Entropy (1)
Entropy (1)
Entropy (1)
(ii) The values for the standard enthalpy of combustion of graphite and
carbon monoxide are given below:
C(graphite) + 2 O2(g) CO(g)
(b) Natural gas consists of methane, CH4. When methane burns completely in
oxygen the reaction occurs as shown in the equation
(Total 12 marks)
(ii) Calculate the entropy change for the system, ∆Sοsystem, for this
reaction. Include the sign and units in your answer.
(b) Calculate the entropy change for the surroundings, ∆Sοsurroundings, at 298 K,
showing your method clearly.
(ii) What does the result of your calculation in (c)(i) indicate about the
natural direction of this reaction at 298 K?
(d) (i) Write an expression for the equilibrium constant, Kp, for this reaction.
(Total 11 marks)
3. The reaction between solid barium hydroxide and solid ammonium chloride can
be represented by the equation below.
The standard entropies, at 298 K, for the reactants and products are:
(a) Why is the standard entropy of ammonia more positive than the standard
entropy of barium chloride?
(d) Use your answers to (b) and (c) to show that this reaction is feasible at
298 K.
(Total 8 marks)
(a) The entropy of one mole of each substance in the equation, measured at
298 K, is shown below.
Substance /J mol1 K1
CO(g) 197.6
H2(g) 130.6
CH3OH(l) 239.7
(i) Suggest why methanol has the highest entropy value of the three
(iii) Is the sign of ΔSοsystem as expected? Give a reason for your answer.
Temperature .........................................................................................
Pressure ...............................................................................................
(c) The diagram below shows the distribution of energy in a sample of gas
molecules in a reaction when no catalyst is present. The activation energy
for the reaction is EA.
(ii) Draw a line on the graph, labelled EC, to show the activation energy
of the catalysed reaction.
(Total 17 marks)
(a) Calculate the entropy change of the system, ΔSοsystem, for this reaction.
Include a sign and units in your answer.
(d) In industry the reaction is carried out at about 700 K using an iron catalyst
and high pressures.
(Total 9 marks)
(Total 15 marks)
(i) Calculate the enthalpy change for this reaction, using the bond
enthalpies given below.
Bond enthalpy
/ kJ mol–1
C–H +435
O=O +498
C=O +805
H–O +464
(iv) Suggest, with a reason, why the enthalpy change calculated in (i) is
different from the standard value quoted in (iii).
Use these facts to explain the difference between thermodynamic and kinetic stability.
(Total 14 marks)
(a) Use the following data when answering this part of the question.
Standard entropy,
Sο / J mol–1 K–1
Ba(NO3)2(s) + 213.8
BaO(s) + 70.4
(ii) Calculate the entropy change of the system, ΔSοsystem, for this
reaction. Include a sign and units in your answer.
(b) Calculate the entropy change of the surroundings, ΔSοsurroundings, for the
reaction at 298 K. Include a sign and units in your answer.
(c) Calculate ΔSοtotal, and explain the significance of the sign for this value.
You can assume that ΔH and ΔSsystem are not affected by a change in
(Total 10 marks)
Initial rates for this reaction can be determined by a method known as an ‘iodine
A mixture of potassium iodide, sodium thiosulphate and starch is made up, and
a clock started when a solution of potassium peroxodisulphate is added. When
enough iodine has been formed to react with all the sodium thiosulphate, the
excess iodine suddenly forms a blue-black complex with the starch. At this point
the clock is stopped, and the time taken.
(a) In one particular experiment, the volumes of the reactants used were as
Volume of Volume of
Volume of Volume of Time
Na2S2O3(a starch Volume of
K2S2O8(aq) KI(aq) / taken
q) solution / water / cm3
/ cm3 cm3 /s
/ cm3 cm3
10.0 10.0 5.0 1.0 14.0 5
(i) The concentration of the sodium thiosulphate used was 0.010 mol
Calculate the number of moles of iodine which had reacted when the
clock was stopped.
(b) Further experiments were carried out and the results are shown below.
(i) What is the order of reaction with respect to iodide ions, I–?
(iii) Use your answers to (i) and (ii) to write an overall rate equation for
the reaction.
(iv) Use the data from experiment 1 to calculate the rate constant for
this reaction.
Give the units for the rate constant.
(Total 9 marks)
(ii) The table below gives some information about the sulphates of the Group
2 elements magnesium and barium.
Use the lattice energy and hydration enthalpy values to explain the
difference in the solubility of the two salts.
(Total 6 marks)
The standard entropy of one mole of each substance in the equation, measured
at 298 K, is shown in the table below.
(a) (i) Use the values given to calculate the standard entropy change of the
system, ∆Sοsystem, for this reaction. Include the sign and units in your
final answer.
(ii) Is the sign for your value for ∆Sοsystem what you expected? Justify
your answer.
(iv) Calculate the total entropy change, ∆Stotal, for this reaction at 1123 K.
Include the sign and units in your final answer. You may assume that
∆Ssystem is unchanged at high temperatures.
(v) What does your answer to (iv) tell you about the extent of the
reaction at 1123 K?
Justify your answer.
U n cataly sed
p ath w ay
4 N H 3 (g ) + 4 N O (g ) +
E n erg y 5 O 2 (g ) 6 H 2 O (g )
C ataly sed
p ath w ay
P ro g ress o f reactio n
C o rrected v ersio n
4 N H 3 (g ) +
E n erg y 5 O 2 (g )
P ro g ress o f reactio n
Number of
Substance moles
at equilibrium
NO (g) 0.025
O2 (g) 0.025
NO2 (g) 4.95
(ii) Calculate the mole fraction of each gas and hence the value of the
equilibrium constant, Kp, for this mixture. Include units, if required, in
your answer.
(iii) What does your answer to (ii) tell you about the position of the
Justify your answer.
(Total 17 marks)
12. This question is about ammonia, NH3, which is produced as shown in the
following equation.
(ii) The actual standard enthalpy change for this reaction is –92 kJ mol–1.
Explain why the value you calculated in (b)(i) is not the same as this.
Use the data in (b)(i) and (ii) to help you explain why this mixture is
thermodynamically unstable
kinetically stable
(i) State and explain, in terms of collision theory, TWO ways to increase
the rate of the reaction. An increase in pressure does not alter the
rate in this process.
(Total 19 marks)
(a) Standard entropies of the reactants and products are shown below:
Standard entropy, Sο
/ J mol–1 K–1
Ba(OH)2(s) + 99.7
NH4Cl(s) + 94.6
BaCl2.2H2O(s) +202.9
NH3(g) +192.3
Calculate the standard entropy change for the system, ΔSοsystem, for this
Include a sign and units in your answer.
(b) Calculate the entropy change for the surroundings, ΔSοsurroundings, at 298 K.
Give your answer to 3 significant figures and include a sign and units in
your answer.
(ii) When these two solids are mixed together in a beaker, no reaction is
What explanation can be given for this, in view of the fact that the
process is spontaneous?
(iii) Apart from heating the mixture, suggest what might be done to
encourage the reaction to take place. Explain why your suggestion is
likely to work.
(Total 8 marks)
/kJ mol–1
lattice energy of AgF (s) –958
enthalpy of hydration of Ag+ –464
enthalpy of hydration of F– –506
(ii) Use your answer to part (c)(i) to suggest whether you would expect silver
fluoride, AgF, to be soluble or insoluble in water at room temperature.
(Total 4 marks)
Standard entropy, Sο
/ J mol–1 K–1
PCl5(s) + 166.5
PCl3(l) + 217.1
Cl2(g) + 165.0
(a) (i) Explain why the entropy of solid phosphorus(V) chloride, PCl5, is
smaller than the entropy of liquid phosphorus(III) chloride, PCl3?
(ii) Calculate ∆Sοsystem for the forward reaction. Include a sign in your
(iii) Is the sign of ∆Sοsystem as you would expect? Fully justify your
(c) (i) Use your answers to calculate ∆Sοtotal for the forward reaction at 298
K. Include a sign in your answer.
(i) Give the expression for the equilibrium constant, Kp, and its units at
this temperature.
(Total 16 marks)
/J mol–1 K–1
N2O4(g) 304.2
NO2(g) 240.0
A –175.8
B +175.8
C –64.2
D +64.2
A –192
B +192
C –0.192
D +0.192
(Total 2 marks)
17. This question is about the reaction of magnesium with hydrochloric acid which
takes place rapidly at room temperature.
(i) Ssystem
(ii) Ssurroundings
(iii) Stotal
Clean a strip of magnesium weighing 0.100 g with sand paper. Measure the temperature of
3 –3 3
20 cm of 1.00 mol dm hydrochloric acid in a 100 cm beaker. Add the magnesium ribbon,
stir continuously, and time how long it takes for the magnesium to disappear. Repeat the
experiment at four other temperatures.
Assumption: the initial rate of reaction is proportional to 1/time.
Temperature Temperature 1/T time 1/time ln 1/time
/°C /K –1 /s –1
/K /s
24 297 –3 45 0.0222 –3.81
3.37 × 10
33 306 –3 25 0.0400 –3.22
3.27 × 10
45 318 –3 11 0.0909 -2.40
3.14 × 10
56 329 –3 6 0.1667 -1.79
3.04 × 10
10 283 –3 122 0.0082 -4.80
3.53 × 10
The student plotted the graph of ln 1/time against 1/Temperature and from
this the activation energy, EA, was calculated as + 51.3 kJ mol–1.
(i) Suggest the reason for cleaning the magnesium ribbon with sand
St John's RC Comprehensive School 55
Assume that the specific heat capacity of the solution is 4.18 J K–1 g–
Complete the table for these times. Plot the two points on the grid
below and join them with a straight line. From the gradient, which
equals –EA/R, of this line calculate another value for the activation
3.04 ×
56 329
3.53 ×
10 283
1 / T (K – 1 )
0 .0 0 3 0 0 .0 0 3 1 0 .0 0 3 2 0 .0 0 3 3 0 .0 0 3 4 0 .0 0 3 5 0 .0 0 3 6
– 1 .0
– 1 .5
– 2 .0
– 2 .5
ln 1 / t
– 3 .0
– 3 .5
– 4 .0
– 4 .5
– 5 .0
Suggest how this would affect the measurements of the rate of the