Referencia N°06
Referencia N°06
Referencia N°06
DOI: 10.32604/cmes.2023.045731
Sign language, a visual-gestural language used by the deaf and hard-of-hearing community, plays a crucial
role in facilitating communication and promoting inclusivity. Sign language recognition (SLR), the process of
automatically recognizing and interpreting sign language gestures, has gained significant attention in recent years
due to its potential to bridge the communication gap between the hearing impaired and the hearing world. The
emergence and continuous development of deep learning techniques have provided inspiration and momentum
for advancing SLR. This paper presents a comprehensive and up-to-date analysis of the advancements, challenges,
and opportunities in deep learning-based sign language recognition, focusing on the past five years of research.
We explore various aspects of SLR, including sign data acquisition technologies, sign language datasets, evaluation
methods, and different types of neural networks. Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) and Recurrent Neural
Networks (RNN) have shown promising results in fingerspelling and isolated sign recognition. However, the
continuous nature of sign language poses challenges, leading to the exploration of advanced neural network
models such as the Transformer model for continuous sign language recognition (CSLR). Despite significant
advancements, several challenges remain in the field of SLR. These challenges include expanding sign language
datasets, achieving user independence in recognition systems, exploring different input modalities, effectively
fusing features, modeling co-articulation, and improving semantic and syntactic understanding. Additionally,
developing lightweight network architectures for mobile applications is crucial for practical implementation. By
addressing these challenges, we can further advance the field of deep learning for sign language recognition and
improve communication for the hearing-impaired community.
Sign language recognition; deep learning; artificial intelligence; computer vision; gesture recognition
1 Introduction
Effective communication is essential for individuals to express their thoughts, feelings, and needs.
However, for individuals with hearing impairments, spoken language may not be accessible. In such
cases, sign language serves as a vital mode of communication. Sign language is a visual-gestural
language that utilizes hand movements, facial expressions, and body postures to convey meaning.
This unique language has a rich history and has evolved to become a distinct and complex system of
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License,
which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the
original work is properly cited.
2400 CMES, 2024, vol.139, no.3
communication. Sign languages differ across regions and countries, with each having its own grammar
and vocabulary.
Stokoe W. C. made a significant contribution to the understanding of sign language by recognizing
its structural similarities to spoken languages. Like spoken languages, sign language has a phonological
system. Signs can be broken down into smaller linguistic units [1]. As shown in Fig. 1, sign language
can be categorized into manual and non-manual features. Manual features can be further divided
into handshape, orientation, position, and movement. Non-manual features include head and body
postures, and facial expressions. These features work together to convey meaning and enable effective
communication in sign language.
Handshape Orientation Position Movement Head Posture Body Posture Facial Expression
According to the World Health Organization, there are over 466 million people globally with
disabling hearing loss, and this number is expected to increase in the coming years. For individuals who
are deaf or hard of hearing, sign language is often their primary mode of communication. However, the
majority of the population does not understand sign language, leading to significant communication
barriers and exclusion for the deaf community. Sign language recognition (SLR) refers to the process of
automatically interpreting and understanding sign language gestures and movements through various
technological means, such as computer vision and machine learning algorithms. By enabling machines
to understand and interpret sign language, we can bridge the communication gap between the deaf
community and the hearing world. SLR technology has the potential to revolutionize various sectors,
including education, healthcare, and communication, by empowering deaf individuals to effectively
communicate and access information, services, and opportunities that were previously limited [2,3]. In
addition, SLR technology can be expanded to other areas related to gesture commands, such as traffic
sign recognition, military gesture recognition, and smart appliance control [4–8].
Research on SLR dates back to the 1990s. Based on the nature of the signs, these techniques were
categorized into fingerspelling recognition, isolated sign language recognition, and continuous sign
language recognition, as depicted in Fig. 2.
fingerspelling recognition isolated sign language recognition continuous sign language recognition
Static signs, such as alphabet and digit signs, primarily belong to the category of fingerspelling
recognition. This type of recognition involves analyzing and interpreting the specific hand shapes and
CMES, 2024, vol.139, no.3 2401
positions associated with each sign. Although it is important to acknowledge that certain static signs
may involve slight movements or variations in hand shape, they are generally regarded as static because
their main emphasis lies in the configuration and positioning of the hands rather than continuous
On the other hand, dynamic signs can be further classified into isolated sign recognition and
continuous sign recognition systems. Isolated sign gesture recognition aims to recognize individual
signs or gestures performed in isolation. It involves identifying and classifying the hand movements,
facial expressions, and other relevant cues associated with each sign. In contrast, continuous sign
recognition systems aim to recognize complete sentences or phrases in sign language. They go beyond
recognizing individual signs and focus on understanding the context, grammar, and temporal sequence
of the signs. This type of recognition is crucial for facilitating natural and fluid communication in sign
In the field of sign language recognition, traditional machine learning methods have played signifi-
cant roles. These methods have been utilized for feature extraction, classification, and modeling of sign
language. However, traditional machine learning approaches often face certain limitations and have
reached a bottleneck. These limitations include the need for manual feature engineering, which can
be time-consuming and may not capture all the relevant information in the data. Additionally, these
methods may struggle with handling complex and high-dimensional data, such as the spatiotemporal
information present in sign language gestures. Over recent years, deep learning methods outperformed
previous state-of-the-art machine learning techniques in different areas, especially in computer vision
and natural language processing [9]. Deep learning techniques have brought significant advancements
to sign language recognition [10–14], leading to a surge in research papers published on deep learning-
based SLR. As the field continues to evolve, it is crucial to conduct updated literature surveys.
Therefore, this paper aims to provide a comprehensive review and classification of the current state of
research in deep learning-based SLR.
This review delves into various aspects and technologies related to SLR using deep learning,
covering the latest advancements in the field. It also discusses publicly available datasets commonly
used in related research. Additionally, the paper addresses the challenges encountered in SLR and
identifies potential research directions. The remaining sections of the paper are organized as follows:
Section 2 describes the collection and quantitative analysis of literature related to SLR. Section 3
describes different techniques for acquiring sign language data. Section 4 discusses sign language
datasets and evaluation methods. Section 5 explores deep learning techniques relevant to SLR. In
Section 6, advancements and challenges of various techniques employed in SLR are compared and
discussed. Finally, Section 7 summarizes the development directions in this field.
sign language recognition (CSLR) and gloss-to-text translation. After eliminating irrelevant papers,
our study encompassed 346 relevant papers. The PRISMA chart depicting our selection process is
presented in Fig. 3.
Figure 3: The PRISMA flow diagram for identifying relevant documents included in this review
A comprehensive literature analysis was performed on various aspects of SLR using deep
learning, including annual publication volume, publishers, sign language subjects, main technologies,
and architectures. Fig. 4 demonstrates a consistent increase in the number of publications each
year, indicating the growing interest and continuous development in this field. Fig. 5 highlights the
prominent publishers in the domain of deep learning-based SLR. Notably, IEEE leads with the highest
number of publications, accounting for 37.57% of the total, followed by Springer Nature with 19.36%
and Mdpi with 10.41%. Table 1 displays the primary sign language subjects for research, encompassing
American SL, Indian SL, Chinese SL, German SL, and Arabic SL. It is important to note that this data
is derived from the experimental databases utilized in the papers. In cases where a paper conducted
experiments using multiple databases, each database is counted individually. For instance, experiments
were conducted on two test datasets: the RWTH-PHOENIX-Weather multi-signer dataset and a
Chinese SL (CSL) dataset [15]. Therefore, German SL and Chinese SL are each counted once. Table 2
presents the main technologies and architectures employed in deep learning-based SLR. In Session 5,
we will focus on elucidating key technological principles to facilitate comprehension for readers new
to this field. The statistical data in Table 2 is obtained by first preprocessing and normalizing the
keywords in the literature, and then using VOSviewer software to analyze and calculate the keywords.
CMES, 2024, vol.139, no.3 2403
No. of publictions
80 y = 7.5429x + 31.267
R² = 0.5349
2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
IEEE Springer Nature Mdpi Elsevier Assoc Science & other
Computing Information Sai
Machinery Organization Ltd
Table 1: The main sign language subjects on sign language recognition in deep learning (No. >=5)
Sign language No. Sign language No.
American SL 54 Turkish SL 6
Indian SL 35 British SL 6
German SL 33 Japanese SL 6
Chinese SL 26 Pakistan SL 5
Arabic SL 25 Russian SL 5
Korean SL 11 Bangla SL 5
Table 2: The main technologies or architectures of sign language recognition in deep learning (No.
Technologies (Architectures) No. Technologies (Architectures) No.
CNN 91 ResNet 8
Transfer learning 33 vgg 8
2404 CMES, 2024, vol.139, no.3
Table 2 (continued)
Technologies (Architectures) No. Technologies (Architectures) No.
Attention 27 CNN-LSTM 8
Transformer 20 CNN-HMM 7
LSTM 16 yolo 7
3D-CNN 15 Ensemble learning 6
Inception 11 Generative adversarial networks 5
RNN 11 Lightweight network 5
Bi-LSTM 8 Mobilenet 5
Graph convolutional network 8 gru 5
with five flex sensors, an inertial sensor, and two contact sensors for recognizing the Brazilian sign
language alphabet. Wen et al. [23] utilized gloves configured with 15 triboelectric sensors to track and
record hand motions such as finger bending, wrist motions, touch with fingertips, and interaction with
the palm.
Figure 7: (a) System structure. (b) IMU collecting the hand motion data. (c) Bending sensor collecting
the hand shape data
Leap Motion Controller (LMC) is a small, motion-sensing device that allows users to interact
with their computer using hand and finger gestures. It uses infrared sensors and cameras to track the
movement of hands and fingers in 3D space with high precision and accuracy. In the field of sign
2406 CMES, 2024, vol.139, no.3
language recognition, by tracking the position, orientation, and movement of hands and fingers, the
Leap Motion Controller can provide real-time data that can be used to recognize and interpret sign
language gestures [24–26].
Some studies have utilized commercially available devices such as the Myo armband [27–29],
which are worn below the elbow and equipped with sEMG and inertial sensors. The sEMG sensors
can measure the electrical potentials produced by muscles. By placing these sensors on the forearm
over key muscle groups, specific hand and finger movements can be identified and recognized [30–32].
Li et al. [27] used A wearable Myo armband to collect human arm surface electromyography (sEMG)
signals for improving SLR accuracy. Pacifici et al. [28] built a comprehensive dataset that includes
EMG and IMU data captured with the Myo Gesture Control Armband. This data was collected while
performing the complete set of 26 gestures representing the alphabet of the Italian Sign Language.
Mendes Junior et al. [29] demonstrated the classification of a series of alphabet gestures in Brazilian
Sign Language (Libras) through the utilization of sEMG obtained from a MyoTM armband.
Recent literature studies have highlighted the potential of utilizing WiFi sensors to accurately
identify hand and finger gestures through channel state information [33–36]. The advantage of
WiFi signals is their nonintrusive nature, allowing for detachment from the user’s hand or finger
and enabling seamless recognition. Zhang et al. [33] introduced a WiFi-based SLR system called
Wi-Phrase, which applies principal component analysis (PCA) projection to eliminate noise and
transform cleaned WiFi signals into a spectrogram. Zhang et al. [35] proposed WiSign, which
recognizes continuous sentences of American Sign Language (ASL) using existing WiFi infrastructure.
Additionally, RF sensors provide a pathway for SLR [37–41].
Sensor-based devices offer the benefit of minimizing reliance on computer vision techniques for
signer body detection and segmentation. This allows the recognition system to identify sign gestures
with minimal processing power. Moreover, these devices can track the signer’s movements, providing
valuable spatial and temporal information about the executed signs. However, it is worth noting that
certain devices, such as digital gloves, require the signer to wear the sensor device while signing, limiting
their applicability in real-time scenarios.
of users. In the field of sign language recognition, the Kinect has been widely utilized [42–45].
Raghuveera et al. [46] captured hand gestures through Microsoft Kinect. Gangrade et al. [47,48] have
leveraged the 3D depth information obtained from hand motions, which is generated by Microsoft’s
Kinect sensor.
Multi-camera and 3D systems can mitigate certain environmental limitations but introduce
a higher computational burden, which can be effectively addressed due to the rapid progress in
computing technologies. Kraljević et al. [49] proposed a high-performance sign recognition module
that utilizes the 3DCNN network. They employ the StereoLabs ZED M stereo camera to capture
real-time RGB and depth information of signs.
In SLR systems, vision-based techniques are more suitable compared to sensor-based approaches.
These techniques utilize video cameras instead of sensors, eliminating the need for attaching sensors
to the signer’s body and overcoming the limited operating range of sensor-based devices. Vision-
based devices, however, provide raw video streams that often require preprocessing for convenient
feature extraction, such as signer detection, background removal, and motion tracking. Furthermore,
computer vision systems must address the significant variability and sources of errors inherent in
their operation. These challenges include noise and environmental factors resulting from variations
in illumination, viewpoint, orientation, scale, and occlusion.
Table 3 (continued)
Dataset Year Language Type Signs/ Signers Samples/ Modality Data_link
vocabulary videos
MS-ASL-500 [59] 2018 ASL Signs 500 222 17823 RGB [60]
MS-ASL-1000 [59] 2018 ASL Signs 1000 222 25513 RGB [60]
CSL-500 [61] 2019 CSL Signs 500 50 125000 RGB, D, [62]
INCLUDE [63] 2020 ISL Signs 263 – 4287 RGB [64]
WLASL100 [65] 2020 ASL Signs 100 97 2038 RGB [66]
WLASL300 [65] 2020 ASL Signs 300 109 5117 RGB [66]
WLASL1000 [65] 2020 ASL Signs 1000 116 13168 RGB [66]
WLASL2000 [65] 2020 ASL Signs 2000 119 21083 RGB [66]
AUTSL [67] 2020 TuSL Signs 226 42 38336 RGB [68]
Libras [69] 2021 BrSL Signs 20 – 1200 RGB, D, [70]
body points,
KArSL [71] 2021 ArSL Signs 502 3 – RGB, D, [72]
BdSLW-11 [73] 2022 BdSL Signs 11 – 1105 RGB [74]
PHOENIX [75] 2012 GSL Sentences 911 7 1980 RGB [52]
PHOENIX 14 [76] 2014 GSL Sentences 1080 9 6841 RGB [52]
PHOENIX 14T [77] 2018 GSL Sentences 1066 9 8257 RGB [52]
CSL [78] 2018 CSL Sentences 178 50 25000 RGB, D, [79]
body joints
SIGNUM [80] 2009 GSL Sentences 455 25 33210 RGB [81]
HKSL [11] 2022 HKSL Sentences 50 6 – RGB,D, smart –
watch data
Fingerspelling datasets primarily focus on sign language alphabets and/or digits. Some exclude
letters that involve motion, such as ‘j’ and ‘z’ in American Sign Language [50]. The impact of signer
variability on recognition systems is minimal in fingerspelling databases since most images only display
the signer’s hands. These datasets mainly consist of static images as the captured signs do not involve
motion [61,64,65].
Isolated sign datasets are the most widely used type of sign language datasets. They encompass
isolated sign words performed by one or more signers. Unlike fingerspelling databases, these databases
contain motion-based signs that require more training for non-expert signers. Vision-based techniques,
such as video cameras, are commonly used to capture these signs [66,72,82]. However, there are other
devices, like the Kinect, which output multiple data streams for collecting sign words [71,69].
Continuous sign language databases comprise a collection of sign language sentences, where each
sentence consists of a continuous sequence of signs. This type of database presents more challenges
compared to the previous types, resulting in a relatively limited number of available databases.
Currently, only PHOENIX14 [76], PHOENIX14T [77] and CSL Database [78] are used regularly.
The scarcity of sign language datasets suitable for CSLR can be attributed to the time-consuming and
complex nature of dataset collection, the diversity of sign languages, and the difficulty of annotating
the data.
Upon analysis, it is evident that current sign language datasets have certain limitations.
CMES, 2024, vol.139, no.3 2409
In CSLR, a higher WER indicates a lower level of Accuracy and a lower WER indicates a higher
level of Accuracy.
Convolutional Layer
Convolutional Layer
Pooling Layer
Pooling Layer
Pooling Layer
Output Layer
Input Layer
Hidden Layer
The calculation process of the first value of the feature map is as follows:
feature map (1) = 1 × 1 + 0 × 1 + 1 × 1 + 0 × 0 + 1 × 1 + 0 × 1 + 1 × 0 + 0 × 0 + 1 × 1 = 4
feature map (2) = 1 × 1 + 0 × 1 + 1 × 0 + 0 × 1 + 1 × 1 + 0 × 1 + 1 × 0 + 0 × 1 + 1 × 1 = 3
Fig. 9 illustrates the convolution operation with an input. Assuming the input image has a shape
of Hin × Win , convolution kernels is with a shape of Kh × Kw . Convolution is performed using a kernel
of size Kh × Kw on a 2D array of size Hin × Win . The results are then summed, resulting in a 2D array
with a shape of Hout × Wout . The formula to calculate the size of the output feature map is as follows:
Hin − Kh + 2 × Ph
Hout = +1 (7)
Win − Kw + 2 × Pw
Wout = +1 (8)
Here, Sh and Sw represent the stride value in the vertical and horizontal directions, respectively. Ph
and Pw denote the size of padding in the vertical and horizontal directions, respectively.
Unlike traditional 2D CNNs, which are primarily employed for image analysis, 3D CNNs are
designed specifically for the analysis of volumetric data. This could include video sequences or medical
scans. 3D CNNs model utilizes 3D convolutions to extract features from both spatial and temporal
dimensions. This allows the model to capture motion information encoded within multiple adjacent
frames [83]. This allows for enhanced feature representation and more accurate decision-making in
tasks such as action recognition [10,84,85], video segmentation [86], and medical image analysis [87].
2412 CMES, 2024, vol.139, no.3
Activation Function: The output of the convolutional layer is passed through a non-linear
transformation using an activation function, commonly ReLU (Rectified Linear Unit), to introduce
Pooling Layer: This layer performs down sampling on the feature maps, reducing their dimensions
while retaining important features.
Max pooling and average pooling are two common types of pooling used in deep learning models
as shown in Fig. 10. Max pooling is a pooling operation that selects the maximum value from a specific
region of the input data. Average pooling, on the other hand, calculates the average value of a specific
region of the input data [88].
Figure 10: The pooling operation (max pooling and average pooling)
Fully Connected Layer: The output of the pooling layer is connected to a fully connected neural
network, where feature fusion and classification are performed.
Output Layer: Depending on the task type, the output layer can consist of one or multiple neurons,
used for tasks such as classification, detection, or segmentation.
The structure diagram of CNNs can be adjusted and expanded based on specific network
architectures and task requirements. The provided diagram is a basic representation. In practical
applications, additional layers such as batch normalization and dropout can be added to improve
the model’s performance and robustness.
this recurrent structure results in the structure shown on the right side of Fig. 11: Xt−1 to Xt+1 represent
sequentially input data at different time steps, and each time step’s input generates a corresponding
hidden state S. This hidden state at each time step is used not only to produce the output at that time
step but also participates in calculating the next time step’s hidden state.
RNNs are neural networks that excel at processing sequential data. However, they suffer from
the vanishing or exploding gradient problem, which hinders learning. To address this, variants like
Long Short-Term Memory Networks (LSTM) and Gate Recurrent Units (GRU) have been developed,
incorporating gating mechanisms to control information flow.
The input gate determines how much new information should be added to the memory cell. It
takes into account the current input and the previous output to make this decision. The forget gate
2414 CMES, 2024, vol.139, no.3
controls the amount of information that should be discarded from the memory cell. It considers the
current input and the previous output as well. Finally, the output gate determines how much of the
memory cell’s content should be outputted to the next step in the sequence. By using these gates, LSTM
networks can selectively remember or forget information at each time step, allowing them to capture
long-term dependencies in the data. This is particularly useful in tasks such as speech recognition,
machine translation, and sentiment analysis, where understanding the context of the entire sequence
is crucial.
Another important characteristic of LSTM is its ability to handle gradient flow during training.
The vanishing gradient problem occurs when gradients become extremely small as they propagate
backward through time in traditional RNNs. LSTM addresses this issue by using a constant error
carousel, which allows gradients to flow more freely and prevents them from vanishing or exploding.
In terms of training, BiRNN typically employs backpropagation through time (BPTT) or gradient
descent algorithms to optimize the network parameters. However, the bidirectional nature of BiRNN
introduces challenges in training, as information from both directions needs to be synchronized. To
address this issue, techniques such as sequence padding and masking are commonly used. The basic
unit of a BiRNN can be a standard RNN, as well as a GRU or LSTM unit. In practice, for many
Natural Language Processing (NLP) problems involving text, the most used type of bidirectional RNN
model is the one with LSTM units.
5.3.1 VGGNet
VGGNet [99] was developed by the Visual Geometry Group at the University of Oxford and
has achieved remarkable performance in the ImageNet Large Scale Visual Recognition Challenge
(ILSVRC). One of VGGNet’s notable characteristics is its uniform architecture. It comprises multiple
stacked convolutional layers, allowing for deeper networks with 11 to 19 layers, enabling the network
to learn intricate features and patterns.
Among the variants of VGGNet, VGG-16 is particularly popular. As shown in Fig. 14, VGG-16
consists of 16 layers, including 13 convolutional layers and 3 fully connected layers. It utilizes 3 × 3
convolutional filters, followed by max-pooling layers with a 2 × 2 window and stride of 2. The number
of filters gradually increases from 64 to 512. The network also incorporates three fully connected layers
with 4096 units each, employing a ReLU activation function. The final output layer consists of 1000
units representing the classes in the ImageNet dataset, utilizing a softmax activation function.
While VGGNet has demonstrated success, it has limitations. The deep architecture of VGGNet
results in computationally expensive and memory-intensive operations, demanding substantial com-
putational resources. However, the transfer learning capability of VGGNet is a significant advan-
tage. With pre-trained VGG models, which have been trained on large datasets such as ImageNet,
2416 CMES, 2024, vol.139, no.3
researchers and practitioners can conveniently utilize them as a starting point for other computer
vision tasks. This has greatly facilitated research and development in the field.
FC 1000
FC 4096
3 [ 3 conv-512
3 [ 3 conv-512
3 [ 3 conv-512
3 [ 3 conv-512
3 [ 3 conv-512
3 [ 3 conv-512
3 [ 3 conv-256
3 [ 3 conv-256
3 [ 3 conv-256
3 [ 3 conv-128
3 [ 3 conv-128
3 [ 3 conv-64
3 [ 3 conv-64
Over time, the Inception of GoogLeNet evolved with versions like Inception-v2 [101], Inception-
v3 [102], Inception-v4 [103], and Inception-ResNet [103]. These versions introduced various enhance-
ments, including batch normalization [101], optimized intermediate layers, label smoothing, and the
combination of Inception with ResNet’s residual connections. These improvements led to higher
accuracy, faster convergence, and better computational efficiency.
5.3.3 ResNet
ResNet, short for Residual Network, was introduced by Kaiming He and his team from Microsoft
Research in 2015 [104]. It was specifically designed to address the problem of degradation in very deep
neural networks.
Traditional deep neural networks face challenges in effectively learning transformations as they
become deeper. This is due to the vanishing or exploding gradients during backpropagation, making
it difficult to optimize the weights of deep layers. ResNet tackles this issue by introducing residual
connections, which learn the residual mapping—the difference between the input and output of a
layer [104]. The architecture of residual connections is illustrated in Fig. 16. The input passes through
convolutional layers and residual blocks. Each residual block contains multiple convolutional layers,
with the input added to the block’s output through a skip connection. This allows the gradient to flow
directly to earlier layers, addressing the vanishing gradient problem.
Mathematically, the residual connection is represented as H(x) = F(x) + x. Here, x is the input
to a layer, F(x) is the layer’s transformation, and H(x) is the output. The residual connection adds the
input x to the transformed output F(x), creating the residual mapping H(x). The network learns to
optimize this mapping during training. ResNet’s architecture has inspired the development of other
residual-based models like ResNeXt [105], Wide ResNet [106], and DenseNet [107], which have further
improved performance in various domains.
2418 CMES, 2024, vol.139, no.3
Figure 17: Comparison between standard convolutional layer and depthwise seprarable convolutions
MobileNet has multiple variations, including MobileNetV1 [108], MobileNetV2 [113], and
MobileNetV3 [114]. Each version improves upon the previous one by introducing new techniques
to further enhance efficiency and accuracy. MobileNetV2, for example, introduces inverted residual
blocks and linear bottleneck layers to achieve better performance. MobileNetV3 leverages a
combination of channel and spatial attention modules to improve both speed and accuracy.
5.3.5 Transformer
The transformer model, proposed by Vaswani et al. in 2017, has emerged as a breakthrough in
the field of deep learning. Its self-attention mechanism, parallelizable computation, ability to handle
variable-length sequences, and interpretability have propelled it to the forefront of research in natural
language processing and computer vision [115].
CMES, 2024, vol.139, no.3 2419
The Transformer model architecture consists of two main components: the encoder and the
decoder. These components are composed of multiple layers of self-attention and feed-forward neural
networks, as shown in Fig. 18.
The encoder takes an input sequence and processes it to obtain a representation that captures the
contextual information of each element in the sequence. The input sequence is first embedded into a
continuous representation, which is then passed through a stack of identical encoder layers.
Each encoder layer in the Transformer model architecture has two sub-layers: a multi-head self-
attention mechanism and a feed-forward neural network. The self-attention mechanism allows the
model to attend to different parts of the input sequence when processing each element, capturing the
relationships and dependencies between elements. The feed-forward neural network applies a non-
linear transformation to each element independently, enhancing the model’s ability to capture complex
patterns in the data.
The decoder, on the other hand, generates an output sequence based on the representation
obtained from the encoder. It also consists of a stack of identical layers, but with an additional sub-
layer that performs multi-head attention over the encoder’s output. This allows the decoder to focus
on relevant parts of the input sequence when generating each element of the output sequence.
In addition to the self-attention mechanism, the Transformer model architecture incorporates
positional encodings to handle the order of elements in the input sequence. These positional encodings
2420 CMES, 2024, vol.139, no.3
are added to the input embeddings, providing the model with information about the relative positions
of elements. This enables the model to differentiate between different positions in the sequence.
The Transformer model architecture is trained using a variant of the attention mechanism called
“scaled dot-product attention”. This mechanism computes the attention weights between elements in
the sequence by taking the dot product of their representations and scaling the result by the square root
of the dimension of the representations. The attention weights are then used to compute a weighted
sum of the representations, which forms the output of the attention mechanism.
The impact of the Transformer architecture is evident in its state-of-the-art performance across
various domains, establishing it as a fundamental building block in modern deep learning models.
These new models, including GPT [116], BERT [117], T5, ViT [118], and DeiT, are all based on
the Transformer architecture and have achieved remarkable performance in a wide range of tasks
in natural language processing and computer vision, making significant contributions to these fields.
Table 4 (continued)
Abbreviations Full names
DA Data augmentation
DBN Deep belief net
DR Dropout techniques
DRL Deep reinforcement learning
GSL German sign language
H-GANs Hyperparameter based optimized
generative adversarial networks
HP Hand pose
IMU Inertial measurement unit
IMUs Inertial measurement units
ISL Indian sign language
JSL Japanese sign language
KD Knowledge distillation
KSU-ArSL King Saud University Arabic sign
language dataset
LRN Local response normalization
LSE Spanish sign language
LSTM Long short-term memory
MC-LSTMs Multi-cue long short-term memory
MHA Multi-head attention
MoSL Moroccan sign language
PSL Persian sign language
ReLU Rectified linear unit
RKD random knowledge distillation strategy
RSL Russian sign language
RST Relative sign transformer
RTS Rotated, translated and scaled
SA Statistical attention
OF Optical flow
SaSL Saudi sign language
sEMG surface electromyography
SF Scene flow
SLVM Sign language video in museums dataset
SMKD Self-mutual knowledge distillation
SP Stochastic pooling
SSD Single shot detector
STFE-Net Spatial-temporal feature extraction
ST-GCNs Spatial-temporal graph convolutional
2422 CMES, 2024, vol.139, no.3
Table 4 (continued)
Abbreviations Full names
STMC Spatial-temporal multi-cue
SVAE Stacked variational auto-encoders
TaSL Tactical sign language
TFSL Thai finger-spelling sign language
TuSL Turkish sign language
ViT Vision transformer
WER Word error rate
WLASL word-level American sign language
ZSL Zero-shot learning
Table 5 (continued)
Paper Year Language Modality Methods Performance (Acc.)
[128] 2022 ASL Image (RGB) ensemble learning (feature extraction: 98.83%
LeNet, AlexNet, VGGNet, GoogleNet,
and ResNet+ classification: ARS-MA)
[129] 2022 CSL data glove CNN 99.50%
[130] 2022 ASL IMU Senor feature extraction: time/time-frequency Nearly 100%
domain/angle-based features (Within-User) 74.8%
classification: CTC recognition: (Cross-User)
[131] 2022 ASL Image (RGB) CNN 99.38%
[132] 2023 BdSL Image (RGB) deep transfer learning + random forest 91.67%
[133] 2023 ASL Image (RGB) MobileNetV2 98.77%
[134] 2023 ArSL Image (RGB) MobileNet 94.46%
[135] 2023 AsSL Image (RGB) MediaPipe 99%
[136] 2023 ISL Image (RGB) Transformer 99.29
[137] 2023 ISL Image (RGB) CNN (data augmentation, BN, dropout, 99.76%
stochastic pooling, diffGrad optimizer)
[138] 2023 ASL BdSL Image (RGB) Attention + MobileNetV2 99.95%
In recent years, there has been rapid development in the field of deep transfer learning and
ensemble learning, and a set of pre-trained models has been applied to fingerspelling recognition.
Sandler et al. [113] introduced two methods for automatic recognition of the BdSL alphabet, utilizing
conventional transfer learning and contemporary zero-shot learning (ZSL) to identify both seen
and unseen data. Through extensive quantitative experiments on 18 CNN architectures and 21
classifiers, the pre-trained DenseNet201 architecture demonstrated exceptional performance as a
feature extractor. The top-performing classifier, identified as Linear Discriminant Analysis, achieved
an impressive overall accuracy of 93.68% on the extensive dataset used in the study. Podder et al. [127]
compared the classification performance with and without background images to determine the
optimal working model for BdSL alphabet classification. Three pre-trained CNN models, namely
ResNet18 [104], MobileNet_V2 [113], and EfficientNet_B1 [111], were used for classification. It was
found that ResNet18 achieved the highest accuracy of 99.99%. Ma et al. [128] proposed an ASL
recognition system based on ensemble learning, utilizing multiple pre-trained CNN models including
LeNet, AlexNet, VGGNet, GoogleNet, and ResNet for feature extraction. The system incorporated
accuracy-based weighted voting (ARS-MA) to improve the recognition performance. Das et al. [132]
proposed a hybrid model combining a deep transfer learning-based CNN with a random forest
classifier for automatic recognition of BdSL alphabet.
Some models have combined two or more approaches in order to boost the recognition accuracy.
Aly et al. [120] presented a novel user-independent recognition system for the ASL alphabet. This
system utilized the PCANet, a principal component analysis network, to extract features from depth
images captured by the Microsoft Kinect depth sensor. The extracted features were then classified
using a linear support vector machine (SVM) classifier. Rivera-Acosta et al. [126] proposed a novel
approach to address the accuracy loss when training models to interpret completely unseen data.
The model presented in this paper consists of two primary data processing stages. In the first stage,
YOLO was employed for handshape segmentation and classification. In the second stage, a Bi-LSTM
was incorporated to enhance the system with spelling correction functionality, thereby increasing the
robustness of completely unseen data.
Some SLR works have been deployed in embedded systems and edge devices, such as mobile
devices, Raspberry Pi, and Nareshkumar et al. [133] utilized MobileNetV2 on terminal devices to
achieve fast and accurate recognition of letters in ASL, reaching an accuracy of 98.77%. MobileNet
was utilized to develop a model for recognizing the Arabic language’s alphabet signs, with a recognition
accuracy of 94.46% [134]. Zhang et al. [138]introduced a novel lightweight network model for alphabet
recognition, incorporating an attention mechanism. Experimental results on the ASL dataset and
BdSL dataset demonstrated that the proposed model outperformed existing methods in terms of
performance. Ang et al. [139] implemented a fingerspelling recognition model for Filipino Sign
Language using Raspberry Pi. They used YOLO-Lite for hand detection and MobileNetV2 for
classification, achieving an average accuracy of 93.29% in differentiating 26 hand gestures representing
FSL letters. Siddique et al. [140] developed an automatic Bangla sign language (BSL) detection system
using deep learning approaches and a Jetson Nano edge device.
CMES, 2024, vol.139, no.3 2425
utilized VGG-19 for spatial feature extraction and employed BiLSTM for temporal feature extraction.
Experimental results demonstrated that the proposed HCBSLR system achieved an average accuracy
of 87.67%.
Due to limited storage and computing capacities on mobile phones, the implementation of
SLR applications is often restricted. To address this issue, Abdallah et al. [156] proposed the use
of lightweight deep neural networks with advanced processing for real-time dynamic sign language
recognition (DSLR). The application leveraged two robust deep learning models, namely the GRU
and the 1D CNN, in conjunction with the MediaPipe framework. Experimental results demonstrated
that the proposed solution could achieve extremely fast and accurate recognition of dynamic signs, even
in real-time detection scenarios. The DSLR application achieved high accuracies of 98.8%, 99.84%,
and 88.40% on the DSL-46, LSA64, and LIBRAS-BSL datasets, respectively. Li et al. [153] presented
MyoTac, a user-independent real-time tactical sign language classification system. The network was
made lightweight through knowledge distillation by designing tactical CNN and BiLSTM to capture
spatial and temporal features of the signals. Soft targets were extracted using knowledge distillation
to compress the neural network scale nearly four times without affecting the accuracy.
Most studies on SLR have traditionally focused on manual features extracted from the shape of the
dominant hand or the entire frame. However, it is important to consider facial expressions and body
gestures. Shaik et al. [147] proposed an isolated SLR framework that utilized Spatial-Temporal Graph
Convolutional Networks (ST-GCNs) [151,152] and Multi-Cue Long Short-Term Memories (MC-
LSTMs) to leverage multi-articulatory information (such as body, hands, and face) for recognizing
sign glosses.
using a deep BiLSTM. Deep belief net (DBN) was applied to the field of wearable-sensor-based CSL
recognition [144].To obtain multi-view deep features for recognition, Shaik et al. [147] proposed using
an end-to-end trainable multi-stream CNN with late feature fusion. The fused multi-view features are
then fed into a two-layer dense network and a softmax layer for decision-making. Eunice et al. [161]
proposed a novel approach for gloss prediction using the Sign2Pose Gloss prediction transformer.
[164] 2019 GSL RGB PHOENIX14 CNN+ stacked temporal fusion Full + 22.86% (WER)
+BiLSTM+iterative optimization OF
[164] 2019 GSL RGB PHOENIX14 Feature learning: 3D-ResNet Full 36.7% (WER)
CSL CSL Dataset sequence modelling: encoder-decoder with 32.7% (WER)
[12] 2019 ISL Leap 157 / 35 /6 Sub_units+2DCNN+ modified LSTM H 72.3% (Acc.)
[166] 2019 ISL sensor 20/- /10 CapsNet H 94% (Acc.)
[167] 2020 GSL RGB PHOENIX14 Video Encoder (CNN+ stacked 1D temporal Full 24.0% (WER)
GSL PHOENIX14T convolution layers + BiLSTM) +Text 24.3% (WER)
CSL CSL Encoder (LSTM)+ Latent Space Alignment 2.4% (WER)
+Decoder (Split I)
[168] 2020 GSL RGB PHOENIX 2014 T Multi-Stream CNN-LSTM-HMMs H 73.4% (Acc.)
[169] 2020 GSL RGB PHOENIX14 CNN-TCN visual encoder, sequential model Full 21.9% (WER)
CSL CSL and text encoder, with cross modality 24.5% (WER)
[170] 2021 GSL RGB PHOENIX 2014 T Spatiotemporal Feature Extractor with Full 34.4% (WER)
iteratively fine-tune sequence model
[171] 2021 GSL RGB PHOENIX 2014 T GRU-RST Full 23.5% (WER)
[172] 2021 GSL RGB PHOENIX14 H-GAN (LSTM+3DCNN) Full 20.7% (WER)
[173] 2021 GSL RGB PHOENIX14 SMKD+ CTC Full 21.0% (WER)
PHOENIX14T 22.4% (WER)
[174] 2021 GSL RGB PHOENIX14 SignBERT (BERT+ResNet) Full 20.2% (WER)
CSL CSL Dataset BERT + ResNet 23.3% (WER)
HKSL HKSL 12.35% (WER)
[11] 2022 CSL RGB CSL Dataset CA-SignBERT (BERT+ Full 19.8% (WER)
GSL RGB PHOENIX14 cross-attention+CNN + BiLSTM+CTC loss) 18.6% (WER)
GrSL RGB+sm GrSL 31.15% (WER)
HKSL art watch HKSL 7.19% (WER)
Table 7 (continued)
Paper Year Language Modality1 Database Methods Components Performance
[175] 2022 CSL sensor 60 /-/- DeepSLR (attention-based Encoder-Decoder H 10.8% (WER)
model+ multi-channel CNN)
[176] 2022 GSL RGB PHOENIX14 STMC (SMC+TMC+Encoder+Decoder) H+F+B 20.7% (WER)
CSL CSL Dataset 28.6% (WER)
[177] 2022 GSL RGB PHOENIX14 two-stream Resnet34 + transformer Full+H+F 16.72% (WER)
CSL CSL 0.87.1% (Acc.)
[178] 2022 CSL RGB CSL 3D-MobileNetv2+RKD Full 2.2% (WER)
(Split I)
[179] 2022 GSL RGB PHOENIX14 Multilingual SLR framework: CNN-TCN Full 20.9% (WER)
CSL CSL visual feature extractor, language-independent 18.1% (WER)
BLSTM-CTC branches, together with a
shared BLSTM initialized with language
[180] 2023 CSL sensor OH-Sentence(723/-/24) SeeSign: Transformer + SA +CA Full 18.34% (WER)
TH-Sentence(182/-/14) 22.08% (WER)
[181] 2023 ISL sensor 40 /-/- CNN+BiLSTM+CTC+ transfer learning Full 15.14 1.59
[182] 2023 CSL RGB CSL TrCLR (Transformer) Full 96.6% (Acc.)
[183] 2023 CSL RGB 60//21000/- STFE-Net (Bi-GRU+Transformer) Full –
[184] 2023 CSL RGB CSL spatial temporal graph attention Full 1.59% (WER)
skeleton network+BLSTM
[185] 2023 − RGB PHOENIX14 self-supervised pre-training + Downstream H+HP 20.0% (WER)
PHOENIX14 Fine-Tuning + multi-level masked modeling 19.9% (WER)
Note: 1 Some databases contain multiple data modalities, such as RGB and Depth. However, not all of them are used in the algorithms. The table below only shows the modalities
used in the algorithms.
CMES, 2024, vol.139, no.3
CMES, 2024, vol.139, no.3 2433
shown promising performance, with a WER of 16.72%. Zhang et al. [180] proposed SeeSign, a
multimodal fusion transformer framework for SLR. SeeSign incorporated two attention mechanisms,
namely statistical attention and contrastive attention, to thoroughly investigate the intra-modal and
inter-modal correlations present in surface Electromyography (sEMG) and inertial measurement unit
(IMU) signals, and effectively fuse the two modalities. The experimental results showed that SeeSign
achieved a WER of 18.34% and 22.08% on the OH-Sentence and TH-Sentence datasets, respectively.
Jiang et al. [182] presented TrCLR, a novel Transformer-based model for CSLR. To extract features,
they employed the CLIP4Clip video retrieval method, while the overall model architecture adopts an
end-to-end Transformer structure. The CSL dataset, consisting of sign language data, is utilized for
this experiment. The experimental results demonstrated that TrCLR achieved an accuracy of 96.3%.
Hu et al. [183] presented a spatial-temporal feature extraction network (STFE-Net) for continuous
sign language translation (CSLT). The spatial feature extraction network (SFE-Net) selected 53 key
points related to sign language from the 133 key points in the COCO-WholeBody dataset. The
temporal feature extraction network (TFE-Net) utilized a Transformer to implement temporal feature
extraction, incorporating relative position encoding and position-aware self-attention optimization.
The proposed model achieved BLUE-1 = 77.59, BLUE-2 = 75.62, BLUE-3 = 74.25, and BLUE-4 =
72.14 on a Chinese continuous sign language dataset collected by the researchers themselves.
BERT (Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers) is based on the Transformer
architecture and is pre-trained on a large corpus of unlabeled text data [117]. This pre-training
allows BERT to be fine-tuned for various NLP tasks, achieving remarkable performance across
multiple domains. Zhou et al. [174] developed a deep learning framework called SignBERT. SignBERT
combined the BERT with the ResNet to effectively model underlying sign languages and extract
spatial features for CSLR. In another study, Zhou et al. [11] developed A BERT-based deep learning
framework named CASignBERT for CSLR. the proposed CA-SignBERT framework consisted of the
cross-attention mechanism and the weight control module. Experimental results demonstrated that
the CA-SignBERT framework attained the lowest WER in both the validation set (18.3%) and test set
(18.6%) of the PHOENIX14.
X3Ds to create compact and fast spatiotemporal models for continuous sign language tasks. In
order to enhance their performance, they also implemented a random knowledge distillation strategy
Furthermore, user-independency and generalization across different sign languages and users are
crucial for CSLR systems. Developing models that can adapt to different signing styles, regional
variations, and individual preferences is a complex task that requires extensive training data and robust
One of the major challenges in SLR is capturing and understanding the complex spatio-temporal
nature of sign language. On one hand, sign language involves dynamic movements that occur over
time, and recognizing and interpreting these temporal dependencies is essential for understanding the
meaning of signs. On the other hand, SLR also relies on spatial information, particularly the precise
hand shape, hand orientation, and hand trajectory. To address these challenges, researchers in the
field are actively exploring advanced deep learning techniques, to effectively capture and model the
spatio-temporal dependencies in sign language data.
(4) Limited contextual information
Capturing and utilizing contextual information in CSLR systems remains a challenge. Under-
standing the meaning of signs in the context of a sentence is crucial for accurate recognition.
Incorporating linguistic knowledge and language modeling techniques can help interpret signs in the
context of the sentence, improving accuracy and reducing ambiguity.
(5) Real-time processing and latency
Achieving real-time and low-latency CSLR systems while maintaining high accuracy poses
computational challenges. Developing efficient algorithms and optimizing computational resources
can enable real-time processing. Techniques like parallel processing, model compression, and hardware
acceleration should be explored to minimize latency and ensure a seamless user experience.
(6) Generalization to new users and sign languages
Generalizing CSLR models to new users and sign languages is complex. Adapting models to
different users’ signing styles and accommodating new sign languages require additional training data
and adaptation techniques. Transfer learning can be employed to generalize CSLR models across
different sign languages, reducing the need for extensive language-specific training data. Exploring
multilingual CSLR models that can recognize multiple sign languages simultaneously can also improve
By addressing these limitations, the field of SLR can make significant progress in addressing the
limitations and advancing the accuracy, efficiency, and generalization capabilities of SLR systems.
(7) The contradiction between model accuracy and computational power
As models become more complex and accurate, they often require a significant amount of
computational power to train and deploy. This can limit their practicality and scalability in real-world
applications. To address this contradiction, several approaches can be considered:
a) Explore techniques to optimize and streamline the model architecture to reduce compu-
tational requirements without sacrificing accuracy. This can include techniques like model
compression, pruning, or quantization, which aim to reduce the model size and computational
complexity while maintaining performance.
b) Develop lightweight network architectures specifically designed for SLR. These architectures
aim to reduce the number of parameters and operations required for inference while maintain-
ing a reasonable level of accuracy, such as [187–190].
Acknowledgement: Thanks to three anonymous reviewers and the editors of this journal for providing
valuable suggestions for the paper.
CMES, 2024, vol.139, no.3 2439
Funding Statement: This work was supported from the National Philosophy and Social Sciences
Foundation (Grant No. 20BTQ065).
Author Contributions: The authors confirm contribution to the paper as follows: study conception and
design: Yanqiong Zhang, Xianwei Jiang; data collection: Yanqiong Zhang; analysis and interpretation
of results: Yanqiong Zhang, Xianwei Jiang; draft manuscript preparation: Yanqiong Zhang. All
authors reviewed the results and approved the final version of the manuscript.
Availability of Data and Materials: All the reviewed research literature and used data in this manuscript
includes scholarly articles, conference proceedings, books, and reports that are publicly available. The
references and citations can be found in the reference list of this manuscript and are accessible through
online databases, academic libraries, or by contacting the publishers directly.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare that they have no conflicts of interest to report regarding the
present study.
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