Case Report
case report
Obturator hernia is a pelvic f loor type of hernia in which abdominal or pelvic contents protrude through the obturator foramen. It is
considered rare in patients with signs and symptoms of intestinal obstruction causing a diagnostic challenge for clinicians. This case
reports a 91-year-old multiparous female who presented with vague lower abdominal pain associated with obstipation and vomiting.
We present a successful laparoscopic repair of obturator hernia in an elderly female.
Figure 2. Axial (a–c) and Coronal (d) contrast-enhanced reformatted CT image of the abdomen shows distal ileal loop segment protrudes through the
right obturator foramen with the herniated segment trapped between the right obturator externus and pectineus muscles (blue arrow), there is
proximal upstream dilated small bowel loops (red arrows). In keeping with high-grade small bowel obstruction due to strangulated obturator hernia.
A case of intestinal obstruction in a 90-year-old patient | 3
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