FT TYPE: Overdrive
Based on the Marshall® Blues Breaker™
© 2014 madbeanpedals
1.95” W x 1.91”H
The extra small pads are vias. You do not need to do anything with them.
Terms of Use: You are free to use purchased 8Ball circuit boards for both DIY and
small commercial operations. You may not offer 8Ball PCBs for resale or as part of a
“kit” in a commercial fashion. Peer to peer resale is, of course, okay.
8Ball Tweaked Values
Resistors Caps Diodes
R1 2M2 C1 56n D1, D2 *see notes
R2 1M C2 47pF D3 D6 1n914
R3 3k3 C3 15n D7 1N5817
R4 3k3 C4 56n IC
R5 4k7 C5 220n IC1 4558
R6 4k7 C6 220n Switch
R7 4k7 C7 10n CLIP DPDT
R8 270k C8 10n Pots
R9 6k8 C9 1uF GAIN 250kB
R10 1k C10 100uF TONE 25kB
R11 6k8 C11 100uF VOL 100kA
R12 1M C12 100n
R13 47k
R14 47k
R15 4k7
R16 680k
Shopping List
Value QTY Type Rating
1k 1 Metal / Carbon Film 1/4W
3k3 2 Metal / Carbon Film 1/4W
4k7 4 Metal / Carbon Film 1/4W
6k8 2 Metal / Carbon Film 1/4W
47k 2 Metal / Carbon Film 1/4W
270k 1 Metal / Carbon Film 1/4W
680k 1 Metal / Carbon Film 1/4W
1M 2 Metal / Carbon Film 1/4W
2M2 1 Metal / Carbon Film 1/4W
47pF 1 Ceramic / Mica 16v or more
10n 2 Film 16v or more
15n 1 Film 16v or more
56n 2 Film 16v or more
100n 1 Film 16v or more
220n 2 Film 16v or more
1uF 1 Film 16v or more
100uF 2 Electrolytic 16v or more
1n914 4
RED LED 3MM 2 Alt: 1N4001
1N5817 1
4558 1 Or other Dual OpAmp
DPDT 1 Pin Mount critical! On/On
250kB 1 PCB Mount 16mm
25kB 1 PCB Mount 16mm
100kA 1 PCB Mount 16mm
1590B Drill Template
4.64” W x 6.69” H
The 8Ball is based on the Marshall® Blues Breaker™ pedal. It has several modifications to increase
the range of overdrive as well as address some of the inherent brightness of the stock design. This
should be a very easy project for all levels of builders as well as provide a solid foundation to any
pedal board.
The 8Ball includes two clipping options: the stock soft clipping and LED hard clipping. These are very
different sounding. The soft clip is very smooth while the LED clipping is quite aggressive. The
remaining mods are all at the component value level. The stock version has been revoiced to a
thicker, meaty overdrive via some cap value tweaks. The 8Ball also has more gain on tap. Finally,
the traditionally low output of the stock unit has been increased slightly. Note that the 8Ball is still on
the low side of total output so you should expect unity volume at around 1 to 2 o’clock on the Volume
· There are extra pads just below D1 and above D2. These pads are provided for you alternate
signal diodes like the 1N4001 instead of LEDs (in order to lay the diodes flat).
· You must use a pin mounted DPDT switch. I have based the PCB component on this switch,
available at smallbear and other suppliers: http://www.smallbearelec.com/servlet/Detail?no=43
“Taiway 2MD1T1B1M2RE, size and pin format like Mountain Switch 10TC415”
· The 8Ball will run at 18v, provided you use sufficiently rated caps.
· You can increase the effect output further by going up to 300k on R8. This is as far as I could
take it before making the circuit unstable.