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Krisha Mae Tahadjudjin (report)

Lesson 4: Technology Collaborative Tools in the Digital world

Technology as a Collaborative Tool

One way to engage students is to give them a challenge and a chance to

work example is when you give them an issue to discuss which they can
continue talking about even if they are outside of the class. Students may
continue the discussion and share information or come up with an agreement
by texting, emailing, chatting, or using the online document. Once they have
agreed, they can move to the next step of presenting their agreements or
resolutions to the whole class.

There are a lot of available tools and applications that can be used to work
collaboratively with others. Some of these are skype, wikis, blog, google
form, web conferencing, Realtimeboard, among others. You need to explore
each application to be familiar with the features.

The different types of tools and application that can be use are ;

1.Skype is a software application allowing you to do a videoconferencing for

free. All you need is to create an account and can be used for a video

2. Wiki is a software that allows you to create a page or a selection of pages

designed to allow you to post or write, edit, or upload a link quickly. This is
good when students need to work together to complete a task even if they
are not physically together. A task such as writing a paper together, planning
a presentation or surveying ideas from team members can be managed by a
work place that efficiently allows one to document the contribution of each
member in the team. Work can be extended virtually and asynchronously.

3. Blogging In blogging, it is journaling your ideas to which others can react

allowing a thread of discussion to take place and which can be used online. It
is the abbreviation of weblog. It would help if you provide direction when
using a weblog.

a. Use weblog with a clear instructional objective. It is an opportunity to

explore the skill of communicating ideas. Like in a writing class, you can
guide students on how to design the whole blog or upload materials and
support students in developing critical communication.
b.Guidance on what and how to post will be needed. Teach the students that
the blogging is for educational purposes and is different from a personal
blog. Proper or formal language variety should be used. A writing prompt
would help to guide your students' posts.

C.With easy access to information, a major obligation is to teach the

students to use multiple source and to cite them appropriately.

d. Writing about your ideas is a personal act but it is important that you
are taught to make blogs personal without revealing too much of personal
information such as contact information and too personal pictures. When
writing blogs, you write your reflections but safeguarding yourself is also an
important consideration.

e. It may help if you can look for very good examples of blogs. There are
online and print publications that review blogs and you can use the
information to guide you toward getting good models.

4. Google Group or Google Form is an application that can be used in a

collaborative documentation of ideas contributed by members of the team.

Having a google account will come very handy and you can easily have
access to a variety of applications.

Lesson 5: Digital Literacy Skills in the 21st century

The 21" Century has redefined digital literacy. It has broadened its
perspective to include other aspects of the 21* context. These literacies
include (1) Cyber Literacy or Digital Literacy, (2) Media Literacy, (3)
Arts and Creativity Literacy, (4) Financial Literacy, (6) Multicultural
Literacy or Global Understanding.

This lesson will focus on digital skills and digital literacy as a response to the
21* Century developments.
The millennial students are generally tech-savvy, digital natives. They
practically know how to go about a tablet, an ipad, smartphones or laptops
better than anyone else. This suggests their digital skills.

What are digital literacies?

Digital literacies are the individual's capabilities to be able to effectively and

responsibly function and perform in a digital society. The term 'digital
literacy' was coined by Paul Gilster in 1997 and it came from the
discussion of the concepts on (a) visual literacy when images and non-verbal
symbols try to capture the knowledge;

(b) technological literacy requiring one to be able to use technology in

addressing a need: (c) computer literacy, which in the 1980s started to
become a household item manipulated to achieve one's target; and (d)
information literacy which refers to the finding, evaluating, using and sharing
of information.

In the teaching and learning context, digital literacy is an important


In school, it has become a buzzword which refers to the ability to access,

process, understand, utilize, create media content using information
technologies and the internet (Hsieh, 2012).

The Digital Literacies

Media Literacy - is one's ability to critically read information or content and

utilize multimedia in creatively producing communications.

Information Literacy - is locating information from the web and

interpreting while evaluating its validity in order that it can be shared.

ICT Literacy - is knowing how to select and use digital devices, applications
or services to accomplish tasks requiring the use of the internet.
Communications and Collaboration - are one's capabilities in being able to
participate in the digital networks in the teaching and learning context.

Identity Management - is being able to understand how to ensure safety and

security in managing online identity and foster a positive digital reputation.

Learning Skills - are ways of knowing how to study and learn in a

technology, enriched environment; this is knowing how to utilize technology
in addressing the need to learn efficiently.

Digital Scholarship - is being able to link and participate in professional

and research practices.

One important component of digital literacy is having an in-depth

understanding of concepts requiring essential core skills. These core skills
are known as the Cs o the 21st Century Skills.

The four C’s of the 21st Century Skills refer to critical thinking,
creativity. Communication, and collaboration.

Well in this century, you need to develop and enhance these skills namely
creativity, critical thinking, communication and collaboration.

All of these 21st century skills are essentials for students to do well in school
and succeed in the workplace.

1. Critical thinking is learning how to solve problems. It teaches students

not to accept immediately claims without seeking the truth. It is the ability to
differentiate facts from opinions and not only just learn a set of facts or
figures but also discover these for the sake of knowing what ought to be.

2. Creativity requires students to think out of the box and to take pride in
what is uniquely theirs. It means that they will be able to look at a problem
from multiple perspectives-including can propose multiple possibilities and
alternatives to address a problem and they need to take calculated risks.

Creativity encourages students to think beyond the expectations of

However, creativity may not ensure success all the time but it may lead to
another direction that can actually be a better way of figuring out how to
solve the problem those that others may not see.

3. Communication makes students expres their ideas in the clearest and

organized manner. Through varied modes – face-to-face, technologically
mediated or a blended medium, they need to know how to efficiently. And
clearly convey ideas.

4. Collaboration happens when students know how to work well with others
to accomplish a given task or solve a problem at hand. This is a 21 st

When students are made to work with others in a pair or in a team, they are
given the chance to practice how to relate with others. They may be working
with classmates they do not really prefer to work with but with guidance, you
can teach them to tap on the capabilities of each member of the team and
collaboratively achieve the goal. Eventually when they leave school, they will
definitely see the need to know how to collaborate with others in order for
them to accomplish a job, and you have prepared them for it. In other words,
collaboration teaches students that groups can create something bigger and
better than you can on your own.

In addition to the 4C’s, there are Citizenship and Character.

Citizenship is known as netizenship in the virtual world. This is making the

person consider how one behaves accordingly by observing the norms and
rules that are in accordance with what are sociably and virtually acceptable.

As a result, one is projecting a reputable digital identity which is his or her


Aira Talidong ( report )

Digital Literacy Skills vs. Digital Literacy

Digital Literacy Skills are required in the wired world. These skills vary from
texts to images to multimedia. Future teachers who will be handling students
considered as tech savvy should equip themselves with competencies and
fluencies needed to handle the fast emerging tools and applications that
should be able to handle even artificial intelligences.
Lynch (2017), identified eight digital literacy skills needed to
become digitally literate. These are:

1. Coding. – Coding is a universal language. Basic understanding of HTML,

CSS and the like will create a shared understanding of what can be done with
the web pages.

2. Collaboration. – The use of Google Does among others allows student to

begin experimenting with effective online collaboration.

3. Cloud software. – This is essential part of document management. The

cloud is used to store everything from photos to research projects, to term
papers and even music.

4. Word Processing Software. – Google, Microsoft Online Drop Box are

available for storage and management solutions.

5. Screen casting. – A screencast is a video recording using the computer

screen, and usually includes an audio. On the other a print screen you take a
picture on the screen of your computer, it is called a Printscreen. Both can be
used in explaining topics as well as providing a visual support to clarity what
you talking.

6. Personal Archiving. – Students should be taught the concepts of meta.

Data, tagzing, keywords and categories to make them aware how are they
represented online.

7. Information evaluation. – Critical thinking to weed out fake news is a

crucial 21”’ century skill. The use of tools and skills needed to process
information are very much needed.

8. Use of social media. – Social media serves different purposes depending

on the user need

Digital literacy has been defined in many ways that is understandable by

both digital natives and digital immigrants. Teachers and students should not
only be proficient in how to use (digital skills) but they need to see the
information and media technology to find, evaluate, create and communicate
information requiring both cognitive and technical skills.

Flexible Learning Environment

Learning nowadays is viewed differently. The present generation of learners
has access to information at their fingertips. The teacher is no longer seen as
basically the dispenser of knowledge but rather as one who expertly directs
the learners to take their own track in searching for answers to questions
raised inside the classroom.

Then they bring these back to the class for further discussion until perhaps
resolutions are agreed. They can search the web and discover a breadth of
information related to the lesson. They even have the patience to stay in
front of the computer for an unusually longer time in search for more articles
and multimedia materials that simplify a challenging topic. That is why they
can sometimes learn more than what is confined in the four corners of the

Every chance or corner becomes a learning space. It is clear that learning

takes place anywhere and this adds to the concept of flexibility in the
learning environment.

With technology, students can possibly continue to join class sessions even if
they are not physically around. The learning space becomes virtual or
mediated. The library is not only a physical structure where they can read
published books but has also become virtual.

Online Distance Learning

Online distance learning is not a new concept. Some schools, higher

education institutions in the country, and educational agencies such as the
Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Innovations in Educational Technology
(SEAMEO-INNOTECH) provide this mode of learning. It allows flexibility in
learning to a certain extent.

The Different Platforms

The flexible mode of learning uses a platform such as moodle, Google

classroom, edmodo, schoology, etc. These are free programs designed for
educational purposes. It has features that are patterned after the
instructional activities of a teacher in a physical classroom. When you use
this, you can actually hold a lesson, post questions for discussion, hold an
online chat discussion, give assessment activities and provide references or
links to other online materials, features relevant to instruction and facilitating
of learning.
Moodle was created by Martin Dougiamas, founder and CEO of Moodle.

MOODLE stands for Modular Object Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment

which is an open source software. It is a Learning Management System (LMS)
that supports teaching and learning.

Google Classroom and Edmodo

Google Classroom is a free service for teachers and students. It is an LMS

platform that is accessible google account. You can create classes and
perform your roles and functions as a facilitator of learning. In 2008, edmodo
was created by Nic Borg, Jeff O'Hara, and Crystal Hutter,

Schoology is another LMS founded in 2009 by Jeremy Friedman, Ryan

Hwang, Tim Trinidad and Bill Kindler.You can actually create your own online
distance education learning system using any of these platforms.

MOOCS -Another recent modality to learning is the Massive Open Online

Course(MOOC). It is a model for delivering learning content online to any
person who wants to take a course. It allows one to pursue learning even
outside of university or higher education formal structure. Those who are
working can enroll in MOOCS with no limit on attendance. As long as you are
willing to learn, you can engage in an area of discipline and learn. It allows
interconnectedness among peoples in the world to discuss and share recent
developments in their common field of interest.

EDUCAUSE is a nonprofit association with the mission is to advance higher

education through the use of information technology. The link herein
provides a succinct video explaining about MOOCs.

An online chat as real time is a Synchronous session. Course partie are

situated in a virtual classroom and discuss a topic in the lesson. So wherever
they are situated in the world, they agree on a scheduled session and log in
to join the live class. The LMS has this feature. The teacher called as the
online tutor facilitates the discussion.

Ideas are posted in an actual live class. One cannot lecture and take all the
time in explaining. In this mode, the course participants are made to be
engaged in the flow of discussion that is why, the online tutor has to plan out
the instruction guide in facilitating the discourse.

Using the Skype in holding a live class is another example. Members of the
class log-in in their Skype account at a given time to join the video

Another important feature is the Asynchronous session. This is when

questions or tasks are posted and course participants answer the question or
post their reply at any time most convenient to them. They can still
participate in the discussion by replying to the post. One advantage is that
you can take your time when replying.

Blended Learning

Another way of handling flexible learning is by combining modalities of

instructional delivery. Blended learning is a combination of a learning
activities wherein a part of the lesson is delivered online while the other part
is handled in actual physical setting of a classroom.

Kinds of Blended Learning

1. Model 1: Face-to-Face Driver

In the face-to-face model, the teacher delivers the curricula most of the time
and utilizes online learning at certain times with the purpose to augment or
provide an alternative experience. Instruction is provided in a computer
laboratory or assigned tasks are uploaded online.

2. Model 2: Rotation

In a particular course or subject, students rotate on a fixed schedule between

learning online in a one-to-one, self-paced leaming environment and being
inside the classroom with a face-to-face teacher. This is the model that is in
between the traditional face-to-face learning and online learning

3. Model 3: Flex

This model uses an online platform that delivers most of the course. Support
to learning is provided as needed through on-site support or by an online
tutor who facilitates the tutorial or small group sessions. Sessions can be
arranged into synchronous or asynchronous. Course participants may work
on their tasks at any convenient time as long as it is within the confines of
the course duration.

4, Model 4: Online Lab

The online-lab model uses an online platform in delivering the course but
located in a physical classroom or computer laboratory. Since the lessons are
in modular format and available in the online program, teacher assistants
supervise these classes. However, they may not provide the needed
expertise if learners seek assistance. Furthermore, students who are enrolled
in an Online Lab model of blended learning may be enrolled in a traditional
classroom courses at the same time and therefore have block schedules.

5. Model 5: Self-Blend

The self-blend Model is a system provided by the school where the students

• can choose the courses they would like to have in addition to their typical
brick-and-mortar classroom classes. This model is always remote - a major
difference from the Online Lab.

Model 6: Online Driver

The online-driver model utilizes a platform and a teacher that delivers all
curricula. Students remotely work on their program most of the time. If ever
there is a face-to-face component, it is made optional or if ever it is required
for the students to go to the physical learning environment such as in a
school, then it can be extracurricular activities augmenting the curriculum.

Online Communities of Learning / Social Networking

When we consider online networking, internet users immediately refer to

Facebook. Everybody seems to have a Facebook account and uses this to
communicate. If in the teaching and learning situation, you work on
information, data and collaborate with classmates, friends, teachers and
other members of society, then social networking can also be appropriately
employed as an educational tool.
Jomar pintuan (report )

What is Networking

When productive relationships are cultivated, networking works best. A

network is defined as that group of individuals who communicates and
connects on a regular basis. If an individual has a personal network of
people, one can tap on the potential contacts for social, educational or
professional purposes.

They say that there is a great need to connect because whom one knows

Sometimes one needs to link with them because they have what one needs.
However, the challenge is how to shift the network from people who can
provide the favors into establishing the relationship that will entitle him or
her to be called 'a friend', one who can be trusted as a collaborator in
working on an assigned task by the teacher.

Social Networking Platforms

Different ways to communicate with friends can be through the internet or

mobile devices. One can have a personal page where a profile can be built in
a social networking site. Through this site, one can contact friends or share
resources and interests. Communication through a chat format can either be
one-on-one or in a group. Topics being discussed can be posted and made
known therefore read by many or it can be discreet through a direct chat - a
feature allowing one to have a certain privacy on matters considered as
Social networking services have been evolving for more than a decade.
Initially, these social networking services allowed users to construct their
personal profile so that other contacts may know the relevant information
about them. At present, these have now evolved to sharing of multimedia
resources, Even having immediate and direct contact with friends in real
time is easily accessible through these sites.

There are varied platforms available where one can create a personal

Some of these popular social networking sites include Facebook, MySpace,

Twitter, Flicker, Youtube, and LinkedIn among others.

Facebook apparently is the biggest social networking site founded in 2004

based in Menlo Park, California. The most popular social network apparently
is Facebook. Used by most people, it allows users to post their profile, blogs,
pictures and videos. Facebook lets one share status updates, news articles
with friends and family. Although it

started as a way for college students to connect and socialize, it expanded

its services allowing people ages 13 and up to use a Facebook account for
personal or even business reasons.

Twitter does not only provide social networking service but it also gives
online news. Breaking news has taken a new twist with this social network
website. Friends or colleagues may tell that they saw the breaking news on

Twitter is the site where users post and interact with messages called
"tweets," restricted only to 140 characters. Only registered users can post
tweets, but those who are not can only read them. One of the main features
of Twitter is it enables people to post their thoughts immediately. Founded in
2006, Twitter is based in San Francisco, California, United States.

LinkedIn is another social networking website for work. When one is trying
to find a job and may not have contacts, LinkedIn helps one in search for
career connections. It may contain one's resume for potential employers to
The website lets one upload his educational qualifications, skills, work
history, and relevant experiences. One's connections can even endorse and
this helps employers who can message the one concerned and talk about the
possibility of employment. Launched in 2003, this is a popular social site in
the professional world.

Google + is designed to be a total communication social network.

Launched in 2011, Google is its parent and it is more advantageous if it is

kept as a browser for users are connected even if they are outside Google+
site. Users can make friends and remained up to date with old friends
without leaving their Gmail account.

Youtube is an American video-sharing website where users can upload,

view, and even share video clips or multimedia productions. It is a Google,
YouTube prefers a Google account to make it easier and streamlined. Some
people think that YouTube is not a social network. It is such as it allows the
users to share personal

videos, view other uploaded multimedia clips and make connections with
friends and acquaintances. Just like with other social networking sites, users
can either make their

videos private or public. Based in San Bruno, California, the service was
created in February 2005.

Pinterest is another social media tool that like YouTube, is often thought of
as otherwise. Pinterest was designed as a catalogue of ideas or project ideas
by its founder Ben Silberman. This is an

excellent choice for those who have a passion for creativity. Users must have
an account to use Pinterest. An email account or a Facebook account can be
used in signing up to Pinterest, and if users will use Facebook, their wall
would be ready to post pins without linking with Facebook.

Instagram is a platform where users share visual stories. This system allows
users to post photos with captions allowing followers to like or comment on
one's posts. Photos shared have a wide range of coverage - trips, food,
business products. Since the site is free, advertisers can use Instagram to
reach a wide and are follower base.
Instagram account can be private or made public. It is the best social
networking site for photography.

Tumblr is a networking site that combines social media and

Tumblr. blogging. Its main goal is to simplify social media and blogging. Users
can post whatever they like such as photos, videos, quotes, music,
links ,search just about anything. This is a social media that makes it very
easy and straight forward to

Myspace is another popular social networking website where members can

make friends, post blogs and photos, videos. It was acquired by Specific
Media in 2011 and based in Beverly Hills California. Myspace had its dose of
crisis but came back stronger and rebranded to focus on music. Personal
users can use Myspace to keep up with their favorite artists, have an update
on the music industry, see what their friends are listening to, and connect
with people who have similar music preferences. It is a fitting social
networking website for music.

Flickr (pronounced "Ricker") is an image and video hosting website that was
created by Ludicorp in 2004 and acquired by

Early, Blo was To was invented to answer the question kray m " ane Bebe is a
social networking website with the backronym "Blog

meant. It was founded by husband-and-wife team Michel and Xochi Birch in

January 2005 at their home in San Francisco.

mediated communicative needs in the virtual reality, it is expecten that acter

es the With the fast development and vast coverage of innovations that
address the

more interactive features of social networking sites that will be readily

available for the users in the upcoming days.

The Benefits of Using Social Networking Sites

Using social networking websites opens an array of benefits for users. The
world has become a global village through connectivity. The connection has
transcended space and borders. Getting connected to family and friends is
now just a few elicks away. It is an easy access to keeping in touch with
friends, or keeping tabs on family.
It provides opportunities for making friends with others who share similar
interests and passion.

A major advantage of social networking websites is that they provide

information. News and views of others around the world can be easily
accessed instantly at one's fingertips. It easily allows one to transmit
information or update contacts on what one thinks or how now feels.

Social networking websites can support learning or augment educational

activities. Young learners are well-acquainted with social networking sites
and regard them as just a part of the day-to-day activities and school-related

Even after school period, learners can continually connect as they

collaborate to accomplish a task or homework using a social networking
website. Announcements on assignments or instructions for the upcoming
work can be conveniently delivered to concerned individuals through the
social networking sites.

The Dangers of Using Social Networking Sites

Just as there are benefits of having an account in a social networking site or

using it in the teaching and learning contexts, there are risks to consider as

Teachers as well as parents are wary of youngsters using social networking

sites due lo many negative publieity and real incidents connected to the
wrong use of social networking websites.

One major risk is making friends with strangers who may actually be a
predator or a cyberbully. No one initially recognizes the true nature of an
acquaintance .

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