Lab 3.2 Angel Fan
Lab 3.2 Angel Fan
Lab 3.2 Angel Fan
Lab 3.2
Developing an Exercise Program for
Cardiorespiratory Endurance
1. Goals. List goals for your cardiorespiratory endurance program. Your goals
can be specific or general, short or long-term. In the first section, include
specific, measurable goals that you can use to track the progress of your
fitness program. These goals might be things like raising your
cardiorespiratory fitness rating from fair to good or swimming laps for 30
minutes without resting. In the second section, include long-term and more
qualitative goals, such as improving self-confidence and reducing your risk
for chronic disease.
Final Goals
1. __________Healthier lung capacity
2. _______________Reducing risks for chronic disease
3. ___________________Losing body fat and gain more muscles
2. Type of Activities: Choose one or more endurance activities for your
program. Examples includes: walking, jogging, cycling, aerobic dance,
rowing, jump rope, soccer.
3. Frequency: One the program plan, fill in how often you plan to participate in
each activity; the ACSM recommends participating in cardiorespiratory
endurance exercise three-five days per week.
Program Plan
Frequency (X)
Type of Activity Intensity Time
M T W TH F SA SU (BPM or RPE) (min)
Yoga X X 120 50
4. Intensity: Determine your exercise intensity using one of the following
methods, and enter it on the program plan. Begin your program at a lower
intensity and slowly increase intensity as your fitness improves, so select a
range of intensities for your program.
a. Target heart rate zone: Calculate target heart rate zone in the beats
per minute and then calculate the corresponding 15-second exercise
count by dividing the total count by 4. For example, the 15-second
exercise counts corresponding to the target heart rate zone of
122-180 bpm would be 31-45 beats.
Resting heart rate: ____60________ bpm (taken after 10 min. of complete rest)
6. Volume: Volume is the product of frequency, intensity, and time. Vary each
factor for a variety.