 4.5
mm and the diameter is 3 rnm. All specimens were heated to 643 K with a heating rate
of 47 K / hour and then annealed for 2 hours in air.The optical microstructures of these
alloys after annealing are shown in Fig. 1 (a)-(e) respectively. The grains were
elongated to the direction of rolling and fiber-structures are observed for all alloys.
ALLOY Zn Mg Cu Mn ~r Z r T i Fe Si
Therefore. this behavior of flow stress in these alloys containing magnesium atoms in
solute seems to be concerned with an interaction between magnesium atoms in solute
and dislocattons.
200 300
, 1050 300 K 3003 300 K
0.1 0.2 0.3
(e) 7N01 alloy
Fig.2 Typical stress-strain curves for all present alloys
Fig.4 shows the relationship between the elongations in failure and strain rates. The
elongations in failure increase with increasing strain rate except for 7N01 d o y .
The increasing ratio of elongation. r,=E/Eo (Eo: elongation in failure a t the strain rate
of lo-=sl. E: elongation in failure at any strain rate) for all alloys was shown in Fig.5 as
500 1 1
a functfon of strain rate. The value of re increases with strain rate for all alloys except
for 7N01 alloy. In a high strain range over lo3 s-I the larger values of re were obtained
for both 5182 and 3004 alloys. Both alloys contain more magnesium atoms in solute
than the other alloys. Therefore. it seems that the more magnesium atoms in solute
lead the elongation in failure increase. Though 7N01 alloy also contains the magnesium
atoms in solute, the elongation in failure was not improved to large values a t high strain
rates. There are many particles in sub-micrometer size along the grain boundaries for
7N01 alloy and these particles seem to lead the elongation in failure to a small limited
/ 11Kawata,K. and et al. In: High Velocity Deformation of Solids. (K. Kawata & J.Shioiri,
Ed.), Springer Verlag. New York (1978) pp.1.
/2/ Chiem,C.Y.. Lee.W.S., and Meyer.P., JOURNAL DE PHYSIQUE. (1988) C3-19.
/3/ Lindholm. U.S.. J. Mech. Phys. Sol., 12 (1964) 317-335.
McGRAW-HILL Book COMPANY, Inc. (1950) 313-316.