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Media Pendidikan Gizi dan Kuliner 13 (1) (2024) 43-52

Media Pendidikan Gizi dan Kuliner

Journal homepage: https://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/Boga/index

The Influence of Nutritional Knowledge and Food Choice

Attitudes on the Eating Behavior of Adolescents in Kediri
Stifani Dianisa Prafita Hadi1, Rahayu Dewi Soeyono2, Any Sutiadiningsih3, Mauren Gita Miranti1

Culinary Education, Surabaya State University, Indonesia
Nutrition, Surabaya State University, Indonesia
Culinary Management, Unesa Vocational School, Indonesia
Correspondence: E-mail: stifanihadi16050394047@mhs.unesa.ac.id


This study investigates the impact of nutritional knowledge and Article History:
food choice attitudes on adolescent eating behavior. A total of 77 Received 01 December 2023
Revised 05 Februari 2024
people aged 12-21 years were surveyed using purposive sampling Accepted 10 March 2024
in Kediri Regency, East Java. The research design was Available online 01 April 2024
observational with a cross-sectional approach. The results showed ____________________
that 67.53% of teenagers were female and 32.47% were male. Keyword:
50.65% of teenagers had good nutritional knowledge, 64.94% had Adolescents,
Eating Behavior,
adequate attitudes towards food choice, and 61.04% had
Food Choice Attitudes,
adequate eating behavior. The correlation test showed no Nutritional Knowledge
significant relationship between nutritional knowledge and
attitudes towards food choice, while the correlation test showed
a significant relationship between nutritional knowledge and
adolescent eating behavior and food choice attitudes and eating
behavior. A multiple correlation value (R) of 0.005 was obtained,
indicating that there is an influence between nutritional
knowledge and attitudes towards food choices on eating behavior
in adolescents.

© 2024 Prodi Pendidikan Tata Boga UPI

Food is a basic human need that must be met at all times. Good food is food that has high
nutritional value and benefits for the body. To produce food that is beneficial for the body
requires good knowledge of the selection of food ingredients and the processing process.
Consuming quality food can be realized by paying attention to the nutritional content
consumed every day.
Hadi et al.,. The Influence of Nutritional Knowledge and Food Choice … | 44

Healthy food if it meets a healthy eating pattern, that is, it contains balanced nutrition such
as carbohydrates, protein, vitamins and minerals. The implementation of this healthy eating
pattern is in accordance with the Indonesian Minister of Health Regulation no. 41 of 2014
concerning guidelines for balanced nutrition which is packaged in the "Fill My Plate"
campaign. The contents of my plate is a guide for managing a healthy eating pattern
consisting of staple foods, side dishes, vegetables and fruit on one dinner plate with portions
adjusted to the body's needs. In the contents of my plate, there is also information about a
healthy lifestyle, namely sufficient physical activity, maintaining cleanliness by washing hands
after doing activities and consuming enough water (Ministry of Health of the Republic of
Indonesia, 2019).
A bad diet can cause multiple nutritional problems. Double nutrition is a problem caused
by overnutrition or obesity and undernutrition or underweight. Nutritional sufferers are more
susceptible to diseases such as hypertension, heart disease, diabetes and others, while
malnourished sufferers are susceptible to anemia, stunting and so on. Fulfillment of balanced
nutrition is very necessary in productive age such as adolescence, because at this time
adequate nutrition is needed to support the growth process.
Teenagers are a good generation as the nation's successors. Adolescence is a transition
period from children to adults. The age range for adolescents starts from the age of 10 years
to the age of 19 years or can be called pre-puberty and puberty (Ministry of Health of the
Republic of Indonesia, 2014). Adolescent growth and development can be divided into four
stages, namely pre-adolescence at the age of 10-12 years, early adolescence at the age of 12-
15 years, middle adolescence at the age of 15-18 years and late adolescence at the age of 18-
21 years (Tanner & Arnett, 2016). This research was aimed at teenagers aged 12-21 years in
Kediri Regency.
Adolescence is a time when physical, cognitive and psychosocial changes occur. This period
is a transition period from childhood to adolescence which is marked by many changes
including the growth of muscle mass, body fat tissue and hormonal changes (Backes & Bonnie,
2019). These changes can affect a person's nutritional needs (Drummond & Brefere, 2021).
At this age, teenagers are responsible and free to choose and determine what they want,
including in terms of choosing their own food. Important components that influence healthy
food choices are nutritional knowledge and attitudes (Ziegler et al., 2021).
Adolescents' nutritional knowledge greatly influences food choices. Low nutritional
knowledge is one of the risk factors for nutritional problems and changes in eating habits
during adolescence (Thakur & Mathur, 2022). A teenager will have adequate nutrition if the
food they eat is able to provide the nutrients needed by the body (Lassi et al., 2017).
Nutritional knowledge includes knowledge related to food and nutrients, sources of nutrients
in food, food that is safe to consume so that it does not cause disease and how to process
food properly so that the nutrients in food are not lost and how to live healthily (Potter, et
al., 2021). Nutritional knowledge will influence the food intake that enters the body, because
nutritional knowledge provides information related to nutrition, food and its relationship with
health (Spronk et al., 2014). Healthy food choices related to fulfilling balanced nutrition and
health are influenced by teenagers' nutritional knowledge (Brown et al., 2021). A teenager's
level of nutritional knowledge will influence attitudes and behavior in choosing food, which
determines whether it is easy for someone to understand the benefits of the nutritional
content of the food they consume (Hamulka, et al., 2018). Modern behavioral changes also
influence teenagers' behavior in choosing foods that tend to be high in calories, high in fat
and low in fiber (Ruiz et al., 2019). Fulfillment of unbalanced nutrition in adolescents can
cause several health problems and changes in nutritional status such as double nutritional

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10. 17509/xxxxt.vxix

p- ISSN 2085-9783 e- ISSN 2549-6123
45 | Media Pendidikan Gizi dan Kuliner, Volume 13 Issue 1, April 2024 Hal 43-52

problems, namely overnutrition (overweight or obese) and undernutrition (thin or

underweight) (Bund et al., 2017).
2018 Basic Health Research Data shows that the number of obesity in adolescents aged ≥
15 years increased from 26.6% in 2013 to 31% in 2018. The province with the highest
prevalence is North Sulawesi, namely 42%. Based on 2018 Riskesdas data in adolescents aged
16-18 years, the prevalence of obesity in 2013 was 7.3 percent (5.7% overweight and 1.6%
obese) but increased to 13.5% (9.5% overweight and 4.0% obese). Meanwhile, the prevalence
of thinness in 2013 was 9.4 percent (1.9% very thin and 7.5% thin) and in 2018 it decreased
to 8.3% (1.4% very thin and 6.7% thin) (UNICEF, 2022).
Changes in eating habits in adolescents are caused by low nutritional knowledge.
Adolescents' low nutritional knowledge and practices are reflected in their behavior in
choosing the wrong food habits (Mizia et al., 2021). Teenagers have a significant influence on
eating habits, where they begin to interact with more environmental influences and
experience the formation of behavior, which makes teenagers more active, eat more outside
the home and have a lot of influence in choosing the food they will eat, teenagers are also
more often motivated trying new foods, one of which is fast food and junk food (Scaglioni, et
al., 2018). Teenagers who have good nutritional knowledge will prefer food according to their
needs (Thakur & Mathur, 2022).
Based on the background description, the main problem to be studied is the influence of
nutritional knowledge and food choice attitudes on adolescent eating behavior in Kediri
Regency, East Java. This study aims to identify the influence of nutritional knowledge and food
choice attitudes on adolescent eating behavior.
The research design used was observational with a cross sectional approach. The number
of samples in this study was 77 people aged 12-21 years in Kediri Regency. Data collection
uses a purposive sampling technique or sampling by determining characteristics that suit the
research objectives. The research instrument used was an online questionnaire distributed
via Google Form, containing questions and statements that had been tested for reliability.
The following is a reliability test table.
Table 1. Reliability Test Results
Reliability Criterion
Variable Information
Coefficient Value
0.827 0.70 Reliable
Food Choice
0.721 0.70 Reliable
Eating Behavior 0.723 0.70 Reliable

The data collected in this research is nutritional knowledge which is calculated based on
Body Mass Index (BMI), attitudes in choosing food, eating behavior, age and gender.
Hypothesis testing uses the chi square test with a confidence level of 95% to determine
whether or not there is an influence between nutritional knowledge and attitudes towards
food choices on eating behavior in adolescents (Liu et al., 2021). The data obtained is
tabulated in tables according to the type of influencing variable.

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17509/xxxx.vxix
p- ISSN 2775-8400 e- ISSN 2775-9857
Hadi et al.,. The Influence of Nutritional Knowledge and Food Choice … | 46


3.1. Respondent Characteristics
The respondents for this research were teenagers aged 12 to 21 years in Kediri Regency
with a total of 77 people. The data obtained is tabulated according to the research variables
in the form of figures and tables.
3.1.1. Description of Respondent's Gender
Based on the research results, data was obtained regarding the gender of respondents
aged 12-21 years. The number of respondents according to gender can be seen in the
following table.
Table 2. Description of Respondents’ Gender
Gender Frequency
Man 25 32.47 %
Woman 52 67.53 %
Amount 77 100 %

Table 2 shows the gender of respondents, it is found that the majority of respondents were
women, namely 52 people (67.53%) while the fewest were men, namely 25 people (32.47%).
3.1.2. Age Description of Respondents
Based on the research results, data was obtained regarding the age of respondents aged
12-21 years. You can see the number of respondents according to age in the following table.
Table 3. Age Description of Respondents
Age Category Frequency
12 – 15 years old 3 3.90 %
16 – 18 years old 44 57.14 %
19 – 21 years old 30 38.96 %
Amount 77 100 %

Table 3 describes the age of respondents, it was found that the largest age group of
respondents was 16-18 years old, namely 44 people (57.14%), while the fewest were 12-15
years old, namely 3 people (3.90%).
3.1.3. Description of Respondents' Nutritional Knowledge
Nutritional knowledge is measured by assessing the subject's answers to a questionnaire
containing questions about nutritional knowledge. The results of measuring nutritional
knowledge are presented in the following table.
Table 4. Description of Respondents’ Nutritional Knowledge
Category Frequency
Not enough 14 18.18 %
Enough 24 31.17 %
Good 39 50.65 %
Amount 77 100 %
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10. 17509/xxxxt.vxix
p- ISSN 2085-9783 e- ISSN 2549-6123
47 | Media Pendidikan Gizi dan Kuliner, Volume 13 Issue 1, April 2024 Hal 43-52

Based on table 4, it shows that the level of nutritional knowledge of teenagers in Kediri
Regency is in the good category, this is proven by the percentage value being higher than the
other categories, namely 50.65%, then the percentage value for the sufficient category is
31.17%, for the poor category value. amounting to 18.18%. This shows that the average
nutritional knowledge in adolescents is dominated by the good category. The research results
show that there are still a small number of teenagers who have good nutritional knowledge
(Veronika et al., 2021).
3.1.4. Description of Respondents' Food Choice Attitudes
The percentage of food choice attitude categories among teenagers in Kediri Regency
based on food choice attitude values resulting from calculations based on the rubric can be
seen in the following table.
Table 5. Description of Respondents’ Food Choice Attitudes
Category Frequency
Not enough 2 2.60 %
Enough 50 64.94 %
Good 25 32.47 %
Amount 77 100 %

Based on table 5, it shows that the level of food choice attitudes of teenagers in Kediri
Regency is in the sufficient category, this is proven by a higher percentage value, compared
to other categories, namely 64.94%, then the percentage value is less at 2.60%, for the value
good category of 32.47%. This shows that the average attitude towards food choices among
teenagers is dominated by the moderate category. The research results show that there are
still a small number of teenagers who have a good attitude towards choosing food.
3.1.5. Description of Respondents' Eating Behavior
The results of the questionnaire regarding the percentage of eating behavior given to 77
respondents can be seen in the following table.
Table 6. Description of Respondents’ Eating Behavior
Category Frequency
Not enough 3 3.90 %
Enough 47 61.04 %
Good 27 35.06 %
Amount 77 100 %

Based on table 5, it shows that the level of eating behavior of teenagers in Kediri Regency
is in the sufficient category, this is proven by a higher percentage value, compared to other
categories, namely 61.04%, then the percentage value is less at 3.90%, for the category value
good at 35.06%. This shows that on average, teenagers' eating behavior is dominated by the
moderate category. The research results show that there are still a small number of teenagers
who have good eating behavior.

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17509/xxxx.vxix
p- ISSN 2775-8400 e- ISSN 2775-9857
Hadi et al.,. The Influence of Nutritional Knowledge and Food Choice … | 48

3.2. The Relationship Between Nutritional Knowledge and Food Choice Attitudes and
Adolescents' Eating Behavior
3.2.1. The Relationship Between Nutritional Knowledge and Food Choice Attitudes
Table 7. The Relationship between Nutritional Knowledge and Food Choice Attitudes
Nutrition Knowledge
Attitude Total Sig.
Good Enough Not enough
17 21 1 39
68.0 % 42.0 % 50.0 % 50.6 %
6 18 0 24
24.0 % 36.0 % 0.0 % 31.2 %
Not 2 11 1 14
enough 8.0 % 22.0 % 50.0 % 18.2 %
25 50 2 77
100.0 % 100.0 % 100.0 % 100.0 %

Table 7 shows that there were 39 respondents with attitudes towards choosing food in the
good category, with 17 people having good, 21 people having enough and 1 person having
poor nutritional knowledge. The attitude towards choosing food in the sufficient category was
24 people, with 6 people having good and 18 people having sufficient nutritional knowledge.
The attitude towards choosing food in the poor category was 14 people with 2 people having
good, 11 people having enough and 1 person having poor nutritional knowledge. The results
of the chi square analysis obtained a sig value of 0.160 > 0.05, which means there is no
relationship between nutritional knowledge and attitudes towards food choices of teenagers
in Kediri Regency. It can be said that nutritional knowledge does not always influence
attitudes in choosing food in adolescents. Although in terms of nutritional knowledge it can
influence attitudes towards choosing food in adolescents, this relationship can be seen where
the better the nutritional knowledge of eating, the better a person's attitude in choosing food
and vice versa, the less the attitude towards choosing food, the less nutritional knowledge a
person will have (Chen & Antonelli, 2020).
3.2.2. The Relationship Between Nutritional Knowledge and Eating Behavior
Table 8. The Relationship between Nutritional Knowledge and Eating Behavior
Eating Nutrition Knowledge
Total Sig.
Behavior Good Enough Not enough
20 19 0 39
74.1 % 40.4 % 0.0 % 50.6 %
7 17 0 24
25.9 % 36.2 % 0.0 % 31.2 %
Not 0 11 3 14
enough 0.0 % 23.4 % 100.0 % 18.2 %
27 47 3 77
100.0 % 100.0 % 100.0 % 100.0 %

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10. 17509/xxxxt.vxix

p- ISSN 2085-9783 e- ISSN 2549-6123
49 | Media Pendidikan Gizi dan Kuliner, Volume 13 Issue 1, April 2024 Hal 43-52

Table 8 shows that there were 39 respondents with eating behavior in the good category,
with 20 people having good and 19 people having sufficient nutritional knowledge. There
were 24 people categorized as adequate eating behavior, with 7 people having good and 17
people having sufficient nutritional knowledge. There were 14 people in the category of poor
eating behavior, with 11 people having sufficient knowledge and 3 people lacking nutritional
knowledge. The results of the Chi Square analysis obtained a sig value of 0.000 <0.05, which
means there is a relationship between nutritional knowledge and eating behavior of
teenagers in Kediri Regency. This is because nutritional knowledge can influence eating
behavior in adolescents, which is an important role of knowledge in forming a person's eating
habits by influencing the way a person chooses the type and amount of food consumed.
Community behavior is very closely related to community knowledge which can be obtained
through health education activities because without good knowledge it will be difficult for
someone to change their behavior as an effort to prevent disease (Jiang et al., 2024).
3.2.3. The Relationship Between Food Choice Attitudes and Eating Behavior
Table 9. The Relationship between Food Choice Attitude and Eating Behavior
Eating Attitude
Total Sig.
Behavior Good Enough Not enough
16 9 0 25
59.3 % 19.1 % 0.0 % 32.5 %
11 36 3 50
40.7 % 76.6 % 100.0 % 64.9 %
Not 0 2 0 2
enough 0.0 % 4.3 % 0.0 % 2.6 %
27 47 3 77
100.0 % 100.0 % 100.0 % 100.0 %

Table 9 shows that there were 25 respondents with good eating behavior, with 16 good
and 9 good food choices. There were 50 people in the moderate category of eating behavior,
with 11 people being good, 36 people having enough and 3 people having poor attitudes
towards food choices. There are 2 people in the category of poor eating behavior, with 2
people having enough attitude towards food choices. The results of the Chi Square analysis
obtained a sig value of 0.005 <0.05, which means that there is a relationship between food
choice attitudes and eating behavior of teenagers in Kediri Regency. A person's positive
attitude towards health may not directly make a person's behavior positive, but a negative
attitude towards health almost certainly makes a person's behavior negative. This is more
likely to lead to food choice behavior which is reflected in teenagers' eating habits
(Kowalkowska et al., 2018).
3.3. The Influence Between Nutritional Knowledge and Food Choice Attitudes on
Adolescents' Eating Behavior
Table 10. The Influence between Nutritional Knowledge and Food Choice Attitude on
Adolescents’ Eating Behavior
Eating Behavior
P.G Attitude Total Sig.
Good Enough Not enough

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17509/xxxx.vxix
p- ISSN 2775-8400 e- ISSN 2775-9857
Hadi et al.,. The Influence of Nutritional Knowledge and Food Choice … | 50

12 5 0 17
60.0 % 26.3 % 0.0 % 43.6 %
8 13 0 21
40.0 % 68.4 % 0.0 % 53.8 %
Not 0 1 0 1
enough 0.0 % 5.3 % 0.0 % 2.6 %
20 19 0 39
100.0 % 100.0 % 0.0 % 100.0 %
4 2 0 6
57.1 % 11.8 % 0.0 % 25.0 %
3 15 0 18
Enough Enough
42.9 % 88.2 % 0.0 % 75.0 %
7 17 0 24
100.0 % 100.0 % 0.0 % 100.0 %
0 2 0 2
Good 0.005
0.0 % 18.2 % 0.0 % 14.3 %
0 8 3 11
Not 0.0 % 72.7 % 100.0 % 78.6 %
enough Not 0 1 0 1
enough 0.0 % 9.1 % 0.0 % 7.1 %
0 11 3 14
0.0 % 100.0 % 100.0 % 100.0 %
16 9 0 25
59.3 % 19.1 % 0.0 % 32.5 %
11 36 3 50
40.7 % 76.6 % 100.0 % 64.9 %
Not 0 2 0 2
enough 0.0 % 4.3 % 0.0 % 2.6 %
27 47 3 77
100.0 % 100.0 % 100.0 % 100.0 %
Information :
P.G : Nutrition Knowledge
Based on the table above, the results of the multiple linear regression test show that the
multiple correlation (R) value is 0.005 <0.05, which means that there is an influence between
nutritional knowledge and attitudes towards eating on adolescent eating behavior. This
knowledge of nutrition and the attitude of choosing good food greatly influences the eating
behavior of teenagers because it has a direct impact on fulfilling balanced nutrition and a
person's health condition (Naeeni, et al., 2014).
Nutritional knowledge possessed by teenagers is a basic provision to fulfill the body's
nutrition, but it cannot guarantee that someone has a good diet and is in accordance with
balanced nutritional guidelines if it is not based on strong motivation and self-awareness
(Hamulka et al., 2018). Teenage eating patterns are determined by their attitudes in choosing
the food they consume every day (Rachmi et al., 2021).

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10. 17509/xxxxt.vxix

p- ISSN 2085-9783 e- ISSN 2549-6123
51 | Media Pendidikan Gizi dan Kuliner, Volume 13 Issue 1, April 2024 Hal 43-52

Humans need food to carry out daily activities and to support growth. If the food consumed
is less than the body's needs, the food reserves in the body will be used up, and if this
continues to happen it can result in weight loss and a decrease in other nutrients. Lack of
nutrients in the body can cause stunted physical growth, decreased body immunity and
decreased academic achievement. Providing good nutrition for teenagers will produce the
nation's next generation who are healthy, qualified, productive and can compete in academic
and non-academic potential.
Based on the results of the research that has been carried out, it can be concluded as
follows: There is no relationship between nutritional knowledge and food choice attitudes in
adolescents aged 12-21 years in Kediri Regency. There is a relationship between nutritional
knowledge and eating behavior in adolescents aged 12-21 years in Kediri Regency. There is a
relationship between food choice attitudes and eating behavior in adolescents aged 12-21
years in Kediri Regency. There is an influence between nutritional knowledge and attitudes
towards food choices on the eating behavior of adolescents in Kediri Regency. Based on the
evaluation of the research that has been carried out, suggestions that can be given for further
research are: In research on eating behavior in adolescents, further research can be carried
out related to degenerative diseases, obesity and malnutrition or underweight Further
research needs to be carried out to examine other factors not examined in this study such as
culture, beliefs, surrounding environment and so on.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10. 17509/xxxxt.vxix

p- ISSN 2085-9783 e- ISSN 2549-6123

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