Math8_Q3_Module 2 (1)
Math8_Q3_Module 2 (1)
Math8_Q3_Module 2 (1)
Quarter 3 – Module 2
Axiomatic Structure of a
Mathematical System in Geometry
Mathematics – Grade 8
Alternative Delivery Mode
Quarter 3 – Module 2: Axiomatic Structure of a Mathematical System in Geometry
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Learning Competencies: Illustrates the need for an axiomatic structure of a mathematical system in
general, and in Geometry in particular: (a) defined terms; (b) undefined terms;(c) postulates; and
(d) theorems (M8GE-IIIa-c-1).
What is it
A segment is part of a line that You can name a segment by its two
consists of two endpoints and all end points, such as AB (read as
points between them. “segment AB”) or BA .
A ray is part of a line that You can name a ray by its endpoint
consists of one endpoint and all and another point on the ray, such as
the points of the line on one side ⃗
AB (read as “ray AB”). The order of
of the endpoint. points indicates the ray’s direction.
Opposite rays are two rays that You can name opposite rays by their
share the same endpoint and shared endpoint and any other point
form a line. on each ray, such as ⃗
CA and ⃗
CB .
An angle is formed by two rays You can name an angle by
with the same endpoint. The rays
its vertex, , ∠ A
are the side of the angle. The
a point on each ray and the
endpoint is he vertex of the
vertex, ∠ BAC or ∠ CAB 1
a number, ∠ 1
What’s More
Use the figure on the right to answer each of the questions below.
1. Which rays are opposite rays?
2. What is another name for ∠ 2?
3. Which rays form ∠ 3?
4. Which angles have ⃗ OB as a side?
5. Which is the common side of ∠ 3 and ∠ 4 ?
LESSON 2: Distance and Midpoint of a Segment/Line
What is it
Point A is paired with -9. The number -9 is the coordinate of A. Point B is paired with -2, so -2 is
the coordinate of B, etc.
a. Find the distance between A to B;
AB = |a−b|
= |−9−(−2)| Substitution
= |−9+2|
= |−7|
= 7 units
b. What is the distance of EC ? or simply,
EC = ED + DC EC = |e−c|
= |e−d| + |d−c| = |7−0|
= |7−4|+ |4−0| = 7 units
= |3| + |4|
= 7 units
In the given example, you noticed that the two segments have the same measure. They are called
congruent segments. In symbols, AB ≅ EC .
Term Definition Illustration Formula
A point on the segment that a+b
Midpoint divides it into two congruent Midpoint (O) =
parts. 2
Q+ R −3+4 1
Solution: Midpoint (M) = = = or 0.5
2 2 2
Algebra can be used to solve for unknown quantities in each segment. The lengths of the segments are
given as algebraic expressions. We can make equations for these expressions by applying the Segment
Addition Postulate and the definition of midpoint.
1. EG =59, what are the measures of EF and FG ?
Apply cancellation
X=6 Answer
EF = 8x – 14 FG = 4x + 1
= 8(6) – 14 Substitute 6 for x = 4(6) + 1 Substitute 6 for x
= 48 – 14 = 24 + 1
EF = 34 FG = 25
PQ = 6x – 7 QR = 5x + 1
= 6(8) - 7 Substitute 8 for x. = 5(8) + 1 Substitute 8 for x.
= 48 – 7 = 40 + 1
PQ = 41 QR = 41
What’s More
A. Given the number line:
1. Find the distance of A and B.
2. Find the midpoint of AB.
C. Apply the Segment Addition Postulate and the definition of midpoint to write an equation and solve for
What is it
Here are some important definitions that are used in the theorems on angles.
Supplementary angles are two angles whose Linear pair are two angles which are adjacent
measures have a and whose noncommon sides are
sum of 180o. opposite rays.
∠ AOD and ∠ BOD
∠ AOD and are linear pairs
O ∠ BOD are because O ⃗A and O⃗ B
supplementary. are opposite rays.
Complementary angles are two angles whose Vertical angles are two nonadjacent angles
measures have the sum of 90o. formed by two intersecting lines.
They are congruent.
∠ FIT and ∠ AIH are
∠ HOP and ∠ POE vertical angles, so are
are complementary. ∠ FIA and ∠ TIH .
Each pair are
Adjacent angles are angles which have a Perpendicular lines are two lines that intersect
common side and a common vertex to form right angles.
but no interior points in
common. ´
CP⊥ ´ .
Each angle forms 90O.
∠ LOV and ∠ VOE are
adjacent because they
have a common side
OV .
What’s More
1. 13O 2. 60.25O
Directions: Read each item carefully. Write the letter of the correct answer on the answer
sheet provided.
Name: __________________________________________________________
Grade & Section: ________________ Score: _______
Quarter 3 – Module 2
Lesson 1
What’s More
Lesson 2
What’s More
1. x = ________ AN = _________ NB = __________
Lesson 3 Assessment
What’s More 1.
A. 2.
1. 3.
2. 4.
3. 5.
4. 6.
B. 7.
1. 8.
2. 10
Answer Key
Quarter 3 - Module 2
Lesson 1
What’s More
1. ⃗
OA and ⃗
2. ∠ BOC
3. ⃗
OC and ⃗ OD
4. ∠ 1 and ∠ 2 or ∠ AOB and ∠ BOC
5. ⃗
Lesson 2
What’s More
A. 1. 4
2. -1
C. 1.) x = 8; AN = 10; NB = 15
2.) x = 15; RM = 84; MT = 84; RT = 168
Lesson 3
Dilao, Soledad J, and Julieta G Bernabe. 2009. Geometry. Revised Edition. Quezon City: SD
Publications, Incorporated.
Argel, Analyn M. 2006. Math Digest Geometry. First Quarter. Paranaque City: Caneo Enterprises.
Performance Task
Write a “HUGOT” statement using the concept of the undefined terms in Geometry such as point,
line and plane about the effects of the COVID-19 in your life as a grade 8 student.
The rubric below is used in giving the points.
Originality Exceptional use of Good use of the Use of the No use of the
the Undefined Undefined Terms Undefined Undefined
Terms in in Geometry to Terms in Terms in
Geometry to make make “HUGOT” Geometry to Geometry to
“HUGOT” statements. make make
statements. “HUGOT” “HUGOT”
statements. statements.