I declare that ht compiling of this script is my work as a result of the skills and
I swear that this project has not been presented to Kenya National Examination Council
Signature ……………………………………………………………
Date …………………………………………………………………
Signature ………………………………………………………….
Date ………………………………………………………………..
I dedicate this project to my beloved parent’s role towards my academic program. May
I wish to express my heartfelt gratitude to whoever might have contributed in one way or
the other towards the successful writing of this business entrepreneurial project.
Thanks for the efforts of my supervisor Mr. Samuel for his guidance and direction during
Moi’s Bridge Town on the outskirts of Kitale Town, Kitale – Eldoret Highway.
Most of its operations will be within the town, however if pension after
establishment will take place it will take its products and services to other
With a capital outlay of Kshs 650,000 the business will specialize on supply of
institutional customers. the business is targeting the traders dealing with supply of
milk and its products. Domestic customers, the business is targeting people living
around the dairy farm and those living in the nearby centers. Under institutional
Moi’s Bridge High School, Star of the Sea Academy, Moi’s Bridge Health
customers will be those people operating small diary joints. Advertisement and
promotion of the business will be done by various means, i.e. posters word of
mouth. Supply of milk will be by bicycles, motorbikes and vehicles. The pricing
will be lower compared to other dairies i.e. lower. The business is expected to
The management of the business will be done by the proprietor of the proposed
business with the help of his assistant and an accountant . There will also sales
persons to market the milk, all this will have relevant qualifications for the jobs.
The business will get some supportive and advisory services from banks, postal
services, insurance, lawyers and Auditors. Afterwards the business will have to
pay permits and licenses of Kshs 2,400 per annum, Dairy Board of Kenya Kshs
4,000 per annum. Total for salaries will sum up to Kshs 48,900 per annum.
The business will ensure there is adequate, steady supply of milk throughout the
year. This is by provision of enough animals feed in the store and water.
The production steps will be milking, boiling, culturing, cooling and finally
supplying the milk. A qualified veterinary will ensure that animals are in good
health all the season of the year. Some necessary equipment will be purchased
monthly and some expenditure incurred. The total amount for production cost will
be Kshs 146,200, total amount for raw materials Kshs 94,000, total amount for
labour requirement Kshs 48,900. Production and facilities will total to Kshs
The proposed capital for BRIDGE WAY DAIRY FARM to start is expected to be Kshs
650,000 from which the proprietor expects to invest; there will also be a loan of Kshs
200,000, which he will start at the beginning of the year. Sales will be estimated to
Kshs 2,000,000 in the first year hence increment to the second and third year
respectively. The working capital for the year estimation being Kshs 1,106,900,
owner’s equity Kshs 981,900 while a loan of Kshs 200,000 will be borrowed from
Barclays Bank. The annual net profit for the first three years is expected to be Kshs
The business will be located in my home area, this is Uasin – Gishu District.
Moi’s Bridge Town. It’s along the Kitale – Eldoret road just after the bridge of
managed by George ojara as the owner due to her administration and experience
in dairy field.
The business deals with dairy products, namely supply of milk and milk product.
The business will specifically based on supply of milk, farm yard manure and
biogas production.
It will also collect milk from other bigger firms like, Brook side Dairies, Mois
bridge Dairies, thus acting as agent between farmers and other big firms.
The business will only have one competitor in the region, this is Moy’s bridge
Dairies even though this business is large. It will just have to ensure that it has
The business is a growing industry, this is because the number of head available
will increase will increase as the cows will be calving and will ensure they calf at
The business will ensure that it gets exotic breeds from Agricultural Development
Corporation from Kit ale hence different from other indigenous breeds within the
The owner has and will also be attending seminars in various animals health and
production seminars and vetenary skills form the Artificial Insemination project
Moronjo because the proprietor used to heard her father’s cattle since her youth.
The business is quite different most farmers around the region are not concerned
with supply of milk but they just sue for their domestic purposes, hence the
The business will be able to be successful because the proprietor will also plant
To ensure that the farm will supply 200 liters and more of raw milk and will
acres of land for its heard of cattle in a duration of 2 and a half years.
It will commence by advertising, the business will advertise through posters and
local newspaper, this will enable both the literate and illiterate to be able to know
its existence.
There will be also serious at the local town dealing with animals health and
veterinary services, this will enable both literate and illiterate to be able to know
its existence, this will also enable the proprietor to get more information about
cattle rearing their possible diseases. The name at the business “BRIDGE WAY
DAIRY FARM” will be printed on large signposts at the junction to the farm
entrance by the highway and at the gate so that it can be seen from a distance.
The business will also ensure the quality of its milk is for standard thus increasing
consume milk directly, this includes local customers in the market or at the gate
of the farm. These customers make use of the milk at their own homes, most are
buy from the farm and re –sale the milk to their customers, this will be mostly
small to their customers, this will be mostly small dairy points like Canaan Dairy,
expected to buy milk in bulk quantity like 50 liters, 100 liters. Those customers
include :-
4. Milimani Hospital
In the modern world of business, there must be stiff competition so as the
Herdsman Dairy
These competitors are of the same locality, this business is directly competitors
because they sell the similar type of products like “ OJARA” although the latter
Jambo Dairy Farm Modern equipment and machines Irregular supply at milk
Poor infrastructure
Bridge Way Dairy High quality milk product Not well know
Moi’s Bridge 6 4 3 6 19
Herdsman Dairy 6 4 4 6 20
Jambo Dairy 4 3 4 5 16
Bridge way 6 5 5 5 21
Dairy farm
The entire location and the market center, the surrounding consists of population
of 16,000 people. The proposed business targets about 6,000 people within the
available population
6,0000 x 100
37.5 %
Dairies and comparing the prices and this will enable the business to decide his
prices. The pricing will also be psychological and attractive i.e. if other Dairies
sell a liters at Kshs 19.00 the business will sell at Kshs 18.00 hence it will sell its
Bridge way Dairy farm will use personal selling where customers will be attended
friendly at the gate where it will be one of the farm sales point this point will also
facilities and discounts on purchase of bulk products i.e. more than 10 liters of
milk customers will also be shown how the biogas works license hence get access
to the farm and thus attracts more customers from within the locality sales will be
“Bridge Way Dairy Farm” will attract customers in various ways, this means like
advertisement through posters which will be glued on frees and shops walls
Also advertisement will be done through the word of mouth, salesman and staffs
will use reducing language to attract customers and inform them about our
products hence customers have a desire to know more. The business will also
paint signposts of its name and products on the two junctions towards the
highway, this will enable those traveling to be able to know about the business,
this will be done also in one or two shelters of bus stop in the town.
The business will also be conducting demonstrations on bio- gas plants this will
be producing biogas which will be used for boiling milk products and this will be
The proposed business will be selling its products directly to customers and to
Manager I
Acting as the public relation officer between the farm and outside public.
Ensuring that the work in the farm is done as per the planned schedule for
All the employees in the farm as per the required standards to ensuring that
Ensuring the tallying for milk received from each farmer is of high quality
Being in charge of the operations of the farm while the manager is not
ensuring employees are punctual in attendance and work hard in the farm
Preparation of payrolls for the monthly and daily cash farmers in the farm
Booking of farmers and the farm milk and preparation of monthly sale
Preparation of monthly pay for employees in the farm both casual and
permanent employees.
Salesman 2
Should have certificate in sales and marketing from recognized institute and
experience of 1 year.
Sale of milk at the gate and at the nearby local centers and towns
Should have at least O – level certificate with D + and a clean driving license
Collecting milk from the neighboring farmers in the morning and evening
Collecting and fetching water and nippier grass from the herd of cattle in the
Distribution of milk to various customers of the business both commercial
Make sure the gate is closed and is only open for customers or the farmers.
Not permanently employed, but has an office at the farm for vetinary services
Making sure all the animals in the farm are healthy and well catered for.
Should have at least KCPE or English and some relevant experience on the
Milking of the herd of cows in the compared and in the right time
Collecting dairy feeds from the nearby cattle’s feed store for the herds
Bridge way dairy will poster around frees and walls to advertise for the jobs. They
will put in a strategically positions and nearby centers i.e. Moi’s Bridge, Milimani
Bridge way dairy farm will employ already trained and experienced staff. It will
not train its employees but it will provide a chance for seminars and workshops,
work. Promotion will be necessary when the dairy farm will have enough
Total 48,900
The business will obtain 2 licenses, one from the Municipal Council and one from
The local trade license will be obtained from the Municipal Council of Trans –
Nzoia this is at the Head Office at the district in Kitale Town. The other license is
for the dairy board of Kenya this will be obtained from the dairy boar head office
at Eldoret town.
Total Amount
The proposed business will require support from professional field i.e. Insurance
against fire, theft animal health. This policy will be obtained at Eldoret Insurers in
Kitale Town on legal matters the business will have its advocates in Kitale Town,
Achiengs and associates. The business will hold its account both fixed and current
It will also get some services from Maronjo Artificial Insemination project, this
firm deals with artificial insemination of cattle hence producing quality breeds for
Total 341,000
Business facilities and equipment’s will be maintained and repaired once any
breakage is note. Every tool and equipment will be placed at the right places in
the farm store. This is to ensure they are safe from any defects expenses is
incurred in any repair will be made and entered in the expenses account in the
expenditure record.
The business is on 5 acre plot of land and its outcast is near the famous river
Nzoia which provide the animals in the farm with enough drinking water.
Bridge way dairy farm will ensure there is a steady way of milk to its customers,
this will be possible by ensuring the animals get enough grass and water
throughout the year. The farm will be used in dry seasons when there will be
insufficient grass in the paddock. Purchasing of every litters of milk will be issued
with a receipt, the farm will also ensure there is proper packing of milk for the
customers are of high quality. All customers buying less than five liters of milk
will get it on a well packed packet having the name of the business on it “Bridge
way” dairy kwa Maziwa Bora” Those who will be buying more than 5 liters of
Total 94,000
Prime cost
Over heads
Transport 1,000
Electricity 300
Cows are milked and the milk is stored in the milk cans and milk buckets
After the milk has been boiled. Its then able come bacteria to ferment it, this
After the milk has been belied, cultured its stored in the refrigerator to prevent it.
This will be done to the local customers and supplying to the nearby centers and
in institutions.
Bridge way dairy firm will be registered and a bide by the government regulations
of ensuring that the environment is protected from hazardous substances that may
The proposed business will also ensure health and safety by ensuring that there is
The proposed business will have its trade mark, which will be “ B.W.D.F” the
Dairy Board of Kenya will recognize this trademark as the recognition of the
The milk sold will be of high quality, this will be one of the requirements of
Kenya Bureau of standards, this ensures the quality of milk sold to customers is of
high standard.
These are costs incurred before the business begins to operate the costs are
shown below.
Total 75,900
This is the ultimate difference between current assets and current liabilities that
Fixed assets
Accumulated dep 10 %
Current assets
Short term
Long term
Transport 19,100
Electricity 3,900
Telephone 7,400
Advertising 3,100
Postage 1,240
Fixed costs
Salaries 586,800
Insurance 36,000
Total 663,940
= 2,115,000 – 34,740
= Kshs 2,080,260
= 629,200
= Kshs 642.040
Total 1,181,900
Loan 200,000
= 1,870,300 x 100
= 88 %
= 2, 064,000 x 100
= 89 %
2,361,400 x 100
= 90 %
2. Return on Equity = N.P before tax x 100
= 1,186,900 x 100
= 120 %
= 1,378,720 x 100
= 140 %
= 1,674,220 x 100
= 170 %
3. Return on Investment
= 120 %
= 143 %