GSTIN of Applicant
TAN Card dispatch
Payment Mode
Net Banking: Your Payment of Rs. 77.00 (inclusive of Goods & Services Tax) against transaction number 402-1505083 has been successfully processed.
I/We, SASTIYA RAJENDRAN in my/our capacity as INDIVIDUAL , do hereby declare that what is stated above is true to the best of my/our knowledge
and belief.
Date: 16-01-2025
1 The acknowledgement number above is your unique reference number for TAN application. Kindly quote this number for tracking the status of your TAN application
on www.protean-tinpan.com or any queries relating thereto.
4 Superscribe the envelope with 'APPLICATION FOR TAN - Acknowledgement Number' (e.g. 'APPLICATION FOR TAN - 881010100000973').
Send the documents as specified in the guidelines to Protean eGov Technologies Limited, 4th floor, Sapphire Chambers, Baner Road, Baner, Pune 411045 Tel: 020 -
5 27218080; Fax: 020 - 27218081.
6 Your duly signed acknowledgement, DD if any, should reach Protean within 15 days from the date of online application.
7 Application will be processed only on receipt of relevant proofs and realisation of payment.