During an ancient period in Greece, the role of the teacher was first introduced, and teaching
was considered an art form. Attending school and getting education was something that only
the wealthiest could afford for their kids.
The role of the teacher or an educator was considered the most important one in the learning
process as they gave invaluable knowledge and wisdom to the children.
However, the educators weren’t the first pedagogues. The rich individuals of the area used
slaves to take their children to school. They were considered as the experienced and wise who
imparted knowledge to the children they were taking to school.
This is how the word pedagogue was created. It is described as the 'leader of children'. They
guide the students academically as well as morally.
What Is Pedagogy?
Pedagogy is a method of teaching in which teachers teach, both in theory and in practice.
Pedagogy is shaped by educator's teaching beliefs and involves their understanding of culture
and different learning styles.
Pedagogy refers to the way of teaching students, whether it is the theory or practice of
educating. It is a relationship between the culture and techniques of learning.
The main aim of pedagogy is to build on previous learning of the students and work on the
development of skills and attitudes of the learners. Pedagogy enables the students to get a
thorough understanding of the subject and helps them in applying those learning in their daily
lives outside of the classroom.
Pedagogy demands classroom interactions between the teacher and students which create a
significant impact on the learner’s mind.
Pedagogy enables teachers to understand the best suitable practices for a classroom setting. It
helps them to know how different students learn and grasp information so that they can tailor
their lessons to satisfy those needs. It is likely to improve the quality of teaching and the way
it is received by the students.
Pedagogy plays an important role to help teachers understand the best ways to conduct a
classroom. It gives them insights into how students learn differently in different topics so that
they can conduct lessons to suit these needs. It aims to improve the quality of education for
In this approach, the students are allowed to be present in the process of understanding
and gaining knowledge rather than just passively receiving information. This
encourages critical thinking among the students and gives a learning environment in
which they can connect with what they are hearing.
Here, the students form groups of learners that learn together and work to solve a
problem, build strategies, ideas, create products or complete a task. This is a joint
intellectual effort by the students among themselves or with the help of the teachers.
For the integrative approach, the students are given a learning environment that helps
them in connecting with their learning across the syllabus. The four objectives of
integration include-
As per the reflective approach, the students are expected to evaluate themselves. It
means observing the activities of the teachers and other students in the classroom and
analyzing why they do it and how it works.
Inquiry-Based Learning
In the inquiry-based learning method, the educators are expected to not just answer the
queries of the students, but also build a culture where their ideas are explored, challenged,
improved, and refined. It aims to take the students from the position of wondering about a
question to understanding the answer and then questioning it further.
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Pedagogy and child development work hand in hand. It helps the student to think in
different ways and move beyond the traditional methods of memorization and
comprehension for learning. It invokes complex processes of learning among the
students such as analyzing, creative thinking, and evaluation. Further, it makes
students more receptive to what the teacher is teaching.
A well thought pedagogy can help the students to grasp education in various ways. It
caters to the learning abilities of different students. Students can follow their preferred
ways of learning and stick to them. In this way, the students develop a better
understanding of the subject, which eventually improves their skills and learning
Students with special needs require different ways of learning and teaching in the
institutes. Implementation of a suitable pedagogical approach will help them learn
better and encourage them to be a part of the mainstream learning community.
The teacher understands the student in a better way which helps them to focus on the
student’s weaknesses and guide them.
Pedagogical technique
A pedagogical technique defines a set of actions performed by the teacher in the
classroom for teaching. It includes flipped learning, computational thinking, and deep
learning. It is more granular than the entire pedagogical approach
Types of Pedagogy
Types of pedagogy are:
1. Social pedagogy:
It is aimed towards the social development, awareness, and well-being of the students. The
teaching must consist of values and moral education.
2. Critical pedagogy:
It aims towards comprehending and deconstructing several daily life problems and issues. It
encourages the student to dig deeper into things and try to understand their thoughts and
beliefs on a certain topic.
4. Socratic pedagogy:
It aims to encourage the students to gain more knowledge from other sources along with what
is provided to them. This helps the students to find alternative solutions to the problems.
It enhances student participation in learning and makes them more receptive to what is
being taught.
The main focus is given on the outcomes of courses and the students are free to learn
in their styles.
It encourages the students with special needs to be a part of the mainstream teaching
ways and engage with other students.
The student studies a particular subject with a clear objective of outcomes such as
gaining skills and knowledge of the subject.
Teachers evaluate the students regularly to see if they are improving and moving
towards their target outcomes.
Encourages Teamwork
The study methods encourage teamwork and group projects for the students to meet
like-minded individuals and work with them
In this way, the well-thought, modern-day pedagogy is a complete interrelation of the
concepts and ideas, along with the ways of teaching the students. It also indicates that these
practices have direct involvement with the student’s achievements, results, and skills
developed after following the approach.
How Does MasterSoft Help In Improving Learning
MasterSoft ERP solution is the most trusted company which offers a learning management
system along with other management solutions for schools, colleges, institutes, and
universities. The learning management system by MasterSoft solves all the student
management processes and other activities of the educational entities.