TYPE OF ACTIVITY (Please check the category that applies to the activity)
Please check one of the options below to confirm your permission or non -permission of your son’s / daughter’s attendance to the activity.
[ ] I am permitting my son/daughter to join the above activity. I recognize that the School is committed to exercise due diligenc e
to ensure my son’s / daughter’s safety and well-being. However, I understand that the School is not an insurer of all risks and
eventualities. Hence, I hereby confirm that I have reminded my son/daughter to follow all the rules and regulations of the sc hool
and activity.
_____________________________ ___________________________
Signature Over Printed Name Signature Over Printed Name
Relationship: [ ] Mother [ ] Father [ ] Others: Pls. Specify: Student I.D. No.:
Address: Course & Year:
Contact No: Date Signed Date Signed:
HEALTH DECLARATION: This health declaration will help the organizers understand the health condition of the attending student so as to provide
timely support and to make necessary arrangements in the event of an emergency. Please provide accurate data.
1. Have you ever suffered from any allergies? Yes ___ No ___If yes, provide details ________________________________
2. Are you on regular medication? Yes ___ No ___If yes, provide details _________________________________
3. Are you on special diet? Yes ___ No ___If yes, provide details _________________________________
If you have an allergy, medical treatment or health issues, the organizers require that you seek your doctor’s advice before joining this event and
submit documentary proofs (e.g. Doctor’s certification or medical allergy card)
Student’s Full Name: (Family name, First name, middle Initial) Signature: Date signed:
Note: Organizers should facilitate the collection and checking of the parents’ consent before the activity. Copies should be kept at hand for easy access of information
with regard to medical or health concern of the participants.