Wilo-Control EC-L
6 Installation ................................................................................ 10
6.1 Personnel qualifications..................................................... 10
6.2 Installation types................................................................. 10
6.3 Operator responsibilities.................................................... 10
6.4 Installation ........................................................................... 10
6.5 Electrical connection .......................................................... 13
7 Operation .................................................................................. 25
7.1 How it works ........................................................................ 25
7.2 Operating modes................................................................. 27
7.3 Menu control........................................................................ 29
7.4 Menu type: Main menu or Easy Actions menu................ 29
7.5 Call up the menu ................................................................. 29
7.6 Quick access to “Easy Actions”......................................... 29
7.7 Factory settings .................................................................. 30
8 Commissioning ......................................................................... 30
8.1 Operator responsibilities.................................................... 30
8.2 Commissioning in explosive atmospheres ...................... 30
8.3 Connection of signal transmitters and pumps within po-
tentially explosive atmospheres ....................................... 31
8.4 Activating the device ......................................................... 31
1 General information
1.1 About these instructions These instructions form part of the product. Compliance with the instructions is essential
for correct handling and use:
• Read the instructions carefully before all activities.
• Keep the instructions in an accessible place at all times.
• Observe all product specifications.
• Observe the markings on the product.
The language of the original operating instructions is German. All other languages of these
instructions are translations of the original operating instructions.
1.3 Subject to change Wilo shall reserve the right to change the listed data without notice and shall not be liable
for technical inaccuracies and/or omissions. The illustrations used may differ from the ori-
ginal and are intended as an example representation of the device.
1.4 Exclusion from warranty and liabil- Wilo shall specifically not assume any warranty or liability in the following cases:
ity • Inadequate configuration due to inadequate or incorrect instructions by the operator or
the client
• Non-compliance with these instructions
• Improper use
• Incorrect storage or transport
• Incorrect installation or dismantling
• Insufficient maintenance
• Unauthorised repairs
• Inadequate construction site
• Chemical, electrical or electrochemical influences
• Wear
2 Safety This chapter contains basic information for the individual phases
of the life cycle. Failure to observe this information carries the
following risks:
• Risk of personal injury from electrical, electromagnetic or
mechanical influences
• Environmental damage from discharge of hazardous sub-
• Damage to property
• Failure of important functions
Failure to observe the information contained herein will result in
the loss of claims for damages.
The instructions and safety instructions in the other chapters
must also be observed!
2.1 Identification of safety These installation and operating instructions set out safety in-
instructions structions for preventing personal injury and damage to property,
which are displayed in different ways:
• Safety instructions relating to personal injury start with a signal
word and are preceded by a corresponding symbol.
Type and source of the danger!
Consequences of the danger and instructions for avoidance.
Type and source of the danger!
Consequences or information.
Signal words
• Danger!
Failure to observe safety instructions will result in serious injury
or death!
• Warning!
Failure to follow instructions can lead to (serious) injury!
• Caution!
Failure to follow instructions can lead to property damage and
possible total loss.
• Notice!
Useful information on handling the product
✓ Prerequisite
1. Work step/list
⇒ Notice/instructions
▶ Result
These instructions use the following symbols:
Danger of electric voltage
Useful information
2.2 Personnel qualifications • Personnel have been instructed on locally applicable regula-
tions governing accident prevention.
• Personnel have read and understood the installation and oper-
ating instructions.
• Electrical work: qualified electrician
Person with appropriate technical training, knowledge and ex-
perience who can identify and prevent electrical hazards.
• Installation/dismantling work: qualified electrician
Knowledge regarding tools and fixation material for various
3 Application/use
3.1 Intended use The switchgear is designed for level-dependent control of up to three pumps.
Intended use also includes compliance with this manual. Any other use is regarded as non-
compliant with the intended use.
4 Product description
4.1 Structure
1 Main switch
2 Operating button
3 LED indicators
4 1 4 LCD display
4.2 How it works Level measurement is via a two-position control for each pump. The pumps are individually
switched on/off automatically, depending on the fill level. An optical signal is given upon
reaching the dry run or high water level. All pumps are also switched on or off by force.
Faults are stored in the fault memory.
The current operating data and operating conditions are shown on the LCD display and in-
dicated by LEDs. Operation and input of operating parameters is carried out using a rotary
NOTICE! Control EC-L3 ...: A max. of 2 pumps can be actuated with level measurement
using a float switch!
4.3 Operating modes The switchgear has two different operating modes:
• drain (drain)
• fill (fill)
Selection is via the menu.
“Drain” operating mode
The reservoir or pump chamber is drained. The connected pumps are activated when the
level rises and switched off when the level falls.
“Fill” operating mode
The reservoir is filled. The connected pumps are activated when the level falls and switched
off when the level rises.
4.7 Operation on electronic start-up Connect the switchgear directly to the pump and the mains. Intermediate switching of ad-
controllers ditional electronic start-up controllers, e.g. a frequency converter, is not permitted!
4.8 Installation in potentially explosive The switchgear does not have its own explosion protection class. Do not install the
atmospheres switchgear in potentially explosive areas!
5.2 Transport
Soaked packaging may tear!
The product may fall on the ground if unprotected and may be damaged.
Lift wet packaging carefully and replace it immediately!
• Clean switchgear.
• Close housing apertures, ensuring they are sealed watertight.
• Impact-resistant and watertight packaging.
6 Installation • Check the switchgear for damage caused during transport. Do not install defective
• Observe the local guidelines for the design and operation of electronic controls.
6.3 Operator responsibilities • The installation location is clean, dry and free of vibration.
• The installation location is overflow-proof.
• The switchgear is not exposed to direct sunlight.
• Installation location outside of potentially explosive atmospheres.
6.4 Installation
Risk of explosion if the switchgear is installed in potentially ex-
plosive areas!
The switchgear does not have its own explosion protection class and
must always be installed outside of potentially explosive areas! The con-
nection must be made by a qualified electrician.
6.4.1 Basic advice on fixing the Various structures can be used for installation (concrete wall, mounting rail, etc.). For this
switchgear in place reason, the fixation material for the relevant construction must be provided by the cus-
tomer and the following information must be observed:
• To prevent cracks in the masonry and chipping of the construction material, ensure suf-
ficient clearance to the edge of the structure.
• The depth of the borehole depends on the length of the screws. Drill the borehole ap-
prox. 5 mm deeper than the screw length.
• Drilling dust impairs retention force. Always blow the borehole clean or vacuum it out.
• Do not damage the housing during installation.
6.4.2 Installation of switchgear Attach the switchgear to the wall with the four screws and wall plugs.
• Max. screw diameter:
– Control EC-L 1x.../EC-L 2x...: 4 mm
– Control EC-L 3x...: 6 mm
• Max. screw head diameter:
– Control EC-L 1x.../EC-L 2x...: 7 mm
– Control EC-L 3x...: 11 mm
✓ Switchgear is disconnected from the mains and voltage-free.
1. Align the drill template at the installation location and attach.
2. Drill and clean the mounting holes in accordance with the specifications of the fixation
3. Remove the drill template.
4. Loosen the screws on the cover and remove the cover to the side.
5. Attach the lower part to the wall with the fixation material.
Check the lower part for deformations! Realign deformed housing covers (e.g. by pla-
cing alignment plates below them) to ensure the housing cover closes precisely.NO-
TICE! If the cover does not close correctly, the protection class is compromised!
6. Close the cover and fasten it with the screws.
▶ The switchgear is installed. Now connect the mains, pumps and signal transmitter.
6.4.3 Level control For automatic control of the pumps, a level control device must be installed. To this end,
the following signal transmitters can be connected:
• Level sensor
Change the switching points via the menu.
• Dynamic pressure bell
Only “IPS” version! Change the switching points via the menu.
• Float switch
• Electrode
– Only Control EC-L1 ... and EC-L2 ...
– Hardware version 2 or higher
• Level monitor
The signal transmitters must be installed according to the system's installation plan. Please
observe the following points:
• Float switch: Float switches must be able to move freely in the operating space (pump
chamber, tank)!
• Dynamic pressure bell: Install a bubbling-through system to optimally vent the dynamic
pressure bell.
• Do not undercut the minimum water level of the pumps!
• Do not exceed the switching frequency of the pumps!
6.4.4 Dry-running protection The level can be measured via the following signal transmitters:
• Level sensor
Set the switching point in the menu.
• Dynamic pressure bell
Only “IPS” version! Set the switching point in the menu.
• Separate float switch
• Separate electrode
– Only Control EC-L1 ... and EC-L2 ...
– Hardware version 2 or higher
A forced switch-off of all pumps always takes place in the event of an alarm, irrespective
of the selected signal transmitter!
The signal transmitters must be installed according to the system's installation plan. Please
observe the following points:
• Float switch: Float switches must be able to move freely in the operating space (pump
chamber, tank)!
• Dynamic pressure bell: Install a bubbling-through system to optimally vent the dynamic
pressure bell.
The following applies to the “fill” operating mode:
• Implement dry-running protection in all cases via the “Extern OFF” input!
• Install the signal transmitter in the supplying tank (e.g. well).
6.4.5 Water shortage (for “fill” operating The level can be measured via the following signal transmitters:
mode only) • Level sensor
Set the switching point in the menu.
• Dynamic pressure bell
Only “IPS” version! Set the switching point in the menu.
• Separate float switch
• Separate electrode
– Only Control EC-L1 ... and EC-L2 ...
– Hardware version 2 or higher
A forced switch-on of all pumps always takes place in the event of an alarm, irrespective of
the selected signal transmitter!
The signal transmitters must be installed according to the system's installation plan. Please
observe the following points:
• Float switch: Float switches must be able to move freely in the operating space (pump
chamber, tank)!
• Dynamic pressure bell: Install a bubbling-through system to optimally vent the dynamic
pressure bell.
6.4.6 High water alarm The level can be measured via the following signal transmitters:
• Level sensor
Set the switching point in the menu.
• Dynamic pressure bell
Only “IPS” version! Set the switching point in the menu.
• Separate float switch
• Separate electrode
– Only Control EC-L1 ... and EC-L2 ...
– Hardware version 2 or higher
The signal transmitters must be installed according to the system's installation plan. Please
observe the following points:
• Float switch: Float switches must be able to move freely in the operating space (pump
chamber, tank)!
• Dynamic pressure bell: Install a bubbling-through system to optimally vent the dynamic
pressure bell.
What to do in the event of an alarm
• Operating mode “drain”: A forced switch-on of all pumps always takes place in the
event of an alarm, irrespective of the selected signal transmitter!
• Operating mode “fill”: A forced switch-off of all pumps always takes place in the event
of an alarm, irrespective of the selected signal transmitter!
The pumps must be activated for the forced switch-on:
• Menu 3.01: Pumps are enabled.
• Extern OFF: Function is inactive.
• Depending on the system impedance and the maximum connections/
hour of the connected consumers, voltage fluctuations and/or drops
may occur.
• When using shielded cables, attach the shielding to the earth rail on
one side of the switchgear!
• Always have connection carried out by a qualified electrician!
• Observe the installation and operating instructions for the connected
pumps and signal transmitters.
• The mains connection current and voltage must be as stated on the rating plate.
• Execute fuse protection on the mains side in accordance with the local guidelines.
• If circuit breakers are used, the switching characteristics should be selected according to
the connected pump.
• Follow local guidelines if residual-current devices (RCD, type A, sinusoidal current, uni-
versal-current-sensitive) are installed.
• Route connection cable in accordance with the local guidelines.
• Do not damage the connection cable during routing or installation.
• Earth the switchgear and all electrical consumers.
HW-Rev. 01 HW-Rev. 02
12 Current Pump1 Current Pump2
Current Pump1 Current Pump2
7 7
11 8 8
9 11
1 3 5 13 A1 1 3 5 13 A1 1 3 5 13 A1 1 3 5 13 A1
5 9 5
L1 L2 L3 NO L1 L2 L3 NO L1 L2 L3 NO L1 L2 L3 NO
F1 F2 F3 F1 F2 F3
T1 T2 T3 T1 T2 T3 GND A(+) B(-) T1 T2 T3 T1 T2 T3
2 4 6 14 A2 2 4 6 14 A2 2 4 6 14 A2 2 4 6 14 A2
4a 2 1 4a 2 1
4b 4b
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 55 56 57 58 59 60 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 55 56 57 58 59 60
19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36
37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54
10 10
Fig. 2: Control EC-L 1 ... /EC-L 2 ...
1 Terminal strip: Mains connection
2 Mains voltage adjustment
3 Terminal strip: Earth (PE)
4a Terminal strip: Sensors
4b Terminal strip: Sensors for active ex-mode
5 Contactor combinations
6 Output relay
7 Control board
8 Potentiometer for motor current monitoring
9 ModBus RTU: RS485 interface
10 Dynamic pressure bell pressure connection (“IPS” version only)
11 ModBus RTU: Jumper for termination/polarisation
12 Slot 9 V rechargeable battery
Current Pump1 Current Pump2 Current Pump3 J4
A(+) B(-) GND
L! L2 L3
1 ON
4a 0
23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 OFF
6 T1 T2 T3
41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68
T1 T2 T3 T1 T2 T3 T1 T2 T3
4a 2 4 6 14 A2
2 4 6 14 A2 2 4 6 14 A2
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82
F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6
75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82
T1 T2 T3
cure. Connect the wires to the contactor as per the connection diagram.
T1 T2 T3
NOTICE! After all pumps have been connected, set the motor current monitoring!
2 4 6 14 A2
L1 L2 L3
Do not apply external voltage!
An external voltage which is applied destroys the component.
One thermal motor monitoring device with bimetallic strips can be connected per pump. Do
not connect a PTC sensor!
Insert the connection cables laid by the customer through the threaded cable glands and se-
cure. Connect the wires to the terminal strip according to the connection diagram. Use the
terminal number shown in the connection overview on the cover. The number shown in
location “x” on the symbol indicates which pump it refers to:
• 1 = pump 1
• 2 = pump 2
x • 3 = pump 3
Do not apply external voltage!
An external voltage which is applied destroys the component.
Leakage detection that uses a moisture probe can be connected for each pump. The
threshold (< 30 kOhm) for a deactivation is permanently stored in the switchgear. Do not
connect a float switch!
Insert the connection cables laid by the customer through the threaded cable glands and se-
cure. Connect the wires to the terminal strip according to the connection diagram. Use the
terminal number shown in the connection overview on the cover. The number shown in
location “x” on the symbol indicates which pump it refers to:
• 1 = pump 1
x • 2 = pump 2
• 3 = pump 3
Do not apply external voltage!
An external voltage which is applied destroys the component.
1+2 1 2
Level sensor
Do not apply external voltage!
An external voltage which is applied destroys the component.
The level detection for two pumps can be performed using the NW16 level monitor. The
level monitor has the following switching points:
• Pump 1 On/Off
• Pump 2 On/Off
29 28 31 33 34
• High water alarm
The level control corresponds to operation with separate float switches. The internal struc-
ture of the level monitor ensures hysteresis between the activation/deactivation level of the
gy (bu)
relevant pump.
Insert the connection cables laid by the customer through the threaded cable glands and se-
cure. Connect the wires to the terminal strip according to the connection diagram.
P1 P2
Do not apply external voltage!
An external voltage which is applied destroys the component.
Do not apply external voltage!
An external voltage which is applied destroys the component.
The high-water level can also be monitored by the following signal transmitters:
• Float switch
• Electrode
– Only Control EC-L1 ... and EC-L2 ...
– Hardware version 2 or higher
– Connection is protected against reverse polarity!
The input acts as a normally open contact (NO):
• Float switch open/electrode not immersed: No high water alarm
• Float switch closed/electrode immersed: High water alarm
NOTICE! A separate signal transmitter for the high water level is recommended as an ad-
Fig. 16: Connection overview symbol ditional system safety measure.
Insert the connection cables laid by the customer through the threaded cable glands and se-
cure. Connect the wires to the terminal strip according to the connection diagram. Use the
terminal number shown in the connection overview on the cover.
Remote deactivation of all pumps can be performed using a separate signal transmitter:
• Float switch
• Electrode
– Only Control EC-L1 ... and EC-L2 ...
– Hardware version 2 or higher
– Connection is protected against reverse polarity!
The input acts as a normally closed contact (NC):
• Float switch closed/electrode immersed: Pumps enabled
• Float switch open/electrode not immersed: all pumps deactivated – the display shows the
“Extern OFF” symbol.
If the alarm is activated in menu 5.39, in the “fill” operating mode, an audible alarm
Fig. 17: Connection overview symbol
sounds in addition to the symbol appearing.
The terminals are fitted with a converter bridge at the factory.
NOTICE! Remote deactivation is prioritised. All pumps are deactivated independently of
the level measurement. Manual mode and forced switch-on of the pumps is not possible!
Insert the connection cables laid by the customer through the threaded cable glands and se-
cure. Remove the converter bridge and connect the wires to the terminal strip according to
the connection diagram. Use the terminal number shown in the connection overview on
the cover.
The actual level value is exported via a separate output. A voltage of 0 ... 10 V= is provided
for this at the output:
• 0 V = level sensor value “0”
• 10 V = level sensor upper limit
0-10 V
– Level sensor measurement range: 0 ... 2.5 m
– Display range: 0 ... 2.5 m
– Setting: 1 V = 0.25 m
Insert the connection cables laid by the customer through the threaded cable glands and se-
cure. Connect the wires to the terminal strip according to the connection diagram. Use the
terminal number shown in the connection overview on the cover.
Fig. 18: Connection overview symbol
Activate the function in menu 5.07 to output the actual level value.
A run signal is issued for all pumps (SBM) via a separate output:
• Contact type: potential-free changeover contact
• Contact load:
– Minimum: 12 V=, 10 mA
– Maximum: 250 V~, 1 A
Insert the connection cables laid by the customer through the threaded cable glands and se-
cure. Connect the wires to the terminal strip according to the connection diagram. Use the
terminal number shown in the connection overview on the cover.
A fault message is output for all pumps (SSM) via a separate output:
• Contact type: potential-free changeover contact
• Contact load:
– Minimum: 12 V=, 10 mA
– Maximum: 250 V~ 1 A
Insert the connection cables laid by the customer through the threaded cable glands and se-
cure. Connect the wires to the terminal strip according to the connection diagram. Use the
terminal number shown in the connection overview on the cover.
A run signal is output for each pump (EBM) via a separate output:
• Contact type: potential-free NO contact
• Contact load:
– Minimum: 12 V=, 10 mA
– Maximum: 250 V~, 1 A
Insert the connection cables laid by the customer through the threaded cable glands and se-
cure. Connect the wires to the terminal strip according to the connection diagram. Use the
terminal number shown in the connection overview on the cover. The number shown in
x location “x” on the symbol indicates which pump it refers to:
• 1 = pump 1
• 2 = pump 2
Fig. 21: Connection overview symbol
• 3 = pump 3
A fault message is output for each pump (ESM) via a separate output:
• Contact type: potential-free NC contact
• Contact load:
– Minimum: 12 V=, 10 mA
– Maximum: 250 V~, 1 A
Insert the connection cables laid by the customer through the threaded cable glands and se-
cure. Connect the wires to the terminal strip according to the connection diagram. Use the
terminal number shown in the connection overview on the cover. The number shown in
x location “x” on the symbol indicates which pump it refers to:
• 1 = pump 1
• 2 = pump 2
Fig. 22: Connection overview symbol
• 3 = pump 3
An external alarm signal (horn, flashing light, etc.) can be connected. The output is switched
in parallel to the collective fault signal (SSM).
• Alarm signal suitable for DC voltage.
• Connection load: 24 V=, max. 4 VA
24 V
• NOTICE! Observe the correct polarity when connecting!
• Activate output in menu 5.67.
Insert the connection cables laid by the customer through the threaded cable glands and se-
cure. Connect the wires to the terminal strip according to the connection diagram. Use the
terminal number shown in the connection overview on the cover.
Mains-independent alarm
The alarm sounds as soon as the rechargeable battery is inserted. The
alarm can only be switched off by removing the rechargeable battery
again or by connecting the power supply.
7 Operation
Risk of fatal injury due to electrical current!
Only operate the switchgear when closed. There is a risk of fatal injury
from open switchgear! Electrical work on the internal components must
be carried out by a qualified electrician.
7.1 How it works In automatic mode, the pumps are switched on and off depending on the water level. Once
the first activation point has been reached, pump 1 switches on. Once the second activa-
tion point has been reached, pump 2 switches on after the activation delay has elapsed.
During operation, a visual indicator appears on the LCD display and the green LED lights up.
Once the deactivation point has been reached, both pumps are switched off after the deac-
tivation delay has elapsed. To optimise pump running times, pump cycling is carried out
every time the pump is switched off.
An alarm signal is shown on the LCD display in case of a fault. If more than one pump is
connected, automatic changeover to a fully-functional pump occurs. Additionally, the in-
ternal buzzer can emit an audible alarm signal. Furthermore, the outputs for the collective
fault signal (SSM) and individual fault signal (ESM) are activated.
Upon reaching the dry run or high water level, the following occurs depending on the oper-
ating mode:
• Forced shutdown of all pumps.
• Forced activation of all pumps.
An alarm signal is also shown on the LCD display. Additionally, the internal buzzer can emit
an audible alarm signal. Furthermore, the output for the collective fault signal (SSM) is ac-
7.1.1 Priority when dry run and high wa- If the system malfunctions, it may happen that both signals are present at the same time. In
ter signals are present simultan- this case, the priority is dependent upon the selected operating mode and thus the reaction
eously of the switchgear:
• Operating mode “drain”
1. Dry-running protection
2. High water
• “Fill” operating mode
1. Dry-running protection/low water (via “Extern OFF” input)
2. High water
3. Min. water level
7.1.2 Pump cycling To prevent irregular running times of the individual pumps, general pump cycling takes
place. This means that all pumps work alternately.
7.1.3 Forced switching of the pumps in Forced switching depends on the selected operating mode:
case of dry run, min. water level or • High water level
high water Operating mode “drain”: A forced switch-on* of all pumps always occurs, irrespective
of the signal transmitter used.
Operating mode “fill”: A forced switch-off of all pumps always occurs, irrespective of
the signal transmitter used.
• Dry-running level
Operating mode “drain”: A forced switch-off of all pumps always occurs, irrespective of
the signal transmitter used.
Operating mode “fill”: Realise dry-running protection via the “Extern OFF” input.
• Min. water level
Operating mode “fill”: A forced switch-on* of all pumps always occurs, irrespective of
the signal transmitter used.
NOTICE! Forced switch-on
The following preconditions must be fulfilled so that a forced switch-on can be performed:
• Pumps are enabled (menu 3.01 to 3.04).
• The “Extern OFF” input is not active.
7.1.4 Operation with a defective level If the level sensor does not transfer a measured value (e.g. due to wire break, defective
sensor sensor), all pumps are switched off. Furthermore, the fault signal LED lights up and the col-
lective fault signal is activated.
Emergency operation
• Operating mode “drain”: High water level
If the high water level is performed by a separate float switch, the system can continue
running in emergency operation. The activation and deactivation points are defined by
the hysteresis of the float switch.
• Operating mode “fill”: Min. water level
If the min. water level is monitored by a separate float switch, the system can continue
running in emergency operation. The activation and deactivation points are defined by
the hysteresis of the float switch.
Operating mode after power failure
Following a power failure, the switchgear will automatically start up in
the last operating mode set.
7.2.1 “Drain” operating mode The reservoir or pump chamber is drained. The pumps are activated when the level rises and
switched off when the level falls. This control is mainly used for water drainage.
Level control for float switch or electrodes
1 Pump 1 On
2 Pump 2 On
5 3 Pump 1 and 2 Off
4 Dry-running level
Up to a maximum of five float switches or electrodes can be connected. This can be used to
1 control two pumps:
• Pump 1 On
3 • Pump 2 On
• Pump 1 and 2 Off
4 • Dry-running level
• High water level
The float switch should be equipped with a NO contact: Once the switching point has been
reached, the contact is closed.
3 5 Dry-running level
A level sensor or dynamic pressure bell can be connected. This can be used to control three
8* 5
• Pump 1 On/Off
• Pump 2 On/Off
• Pump 3 On/Off
Fig. 25: Illustration of the switching points • Dry-running level
with a level sensor in the “drain” operating • High water level
mode using the example of two pumps
7.2.2 “Fill” operating mode The reservoir is filled up, for instance, to pump water into a rainwater storage tank. The
pumps are activated when the level falls and switched off when the level rises. This control
is mainly used for water supply.
Level control for float switch or electrodes
1 Pump On
2 Pump OFF
3 High water level
4 Min. water level
5 Dry-running level in the well
Up to a maximum of six float switches or electrodes can be connected. This can be used to
control two pumps:
• Pump 1 On
• Pump 2 On
• Pump 1 and 2 Off
• Min. water level in the tank to be filled
• High water level
• Dry-running level in the well (separate float switch at the “Extern OFF” input)
The float switch should be equipped with a NO contact: Once the switching point has been
reached, the contact is closed.
5 Extern OFF
3 2 Pump OFF
3 High water level
4 Min. water level
5 Dry-running level in the well
A level sensor or dynamic pressure bell can be connected. This can be used to control three
• Pump 1 On/Off
• Pump 2 On/Off
• Pump 3 On/Off
• Min. water level in the tank to be filled
• High water level
• Dry-running level in the well (separate float switch at the “Extern OFF” input)
5 Extern OFF
7.4 Menu type: Main menu or Easy Ac- There are two different menus.
tions menu • Main menu: Access to all settings for a complete configuration.
• Easy Actions menu: Quick access to certain functions.
Observe the following points when using the Easy Actions menu:
– The Easy Actions menu only offers access to the selected functions. It is not possible
to perform a complete configuration with this.
– Perform an initial configuration to use the Easy Actions menu.
– The Easy Actions menu is enabled at the factory. Note, the Easy Actions menu can be
disabled in menu 7.06.
7.6 Quick access to “Easy Actions” The following functions can be called up using the Easy Actions menu:
7.7 Factory settings To reset the switchgear to the factory settings, contact customer service.
8 Commissioning
8.1 Operator responsibilities • Provide installation and operating instructions at the switchgear or at a place specially
reserved for it.
• Make the installation and operating instructions available in a language the personnel
can understand.
• Make sure that the installation and operating instructions are read and understood by all
• The installation site of the switchgear is overflow-proof.
• The switchgear must be properly fused and earthed.
• The signal transmitter must be installed and set in accordance with the system docu-
• Observe the minimum water submersion of the connected pumps.
• Safety devices (incl. emergency off) of the entire system are switched on and checked
for trouble-free operation.
• The switchgear is suitable for use under the specified operating conditions.
8.2 Commissioning in explosive atmo- The switchgear may not be put into operation in potentially explosive atmospheres!
Risk of explosion if the switchgear is installed in potentially ex-
plosive areas!
The switchgear does not have its own explosion protection class and
must always be installed outside of potentially explosive areas! The con-
nection must be made by a qualified electrician.
Operating mode after power failure
Following a power failure, the switchgear will automatically start up in
the last operating mode set.
✓ Switchgear is closed.
✓ Installation has been performed correctly.
✓ All signal transmitters and consumers are connected and installed in the operating
✓ If float switches are used, set the switching points correctly.
✓ Motor protection is preset according to the pump data.
1. Turn the main switch to the “ON” position.
2. Switchgear starts.
All LEDs light up for 2 s.
8.5 Start initial configuration Set the following parameters during initial configuration:
• Enable parameter input.
• Menu 5: Basic settings
• Menu 1: Activation/deactivation values
• Menu 2: Fieldbus connection (if available)
• Menu 3: Enable pumps.
• Set motor current monitoring.
• Check the direction of rotation of the connected pumps.
Observe the following points during the configuration:
• If there is no input or operation for 6 minutes:
– the display illumination is switched off.
– the display returns to the main screen.
– parameter input is locked.
• Some settings can only be adjusted when there is no pump in operation.
• The menu is automatically adapted based on the settings. Example: The Menus 5.41 …
5.43 are only visible when the “pump kick” function (Menu 5.40) is activated.
• The menu structure is valid for all EC switchgears (e.g. HVAC, Booster, Lift, Fire, etc.).
This may lead to gaps in the menu structure.
8.5.1 Enable parameter input As standard, the values are only displayed. To change the values, the parameter input in
Menu 7.01 must be enabled:
Fig. 59: Menu 1.12 Explanation “Drain” operating mode: Value must be 0.03 m higher than the
“Base-load pump Off level” (menu 1.13).
“Fill” operating mode: Value must be 0.03 m lower than the
“Base-load pump Off level” (menu 1.13).
NOTICE! The menu item is only visible if the value “Level” or
“Bell” have been set in menu 5.07.
Fig. 60: Menu 1.13 Explanation “Drain” operating mode: Value must be 0.03 m lower than the
“Base-load pump On” level (menu 1.12).
“Fill” operating mode: Value must be 0.03 m higher than the
“Base-load pump On level” (menu 1.12).
NOTICE! The menu item is only visible if the value “Level” or
“Bell” have been set in menu 5.07.
Fig. 61: Menu 1.14 Explanation “Drain” operating mode: The value must be 0.03 m higher than
the “Peak-load pump 1 On” level (menu 1.15). The switch-on
level must be greater than/equal to the switch-on level of the
base-load pump (menu 1.12).
“Fill” operating mode: The value must be 0.03 m lower than the
“Peak-load pump 1 Off” level (menu 1.15). The switch-on level
must be lower than/equal to the switch-on level of the base-
load pump (menu 1.12).
NOTICE! The menu item is only visible if the value “Level” or
“Bell” have been set in menu 5.07.
Fig. 62: Menu 1.15 Explanation “Drain” operating mode: The value must be 0.03 m lower than
the “Peak-load pump 1 On” level (menu 1.14). The switch-off
level must be greater than/equal to the switch-on level of the
base-load pump (menu 1.13).
“Fill” operating mode: The value must be 0.03 m higher than
the “Peak-load pump 1 On” level (menu 1.14). The switch-off
level must be lower than/equal to the switch-off level of the
base-load pump (menu 1.13).
NOTICE! The menu item is only visible if the value “Level” or
“Bell” have been set in menu 5.07.
Fig. 63: Menu 1.16 Explanation “Drain” operating mode: The value must be 0.03 m higher than
the “Peak-load pump 2 Off” level (menu 1.17). The switch-on
level must be greater than/equal to the switch-on level of the
peak-load pump (menu 1.14).
“Fill” operating mode: The value must be 0.03 m lower than the
“Peak-load pump 2 Off” level (menu 1.17). The switch-on level
must be lower than/equal to the switch-on level of the peak-
load pump (menu 1.14).
NOTICE! The menu item is only visible if the value “Level” or
“Bell” have been set in menu 5.07.
Fig. 64: Menu 1.17 Explanation “Drain” operating mode: The value must be 0.03 m lower than
the “Peak-load pump 2 On” level (menu 1.16). The switch-off
level must be greater than/equal to the switch-off level of the
peak-load pump (menu 1.15).
“Fill” operating mode: The value must be 0.03 m higher than
the “Peak-load pump 2 On” level (menu 1.16). The switch-off
level must be lower than/equal to the switch-off level of the
peak-load pump (menu 1.15).
NOTICE! The menu item is only visible if the value “Level” or
“Bell” have been set in menu 5.07.
8.5.4 Menu 2: ModBus RTU connection The switchgear is equipped with an RS485 interface for connection via ModBus RTU. Dif-
ferent parameters can be read and also changed to some extent via the interface. In this
case, the switchgear works as a Modbus slave. An overview of individual parameters and a
description of the data types used are shown in the appendix.
To use the ModBus interface, the settings must be changed in the following menus:
Menu no. 2.01
Description ModBus RTU interface On/Off
Value range on, off
Factory setting off
Perform a test run to check the direction of rotation of the pumps. CAUTION! Damage to
property! Perform the test run under the prescribed operating conditions.
✓ The switchgear is closed.
✓ Configuration of menu 5 and menu 1 complete.
✓ All pumps are switched off in menu 3.02 to 3.04: Value is “off”.
✓ The pumps are enabled in menu 3.01: Value is “on”.
1. Start Easy Actions menu: Turn the operating button 180°.
2. Select the pump’s manual operation mode: turn the operating button until the menu
item is displayed:
- Pump 1: P1 Hand
- Pump 2: P2 Hand
- Pump 3: P3 Hand
3. Start test run: Press the operating button. The pump runs until the operating button is
4. Check direction of rotation.
⇒ Incorrect direction of rotation: Exchange the two phases on the pump connection.
▶ Direction of rotation checked and corrected as necessary. The initial configuration is
8.7 During operation Make sure the following points are observed during operation:
• Keep the switchgear closed and secure it against unauthorised opening.
• Switchgear attached in an overflow-proof manner (protection class IP54).
• Not exposed to direct sunlight.
• Ambient temperature: -30 … +50 °C.
The following items of information are shown on the main screen:
• Pump status:
– Number of registered pumps
– Pump activated/deactivated
– Pump On/Off
• Operation with standby pump
• Operating mode: fill or drain
• Current water level or switching state of the float switch
• Active field bus operation
Furthermore, the following information is available via menu 4:
1. Press the operating button for 3 s.
⇒ Menu 1.00 appears.
2. Turn the operating button until menu 4 appears.
3. Press the operating button.
▶ Menu 4.xx appears.
Serial number
Display switches between the 1st and 2nd four digits.
Switchgear type
Software version
9 Shut-down
9.1 Personnel qualifications • Electrical work: qualified electrician
Person with appropriate technical training, knowledge and experience who can identify
and prevent electrical hazards.
• Installation/dismantling work: qualified electrician
Knowledge regarding tools and fixation material for various structures
9.2 Operator responsibilities • Observe locally applicable accident prevention and safety regulations of trade associ-
• Make sure that the personnel has had the corresponding training for the specified work.
• Train the personnel on how the system operates.
• When working in enclosed spaces, a second person must be present for safety reasons.
• Ensure enclosed spaces have sufficient ventilation.
9.3 Shut-down To decommission the pumps, switch off the pumps and switchgear at the main switch. The
settings are stored in non-volatile memory in the switchgear and are not deleted. This en-
sures that the switchgear is always ready for operation. Adhere to the following points dur-
ing the standstill period:
• Ambient temperature: -30 … +50 °C
• Max. humidity: 90 %, non-condensing
✓ Parameter input enabled: Menu 7.01 shows on.
1. Press the operating button for 3 s.
⇒ Menu 1.00 appears.
2. Turn the operating button until menu 3.00 appears
3. Press the operating button.
⇒ Menu 3.01 appears.
4. Press the operating button.
5. Change value to “off”.
6. Press the operating button.
⇒ Value saved, pump switched off.
7. Turn main switch to the “OFF” position.
8. Secure the main switch against being activated by unauthorised persons (e.g. lock
main switch)
▶ Switchgear switched off.
9.4 Removal
Risk of fatal injury due to electrical current!
Improper conduct when carrying out electrical work can lead to death
due to electric shock!
• Electrical work must be carried out by a qualified electrician!
• Observe local regulations!
✓ Decommissioning performed.
✓ Mains connection is switched so that it is voltage-free and safeguarded against being
activated by unauthorised persons.
✓ The power connection for fault and run signals is switched so that it is voltage-free
and safeguarded against being activated by unauthorised persons.
1. Open the switchgear.
2. Disconnect all connection cables and pull them out through the threaded cable con-
3. Close off the ends of the connection cables watertight.
4. Seal threaded cable connections watertight.
5. Support the switchgear (e.g. get a second person to help).
6. Loosen the switchgear fastening screws and remove the switchgear from the struc-
▶ Switchgear removed. Observe the following for storage!
Unauthorised work or structural changes are prohibited!
Only maintenance and repair work described in this manual may be car-
ried out. All other works and any alterations to the construction may only
be carried out by the manufacturer.
11.1 Operator responsibilities • Observe locally applicable accident prevention and safety regulations of trade associ-
• Make sure that the personnel has had the corresponding training for the specified work.
• Train the personnel on how the system operates.
• When working in enclosed spaces, a second person must be present for safety reasons.
• Ensure enclosed spaces have sufficient ventilation.
• Take immediate countermeasures if there is a build-up of toxic or suffocating gases!
11.2 Fault indication Possible faults are shown by the fault LEDs and alphanumeric codes on the display. Have
system checked according to the displayed fault and have defective components replaced.
Faults are displayed in various ways:
• Fault in the control/on the switchgear:
– The red fault signal LED lights up.
– Display of the error code alternates with the main screen. The error code is stored in
the fault memory.
– The collective fault signal is activated.
– If the internal buzzer is activated, there is an audible alarm signal.
• Pump fault
Status icon of the respective pump flashes on the display.
11.3 Fault acknowledgement Switch off the alarm display by pressing the operating button. Acknowledge the fault via
the main menu or Easy Actions menu.
Main menu
✓ All faults rectified.
1. Press the operating button for 3 s.
11.4 Fault memory The switchgear stores the last ten faults in the fault memory. The fault memory works ac-
cording to the first in/first out principle. The faults are displayed in descending order in the
menu items 6.02 to 6.11:
• 6.02: the last/latest fault
• 6.11: the oldest fault
11.5 Error codes The functions may operate differently depending on the software version. That is why a
software version is included with every error code.
The details regarding the software version used can be read on the rating plate or displayed
via menu 4.24.
11.6 Further steps for troubleshooting If the points listed here do not rectify the fault, please contact customer service. Costs may
be incurred if other services are used. For more details, please contact customer service.
12 Disposal
12.1 Rechargeable battery Do not dispose of rechargeable batteries in domestic waste and remove them before
product disposal. End consumers are legally obliged to return all used rechargeable batter-
ies. For this purpose, you can return used rechargeable batteries free of charge at municipal
collection points or specialist retailers.
Disposal in domestic waste is prohibited!
Affected rechargeable batteries are marked with this symbol. The identi-
fier for the heavy metal they contain is displayed beneath the graphic:
• Hg (mercury)
• Pb (lead)
• Cd (cadmium)
12.2 Information on the collection of Proper disposal and appropriate recycling of this product prevents damage to the environ-
used electrical and electronic ment and putting your personal health at risk.
Disposal in domestic waste is prohibited!
In the European Union this symbol may be included on the product, the
packaging or the accompanying documentation. It means that the elec-
trical and electronic products in question must not be disposed of along
with domestic waste.
Please note the following points to ensure proper handling, recycling and disposal of the
used products in question:
• Hand over these products at designated, certified collection points only.
• Observe the locally applicable regulations!
Please consult your local municipality, the nearest waste disposal site, or the dealer who
sold the product to you for information on proper disposal. See www.wilo‑recycling.com
for more information about recycling.
13 Appendix
13.1 Potentially explosive atmospheres:
Connection of signal transmitters DANGER
and pumps
Risk of explosion if the switchgear is installed in potentially ex-
plosive areas!
The switchgear does not have its own explosion protection class and
must always be installed outside of potentially explosive areas! The con-
nection must be made by a qualified electrician.
13.1.1 Ex-zones The connected pumps and signal transmitters may only be used in the ex-zones 1 and 2.
Use in ex-zone 0 is prohibited!
13.1.2 Pumps • Pumps comply with the ignition protection class “flameproof enclosure”.
• Connect pumps directly to the switchgear. The use of electronic start-up controllers is
• Connect monitoring devices outside of the flameproof enclosure via a cut-off relay (Ex-
i, intrinsically safe circuit).
See also
▶ Overview of components [} 14]
! See also
▶ Overview of components [} 14]
• Depending on the system impedance and the maximum connections/
hour of the connected consumers, voltage fluctuations and/or drops
may occur.
• When using shielded cables, attach the shielding to the earth rail on
one side of the switchgear!
• Always have connection carried out by a qualified electrician!
• Observe the installation and operating instructions for the connected
pumps and signal transmitters.
“Extern OFF” input active: All pumps switched off The device communicates using a field bus sys-
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
24 V
! off on
1 1 2 2 1+2 1
31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60
0-10 V 4-20 mA
on !
2 1 2 1 2 1 2
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
24 V
1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3
31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60
4-20 mA 0-10 V
off on on
1+2 1 2
61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90
1 2 3 1 2 3
Holding register Name Data type Scale & unit Elements Access* Added
40003 Switch box type ENUM 0. SC R 31,000
(2) 1. SC...FC
2. SCe
3. CC
4. CC...FC
5. CCe
6. SCe NWB
7. CCe NWB
8. EC
9. ECe
10. ECe NWB
40014 Bus command timer ENUM 0. - RW 31,000
(13) 1. Off
2. Set
3. Active
4. Reset
5. Manual
40015 Drives on/off BOOL RW 31,000
40025 Control mode ENUM 0. p-c R 31,000
(24) 1. dp-c
2. dp-v
3. dT-c
4. dT-v
5. n(TV)
6. n(TR)
7. n(TP)
8. n(TA)
9. n-c
10. fill
11. empty/drain
12. FTS
13. cleans/day
14. cleans/
40026 Current value INT16 0.1 bar R 31,000
(25) 0.1 m
0.1 K
0.1 °C
1 cm
1 min
0.1 h
0.1 psi
40041 Pump 1 mode ENUM 0. Off RW 31,000
(40) 1. Hand
2. Auto
40042 Pump 2 mode ENUM 0. Off RW 31,000
(41) 1. Hand
2. Auto
40043 Pump 3 mode ENUM 0. Off RW 31,000
(42) 1. Hand
2. Auto
40062 Switch box state BITMAP 0: SBM R 31,000
(61) 1: SSM
Holding register Name Data type Scale & unit Elements Access* Added
40139 - 40140 Error state BITMAP32 0: Sensor error R 31,000
(138-139) 1: P max
2: P min
3: FC
4: TLS
5: Pump 1 Alarm
6: Pump 2 Alarm
7: Pump 3 Alarm
8: Pump 4 Alarm
9: Pump 5 Alarm
10: Pump 6
11: -
12: -
13: Frost
14: Battery Low
15: High water
16: Priority off
17: Redundancy
18: Plausibility
19: Slave com-
20: Net supply
21: Leakage
40141 Acknowledge BOOL W 31,000
40142 Alarm history index UINT16 RW 31,000
40143 Alarm history error UINT16 0.1 R 31,000
(142) code
40198 State float swiches BITMAP 0: DR R 31.102
(197) 1: Ps off
2: P1 on
3: P2 on
4: HW
40204 Set points water UNIT16 1 cm RW 31.102
(203) level 1
40205 Set points water UNIT16 1 cm RW 31.102
(204) level 2
40206 Set points water UNIT16 1 cm RW 31.102
(205) level 3
40212 Set points water UNIT16 1 cm RW 31.102
(211) level 1
40213 Set points water UNIT16 1 cm RW 31.102
(212) level 2
40214 Set points water UNIT16 1 cm RW 31.102
(213) level 3
40220 Dry run level UNIT16 1 cm RW 31.102
40222 High water level UNIT16 1 cm RW 31.102
* R = read-only, RW = read- and write-accessible
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44263 Dortmund
T +49 (0)231 4102-0
T +49 (0)231 4102-7363
Pioneering for You www.wilo.com