The Recruitment Process
The Recruitment Process
The Recruitment Process
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The Selection Process
Generally, a student may ask a faculty member to sponsor his or her application to the Ford Teaching Fellows Program. Alternatively, a faculty member may approach a student and encourage him or her to apply for the Teaching Fellowship. Together, the faculty mentor and the student will submit to the Ford Teaching Fellows Selection Committee a proposal in which they as a team propose a program suitable to their own discipline and goals. The Selection Committee generally allows four weeks for proposal development and writing.
Applications are available from the Director of the program, Dr. Stan Galicki, and are due in his office the first week of April each year to be considered for the coming fall semester. Late applications will not be considered by the Selection Committee.
A description of the teaching responsibilities the Ford Fellow will assume. The description should indicate the class, or classes, in which the Fellow will participate, the anticipated responsibilities of the candidate, and how the faculty mentor will provide support and guidance. This part of the application is to be completed by the student in close consultation with the mentor.
A description of the research and/or scholarly activities in which the Ford Fellow will be engaged. There is a wide variety of possible formats for these activities. A faculty mentor may supervise a formal research project and allow the student to earn college credit for this activity. Or the faculty member and student may share in a less-structured reading program in which intellectual enthusiasm is shared. The description should indicate not only the anticipated responsibilities of the candidate but also how the faculty mentor will provide support and guidance, and whether college credit will be earned. This part of the application is to be completed by the student in close consultation with the mentor.
A statement by the student explaining why he or she believes the Ford Teaching Fellowship is a good personal opportunity. Since the committee member may not know each one of the applicants, it is important to provide enough information to help them make their decisions.