Feburary 2011
Importing and Exporting Designs
Advanced Design System 2011.01 - Importing and Exporting Designs
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The following third-party libraries are used by the NlogN Momentum solver:
"This program includes Metis 4.0, Copyright © 1998, Regents of the University of
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SuperLU_MT version 2.0 - Copyright © 2003, The Regents of the University of California,
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Advanced Design System 2011.01 - Importing and Exporting Designs
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AMD Version 2.2 - AMD Notice: The AMD code was modified. Used by permission. AMD
copyright: AMD Version 2.2, Copyright © 2007 by Timothy A. Davis, Patrick R. Amestoy,
and Iain S. Duff. All Rights Reserved. AMD License: Your use or distribution of AMD or any
modified version of AMD implies that you agree to this License. This library is free
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General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of
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UMFPACK 5.0.2 - UMFPACK Notice: The UMFPACK code was modified. Used by permission.
UMFPACK Copyright: UMFPACK Copyright © 1995-2006 by Timothy A. Davis. All Rights
Reserved. UMFPACK License: Your use or distribution of UMFPACK or any modified version
of UMFPACK implies that you agree to this License. This library is free software; you can
redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at
your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
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more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St,
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Advanced Design System 2011.01 - Importing and Exporting Designs
program under the terms of the GNU LGPL, provided that the Copyright, this License, and
the Availability of the original version is retained on all copies. User documentation of any
code that uses this code or any modified version of this code must cite the Copyright, this
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Availability note are retained, and a notice that the code was modified is included.
(including versions 2.2.1 and earlier, in FORTRAN) is available at . MA38 is available in the Harwell Subroutine
Library. This version of UMFPACK includes a modified form of COLAMD Version 2.0,
originally released on Jan. 31, 2000, also available at . COLAMD V2.0 is also incorporated as a built-in
function in MATLAB version 6.1, by The MathWorks, Inc. .
COLAMD V1.0 appears as a column-preordering in SuperLU (SuperLU is available at ). UMFPACK v4.0 is a built-in routine in MATLAB 6.5. UMFPACK v4.3
is a built-in routine in MATLAB 7.1.
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The HiSIM_HV source code, and all copyrights, trade secrets or other intellectual property
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Advanced Design System 2011.01 - Importing and Exporting Designs
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Advanced Design System 2011.01 - Importing and Exporting Designs
About Importing and Exporting Designs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Layout Export Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Available File Formats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Importing and Exporting Schematic and Layout Designs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Importing a Schematic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Exporting a Schematic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Importing a Layout . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Exporting a Layout . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Using the Pre-Production Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
File Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Edit Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
View Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Window Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Viewing Files in the Pre-Production Editor During Export . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Viewing Files in the Pre-Production Editor During Import . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Editing Files in the Pre-Production Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Cadence/PCB Translator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Importing Cadence/PCB Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Import Cadence/PCB Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Exporting Cadence/PCB Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
DXF/DWG Translator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
Importing DXF/DWG Files to ADS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
Exporting an ADS Design to DXF/DWG Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
EGS Archive Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
Importing EGS Archive Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
Exporting EGS Archive Files ................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
EGS Generate Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
Importing EGS Generate Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
Exporting EGS Generate Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
Gerber Translator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
Gerber Command Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
Importing Gerber/Drill Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
Exporting Gerber Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
Exporting Drill Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
GDSII Stream File Translator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
Importing GDSII Files to ADS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
Exporting an ADS Design to GDSII . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
HPGL/2 Files ............................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
Exporting HPGL/2 Graphics Files ............. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
IFF Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
Importing IFF Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
Exporting IFF Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
IGES Translator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
Translator Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
Importing IGES Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
Exporting IGES Files ........................ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
Mask Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
Importing Mask Graphics Files ................. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
Exporting Mask Graphics Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
MGC/PCB Files ............................. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
Exporting MGC/PCB Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
ODB++ Translator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87
Advanced Design System 2011.01 - Importing and Exporting Designs
Importing ODB++ Files to ADS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87
Exporting ADS Design to ODB++ Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
Advanced Design System 2011.01 - Importing and Exporting Designs
In Advanced Design System, translating physical designs is initiated from the layout
window using the File > Import and File > Export menu commands. The program's
import/export translators are highly configurable. Each translator has associated options
that you can set from the Import and Export dialog boxes. These options control how the
translator works. For example, with the IGES and GDSII format flatten option, a layout
can be translated as a flat, non-hierarchical design. Similarly, the merge option for these
formats creates two new polygons from two intersecting closed shapes.
Other options include arc conversions, treatment of holes and text, and in the layers file,
specification of layer translation tables. The IGES translator has the greatest number of
options because IGES is such a broad standard. System defaults are included with the
product and are automatically used if no others are specified.
Translating schematic designs is initiated from the ADS Main or Schematic window using
the File > Import and File > Export menu commands. Similar to the Layout translators,
each schematic translator has associated options that control how the translator works.
With all export formats, you must consider layout units and data base precision. The units
and precision used in layout should match those you want in the final output.
Usually no problems are associated with translating units that are in the same
measurement system (such as, mils to inches or centimeters to millimeters). However,
round-off errors can occur when translating from metric-to-English units or vice versa.
Similarly, no problem is associated with translating a less precise data base resolution in
the program to a more precise output resolution. However, the reverse process (such as,
0.001 Layout to 0.01 GDSII) can result in loss of data.
Advanced Design System 2011.01 - Importing and Exporting Designs
shows the available file formats and the individual import/export options.
Available File Formats and File Extensions ADS Main Window ADS Schematic ADS Layout
DXF/DWG (hierarchical) (.dxf, .dwg) - - Import/Export
DXF/DWG (flattened) (.dxf, .dwg) - - Import
EGS Archive Format (_a) - - Import/Export
EGS Generate Format (_g) - Import Import/Export
GDSII Stream Format (.gds) - - Import/Export
Gerber/Drill (.gbr) - - Import/Export
Gerber Viewer (.msk, .gbr) - - Import/Export
HPGL/2 (.hpg) - - Export
IFF (.iff) Import Import/Export Import/Export
IGES (.igs) - - Import/Export
Mask File (.msk) - Import Import/Export
MGC/PCB (.iff) Import - Import/Export
Cadence/PCB Import - Import/Export
ODB++ - - Import/Export
Netlist File † Import Import -
† For detailed information on SPICE (.cir, .cki) or Spectre (.scs) netlist file import, refer to the Netlist
Translator for SPICE and Spectre documentation.
Steps for importing and exporting these files are outlined in Importing and Exporting
Schematic and Layout Designs (trans).
The Drawing Exchange Format (DXF) was developed by Autodesk for its A utoCAD
product and is widely used to transfer geometric data between systems. Like the mask file
format, it provides a simple geometric representation of data. DXF files can be transferred
between PC-based or UNIX-based systems. DXF is a very simple file format that can be
read by most CAD programs that support DXF.
DWG is a binary format, therefore the files take less time to load and save. Advanced
Design System supports importing and exporting to/from AutoCAD. AutoCAD versions 12
to 2007 are supported for import. AutoCad versions 2000, 2004 and 2007 are supported
for export. Carefully consider how you want to use DXF/DWG output - including layer
numbering, use of holes, and polygon shapes - before beginning your layout design.
Setting up the proper layout rules in ADS can save a lot of time in generating acceptable
DXF/DWG output. For specific considerations or limitations, consult your AutoCAD
documentation. For details, see DXF/DWG Translator (trans).
EGS (Archive/Generate)
Advanced Design System 2011.01 - Importing and Exporting Designs
Engineering Graphics System (EGS) format is a general graphics format used for capturing
manually entered designs. EGS has been applied to ICs, Micro-circuits, Hybrids, and PC
Board design applications. Using this format, you can easily exchange data with other
programs using EGS formats.
The layout portion of Advanced Design System has adopted many of the primitive types
and styles that are part of the EGS standard, but has a more enriched set of capabilities
that structure information not representable in EGS. For example, EGS files cannot
represent embedded arcs.
The Generate format is a flattened list of EGS primitives specified in the user-defined
unit space. No additional information is supplied such as supplied with the Archive
The Archive format is a hierarchically organized list of EGS primitives specified in the
user-defined unit space. Information such as drawing shapes, layout units, database
precision, and grid spacing is included.
For details, see EGS Archive Files (trans) and EGS Generate Files (trans).
GDSII Stream
GDSII Stream Format (Calma) is an industry standard for translating final mask data to
foundries. The Advanced Design System reads GDSII versions 4.0 through 6.0 and writes
GDSII version 6.0.
Unlike other data formats, GDSII stream format is binary. You cannot easily view or edit a
stream format file using a text editor. This format is easily translated between different
CAD systems because it represents a highly restrictive data type. However, the format has
a number of significant limitations; these limitations are discussed in GDSII Stream File
Translator (trans).
Gerber refers to various data input formats that Gerber Scientific uses to drive its
photoplotters. The Gerber format is used by photoplotters produced by other
manufacturers also. Advanced Design System supports various types of Gerber output via
mask files to either the Gerber or DXF translator. For details, see Gerber Translator
The Intermediate File Format (IFF) is an ASCII file with a simple, line-oriented command
structure and a fairly rich set of constructs. This format is machine- and application-
independent, thus simplifying design data transfer.
IFF files are used as the exchange mechanism when transferring designs between
Advanced Design System and third-party EDA tools such as Mentor Graphics Design
Architect and Cadence Analog Artist. For more information about these framework links,
contact your Agilent Technologies sales representative.
The Initial Graphics Exchange Specification (IGES) is an approved ANSI standard of the
U.S. Department of Commerce (ANSI Y14.25M) that is used extensively throughout the
computer-aided design and manufacturing world. The IGES format can represent both
mechanical and electrical design data in two and three dimensions.
Because IGES is such a broad standard, the government has attempted to further define a
stricter standard of IGES for the transfer of electrical design data. This standard is known
as CALS specification. The CALS specification for IGES is officially contained in the military
specification MIL-D-28000, Digital Representation for Communication of Product Data:
IGES Application Subsets.
The Advanced Design System supports version 4.0 and 5.0 IGES formats. The program
reads and writes IGES CALS Level 1 (technical illustration) and Level 3
(electrical/electronic applications) files. Level 2 (engineering drawings) is not fully
supported since Level 2 is used primarily for drafting applications.
Even with the CALS standards, CAD systems accept very different IGES formats. Although
it is impossible to accommodate every format, you can use a number of options to
configure various IGES translators, including translators supplied by Autodesk, Mentor
Graphics, and Cadence. For details, see IGES Translator (trans).
Mask File
Mask file format is a simple flat (non-hierarchical) geometric description. The format
facilitates the transfer of simple geometric data for final mask processing. Only geometric
forms are described in a mask file; simulation data, element parameters, substrate
definitions, and hierarchy are not included.
The Gerber and DXF translators use the mask file format as an intermediate file when
Advanced Design System 2011.01 - Importing and Exporting Designs
converting data to Gerber and DXF. For details, see Mask Files (trans).
MGC/PCB files are IFF files that are used exclusively for Mentor Graphics design transfers.
Although this format is available from the Advanced Design System layout menu only, you
can transfer both schematic and layout information.
MGC/PCB files write to a specific location each and every time. When you select this
format, the filename and location of the IFF transport is determined automatically. For
details, MGC/PCB (trans).
ODB++ is widely accepted as a practical de-facto standard within the electronics industry
as an efficient way to move printed circuit bareboard, assembly and test data on the
manufacturing-engineering level within design/manufacturing supply chains. It is designed
as a simple yet comprehensive description of all entities needed in the manufacturing of a
printed circuit board. Advanced Design System supports importing and exporting to/from
ODB++ file. For details, see ODB++ Translator (trans)
Netlist Files
Simulation Program with Integrated Circuit Emphasis ( SPICE) is a simulation tool used by
engineers throughout the world for simulating circuits of all types. Since its development
at the University of California Berkeley, SPICE has been commercialized and modified by a
large number of vendors and also adopted and modified by electronics companies for their
own in-house use. Many designers and companies have large investments in existing
subcircuits or device models described by SPICE netlists that they want to use with the
Advanced Design System from Agilent Technologies.
For detailed information on SPICE or Spectre file import, refer to Netlist Translator for
SPICE and Spectre (netlist).
Advanced Design System 2011.01 - Importing and Exporting Designs
To prevent performance and memory consumption problems with large designs such as reticles or
imported designs for use with Momentum, refer to Disabling Layout Connectivity Features (usrguide).
Importing a Schematic
For available file formats that you can import from an ADS Schematic window, refer to
Available Formats (trans). For information on importing SPICE and Spectre netlist files,
refer to the Netlist Translator for SPICE and Spectre (netlist).
The procedure for importing each format is generally the same, however the available
options differ. For options relating to a particular file format, see the appropriate section.
5. Click Browse to specify the path and file name of the file you want to import.
6. Double-click as needed to locate the directory containing the schematic. By default,
all files are listed that have the file suffix appropriate for the chosen file format.
7. Select the schemaatic design you want to import and click OK. You are returned to
the Import dialog box and the selected filename appears in the field labeled Import
File Name (Source).
8. Where applicable, type a new name for your imported design in the New Design
Name (Destination) field.
For certain file types, the translator uses the existing file name to determine the new design name.
9. Click OK to import the design and dismiss the Import dialog box.
Advanced Design System 2011.01 - Importing and Exporting Designs
Exporting a Schematic
For available file formats that you can export from an ADS Schematic window, refer to
Available Formats (trans).
The procedure for exporting IFF files is the same as the import, but the available options
differ. For options relating to the IFF file format, see IFF Files (trans).
1. Open the schematic design and click File > Export. The Export dialog box appears.
2. Select IFF file format from the File Type drop-down list.
3. Click More Options to set export options. The More Options dialog box appears.
4. Change options as needed and click OK.
5. To specify a path for the exported file, click Browse.
6. Double-click as needed to locate the directory for the exported design. By default, all
files are listed that have the file suffix appropriate for the chosen file format.
7. Click OK.
8. Type a new filename in the Export dialog box, following the path, and click OK. The
file is written to the specified directory.
Importing a Layout
For available file formats that you can import from an ADS Layout window, refer to
Available Formats and Import/Export Options (trans).
The procedure for importing each format is the same, but the available options differ. For
options relating to a particular file format, refer to the associated section.
1. In the ADS Layout window, click File > Import to open the Import dialog box.
2. In the File Type field, click the arrow in the right-hand corner to display a drop-down
list of available formats. Select the format you want to import.
3. Click More Options to define the options for your selected format.
Advanced Design System 2011.01 - Importing and Exporting Designs
Each format has its own set of import options. Refer to the individual translator topic.
4. In the More Options dialog box, click OK to save your settings and return to the
Import dialog box.
5. In the Import File Name (Source) field enter the full path of the source file.
Alternatively, click Browse to open the Select Source File dialog box and locate the
file you want. After locating the file, click Open to accept the selection and return to
the Import dialog box. The appropriate suffix () is appended to the filename
6. In the New Design Name (Destination) field, enter the full destination path and a
name for the new file. Alternatively, you can click Browse to open the Select New
Advanced Design System 2011.01 - Importing and Exporting Designs
Design Name dialog box and locate the destination path. After locating the file, click
Open to accept the selection and return to the Import dialog box. The appropriate
suffix is appended to the filter automatically.
New Design Name (Destination) cannot be specified for EGS Archive Format, GDSII Stream Format,
IFF, Gerber, DXF, Mask, ODB__ or IGES files.
7. Click OK to accept the selections and start the import process. One or more files may
be created.
Exporting a Layout
For available file formats that you can export from an ADS Layout window, refer to
Available Formats (trans).
The procedure for exporting each format is the same, but the available options differ. For
options relating to a particular file format, see the appropriate section.
Gerber Viewer appears as an export file option. It is not a file format, but is placed on the export file
menu so you can open the Gerber Viewer at any time. In addition, you can access the Viewer during a
DXF or Gerber export (see Using the Gerber Viewer (trans)).
1. In the ADS Layout window, click File > Export. The Export dialog box appears.
Advanced Design System 2011.01 - Importing and Exporting Designs
2. In the File type drop-down list to open the available formats. Select the format you
want to export.
3. Click More Options to define the options for the selected format.
Each format has its own set of import options. Refer to the appropriate section.
4. In the More Options dialog box, click OK to save your settings and return to the
Export dialog box.
5. In the Destination file, enter the full path of the destination file. Alternatively, click
Browse to open the Select Destination File dialog box. After locating the destination
directory, click OK to accept the selection and return to the Export dialog box. Enter
a file name. The appropriate suffix is appended to the file name automatically.
Advanced Design System 2011.01 - Importing and Exporting Designs
Destination file cannot be specified for MGC/PCB files. MGC/PCB files are written to the same
predetermined location each and every time. For more information on this file type, see MGC/PCB
Files (trans).
6. Click OK to accept the selections and start the export process. Additional dialog
boxes display for the DXF, Gerber, IFF, and MGC/PCB formats. To complete
translation of these formats, refer to the appropriate section.
Advanced Design System 2011.01 - Importing and Exporting Designs
to edit a large design down to a smaller design prior to importing it into ADS. This
edited design can be saved and then imported in ADS.
or after import, to verify that the DXF/DWG design data and the ADS-imported
design appear similar.
File Menu
The File menu contains common Open, Save, Save As, and Close functions and lists the
four most recent files viewed in the editor.
When files are saved as Gerber/Drill files using the Pre-Production editor, the layer name is used as the
file name.
Edit Menu
The Edit menu contains common and specialized editing commands.
Enable Editing
Enables editing commands to be performed on the current design. De-select this item to
view the design in read-only mode. In this mode, editing commands are unavailable.
Advanced Design System 2011.01 - Importing and Exporting Designs
Undoes the last editing command. A stack of edit commands is created enabling you to
choose Undo repeatedly to return to an earlier state of your design. A stack is maintained
for each window, thus the Undo command works independently from window to window.
Enables you to delete one or more items from one window, and paste in another window.
Enables you to copy items in a given design window and then paste those items within the
same design window or another design window.
Enables you to paste items that you previously cut or copied. You are prompted to enter
the X and Y coordinates of the position where you want to paste the copied items. Select
Apply to paste or Cancel to dismiss pasting.
To delete selected items, click the Delete button on the toolbar, or press the Delete key
on the keyboard, or choose Delete from the Edit menu. Deleted items can be restored
using the Undo command.
Select All
Deselect All
Advanced Design System 2011.01 - Importing and Exporting Designs
Union, Intersection, Union Minus Intersection, Crop, and Chop do not work for open ended figures with
zero width (for example arc and polylines).
View Menu
The view menu contains commands that allow you to alter the view of the current design.
View All
Your design is scaled and repositioned to fit within the viewing area.
The Zoom commands enable you to enlarge or shrink the area being viewed. You can
zoom in and zoom out using mouse wheel. The enlarged or condensed figure is moved
towards the center of the window.
Click Zoom To Area > click a point and then with the mouse button pressed move the
mouse to the bottom right of the area and release the mouse button to define a new view.
Click Zoom to Point to zoom in on a specified point in the window. Click to specify a point
and the current view is magnified by a factor of two, moving the point you specify to the
center of the window.
Advanced Design System 2011.01 - Importing and Exporting Designs
Undo/Redo Stack
Shows last performed actions. You have an option to undo or redo the last operations
Layer Table
The layer Table displays the layer information. It enables you to switch on/off layers from
display. It also enables you to view layer number, layer name and layer color. Click Select
All to view all the layers and Deselect All to switch off all the layers. All the layers are
displayed by default.
The status window displays messages about the status of the current design, as well as
warning and error messages.
Window Menu
This menu contains the following common Window commands.
Advanced Design System 2011.01 - Importing and Exporting Designs
1. Select DXF/DWG or Gerber/Drill from File type drop-down list in Export dialog.
2. Select the View file after export checkbox and click OK.
This will display the exported DXF/DWG or Gerber/Drill file. A status window shows if
the export is complete or failed and the design is displayed in the Pre-Production
1. Select DXF/DWG or Gerber/Drill from File type drop-down list in Import dialog.
2. Click Preview to view the file in the Pre-Production Editor.
Advanced Design System 2011.01 - Importing and Exporting Designs
2. Click Crop or Chop.
3. Mark the area to crop/chop using mouse.
Advanced Design System 2011.01 - Importing and Exporting Designs
Cadence/PCB Translator
Cadence/PCB files are IFF files that are used to transfer schematic and layout data
simultaneously to Cadence Concept and Allegro PCB editors. This format is available from
the Advanced Design System layout menu only, yet it enables the transfer of both
schematic and layout information.
When you select the Cadence/PCB export format from an Advanced Design System Layout
window, both a layout and schematic IFF file are exported in a single step. The design
data is exported into a standard directory tree contained in the program's workspace
directory structure. The standard directory is called to_cadence.
The exported files are placed within this directory in a subdirectory that is named the
same as the design being exported. This subdirectory contains an information file and the
translated schematic and layout IFF files. Thus, if you were translating a design called test
, the exported files (design_info, schematic.iff and layout .iff) would found in a directory
called to_cadence/test.hpxfer.
For information on how to import the files in the Cadence tools, consult the Cadence
Allegro PCB Editor user guide.
To import an Cadence/PCB file follow the steps as outlined in Importing a Layout (trans).
For available options (accessed via More Options in the Import dialog box), see Import
Cadence/PCB Options.
The Import Cadence/PCB Options dialog enables you to specify configuration an trace
handling to control the import of Cadence/PCB files.
Advanced Design System 2011.01 - Importing and Exporting Designs
When this option is selected, the .iff file is removed once the file is successfully imported.
This option is not selected as the default.
When this option is selected, ALL translation information is recorded in the ifftolib.log file
resulting in step-by-step description of what happened internally during your translation.
This option is primarily intended to be used as a diagnostics tool so the default mode for
this option is deselected. Note that error and warning messages will always appear in your
status window regardless of this selection.
When this option is selected, the IFF import resets the symbol pin numbers to match port
numbers based on the node name of the schematic port. By default, symbol pin numbers
are matched to schematic port numbers based on the port's instance name.
For each wire attached to a port, the wire label will be set to name of the port from the
Cadence environment. To maintain proper connectivity in the ADS environment, this
option must be enabled if connectors share a common name in the Cadence environment.
Advanced Design System 2011.01 - Importing and Exporting Designs
Use layouts from libraries instead of building local copies from IFF file
When this option is selected, library elements that already exist in the system libraries are
not recreated for the imported file. Instead, these elements are read from the local
libraries; if an element does not exist in a local library, then it is newly created. This
option is deselected as the default, and all elements are created/recreated in the local
When the IFF file does not specify a library name for a component that needs to be
created, the library name specified in this field is used. This is necessary for environments
that do not support the concept of a library.
The Default Library Name For Library Parts field is identical to the field of the same name in the Export IFF
Options dialog box. Changes made to this field will modify the contents of the field in the Export IFF
Options dialog box.
The IFF translator can be used as the initial step in creating an ADS component library
however, this topic is outside of the scope of this documentation. Creating an ADS
component library using IFF requires specialized tools and training. If you're interested in
learning more about this topic, contact Agilent EEsof-EDA's Solution Services.
Trace Handling
Trace Handling enables you to select how you want your meander elements interpreted
during a translation.
Trace When this option is selected, meander elements are translated as simulatable
traces with pins. This is the default setting.
Path When this option is selected, meander elements are translated as primitive data
type with center line and width. The default for this option is deselected.
Polygon When this option is selected, meander elements are translated as polygons. The
default for this option is deselected.
If you choose Use layouts from libraries instead of building local copies from IFF file in the Import IFF
Options dialog box, choose Path in the Trace Handling options. Fixed artwork is not simulatable, therefore
it is not necessary for the interconnects to be simulatable.
1. Follow the steps as outlined in Exporting a Layout (trans). For available options
(accessed via More Options in the Export dialog box), see Export Cadence/PCB
2. If the option Prompt For User Message was selected, an Export Cadence/PCB Options
message dialog appears:
Enter any messages to be included with the design transfer. This information is used
only by the import_hpeesof utility (see Cadence/PCB Files) and is not kept with the
If you do not wish to include a message in the file, you may leave this window
empty. If you want to print the message, click Print.
To proceed with the transfer, click OK.
3. When the translation is completed, the following message window appears:
Advanced Design System 2011.01 - Importing and Exporting Designs
Review the log, searching for any warnings or error messages generated during
The log file appears in the hpeesofeedit window by default. This window is provided
as a means of viewing the file and is not intended for editing.
5. To dismiss the log window, choose File > Quit.
Advanced Design System 2011.01 - Importing and Exporting Designs
Overwrite IFF File
When writing to an existing file, the contents of that file are overwritten. This is the
default setting.
Append to IFF File
When writing to an existing file, the new data is appended to the existing file.
The name of the library to which the library parts are written. Design objectives are
stored in a group that uses the same name as the workspace directory, but library parts
are stored in either the default library hpeesoflib or a library that you specify.
Note The default library name can contain only alphabetic and numeric characters.
When this option is selected, if an instance is disabled in the schematic, it will still be
output into the IFF file. If the checkbox is deselected (default), disabled instances will not
be exported. This option can be utilized to omit certain components from being transferred
to remote environments that might not support the components (e.g. disable the
simulation components prior to creating an IFF file to send to Cadence, which does not
have any definitions for the simulator components). Activate this option if you want to get
everything. Deactivate this option if you want to filter out the unused/unwanted
When this option is selected, ADS Item Definition properties are utilized to recreate the
information necessary to simulate a component for ADS. For example, if you have
parameters on a resistor, some Item Definition properties are created in the IFF file (e.g.
R_ADS_UNIT=1), which allow the IFF importer to exactly recreate the component as it
exists in ADS. However, other tools will not recognize the Item Definition parameters, and
may misinterpret the properties as being separate. If library symbols are being exported
to other environments that do not recognize the ADS Item Definition parameters, the
option should be turned off. This option is deselected by default.
When this option is selected, parameter values are exported as they normally appear in
ADS (i.e. with a space between the number and the scalar, e.g. "1 pF"). If the checkbox is
deactivated, the exporter converts the values into the IFF value specification, which is to
have no space between a number and a scalar (e.g. "1pF"). Ideally, an IFF exporter
should interpret either form of number, and set the value internally to whatever is normal
for that environment. Some environments do not interpret the IFF property values in any
way and can exhibit problems with the values when they are imported.
Advanced Design System 2011.01 - Importing and Exporting Designs
Current Design Only Write current level only. Complete design information for the
current design is exported. Instance-specific information (parameter values and
coordinates identifying position) is also exported. Detailed definitions of a referenced
design are not exported.
Current Design and All Library Parts Complete design information for the current
design is exported. Referenced designs that reside in a library selected for inclusion
during export and are part of the current design's hierarchy are also exported. In
addition, library parts are exported.
Displays the current library. If hierarchical, all included libraries are listed in the
appropriate order.
The libraries for which schematic design information is exported. You may customize this
list if the current library is hierarchical. (Note that complete layout hierarchy is always
To add a library to this list:
1. In the Libraries Included list, click the entry you want to remove.
2. Click Remove. The library is removed from the list.
To remove all entries from the Libraries Included list, click Remove All.
When selected, a user message window appears before the transfer is initiated. This
window enables you to enter any messages that you want included in the translated file.
For more information about the user message, see Export Cadence/PCB Options.
DXF/DWG Translator
The DXF/DWG translator enables you to convert ADS designs into AutoCAD's DXF/DWG
file format, as well as convert DXF/DWG files into ADS designs. DXF is a very simple file
format that can be read by most CAD programs that support DXF. The DXF/DWG
translator is bidirectional and provides support for hierarchical and all layer separation.
DWG is a binary format, therefore the files take less time to load and save. ADS supports
importing and exporting to/from AutoCAD. AutoCAD versions 12 to 2007 are supported for
import. AutoCad versions 2000, 2004 and 2007 are supported for export. Carefully
consider how you want to use DXF/DWG output - including layer numbering, use of holes,
and polygon shapes - before beginning your layout design. Setting up the proper layout
rules in ADS can save a lot of time in generating acceptable DXF/DWG output. For specific
considerations or limitations, consult your AutoCAD documentation.
Password protected DWG files are not supported.
ADS includes an editor that can display the DXF/DWG design. Using the editor, you can
compare the DXF/DWG files to the original ADS layout design to verify that the design was
exported correctly. Similarly, DXF/DWG files can be previewed prior to import into ADS:
to edit a large design down to a smaller design prior to importing it into ADS. This
edited design can be saved and then imported in ADS.
or after import, to verify that the DXF/DWG design data and the ADS-imported
design appear similar.
This section describes the definable options available for importing files in the DXF/DWG
format. To view the options:
The More Options dialog box enables you to specify flattening and layers to control the
import of DXF/DWG format files. A DXF/DWG file and layers file must be selected in the
main export dialog for the More Options dialog box to open.
Advanced Design System 2011.01 - Importing and Exporting Designs
DXF Options
Flatten Hierarchy
Select Flatten Hierarchy to remove any hierarchy that may be present in the DXF/DWG
selected. Default setting retains the hierarchy.
If you select a DXF/DWG file that contains more than 50 component designs this option gets automatically
enabled in order to avoid long import times.
Older versions of the DXF file format may not specify units. If no Units were specified in
the input DXF file, this option is enabled. Default setting is mil.
If the unit mentioned in the import file is different form layout unit then a warning
message (trans) is displayed.
Layer Options
Advanced Design System 2011.01 - Importing and Exporting Designs
The Layer tab displays a list all the layers in DXF/DWG file. Layers can be selectively
imported to ADS using the import column. By default all layers are imported. Using this
tab user can map DXF/DWG layers to ADS layers during import. By default DXF/DWG
layers are mapped to ADS layers with same name. If no match is found the mapped layer
is Mismatch. During import if a Mismatch mapping is encountered a new layer with same
name as DXF/DWG layer name is created in current workspace technology in ADS.
User can save layer mapping in .map file using Save Mapping button.
During import user can load a previously saved layer mapping file (.map) using Load
Mapping button.
Set the Arc/Circle resolution (degrees) value before importing the DXF/DWG file. From the Layout window,
click Options > Preferences. From the Preferences dialog box, click Entry/Edit tab and change the
Arc/Circle resolution (degrees) field.
Advanced Design System 2011.01 - Importing and Exporting Designs
DXF/DWG ADS Layout Equivalent
Line with width = 0 Polyline
Line with width > 0 Path
Polygon with width = 0 Polygon
Polygon with width > 0 Polygon with cutline
Rectangle with width = 0 Rectangle
Rectangle with width > 0 Polygon with cutline
Circle with width = 0 Circle
Circle with width > 0 Polygon with cutline
Arc with width = 0 Arc
Arc with width > 0 Polygon
1. Follow the steps as outlined in Exporting a Layout (trans). For available options
(accessed via More Options in the Export dialog box), see Export DXF/DWG Options.
2. After clicking OK in the Export dialog box, the translator converts your ADS Layout to
DXF format.
Once in DXF/DWG file format, the file is available for use in AutoCAD or other Mechanical
CAD systems.
Advanced Design System 2011.01 - Importing and Exporting Designs
The Options tab enables you to select various design attributes and AutoCad File Formats
in the translation.
File format
DXF (Text)
Select this option to export the ADS design to DXF format as an ASCII text file. This
selection is the default settling.
Select this option to export your ADS design to a binary DWG file format. Exporting to
DWG file format is faster than the DXF (Text) format. Also file size of the DWG file will be
smaller as compared to corresponding DXF (Text) file.
Autocad version
Use this drop-down list to select the AutoCad version. ADS layout can be exported in three
AutoCad versions: 2000, 2004, and 2007.
Paths as polygons
Select Paths As Polygons to export the design paths or traces as polygons. Paths or
traces have mitered or curved corners that need to be preserved in the translation. The
ADS layout has paths with endpoint types other than flush that need to be preserved in
the program database. This option is selected as the default.
Text as polylines
Select Text as polylines option to convert all layout text to set of polylines. The fonts are
maintained as in layout.
Hole format
The Hole format section enables you to define how the translator deals with holes in a
Holes as polygons
Select Holes As polygons to convert holes into polygons. One polygon will be created for
each hole in the same layer.
Some systems may not be able to tolerate complex polygons with cutlines. For these systems, select
Holes as polygons. This option is deselected as the default.
Holes as cutlines
Select Holes as cutlines to convert holes into cutlines. This option is selected as the
Advanced Design System 2011.01 - Importing and Exporting Designs
The Export column enables you to deselect one or more layers to exclude it from the
output file. Default setting is all layers selected and exported.
Advanced Design System 2011.01 - Importing and Exporting Designs
When importing an EGS Archive file into Advanced Design System, you may specify a
Layers File Nam e for the creation of a layers definition file (the Layers File Name field is
located in the Import dialog box). This file will be automatically created and will contain
the layer information from the EGS Archive file, as well as layers automatically added as
necessary during import. All designs created during import reference this layers file.
Oval or hatch shapes of the EGS Archive format are not supported in Advanced Design
Advanced Design System 2011.01 - Importing and Exporting Designs
EGS Archive Object Advanced Design System Layout Equivalent
Line with width = 0 Polyline
Line with width > 0 Path
Polygon with width = 0 Polygon
Polygon with width > 0 Polygon with cutline on longest segment
Rectangle with width = 0 Rectangle
Rectangle with width > 0 Polygon with cutline on longest segment
Circle with width = 0 Circle
Circle with width > 0 Polygon with cutline to the right
Arc with width = 0 Polyline
Arc with width > 0 Polygon
When this option is selected, a list of mask layers is included with the translated design.
This option is selected as the default.
Advanced Design System 2011.01 - Importing and Exporting Designs
Paths As Polygons
When Paths As Polygons is selected, the design paths or traces are exported as polygons.
This should be selected for the following conditions:
Paths or traces have mitered or curved corners that need to be preserved in the
T he EGS Archive file has paths with endpoint types other than flush that need to be
preserved in the program database.
Holes As Polygons
When this is selected, holes are converted to polygons. When Holes As Polygons is not
selected (this is the default), polygons with holes are translated as single-segment
polygons, the false edge segment becoming part of the polygon. Some systems may not
be able to tolerate this type of complex polygon. For these systems, select Holes As
Polygons .
This option is deselected as the default.
Flatten Components
When Flatten Components is selected, all instances whose artwork type is defined with an
AEL macro will be flattened when exported. For example, if a design contains an MLIN it
will be flattened. This option is deselected as the default. It only affects the current design
and will not change the hierarchy.
All Filled
When this is selected, all data is transferred as filled. This option is deselected as the
Flatten All
When Flatten All is selected, all levels of hierarchy are automatically removed and a single
flat design is exported. There are no references from the top-level structure to any other
structure in the design. This option is useful when your post-processor does not support or
correctly translate hierarchy in EGS Archive files. Please note: if a substructure was
instanced more than once, selecting this option can substantially increase the size of the
This option is deselected as the default.
Advanced Design System 2011.01 - Importing and Exporting Designs
Auto Merge
When Auto Merge is selected, all shapes for every mask layer that intersect or overlap are
merged. This option is deselected as the default.
Layers To Exclude
Layers can be excluded from the EGS Archive export by entering the layer IDs. Multiple
IDs can be entered using space or comma delimiter.
Advanced Design System 2011.01 - Importing and Exporting Designs
When importing an EGS Generate file into the Advanced Design System, you may specify
a Layers File Nam e for the creation of a layers definition file (the Layers File Name field is
located in the Import dialog box). This file will be automatically created and will contain
the layer information from the EGS Generate file, as well as layers automatically added as
necessary during import. All designs created during import reference this layers file.
Oval or hatch shapes of the EGS Generate format are not supported in the Advanced
Design System.
Advanced Design System 2011.01 - Importing and Exporting Designs
EGS Generate Object Advanced Design System Layout Equivalent
Line with width = 0 Polyline
Line with width > 0 Path
Polygon with width = 0 Polygon
Polygon with width > 0 Polygon with cutline on longest segment
Rectangle with width = 0 Rectangle
Rectangle with width > 0 Polygon with cutline on longest segment
Circle with width = 0 Circle
Circle with width > 0 Polygon with cutline to the right
Arc with width = 0 Polyline
Arc with width > 0 Polygon
When this option is selected, a list of mask layers is included with the translated design.
This option is selected as the default.
Paths As Polygons
Advanced Design System 2011.01 - Importing and Exporting Designs
When Paths As Polygons is selected, the design paths or traces are exported as polygons.
This should be selected for the following conditions:
Paths or traces have mitered or curved corners that need to be preserved in the
The EGS Generate file has paths with endpoint types other than flush that need to
be preserved in the program database.
Holes As Polygons
When this is selected, holes are converted to polygons. When Holes As Polygons is not
selected (this is the default), polygons with holes are translated as single-segment
polygons, the false edge segment becoming part of the polygon. Some systems may not
be able to tolerate this type of complex polygon. For these systems, select Holes As
This option is deselected as the default.
All Filled
When this is selected, all data is transferred as filled. This option is deselected as the
Auto Merge
When Auto Merge is selected, all shapes for every mask layer that intersect or overlap are
merged. This option is deselected as the default.
Layers To Exclude
Layers can be excluded from the EGS Archive export by entering the layer IDs. Multiple
IDs can be entered using space or comma delimiter.
Advanced Design System 2011.01 - Importing and Exporting Designs
Advanced Design System Layout Object EGS Generate Equivalent
Polyline Line
Path with PathsAsPolygons Polygon
Path without PathsAsPolygons Line
Circle Circle
Rectangle Rectangle
Polygon Polygon
Wire Line
Advanced Design System 2011.01 - Importing and Exporting Designs
Gerber Translator
The Gerber Artwork Translator translates artwork directly from circuit layouts created with
Advanced Design System into Gerber format. It exports ADS layouts into ASCII files that
control Gerber photo-plotting equipment.
ADS includes an editor that can display the Gerber/Drill design. Using the editor, you can
compare the Gerber/Drill files to the original ADS layout design to verify that the design
was exported correctly.
Coordinates are absolute, with implied decimal point and optional leading zero
suppression. However, the literal string values may be modified in the message file. For
example, G01 may be changed to AB. A sample listing of the Gerber file commands, with
interpretation to the right, might look like this:
Advanced Design System 2011.01 - Importing and Exporting Designs
The output file (Gerber command file) is the Gerber Drawing File (.gbr).
Only RS274X and MDA formats are supported in gerber import.
This section describes the definable options available for importing files in the Gerber/Drill
format. To view the options:
The More Options dialog box enables you to specify units, number format, mode, zero
suppresion and layers to control the import of Gerber/Drill format files. A Gerber/Drill file
and layers file must be selected in the main Import dialog box for the More Options dialog
box to open. User options preferences are saved in setup_gerber.opt file.
Gerber/Drill Options
Advanced Design System 2011.01 - Importing and Exporting Designs
Older versions of the Gerber file format may not specify units. If no Units were specified in
the input Gerber file, this option is enabled. Default setting is inch.
If the unit mentioned in the import file is different form layout unit the following warning
message is displayed.
For step-by-step tutorial on creating a new library, refer to Creating Libraries (adstour).
To change the units of the current library refer to Technology Setup (usrguide). Click OK
to continue importing on current layout.
If you check the Do not show this dialog automatically. check box then no unit mismatch
warning message is displayed. To display the warning message box again edit
%HOME%/config/de_sim.cfg and set the value of UNIT_WARNING environment variable
to TRUE.
Advanced Design System 2011.01 - Importing and Exporting Designs
This Unit Warning also appears if there is a unit mismatch while importing DXF, ODB__, and Mask files.
Number format
The number of integers placed before and after the decimal point. If no number format is
specified in the gerber file, then this option is enabled. While importing multiple files
together the number format specified in the first gerber file is used for all other files. For
drill files if number format is not set in the file itself user can specify the number format.
The default is 2.4.
If no Mode is set in gerber file this option is enabled. The default Mode setting is Absolute.
Zero Suppression
Available settings are Leading and None. If zero suppression is not specified in the Gerber
file this option is enabled. The default setting is leading zero suppression.
By default, the Automerge option is unchecked. The figures are merged during the
import if the Automerge option is checked.
Layers Options
The Layers tab displays a list all the layers in Gerber file. Layers can be selectively
imported to ADS using the import column. By default all layers are imported.
Advanced Design System 2011.01 - Importing and Exporting Designs
Drill diameter Options
The Drill diameter tab allows user to set drill diameter during import. This is particularly
useful when the drill diameter is not mentioned in the file or mentioned in seperate drill
header file.
Since the Gerber and drill files have seperate options it is recommended to import Gerber and drill file
seperately in same layout.
The Gerber export tool creates one output file for each different layer used in the layout
design. For example, if the design contains two layers, cond and cond2, two Gerber files
will be generated:
1. In the layout window containing your design, choose File > Export.
The Export dialog box opens.
2. In the File type field, select Gerber/Drill.
3. Optionally, you can select the View file after export check box to open the Pre-
Production Editor where you can compare the Gerber files to the original ADS layout
design to verify that the design was exported correctly. For details, see Using the
Pre-Production Editor (trans).
Advanced Design System 2011.01 - Importing and Exporting Designs
9. Examine the log, searching for any warnings or errors that may have occurred during
To save the log message in a file: select the text, copy, and then paste into any text
Advanced Design System 2011.01 - Importing and Exporting Designs
File format
Select RS274X for an enhanced version of Gerber RS274D format that supports
embedded apertures and G36/G37 polygons.
Select MDA if your photoplot shop uses a FIRE 9000 plotter. It embeds apertures
and supports POEX/POIN polygons for fill on the fly.
Hole format
Holes as Cutlines
Select Holes as polygons or Preserve holes to remove the false edge from the
Holes as Polygons
Advanced Design System 2011.01 - Importing and Exporting Designs
When Holes as polygons is selected, holes are exported as filled elements. Therefore the
polygon will appear to have no holes.
Preserve holes
When Preserve holes is selected, the resultant polygon in Gerber contains a dark area
and empty area. This option is not available for exporting Gerber files in RS274X format.
Number format
The number of integers placed before and after the decimal point. If chosen incorrectly,
Gerber data resolution can be poor. The default is 2.4. If the unit is set to mm then you
can set the number format to 3.3.
A warning message is displayed in the Status window to notify the user that to preserve
the precision in the Gerber data, number format has to be selected carefully. If the Gerber
data is not generated correctly for the selected number format then a suitable error
message is displayed in the Status window.
Zero suppression
Available settings are Leading and None. Select Leading (the default) to remove all
leading zeros in the coordinate data, making the Gerber file smaller.
Set Scale to a value other than 1.0 to scale the design during Gerber export.
The drill data is scaled by the same scale factor. The polyline width set in the dialog is not scaled.
Polylines in ADS have zero width, but you can use this option to provide a width to be
used for drawing this polyline in the Gerber file.
If the polylines and arcs (both zero width entities) are not required to be exported, then
set the width to zero.
Drill files are configured from the Drill tab in the More Options dialog.
Select the checkbox to designate the layer for which you want to generate the drill file.
When a layer is selected, all the tools on that layer are automatically selected. By default,
no drill file will be generated during Gerber export.
The drill file options Number format, Output unit, and Zero suppression are same as
options set for Gerber export in Options tab of More Options dialog. However, note that
the zero suppression in Drill is actually a zero inclusion.
Tool Dia. (Diameter) is an editable field. By default the Tool Diameter value equals the
Drawing Diameter value.
If a layer does not have any via (circles) then it will not be displayed in the Drill table
and no drill file will be generated for that layer.
One drill file will be generated for each layer.
Drill files will be created in the Destination directory selected in the Export dialog.
Drill file name is the same as layer name with extension .drl. For example, drill file
for the layer cond will be cond.drl.
If Tool Diameter is set to 0.0, the Tool Diameter will be equal to the Drawing
Diameter in the output drill file.
The drill data is scaled by the factor set by Scale on the Options tab.
Advanced Design System 2011.01 - Importing and Exporting Designs
Importing GDSII Files to ADS
Exporting an ADS Design to GDSII
The end result of many MMIC designs is a Calma or GDSII stream format file. Advanced
Design System's Layout provides a flexible GDSII translator for both reading and writing
this format. The GDSII Stream File Translator is a bi-directional graphics file translator. It
can create files in GDSII Stream file format from Advanced Design System layouts, and it
can translate graphics files from GDSII Stream file format into Advanced Design System
The Advanced Design System to GDSII Stream file format translation links the Advanced
Design System directly to mask-making equipment that uses the popular GDSII Stream
file format. This format, in turn, gives access to a wide range of photoplotters,
coordinatographs, E-beam machines, and pattern generators. The GDSII Stream file
format to Advanced Design System format translation makes it easy to use the cell
libraries offered by many GaAs semiconductor foundries.
Translation from a layout in the Advanced Design System into GDSII Stream file format is
done with the menu command File > Export > GDSII Stream Format.
The table below describes GDSII elements and their Advanced Design System layout
Advanced Design System 2011.01 - Importing and Exporting Designs
The More Options dialog enables you to specify flattening and layers to control the import
of GDSII format files. A GDSII file and layers file must be selected in the main export
dialog for the More Options dialog to open.
This option specifies that GDSII Box Records are not translated. By default, Box Records
are translated as rectangles.
If this option is checked, GDSII import will overwrite an existing design with the imported
Advanced Design System 2011.01 - Importing and Exporting Designs
data. If this option is omitted, any cell in the GDSII file that corresponds to a pre-existing
design is silently skipped. By default existing cells are overwritten.
Text height
This option specifies the text height for labels. The default value is 1 user unit.
Hierarchy depth
Specifies the depth of hierarchy to import. The default hierachy depth is 20.
Layer tab allows you to perform a layer mapping between ADS Layer purpose, GDS Layer,
and GDS Datatype during import. The following details are listed for layers under Layers
Layer name
Layer purpose
GDS layer
GDS datatype
Importer creates GDSII objects on the ADS layer and purpose found in the technology
Advanced Design System 2011.01 - Importing and Exporting Designs
library using the GDS Layer Number and GDS Datatype specified in the mapping. GDSII
objects on GDS Layer and GDS Datatype combinations not found in the mapping are not
translated. Default layer mapping or Automap, creates GDSII objects on same layer and
purpose as GDS Layer and GDS datatype. If no layer is found for GDS layer and purpose a
new layer L<GDS Layer Number> and P<GDS Datatype> is created in the technology.
You can create a custom layermap file for layer mapping in the following format:
<ADS Layer Name> <ADS Layer Purpose> <GDS Layer Number> <GDS Purpose>
Lines in the layerMap file that are blank and lines beginning with the comment character #
are ignored by the importer.
Once in GDSII file format, the file is available for use in AutoCAD or other Mechanical CAD
Advanced Design System 2011.01 - Importing and Exporting Designs
Selecting this option will not allow you to enter more than 32 characters for a structure
Export annotations
Hierarchy depth
Advanced Design System 2011.01 - Importing and Exporting Designs
Figure: Layer options for exporting GDSII files
Layer tab allows you to perform a layer mapping between ADS Layer purpose and GDS
Layer and GDS Datatype. The following details are listed for layers under Layer tab:
Layer name
Purpose name
GDS layer
GDS purpose
Objects on ADS layer and purpose combinations found in the mapping are created on the
GDS layer and datatype specified in the mapping. Objects on ADS layer and purpose
combinations not included in the mapping are not created in GDS file. Default layer
mapping or Automap creates GDS object on same layer and datatype as in ADS layer and
User can create custom layer mapping file for the purpose of export. The format of layer
mapping file is
<ADS layer name> <ADS layer purpose> <GDS layernumber> <GDS datatype>
HPGL/2 Files
The HPGL/2 format is a subset of the HPGL22 printer/plotter language and can be
exported from a Layout.
These are the units with which the HPGL/2 file will be exported. You may select from the
following options: same, mil, inch, um, mm, cm. The default is same. When same is
selected, the design is written in the same units that are stored in the design file. For
more information on choosing layout units, refer to Setting Layout Options > Preferences
for Layout > Setting Units/Scale Factors in Customization and Configuration (custom).
This value should be the same as the precision with which the drawing file was created. A
warning is generated if the precision is less than the drawing file precision. Possible values
are −2 and −3. The default is −3.
Advanced Design System 2011.01 - Importing and Exporting Designs
IFF Files
The Intermediate File Format (IFF) is an ASCII intermediate file. The file has a simple,
line-oriented command structure with a fairly rich set of constructs, thus simplifying
design transfer between Agilent Technologies products and third-party EDA tools. This
format is machine- and application-independent.
The types of information that can be represented in the IFF format include:
Design Objects
Design Object Hierarchy
Hierarchical and Design Object Properties
IFF files are used as the exchange mechanism when transferring designs between
Advanced Design System and third-party EDA tools such as Mentor Graphics Design
Architect and Cadence Analog Artist.
The procedure for importing each format is generally the same, however the available
options differ. For a step-by-step tutorial on importing a layout file, refer to Importing a
Layout (trans). For specific import options related to importing IFF Files, refer to Import
IFF Options.
If the import is invoked from the Layout window, the following Import IFF Options dialog
box appears.
Advanced Design System 2011.01 - Importing and Exporting Designs
When this option is selected, the .iff file is removed once the file is successfully imported.
This option is not selected as the default.
When this option is selected, ALL translation information is recorded in the ifftolib.log file
resulting in step-by-step description of what happened internally during your translation.
This option is primarily intended to be used as a diagnostics tool so the default mode for
this option is deselected. Note that error and warning messages will always appear in your
status window regardless of this selection.
When this option is selected, the IFF import resets the symbol pin numbers to match port
numbers based on the node name of the schematic port. By default, symbol pin numbers
are matched to schematic port numbers based on the port's instance name.
Use layouts from libraries instead of building local copies from IFF file
When this option is selected, library elements that already exist in the system libraries are
not recreated for the imported file. Instead, these elements are read from the local
libraries; if an element does not exist in a local library, then it is newly created. This
option is deselected as the default, and all elements are created/recreated in the local
Advanced Design System 2011.01 - Importing and Exporting Designs
When the IFF file does not specify a library name for a component that needs to be
created, the library name specified in this field is used. This is necessary for environments
that do not support the concept of a library.
The Default Library Name For Library Parts field is identical to the field of the same name in the Export IFF
Options dialog box. Changes made to this field will modify the contents of the field in the Export IFF
Options dialog box.
The IFF translator can be used as the initial step in creating an ADS component library
however, this topic is outside of the scope of this documentation. Creating an ADS
component library using IFF requires specialized tools and training. If you're interested in
learning more about this topic, contact Agilent EEsof-EDA's Solution Services.
Trace Handling
Trace Handling enables you to select how you want your meander elements interpreted
during a translation.
Trace When this option is selected, meander elements are translated as simulatable
traces with pins. This is the default setting.
Path When this option is selected, meander elements are translated as primitive data
type with center line and width. The default for this option is deselected.
Polygon When this option is selected, meander elements are translated as polygons. The
default for this option is deselected.
If you choose Use layouts from libraries instead of building local copies from IFF file in the Import IFF
Options dialog box, choose Path in the Trace Handling options. Fixed artwork is not simulatable, therefore
it is not necessary for the interconnects to be simulatable.
If the import is invoked from the ADS Schematic window, the following Import IFF Options
dialog box appears.
Advanced Design System 2011.01 - Importing and Exporting Designs
Note that the options for Importing from a Schematic window and from a layout window
are same except the Use layouts from libraries instead of building local copies from IFF file
check box and the Trace Handling options. For information on these options, refer to
Import IFF Options. Apart from this a new option Use port name for connected wire label
is added.
For each wire attached to a port, the wire label will be set to name of the port. To
maintain proper connectivity in the ADS environment, it is necessary to enable this option
if connectors share a common name.
1. Follow the steps as outlined in Exporting a Layout (trans). For available options
(accessed via More Options in the Export dialog box), see Export IFF Options.
2. When the translation is complete, an Information Message window appears. Click OK
to dismiss this window.
3. The IFF Export log appears:
Advanced Design System 2011.01 - Importing and Exporting Designs
Review the log, searching for any warnings or error messages generated during
The log file appears in the Status window by default. This window is provided as a
means of viewing the file and is not intended for editing.
4. Click OK to dismiss this window.
Advanced Design System 2011.01 - Importing and Exporting Designs
Use the Destination IFF File name field to enter the full path of the destination file.
Alternatively, you can click Browse to open the Export File Selection dialog box and
locate the destination path. After selecting the destination path and entering the file
name, click OK to accept the selection and return to the Export IFF Options dialog box.
The appropriate suffix is appended to the filename automatically.
Overwrite IFF File When writing to an existing file, the contents of that file are
Append to IFF File When writing to an existing file, the new data is appended to the
existing file. This is the default setting.
Advanced Design System 2011.01 - Importing and Exporting Designs
When this option is selected, if an instance is disabled in the schematic, it will still be
output into the IFF file. If the checkbox is deselected (default), disabled instances will not
be exported. This option can be utilized to omit certain components from being transferred
to remote environments that might not support the components (e.g. disable the
simulation components prior to creating an IFF file to send to Cadence, which does not
have any definitions for the simulator components). Activate this option if you want to get
everything. Deactivate this option if you want to filter out the unused/unwanted
When this option is selected, ADS Item Definition properties are utilized to recreate the
information necessary to simulate a component for ADS. For example, if you have
parameters on a resistor, some Item Definition properties are created in the IFF file (e.g.
R_ADS_UNIT=1), which allow the IFF importer to exactly recreate the component as it
exists in ADS. However, other tools will not recognize the Item Definition parameters, and
may misinterpret the properties as being separate. If library symbols are being exported
to other environments that do not recognize the ADS Item Definition parameters, the
option should be turned off. This option is deselected by default.
When this option is selected, parameter values are exported as they normally appear in
ADS (i.e. with a space between the number and the scalar, e.g. "1 pF"). If the checkbox is
deactivated, the exporter converts the values into the IFF value specification, which is to
have no space between a number and a scalar (e.g. "1pF"). Ideally, an IFF exporter
should interpret either form of number, and set the value internally to whatever is normal
for that environment. Some environments (e.g. Mentor Graphics) do not interpret the IFF
property values in any way. For Mentor IC, this means the numbers need to have no
space in them, because, when they are used within SPICE simulations, the space will
cause syntax errors in the simulator. However, for Mentor Board, they require the ADS
components to have a space in them, because the RF Architect ADS library is set up to
expect values to have a space between a number and a scalar/unit.
If you are exporting designs to Mentor Boardstation, you must select this option for IFF
imports to work into their environment. An additional issue can come up if you create
variables, and then assign scalar values to the variable (e.g. "R1 kOhms"). When this is
exported, if the option is not set, it would convert to "R1koh", which could no longer be
interpreted correctly. Note that this second option is considered bad practice (the scalar
should be included in the variable value for R1, and no units should be specified);
however, ADS does allow you to format variables in this way. If you are using variables in
this way, you must set this option to true. This option is deselected by default.
This option stores information about the position of the component text annotation in the
schematic window. Annotation text includes the component type, name and parameters as
Advanced Design System 2011.01 - Importing and Exporting Designs
displayed next to the component. Enabling this option may be useful if the annotation has
been moved in ADS, though even with this option enabled some environments may not
preserve the position of the annotation.
When the IFF file does not specify a library name for a component that needs to be
created, the library name specified in this field is used. This is necessary for environments
that do not support the concept of a library.
The Default Library Name For Library Parts field is identical to the field of the same name in the Import
IFF Options dialog box. Changes made to this field will modify the contents of the field in the Import IFF
Options dialog box.
The IFF translator can be used as the initial step in creating an ADS component library
however, this topic is outside of the scope of this documentation. Creating an ADS
component library using IFF requires specialized tools and training. If you're interested in
learning more about this topic, contact Agilent EEsof-EDA's Solution Services.
The Schematic Hierarchy Option drop-down list enables you to establish how much of the
schematic hierarchy is exported:
Current Design Only Write current level only. Complete design information for the
current design is exported. Instance-specific information (parameter values and
coordinates identifying position) is also exported. Detailed definitions of a referenced
design are not exported.
Current Design and All Library Parts Complete design information for the current
design is exported. Referenced designs that reside in a library selected for inclusion during
export and are part of the current design's hierarchy are also exported. In addition, library
parts are exported.
Displays the current library. If hierarchical, all included libraries are listed in the
appropriate order.
Advanced Design System 2011.01 - Importing and Exporting Designs
The libraries for which schematic design information is exported. You may customize this
list if the current library is hierarchical. (Note that complete layout hierarchy is always
To add a library to this list:
1. In the Libraries Included list, click the entry you want to remove.
2. Click Remove. The library is removed from the list.
To remove all entries from the Libraries Included list, click Remove All.
Advanced Design System 2011.01 - Importing and Exporting Designs
IGES Translator
IGES (Initial Graphics Exchange Specification) is a neutral graphics database format
designed primarily for data exchange between mechanical CAD systems. The IGES file
format links mechanical CAD systems to Advanced Design System. Two-dimensional
geometry can be used to interchange layout or package outline information.
The Advanced Design System IGES translator can either create or read an IGES ASCII
form file. The basic input requirements for the translator are the file to be translated and
the configuration message file. The output is the translated file.
The IGES translator can be run via the layout window menu commands File > Import
and File > Export.
The IGES format can represent both mechanical and electrical design data in two and
three dimensions.
For IGES output, it is important to consider the limitations and capabilities of the intended
receiving system. IGES is a very general language. Many IGES translators understand only
a sub-set of IGES entities. If the receiving system is CALS Level 1 compliant, there should
be no problem. If it is not, before you begin layout carefully review the types of entities
the receiving system is able to accept and what options are available in the layout output
translator. The translator is extremely configurable, but may still be unable to output
every entity in a form acceptable to another system.
Translator Description
The Advanced Design System's IGES output is compatible with IGES versions 4.0 and
5.0. The output is CALS Level 1 compliant. However, because many IGES pre-processors
accept different types of IGES files, the translator is designed to be highly configurable
through the use of the Import and Export Options dialog boxes. For more information on
the options provided in these dialog boxes, see the sections Import IGES Options and
Export IGES Options later in this section.
Advanced Design System 2011.01 - Importing and Exporting Designs
This value should be the same as the precision with which the drawing file was created. A
warning is generated if the precision is less than the drawing file precision. Possible values
are 0, −1, −2, −3, −4, or −5. The default is −3.
Advanced Design System 2011.01 - Importing and Exporting Designs
IGES Extension
If you do not specify an output file name when exporting the file, the program takes the
input file name and appends this extension to create the output file name. The default
extension is igs , but any three character string can be used.
These are the units that the IGES file will be written in. You may select from the following
options: same, mil, inch, um, mm, cm. The default is same. When same is selected, the
design is written in the same units that are stored in the design file. For more information
on choosing layout units, refer to Setting Units/Scale Factors (custom) in Customization
and Configuration (custom).
Exponent Character
For case sensitive post processors, this option enables you to specify either upper-case (E)
or lower-case (e) exponents. The default is E, or upper-case.
Your name. This is written into the Global Section (the first three lines of the IGES file)
and is not required.
If this value is other than 1.0, the output coordinates are multiplied by that value. The
default is 1.0. You may enter any integer or double precision float number.
This value should be the same as the precision with which the drawing file was created. A
warning is generated if the precision is less than the drawing file precision. Possible values
are 0, −1, −2, −3, −4, or −5. The default is −2.
Advanced Design System 2011.01 - Importing and Exporting Designs
Name of your company or organization. This is written into the Global Section (the first
three lines of the IGES file) and is not required.
Create Top
When selected, this adds a Substructure Instance Entity to the IGES file at the top level of
hierarchy. Create Top is selected as the default.
Include Fill
This is selected as the default. However, not all post-processors support fill patterns. To
eliminate fill patterns in filled polygons, deselect this item.
Include Text
This is selected as the default. However, not all post-processors support text. When this
option is deselected, text is eliminated from the IGES file.
Holes As Polygons
This is selected as the default. However, not all post-processors support holes in polygons.
When Holes As Polygons is deselected, polygons are written with false edges.
When Flatten is selected, all levels of hierarchy are automatically removed and a single
flat design is translated. There will be no references from the top level structure to any
other structure. This option is useful when your post-processor does not support or
correctly translate hierarchy in IGES files. Please note: if a substructure was instanced
more than once, selecting this option increases the size of the file.
This option is deselected as the default.
Reverse Arcs
When selected, the program writes all arc− as arc+ by interchanging the start and end
points. This forces polygons to be written as line segments. This option is deselected as
the default.
Advanced Design System 2011.01 - Importing and Exporting Designs
When selected, the program translates an arc into of line segments. You should select this
option if your post-processor places random arcs on a drawing. This option is deselected
as the default.
When selected, closed polygons are written as open contours. This retains arcs in outline
form. This option is deselected as the default.
Polygons As Segments
When selected, all copious data entities are changed to composite curve entities. Arcs are
retained in outline form. This is useful for post-processors that cannot read IGES solids.
However, when this option is selected, the size of the output f ile greatly increases
because each line segment is written on a separate line, and each coordinate that is a
vertex gets written twice. Also, knowledge of segments belonging to a polygon is not
This option is deselected as the default.
If your post-processor complains because there are blanks in the Directory Entry Section
fields, or that the parameter and record delimiters are not specified, select this option.
Otherwise, Explicitly Define Defaults is deselected as the default.
If your post-processor complains because the sequence numbers do not have zero fill,
select this option. Otherwise, ZeroFillSequenceNumbers is deselected as the default.
If your post-processor complains because the terminate section has zero fill, deselect this
option. Otherwise, ZeroFillTerminateSection is selected as the default.
Name Properties
When selected, all Name Properties are preserved and exported with the IGES file. By
Advanced Design System 2011.01 - Importing and Exporting Designs
default, this option is deselected.
Advanced Design System 2011.01 - Importing and Exporting Designs
Mask Files
Created by Agilent EEsof EDA for use with its EDA tools, the mask format is a simple
ASCII format that provides a flat geometric representation of a layout. Because of its
simplicity, this format offers great flexibility when transferring designs between the
Advanced Design System and other design environments.
The Gerber and DXF translators use the mask file format as an intermediate file when
converting data to Gerber and DXF. The mask format is also used as an intermediate file
when translating other formats such as HPGL/2. In addition, the simplicity of the mask file
format makes it an appealing option for post-processing designs and extracting drill hole
file information (you will need to create your own programs for these tasks).
Mask files can include multiple layers of data, but this data describes geometric forms
exclusively. Simulation data, element parameters, substrate definitions, and hierarchy are
not included.
The Layers tab displays a list all the layers in a MASK file. Layers can be selectively
imported to ADS using the import column. By default all layers are imported.
If the unit mentioned in the import file is different form layout unit then a warning
Advanced Design System 2011.01 - Importing and Exporting Designs
message (trans) is displayed.
More Options
The Options tab allows you to select Units, Hole Format and Attributes in the translation.
These are the units that the mask file will be written in. You may select from the following
options: mil, inch, um, mm, cm. The default is mil. For more information on choosing
layout units, refer to Setting Layout Options > Preferences for Layout > Setting
Units/Scale Factors in Customization and Configuration (custom).
Scale X, Scale Y
These are the fields for inputting the scale factors for shapes in the direction of X and Y.
Advanced Design System 2011.01 - Importing and Exporting Designs
The default settings are 1.0, 1.0.
Hole Format
The Hole format section enables you to define how the translator deals with holes in a
Holes As Polygons
When Holes As Polygons is selected, holes are exported as a filled element, which is also
how polygons are exported in the mask format. When Holes As Polygons is not selected,
polygons with holes are translated as single-segment polygons, the false edge segment
becoming part of the polygon.
Some systems may not be able to tolerate this type of complex polygon. For these systems, make certain
that Holes As Polygons is selected. This option is deselected as the default.
Holes As Cutlines
When Holes As Cutlines is selected, holes are converted into cutlines. This option is
selected as the default.
Preserve Holes
When Preserve Holes is selected, holes are exported as an empty element. This option is
not available for exporting mask graphics files.
Arcs As Polygons
When Arcs As Polygons is selected, the design arcs are exported as line segments (or
polygons). This option is deselected as the default.
The Layers tab displays a list all the layers in a MASK file which can be selectively
exported to ADS using the export column.
Advanced Design System 2011.01 - Importing and Exporting Designs
The Export column enables you to deselect one or more layers to exclude it from the
output file. Default setting is all layers are selected and exported.
Advanced Design System 2011.01 - Importing and Exporting Designs
MGC/PCB files are IFF files that are used exclusively for Mentor Graphics design transfers.
This format is available from the Advanced Design System layout menu only, yet it
enables the transfer of both schematic and layout information.
When you select the MGC/PCB export format from an Advanced Design System Layout
window, both a layout and schematic IFF file are exported in a single step. The design
data is exported into a standard directory tree contained in the program's workspace
directory structure. The standard directory is called to_mgc.
The exported files are placed within this directory in a subdirectory that is named the
same as the design being exported. This subdirectory contains an information file and the
translated schematic and layout IFF files. Thus, if you were translating a design called test
, the exported files (design_info, schematic.iff and layout .iff) would found in a directory
called to_mgc/test.hpxfer.
From the Mentor Graphics Design Manager, a single command called import_hpeesof
imports the schematic and layout data into Boardstation and Design Architect. This
command automates to a single procedure the steps required to transfer both the
schematic and the layout.
Mentor PCB products do not accept layout hierarchy, so the entire layout is flattened prior
to building the Mentor layout.
1. Follow the steps as outlined in Exporting a Layout (trans). For available options
(accessed via More Options in the Export dialog box), see Export MGC/PCB Options.
2. If the option Prompt For User Message was selected, an Export MGC/PCB Options
message dialog appears:
Advanced Design System 2011.01 - Importing and Exporting Designs
Enter any messages to be included with the design transfer. This information is used
only by the import_hpeesof utility (see MGC/PCB Files) and is not kept with the
If you do not wish to include a message in the file, you may leave this window
empty. If you want to print the message, click Print.
To proceed with the transfer, click OK.
3. When the translation is completed, the IFF Export status appears:
Review the log, searching for any warnings or error messages generated during
This window is provided as a means of viewing the file and is not intended for editing.
4. Click OK to dismiss the Status window.
Advanced Design System 2011.01 - Importing and Exporting Designs
The name of the library to which the library parts are written. Design objectives are
stored in a group that uses the same name as the workspace directory, but library parts
are stored in either the default library hpeesoflib or a library that you specify.
Note The default library name can contain only alphabetic and numeric characters.
When this option is selected, if an instance is disabled in the schematic, it will still be
output into the IFF file. If the checkbox is deselected (default), disabled instances will not
be exported. This option can be utilized to omit certain components from being transferred
to remote environments that might not support the components (e.g. disable the
Advanced Design System 2011.01 - Importing and Exporting Designs
simulation components prior to creating an IFF file to send to Cadence, which does not
have any definitions for the simulator components). Activate this option if you want to get
everything. Deactivate this option if you want to filter out the unused/unwanted
When this option is selected, ADS Item Definition properties are utilized to recreate the
information necessary to simulate a component for ADS. For example, if you have
parameters on a resistor, some Item Definition properties are created in the IFF file (e.g.
R_ADS_UNIT=1), which allow the IFF importer to exactly recreate the component as it
exists in ADS. However, other tools will not recognize the Item Definition parameters, and
may misinterpret the properties as being separate. If library symbols are being exported
to other environments that do not recognize the ADS Item Definition parameters, the
option should be turned off. This option is deselected by default.
When this option is selected, parameter values are exported as they normally appear in
ADS (i.e. with a space between the number and the scalar, e.g. "1 pF"). If the checkbox is
deactivated, the exporter converts the values into the IFF value specification, which is to
have no space between a number and a scalar (e.g. "1pF"). Ideally, an IFF exporter
should interpret either form of number, and set the value internally to whatever is normal
for that environment. Some environments (e.g. Mentor Graphics) do not interpret the IFF
property values in any way. For Mentor IC, this means the numbers need to have no
space in them, because, when they are used within SPICE simulations, the space will
cause syntax errors in the simulator. However, for Mentor Board, they require the ADS
components to have a space in them, because the RF Architect ADS library is set up to
expect values to have a space between a number and a scalar/unit.
Current Design Only Write current level only. Complete design information for the
current design is exported. Instance-specific information (parameter values and
coordinates identifying position) is also exported. Detailed definitions of a referenced
design are not exported.
Current Design and All Library Parts Complete design information for the current
design is exported. Referenced designs that reside in a library selected for inclusion
during export and are part of the current design's hierarchy are also exported. In
addition, library parts are exported.
Advanced Design System 2011.01 - Importing and Exporting Designs
Displays the current library. If hierarchical, all included libraries are listed in the
appropriate order.
The libraries for which schematic design information is exported. You may customize this
list if the current library is hierarchical. (Note that complete layout hierarchy is always
To add a library to this list:
1. In the Libraries Included list, click the entry you want to remove.
2. Click Remove. The library is removed from the list.
To remove all entries from the Libraries Included list, click Remove All.
When selected, a user message window appears before the transfer is initiated. This
window enables you to enter any messages that you want included in the translated file.
For more information about the user message, see Export MGC/PCB Options.
Advanced Design System 2011.01 - Importing and Exporting Designs
ODB++ Translator
The ODB++ Artwork Translator translates artwork directly from circuit layouts created
with Advanced Design System into ODB++ format. Alternatively, ODB++ files can be
converted to ADS designs also.
1. From the layout window, choose File > Import. The Import dialog box opens.
2. Enter the Import file name and Layers file name in the appropriate fields.
3. Select either ODB++ Directory Format or ODB++ File Format from the File type
drop-down list.
9. Select Yes. Layers dialog box opens. You can check or un-check layers. If you select
No, all layers are imported.
10. Click Cancel to stop import.
11. A Status window opens displaying the import information.
Advanced Design System 2011.01 - Importing and Exporting Designs
Status Window displays warning occurred during ODB__ import. The layers on which drill is
applicable are also mentioned in status dialog. Additionally,the warning in status window is saved in
<Workspace Dir>/readodb.log
ODB++ Options
By default Layer stack information is imported. To import only layers un-check the
Generate layer stack from ODB Options tab
Advanced Design System 2011.01 - Importing and Exporting Designs
The Layers tab displays a list all the layers in ODB++ file. By default all layers are
imported. To import selective layers, un-check the layers from Import column under
Layers tab. Polarity and Type are non-editable fields and are displayed only for
information purpose.
1. To import ODB++ data reliably in ADS, ensure that the ODB++ data is exported with
finer precision than the original design precision by increasing the layout precision
before doing export.
2. When you click More Options button and if the ODB++ file is too large, a warning is
3. Text and other properties for components are not imported while importing the
component layer.
4. Only geometrical information will be imported. Net name and other net properties will
be ignored.
1. From the layout window containing your design, choose File > Export.
The Export dialog box opens.
2. In the File type drop-down list, select ODB++.
Advanced Design System 2011.01 - Importing and Exporting Designs
10. If the export is unsuccessful due to out of range co-ordinates, an Error dialog is
11. To save the log message, select text, copy, and then paste into any text editor.
Advanced Design System 2011.01 - Importing and Exporting Designs
Hole format
Holes as cutlines
Select Holes as polygons to remove the false edge from the polygon.
Holes as polygons
Select Holes as polygons to export holes as filled elements. The polygon will appear to
have no holes when this option is selected.
Polylines in ADS have zero width. Use this option to provide a width for drawing this
polyline in the ODB++ format.
If the export of polylines and arcs (both zero width entities) is not required, then set the
width to zero.
All the layers used in the design are displayed on the Layers tab. By default, all layers are
displayed and selected for export. You can avoid exporting a specific layer by deselecting
the checkbox in the Export column for that layer.
Advanced Design System 2011.01 - Importing and Exporting Designs
Drill files are configured from the Drill tab. While exporting a layout design in ODB++
format, layers names containing drill features are appended with _drl. Only the selected
drill features for that layer are exported.
Select the check box to designate the drill layer to export. When a layer is selected, all the
tools on that layer are automatically selected. By default, no drill layer is selected.
Tool Dia. (Diameter) is an editable field. By default the Tool Diameter value equals the
Drawing Diameter value. If Tool Diameter is set to 0.0, the Tool Diameter will be equal to
Advanced Design System 2011.01 - Importing and Exporting Designs
the Drawing Diameter in the output drill file.
The tool only exports the geometrical data. No netlist data, layer stack, or component data is exported.
Designs beyond the (x,y) co-ordinates of (-100, -100) and (100, 100) will not be
exported and an error message will be issued. Ensure that your design follows this
It is recommended to create the ADS design using inch or mm as the unit and set the
appropriate resolution.
If a layer does not have any via (circles), then it will not be displayed in the Drill tab
and no drill file will be generated for that layer.
One drill file will be generated for each layer having at least one drill feature.
Drill files will be created and packaged in the Destination archive selected in the
Export dialog.
Drill layer name is the same as the ADS layer name with extension _drl appended to
it. For example, drill file for the layer cond will be cond_drl.