Jumwa Khutba_202502__
Jumwa Khutba_202502__
Jumwa Khutba_202502__
<stand and face the people, your back towards the Qiblah. You will need, at a minimum,
one other person in order to pray Jumuah. If you do not have another person, pray Dhur
“As-salámu 'alaikum wa rahmatul láhi wa barakátuh”
<Have someone make ajan while you sit, then stand back up after Athan>
A-úju billáhi minash shaytánir rajeem. Bismilláhir rahmánir raheem.
َّور أ َ ْنفُ ِسنَا َو ِم ْن َِّ ش ُر ُ ن َِّ ِ ِإنَّ ْال َح ْم ََّد
َّْ َونَعُو َّذُ ِباللَِّ ِم, ُ َونَ ْست َ ِعينُ َّهُ َونَ ْست َ ْغ ِف ُرَّه, ُن َْح َم ُدَّه, لِل
َوأ َ ْش َه َُّد, ُِي لَ َّه َّ َ َل ف
ََّ ل هَاد َّْ ض ِل
ْ ُن ي َّْ َو َم, ُضلَّ لَ َّه ِ ل ُم َّ َ َللاُ ف َّْ َم, ت أ َ ْع َما ِلنَا
َّ ن يَ ْه ِدَِّه َِّ سيِئَاَ
َُّسولُه ُ ع ْب ُدَّهُ َو َرَ َّيك لَ َّهُ َوأَنَّ ُم َحمدًا ََّ ل ش َِر َّ َّل ِإلَ َّهَ ِإل
ََّ ُللاُ َو ْح َدَّه َّْ َ أ
ََّ ن
Innal hamdu lillahi nahmaduhu wanasta’eenahu, wanastagh-firuhu, wana’ooju Billaahi
min shuroori an-fusinaa, wamin sayyi aati a’maalinaa. May- Yahdillahu fala mudil lalahu,
wa may- yud-lill fala hadi ala. Wa ash-hadu an Laa ilaaha ill-Alláh, wahdahoo laa shareeka
lah, wa ash-hadu anna Muhammadan ‘abduhoo warasooluh”.
My dear brothers, I would like to discuss “The Sacred Lands mentioned in Quran.” It is
essential for us to teach our children about these sacred lands so that they understand their
identity and heritage.
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“And We caused the people who had been oppressed to inherit the eastern regions of the
land and the western ones, which We had blessed. And the good word of your Lord was
fulfilled for the Children of Israel because of what they had patiently endured. And We
destroyed [all] that Pharaoh and his people were producing and what they had been
building.” — Al-A’raf 7:137.
In another verse, Allah says: “Exalted is He who took His Servant by night from al-Masjid al-
Haram to al-Masjid al-Aqsa, whose surroundings We have blessed, to show him of Our
signs. Indeed, He is the Hearing, the Seeing.” — Al-Isra’ 17:1.
These verses highlight the importance of the blessed lands, and it is our responsibility to
pass this knowledge to our children so they remain connected to their faith.
In Al-Anbiya 21:71, Allah says: “And We delivered him and Lot to the land which We had
blessed for the worlds.” In the same chapter, Allah says: “And to Solomon [We subjected]
the wind, blowing forcefully, proceeding by his command toward the land which We had
blessed. And We are ever, of all things, Knowing.” Verse: 21:81.
Similarly, in Al-Mu’minun 23:29: “And say, ‘My Lord, let me land at a blessed landing place,
and You are the best to accommodate [us].’”
These reminders from the Quran reinforce the importance of these lands and the divine
blessings upon them. It is crucial to educate our children about these verses so that they
can appreciate their spiritual significance.
From Hadith, we can see: Ibn Umar (r) reported the Prophet ﷺas saying: “O Allah! Bestow
Your blessings on our Sham! O Allah! Bestow Your blessings on our Yemen.” Those present
said: “And in our Najd, O Messenger of Allah!” But he said, “O Allah, bless us in our Sham;
O Allah, bless us in our Yemen.” Those present said, “And in our Najd, O Messenger of
Allah!” Ibn Umar said that he thought that he said on the third occasion: “Earthquakes and
Fitnah are there, and there shall arise the horn of ash-Shaytaan.” [Sahih al-Bukhari;
Our children should be aware of these teachings so they can distinguish between sacred
lands and places of chaos.
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Rasulallah ﷺsaid: “Behold, indeed the heart of the abode of the believers is Ash-Sham. And
good is attached to the forelocks of the horse until the Day of Qiyamah.” [Ahmed, Tabarani].
On the authority of Zaid Ibn Thabit Al-Ansari that: ‘I heard the Messenger of Allah ﷺsay, ‘How
blessed is Ash-Sham! How blessed is Ash-Sham!’ “And how is that, Oh Messenger of
Allah?” People asked him. ‘Those angels of Allah have spread their wings over Ash-Sham’,
he answered.’ ‘The Prophets built Bait Al-Maqdis (Al-Quds),’ Ibn Abbas added. ‘And the
Prophets lived in it, and there is not an inch in Bait Al-Maqdis where a Prophet has not
prayed or an Angel has not stood.’ [Tirmidhi 4335, Al-Albani Sahih].
By understanding these teachings, our children will grow up with a strong connection to
their faith and history.
From Abu ad-Darda (r), he said: The Prophet ﷺsaid, “I saw a pillar of the book was taken
from underneath my pillow and I looked and it was an extending light directed toward Ash-
Sham. Verily the faith at the time of fitan (turmoil) is in Ash-Sham.” [Ahmed; Tabarani; Al-
Albani Sahih].
From Abdullah Ibn Hawālah, the Prophet ﷺsaid: “It will turn out that you will be armed
troops, one in Ash-Sham, one in Yemen and one in Iraq. Ibn Hawalah said: “Choose for me,
Messenger of Allah, if I reach that time.” He replied: “Go to Ash-Sham, for it is Allah’s chosen
land, to which His best servants will be gathered, but if you are unwilling, go to your Yemen,
and draw water from your tanks, for Allah has on my account taken special charge of Ash-
Sham and its people. [Abu Dawud 2483; Al-Albani Sahih Jiddan]
Mu’awiyah bin Qurrah narrated from his father that the Messenger of Allah ﷺsaid: “When
the inhabitants of Ash-Sham become corrupt, then there is no good in it for you. There will
never cease to be a group in my ummah who will be helped (by Allah), they will not be
harmed by those who forsake them until the Hour is established.” “O Messenger of Allah,”
he was asked, “where are they?” “In and around Jerusalem,” Rasulullah ﷺreplied.” [Tirmidhi
2192; Ahmed (5/35); Al-Albani Sahih].
It was narrated that Salamah bin Nufail Al-Kindi said: “I was sitting with the Messenger of
Allah when a man said: ‘O Messenger of Allah! The people have lost interest in horses and
put down their weapons, and they say there is no Jihad, and that war has ended.’ The
Messenger of Allah turned to face him and said: ‘They are lying, now the fighting is to come.
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There will always be a group among my Ummah who will fight for the truth, for whom Allah
will cause some people to deviate, and grant them provision from them, until the Hour
begins and until the promise of Allah comes. Goodness is tied to the forelocks of horses
until the Day of Resurrection. It has been revealed to me that I am going to die and will not
stay long, and you will follow me group after group, striking one another’s necks. And the
place of safety for the believers is Ash-Sham.’” [An-Nasa’i 3561].
In conclusion, it is our duty to educate our children about these sacred teachings so they
can understand their roots and their faith. By doing so, we ensure that they remain
connected to the Islamic heritage and recognize the significance of these blessed lands in
the light of the Quran and Hadith.
َ ل إِب َْرا ِه َِّ علَىَّ آ َ يم َو ََّ علَىَّ إِب َْرا ِه
َ ْتََّ صلي َ ل ُم َحمدَّ َك َما َِّ علَىَّ آَ علَىَّ ُم َحمدَّ َو َ ل َِّ ص
َ َّٱلل ُهم
ََّ علَىَّ ِإب َْرا ِه
يم َ ت ََّ ار ْك َ َل ُم َحمدَّ َك َما ب َِّ علَىَّ آ
َ علَىَّ ُم َحمدَّ َوَ ك َّْ ار
ِ َك َح ِميدَّ َم ِجيدَّ ٱلل ُهمَّ ب
ََّ ِإن
َّك َح ِميدَّ َم ِجيد ََّ يم ِإنََّ ل ِإب َْرا ِهَِّ علَىَّ آ
َ َو
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Allahumma Salli ‘ala Muhammadin wa ‘ala aali Muhammadin, kama sallaita ‘ala Ibrahima
wa ‘ala aali Ibrahima innaka Hamidum-Majeed. Allahumma barik ‘ala Muhammadin wa
‘ala aali Muhammadin kama barakta ‘ala Ibrahima wa ‘ala aali Ibrahima innaka
ِ ل ت َ ۡكفُ ُر
َّون ۡ ي أ َ ۡذ ُك ۡر ُك َّۡم َو
ََّ ٱش ُك ُروَّاْ ِلي َو َّٰٓ فَ ۡٱذ ُك ُرو ِن
Fazkurooneee azkurkum washkuroo lee wa laa takfuroon [2:152].